* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
(** Contains current class and current method to be translated as well as local variables, *)
(** and the cg, cfg, and tenv corresponding to the current file. *)
open Utils
open CFrontend_utils
type varStack = (Mangled.t * Sil.typ * int) Stack.t
type varMap = varStack StringMap.t
type pointerVarMap = Sil.pvar StringMap.t
module L = Logging
type curr_class =
| ContextCls of string * string option * string list
(*class name and name of (optional) super class , and a list of protocols *)
| ContextCategory of string * string (* category name and corresponding class *)
| ContextProtocol of string (* category name and corresponding class *)
| ContextNoCls
type t =
tenv : Sil.tenv;
cg : Cg.t;
cfg : Cfg.cfg;
procdesc : Cfg.Procdesc.t;
is_objc_method : bool;
is_instance : bool;
curr_class: curr_class;
is_callee_expression : bool;
namespace: string option; (* contains the name of the namespace if we are in the scope of one*)
mutable local_vars : (Mangled.t * Sil.typ * bool) list; (* (name, type, is_static flag) *)
mutable captured_vars : (Mangled.t * Sil.typ * bool) list; (* (name, type, is_static flag) *)
mutable local_vars_stack : varMap;
mutable local_vars_pointer : pointerVarMap
module LocalVars =
module Block =
let depth_counter = ref 0
let enter () =
depth_counter := !depth_counter + 1
let leave () =
depth_counter := !depth_counter - 1
let reset () =
depth_counter := 0
let depth () = !depth_counter
let lookup_var_map context var_name =
StringMap.find var_name context.local_vars_stack
with Not_found -> Stack.create ()
let lookup_var_formals context procname var_name =
let formals = Cfg.Procdesc.get_formals context.procdesc in
let arg, typ = list_find (fun (arg, typ) -> arg = var_name) formals in
let var = Sil.mk_pvar (Mangled.from_string var_name) procname in
(var, typ)
let lookup_var_captured context procname var_name =
let cv, typ, _ = list_find (fun (arg, typ, _) -> arg = Mangled.from_string var_name) context.captured_vars in
let var = Sil.mk_pvar cv procname in
(var, typ)
let lookup_var_globals context procname name =
let var_name = Mangled.from_string name in
let global_var = CGlobal_vars.find var_name in
let var = CGlobal_vars.var_get_name global_var in
Printing.log_out " ...Variable '%s' found in globals!!@\n" (Sil.pvar_to_string var);
let typ = CGlobal_vars.var_get_typ global_var in
var, typ
let is_captured_var context name =
list_exists (fun (v, _, _) -> (Mangled.to_string v) = name) context.captured_vars
let is_global_var context name =
let procname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name context.procdesc in
ignore (lookup_var_globals context procname name);
with Not_found -> false
let print_locals context =
let print_stack var_name stack =
(fun (var_name, typ, level) ->
Printing.log_out "var item %s:" (Mangled.to_string var_name);
Printing.log_out "%s" (Sil.typ_to_string typ);
Printing.log_out "- %s @." (string_of_int level)) stack in
Printing.log_out "LOCAL VARS:@\n";
StringMap.iter print_stack context.local_vars_stack
let print_pointer_vars context =
let print_pointer_var pointer var =
Printing.log_out "%s ->" pointer;
Printing.log_out " %s@\n" (Sil.pvar_to_string var) in
Printing.log_out "POINTER VARS:@\n";
StringMap.iter print_pointer_var context.local_vars_pointer
let add_pointer_var pointer var context =
Printing.log_out " ...Adding pointer '%s' " pointer;
Printing.log_out "to the map with variable '%s'@." (Sil.pvar_to_string var);
context.local_vars_pointer <- StringMap.add pointer var context.local_vars_pointer
let find_var_with_pointer context pointer =
StringMap.find pointer context.local_vars_pointer
with Not_found ->
(Printing.log_err " ...Variable for pointer %s not found!!\n%!" pointer);
print_pointer_vars context;
assert false
let lookup_var_locals context procname var_name =
let stack = lookup_var_map context var_name in
let (var_name, typ, level) = Stack.top stack in
Printing.log_out " ...Variable %s found in locals!!@." (Mangled.to_string var_name);
(Sil.mk_pvar var_name procname), typ
let lookup_var context pointer var_name kind =
let procname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name context.procdesc in
if (kind = `Var) then
Some (fst (lookup_var_locals context procname var_name))
with Stack.Empty ->
Some (fst (lookup_var_globals context procname var_name))
with Not_found ->
if is_captured_var context var_name then
try (* if it's a captured variable we need to look at the parameters list*)
Some (fst (lookup_var_formals context procname var_name))
with Not_found ->
Printing.log_err "Variable %s not found!!\n%!" var_name;
print_locals context;
else None
else if (kind = `ParmVar) then
Some (fst (lookup_var_formals context procname var_name))
with Not_found ->
let list_to_string = list_to_string (fun (a, typ) -> a^":"^(Sil.typ_to_string typ)) in
Printing.log_err "Warning: Parameter %s not found!!\n%!" var_name;
Printing.log_err "Formals of procdesc %s" (Procname.to_string procname);
Printing.log_err " are %s\n%!" (list_to_string (Cfg.Procdesc.get_formals context.procdesc));
Printing.print_failure_info pointer;
assert false
else if (kind = `Function || kind = `ImplicitParam) then (
(* ImplicitParam are 'self' and '_cmd'. These are never defined but they can be referred to in the code. *)
Printing.log_err "Creating a variable for '%s' \n%!" var_name;
Some (Sil.mk_pvar (Mangled.from_string var_name) procname))
else if (kind = `EnumConstant) then
(Printing.print_failure_info pointer;
assert false)
else (Printing.log_err "WARNING: In lookup_var kind %s not handled. Giving up!\n%!" (Clang_ast_j.string_of_decl_kind kind);
Printing.print_failure_info pointer;
assert false)
let get_variable_name name =
Mangled.mangled name ((string_of_int(Block.depth ())))
let add_local_var context var_name typ pointer is_static =
Printing.log_out " ...Creating var %s" var_name;
Printing.log_out " with pointer %s@\n" pointer;
if not (is_global_var context var_name) || is_static then
let var = get_variable_name var_name in
context.local_vars <- context.local_vars@[(var, typ, is_static)] ;
let stack = lookup_var_map context var_name in
let procname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name context.procdesc in
let pvar = Sil.mk_pvar var procname in
Stack.push (var, typ, Block.depth ()) stack;
context.local_vars_stack <- StringMap.add var_name stack context.local_vars_stack;
add_pointer_var pointer pvar context
let reset_local_vars context =
context.local_vars <- []
let get_local_vars context =
let remove_top_level_local_vars context =
let remove_top var_name stack =
let (top_var, top_typ, top_level) = Stack.top stack in
if top_level == (Block.depth ()) then
(ignore (Stack.pop stack);
context.local_vars_stack <-
StringMap.add var_name stack context.local_vars_stack)
else ()
with Stack.Empty -> () in
StringMap.iter remove_top context.local_vars_stack
let enter_and_leave_scope context f lstmt =
Block.enter ();
f context lstmt;
remove_top_level_local_vars context;
Block.leave ()
let reset_block = Block.reset
let create_context tenv cg cfg procdesc ns curr_class is_objc_method cv is_instance =
{ tenv = tenv;
cg = cg;
cfg = cfg;
procdesc = procdesc;
curr_class = curr_class;
is_callee_expression = false;
is_objc_method = is_objc_method;
is_instance = is_instance;
namespace = ns;
local_vars = [];
captured_vars = cv;
local_vars_stack = StringMap.empty;
local_vars_pointer = StringMap.empty
let get_cfg context = context.cfg
let get_cg context = context.cg
let get_tenv context = context.tenv
let get_procdesc context = context.procdesc
let is_objc_method context = context.is_objc_method
let get_curr_class context = context.curr_class
let get_curr_class_name curr_class =
match curr_class with
| ContextCls (name, _, _) -> name
| ContextCategory (name, cls) -> cls
| ContextProtocol name -> name
| ContextNoCls -> assert false
let curr_class_to_string curr_class =
match curr_class with
| ContextCls (name, _, _) -> ("class "^name)
| ContextCategory (name, cls) -> ("category "^name^" of class "^cls)
| ContextProtocol name -> ("protocol "^name)
| ContextNoCls -> "no class"
let curr_class_compare curr_class1 curr_class2 =
match curr_class1, curr_class2 with
| ContextCls (name1, _, _), ContextCls (name2, _, _) ->
String.compare name1 name2
| ContextCls (_, _, _), _ -> -1
| _, ContextCls (_, _, _) -> 1
| ContextCategory (name1, cls1), ContextCategory (name2, cls2) ->
Utils.pair_compare String.compare String.compare (name1, cls1) (name2, cls2)
| ContextCategory (_, _), _ -> -1
| _, ContextCategory (_, _) -> 1
| ContextProtocol name1, ContextProtocol name2 ->
String.compare name1 name2
| ContextProtocol _, _ -> -1
| _, ContextProtocol _ -> 1
| ContextNoCls, ContextNoCls -> 0
let curr_class_equal curr_class1 curr_class2 =
curr_class_compare curr_class1 curr_class2 == 0
let curr_class_hash curr_class =
match curr_class with
| ContextCls (name, _, _) -> Hashtbl.hash name
| ContextCategory (name, cls) -> Hashtbl.hash (name, cls)
| ContextProtocol name -> Hashtbl.hash name
| ContextNoCls -> Hashtbl.hash "no class"
let get_qt_curr_class curr_class =
(get_curr_class_name curr_class)^" *"
let get_captured_vars context = context.captured_vars