* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
let sourcefile =
(* Avoid side-effect when [sourcefile ()] is never called. *)
let x =
(let pid = Pid.to_int (Unix.getpid ()) in
SourceFile.create (Printf.sprintf "SynthesizedToplProperty%d.java" pid) )
fun () -> Lazy.force x
let cfg =
let x = lazy (Cfg.create ()) in
fun () -> Lazy.force x
let sourcefile_location () = Location.none (sourcefile ())
let type_of_paramtyp (_t : Typ.Procname.Parameter.t) : Typ.t = ToplUtils.any_type
(** NOTE: Similar to [JTrans.formals_from_signature]. *)
let formals_of_procname proc_name =
let params = Typ.Procname.get_parameters proc_name in
let new_arg_name =
let n = ref (-1) in
fun () -> incr n ; ToplName.arg !n
let f t =
let name = Mangled.from_string (new_arg_name ()) in
let typ = type_of_paramtyp t in
(name, typ)
List.map ~f params
type node_creator = Procdesc.Node.nodekind -> Sil.instr list -> Procdesc.Node.t
type succ_setter = Procdesc.Node.t -> Procdesc.Node.t list -> unit
type block = {start_node: Procdesc.Node.t; exit_node: Procdesc.Node.t}
(** [node_generator]s are the main concept used for organizing the code below. The main property of
node generators is that they compose, because of their return type. The two arguments
([node_creator] and [succ_setter]) are there mainly to ensure that there is a thin interface
with the underlying (heavily imperative) cfg data-structure from [Procdesc]. *)
type node_generator = node_creator -> succ_setter -> block
let procedure proc_name (make_body : node_generator) : Procdesc.t =
let attr =
let formals = formals_of_procname proc_name in
let is_defined = true in
let loc = sourcefile_location () in
{(ProcAttributes.default (sourcefile ()) proc_name) with formals; is_defined; loc}
let proc_desc = Cfg.create_proc_desc (cfg ()) attr in
let create_node kind instrs =
Procdesc.create_node proc_desc (sourcefile_location ()) kind instrs
let exit_node = create_node Procdesc.Node.Exit_node [] in
let set_succs node succs =
Procdesc.node_set_succs proc_desc node ~normal:succs ~exn:[exit_node]
let {start_node= body_start; exit_node= body_exit} = make_body create_node set_succs in
let start_node = create_node Procdesc.Node.Start_node [] in
set_succs start_node [body_start] ;
set_succs body_exit [exit_node] ;
Procdesc.set_start_node proc_desc start_node ;
Procdesc.set_exit_node proc_desc exit_node ;
let sequence (gens : node_generator list) : node_generator =
fun create_node set_succs ->
let blocks = List.map ~f:(fun g -> g create_node set_succs) gens in
(* NOTE: Possible optimization: fuse successive stmt nodes, by concatenating instructions. *)
let rec connect n = function
| [] ->
| p :: qs ->
set_succs n.exit_node [p.start_node] ;
connect p qs
match blocks with
| [] ->
let n = create_node (Procdesc.Node.Stmt_node Procdesc.Node.MethodBody) [] in
{start_node= n; exit_node= n}
| n :: ns ->
let p = connect n ns in
{start_node= n.start_node; exit_node= p.exit_node}
(** Substitutes a fresh logical variable for any subexpression that is not an operator, a logical
variable or a constant. Also returns assignments from subexpressions to the logical variables
that replaced them. The goal is to get a Sil.Prune condition in a shape friendly to symbolic
execution. *)
let pure_exp e : Exp.t * Sil.instr list =
let rec pluck =
let open Exp in
let open Sequence.Generator in
| UnOp (_, e, _) ->
pluck e
| BinOp (_, e1, e2) ->
all_unit [pluck e1; pluck e2]
| Var _ | Const _ ->
return ()
| e ->
yield e
let es = Sequence.to_list (Sequence.Generator.run (pluck e)) in
let es = List.dedup_and_sort ~compare:Exp.compare es in
let pairs = List.map ~f:(fun e -> (e, Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal)) es in
let subst = List.map ~f:(function e, id -> (e, Exp.Var id)) pairs in
let e' = Predicates.exp_replace_exp subst e in
let mk_load (e, id) =
{id; e; root_typ= ToplUtils.any_type; typ= ToplUtils.any_type; loc= sourcefile_location ()}
let loads = List.map ~f:mk_load pairs in
(e', loads)
let gen_if (cond : Exp.t) (true_branch : node_generator) (false_branch : node_generator) :
node_generator =
fun create_node set_succs ->
let start_node = create_node (Procdesc.Node.Stmt_node Procdesc.Node.MethodBody) [] in
let exit_node = create_node (Procdesc.Node.Stmt_node Procdesc.Node.MethodBody) [] in
let {start_node= true_start_node; exit_node= true_exit_node} =
true_branch create_node set_succs
let {start_node= false_start_node; exit_node= false_exit_node} =
false_branch create_node set_succs
(* NOTE: Symbolic execution works with non-pure prune expressions but it generates symbolic
states from which abstraction then removes too much information. *)
let cond, preamble = pure_exp cond in
let prune_true =
let node_type = Procdesc.Node.Prune_node (true, Sil.Ik_if, PruneNodeKind_MethodBody) in
let instr = Sil.Prune (cond, sourcefile_location (), true, Sil.Ik_if) in
create_node node_type (preamble @ [instr])
let prune_false =
let node_type = Procdesc.Node.Prune_node (false, Sil.Ik_if, PruneNodeKind_MethodBody) in
let instr =
Sil.Prune (Exp.UnOp (Unop.LNot, cond, None), sourcefile_location (), false, Sil.Ik_if)
create_node node_type (preamble @ [instr])
set_succs start_node [prune_true; prune_false] ;
set_succs prune_true [true_start_node] ;
set_succs prune_false [false_start_node] ;
set_succs true_exit_node [exit_node] ;
set_succs false_exit_node [exit_node] ;
{start_node; exit_node}
let stmt_node instrs : node_generator =
fun create_node _set_succs ->
let node = create_node (Procdesc.Node.Stmt_node Procdesc.Node.MethodBody) instrs in
{start_node= node; exit_node= node}
let sil_assign lhs rhs =
let tempvar = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
[ Sil.Load
{ id= tempvar
; e= rhs
; root_typ= ToplUtils.any_type
; typ= ToplUtils.any_type
; loc= sourcefile_location () }
; Sil.Store
{ e1= lhs
; root_typ= ToplUtils.any_type
; typ= ToplUtils.any_type
; e2= Exp.Var tempvar
; loc= sourcefile_location () } ]
let assign lhs rhs : node_generator = stmt_node (sil_assign lhs rhs)
let simple_call function_name : node_generator =
let ret_id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
stmt_node [ToplUtils.topl_call ret_id Tvoid (sourcefile_location ()) function_name []]
let gen_maybe_call ret_id : node_generator =
stmt_node [ToplUtils.topl_call ret_id (Tint IBool) (sourcefile_location ()) ToplName.maybe []]
let arguments_count proc_name = List.length (Typ.Procname.get_parameters proc_name)
(* NOTE: The order of parameters must correspond to what gets generated by [Topl.call_save_args]. *)
let generate_save_args automaton proc_name =
if arguments_count proc_name < 1 then
L.die InternalError "ToplMonitor: saveArgs() needs at least one argument" ;
let n = Int.min (arguments_count proc_name - 1) (ToplAutomaton.max_args automaton) in
let local_var = ToplUtils.local_var proc_name in
procedure proc_name
( assign (ToplUtils.static_var ToplName.retval) (local_var (ToplName.arg 0))
:: List.init n ~f:(fun i ->
(ToplUtils.static_var (ToplName.saved_arg i))
(local_var (ToplName.arg (i + 1))) ) ))
let generate_execute automaton proc_name =
let call_execute_state i = simple_call (ToplName.execute_state i) in
let fresh_var () = Exp.Var (Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal) in
let calls = List.init (ToplAutomaton.vcount automaton) ~f:call_execute_state in
let havoc_event_data =
assign (ToplUtils.static_var ToplName.retval) (fresh_var ())
:: List.init (ToplAutomaton.max_args automaton) ~f:(fun i ->
assign (ToplUtils.static_var (ToplName.saved_arg i)) (fresh_var ()) )
let havoc_transitions =
List.init (ToplAutomaton.tcount automaton) ~f:(fun i ->
assign (ToplUtils.static_var (ToplName.transition i)) (fresh_var ()) )
let all = List.concat [calls; havoc_event_data; havoc_transitions] in
procedure proc_name (sequence all)
let generate_execute_state automaton proc_name =
let state : ToplAutomaton.vindex =
let re = Str.regexp "execute_state_\\([0-9]*\\)$" in
let mname = Typ.Procname.get_method proc_name in
if Str.string_match re mname 0 then int_of_string (Str.matched_group 1 mname)
else L.die InternalError "Topl.Monitor.generate_execute_state called for %s" mname
let condition maybe t : Exp.t =
let conjunct variable pattern =
let open ToplAst in
match pattern with
| Ignore | SaveInRegister _ ->
[] (* true *)
| EqualToRegister i ->
[Exp.eq variable (ToplUtils.static_var (ToplName.reg i))]
let label = (ToplAutomaton.transition automaton t).label in
let explicit_condition =
(* computed from label.ToplAst.condition *)
let binding_of : ToplAst.register_name -> ToplName.t =
(* The _exn functions here should fail only if [label] is ill-formed. *)
let table = String.Table.create () in
let add n = function
| ToplAst.SaveInRegister i ->
Hashtbl.add_exn ~key:i ~data:n table
| _ ->
add ToplName.retval label.ToplAst.return ;
Option.iter ~f:(List.iteri ~f:(fun i -> add (ToplName.saved_arg i))) label.ToplAst.arguments ;
Hashtbl.find_exn table
let exp_of_value =
let open ToplAst in
| Constant c ->
| Register i ->
ToplUtils.static_var (ToplName.reg i)
| Binding v ->
ToplUtils.static_var (binding_of v)
let expbinop = function
| ToplAst.OpEq ->
| ToplAst.OpNe ->
| ToplAst.OpGe ->
| ToplAst.OpGt ->
| ToplAst.OpLe ->
| ToplAst.OpLt ->
let predicate = function
| ToplAst.Binop (op, v1, v2) ->
Exp.BinOp (expbinop op, exp_of_value v1, exp_of_value v2)
| ToplAst.Value v ->
exp_of_value v
List.map ~f:predicate label.ToplAst.condition
let all_conjuncts =
let arg_conjunct i pattern = conjunct (ToplUtils.static_var (ToplName.saved_arg i)) pattern in
( Option.value_map ~default:[] ~f:(fun x -> [x]) maybe
:: [ToplUtils.static_var (ToplName.transition t)]
:: explicit_condition
:: conjunct (ToplUtils.static_var ToplName.retval) label.ToplAst.return
:: Option.value_map ~default:[] ~f:(List.mapi ~f:arg_conjunct) label.ToplAst.arguments )
Exp.and_nary all_conjuncts
let skip : node_generator = sequence [] in
let action t : node_generator =
let step variable pattern =
match pattern with
| ToplAst.SaveInRegister i ->
assign (ToplUtils.static_var (ToplName.reg i)) variable
| _ ->
let transition = ToplAutomaton.transition automaton t in
let all_actions =
let arg_action i pattern = step (ToplUtils.static_var (ToplName.saved_arg i)) pattern in
[ Sil.Store
{ e1= ToplUtils.static_var ToplName.state
; root_typ= Typ.mk (Tint IInt)
; typ= Typ.mk (Tint IInt)
; e2= Exp.int (IntLit.of_int transition.target)
; loc= sourcefile_location () } ]
:: step (ToplUtils.static_var ToplName.retval) transition.label.ToplAst.return
:: Option.value_map ~default:[] ~f:(List.mapi ~f:arg_action)
sequence all_actions
let branch_for_right_state : node_generator =
let check_transition_maybe t (false_branch : node_generator) : node_generator =
let tempid = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let tempvar = Exp.Var tempid in
sequence [gen_maybe_call tempid; gen_if (condition (Some tempvar) t) (action t) false_branch]
let check_transition t (false_branch : node_generator) : node_generator =
gen_if (condition None t) (action t) false_branch
let transitions = ToplAutomaton.outgoing automaton state in
let fold f init = List.fold_right ~init ~f transitions in
fold check_transition_maybe (fold check_transition skip)
let body =
(Exp.eq (ToplUtils.static_var ToplName.state) (ToplUtils.constant_int state))
branch_for_right_state skip
procedure proc_name body
(** INV: For the code generated here, biabduction infers the spec "returned value can be anything" *)
let generate_maybe _automaton proc_name = procedure proc_name (sequence [])
let name_matches re proc_name = Str.string_match re (Typ.Procname.get_method proc_name) 0
let has_name s = name_matches (Str.regexp (s ^ "$"))
let is_save_args = has_name ToplName.save_args
let is_execute = has_name ToplName.execute
let is_execute_state = has_name "execute_state_[0-9]*"
let is_maybe = has_name ToplName.maybe
let maybe_synthesize_it automaton proc_name =
if ToplUtils.is_synthesized proc_name then
if is_save_args proc_name then Some (generate_save_args automaton proc_name)
else if is_execute proc_name then Some (generate_execute automaton proc_name)
else if is_execute_state proc_name then Some (generate_execute_state automaton proc_name)
else if is_maybe proc_name then Some (generate_maybe automaton proc_name)
L.die InternalError "TOPL instrumentation introduced a call to a method that is not generated"
else None
let generate automaton proc_name =
[ lazy (Typ.Procname.Hash.find_opt (cfg ()) proc_name)
; lazy (maybe_synthesize_it automaton proc_name) ]