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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
(** Top-level driver that orchestrates build system integration, frontends, backend, and reporting *)
module CLOpt = CommandLineOption
module L = Logging
let run driver_mode =
let open Driver in
run_prologue driver_mode ;
let changed_files = read_config_changed_files () in
InferAnalyze.invalidate_changed_procedures changed_files ;
capture driver_mode ~changed_files ;
analyze_and_report driver_mode ~changed_files ;
run_epilogue ()
let run driver_mode = ScubaLogging.execute_with_time_logging "run" (fun () -> run driver_mode)
let setup () =
let db_start =
let already_started = ref false in
fun () ->
if (not !already_started) && CLOpt.is_originator && DBWriter.use_daemon then (
DBWriter.start () ;
Epilogues.register ~f:DBWriter.stop ~description:"Stop Sqlite write daemon" ;
already_started := true )
( match Config.command with
| Analyze ->
ResultsDir.assert_results_dir "have you run capture before?"
| Report | ReportDiff ->
ResultsDir.create_results_dir ()
| Capture | Compile | Run ->
let driver_mode = Lazy.force Driver.mode_from_command_line in
(* In Buck mode, delete infer-out directories inside buck-out to start fresh and to
avoid getting errors because some of their contents is missing (removed by
[Driver.clean_results_dir ()]). *)
(buck && Option.exists buck_mode ~f:BuckMode.is_clang_flavors) || genrule_mode)
|| not
( Driver.is_analyze_mode driver_mode
|| Config.(
continue_capture || infer_is_clang || infer_is_javac || reactive_mode
|| incremental_analysis) )
then ResultsDir.remove_results_dir () ;
ResultsDir.create_results_dir () ;
CLOpt.is_originator && (not Config.continue_capture)
&& not (Driver.is_analyze_mode driver_mode)
then ( db_start () ; SourceFiles.mark_all_stale () )
| Explore ->
ResultsDir.assert_results_dir "please run an infer analysis first" ) ;
db_start () ;
NullsafeInit.init () ;
if CLOpt.is_originator then ResultsDir.RunState.add_run_to_sequence () ;
let print_active_checkers () =
(if Config.print_active_checkers && CLOpt.is_originator then L.result else L.environment_info)
"Active checkers: %a@."
(Pp.seq ~sep:", " RegisterCheckers.pp_checker)
(RegisterCheckers.get_active_checkers ())
let print_scheduler () =
L.environment_info "Scheduler: %s@\n"
( match Config.scheduler with
| File ->
| Restart ->
| SyntacticCallGraph ->
"callgraph" )
let print_cores_used () = L.environment_info "Cores used: %d@\n"
let log_environment_info () =
L.environment_info "CWD = %s@\n" (Sys.getcwd ()) ;
( match Config.inferconfig_file with
| Some file ->
L.environment_info "Read configuration in %s@\n" file
| None ->
L.environment_info "No .inferconfig file found@\n" ) ;
L.environment_info "Project root = %s@\n" Config.project_root ;
let infer_args =
Sys.getenv CLOpt.args_env_var
|> ~f:(String.split ~on:CLOpt.env_var_sep)
|> Option.value ~default:["<not set>"]
L.environment_info "INFER_ARGS = %a@\n"
(Pp.cli_args_with_verbosity ~verbose:Config.debug_mode)
infer_args ;
L.environment_info "command line arguments: %a@\n"
(Pp.cli_args_with_verbosity ~verbose:Config.debug_mode)
(Array.to_list Sys.(get_argv ())) ;
( match Utils.get_available_memory_MB () with
| None ->
L.environment_info "Could not retrieve available memory (possibly not on Linux)@\n"
| Some available_memory ->
L.environment_info "Available memory at startup: %d MB@\n" available_memory ;
ScubaLogging.log_count ~label:"startup_mem_avail_MB" ~value:available_memory ) ;
print_active_checkers () ; print_scheduler () ; print_cores_used ()
let () =
(* We specifically want to collect samples only from the main process until
we figure out what other entries and how we want to collect *)
if CommandLineOption.is_originator then ScubaLogging.register_global_log_flushing_at_exit () ;
( if Config.linters_validate_syntax_only then
match CTLParserHelper.validate_al_files () with
| Ok () ->
L.exit 0
| Error e ->
print_endline e ; L.exit 3 ) ;
( match Config.check_version with
| Some check_version ->
if not (String.equal check_version Version.versionString) then
L.(die UserError)
"Provided version '%s' does not match actual version '%s'" check_version
| None ->
() ) ;
if Config.print_builtins then Builtin.print_and_exit () ;
setup () ;
log_environment_info () ;
if Config.debug_mode && CLOpt.is_originator then (
L.progress "Logs in %s@." (Config.results_dir ^/ Config.log_file) ;
L.progress "Execution ID %Ld@." Config.execution_id ) ;
( if Config.test_determinator && not Config.process_clang_ast then
TestDeterminator.compute_and_emit_test_to_run ()
match Config.command with
| Analyze ->
run Driver.Analyze
| Capture | Compile | Run ->
run (Lazy.force Driver.mode_from_command_line)
| Report -> (
match Config.issues_tests with
| None ->
if not Config.quiet then L.result "%t" SpecsFiles.pp_from_config
| Some out_path ->
IssuesTest.write_from_json ~json_path:Config.from_json_report ~out_path
Config.issues_tests_fields )
| ReportDiff ->
(* at least one report must be passed in input to compute differential *)
( match Config.(report_current, report_previous, costs_current, costs_previous) with
| None, None, None, None ->
L.(die UserError)
"Expected at least one argument among '--report-current', '--report-previous', \
'--costs-current', and '--costs-previous'"
| _ ->
() ) ;
ReportDiff.reportdiff ~current_report:Config.report_current
~previous_report:Config.report_previous ~current_costs:Config.costs_current
| Explore -> (
match (Config.procedures, Config.source_files) with
| true, false ->
[infer] Add summary-lookup option in infer-explore Summary: Problem: `infer report <specs file name>` is called manually sometimes to see analysis results in CLI. However, giving the specs file name is sometimes annoying, because the specs file name may be quite long and include special characters sometimes. This diff introduces `--procedures-summary` to lookup the summaries interactively in `infer explore`. example1: There are 8 procedures that include "max" in their names, then I selected one of them by entering a number. ``` $ infer explore --procedures --procedures-filter '.*max.*' --procedures-summary 0: minmax_div_const2_Bad_FN 1: minmax_div_const_Good 2: use_int64_max_Bad 3: use_uint64_max_Good 4: use_int64_max_Good 5: minmax_div_const_Bad 6: minmax_div_const2_Good 7: use_uint64_max_Bad Select one number (type 'a' for selecting all, 'q' for quit): 2 void use_int64_max_Bad() Analyzed ERRORS: BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1 WARNINGS: FAILURE:NONE SYMOPS:0 BufferOverrunAnalysis: StackLocs: { } MemPure: { } Alias: { ret= } BufferOverrunChecker: Safety conditions: { } ``` example2: If there is only one specs file that satisfies the given filter, it reports the summary of that procedure without an interaction. ``` $ infer explore --procedures --procedures-filter '.*add_in_loop_ok.*' --procedures-summary Selected proc name: void ArrayListTest.add_in_loop_ok() void void ArrayListTest.add_in_loop_ok()(ArrayListTest* this) Analyzed ERRORS: WARNINGS: FAILURE:NONE SYMOPS:0 BufferOverrunAnalysis: StackLocs: { } MemPure: { } Alias: { i=size(__new-390022197-0-1.elements), ret= } LatestPrune: latest { i -> (5, { }, { }) by ((5, { }, { }) >= (5, { }, { })), __new-390022197-0-1.elements -> (⊥, { }, { __new-390022197-1-1 -> length : 5 }) by ((5, { }, { }) >= (5, { }, { })) } BufferOverrunChecker: Safety conditions: { } ``` Reviewed By: jvillard Differential Revision: D20284052 fbshipit-source-id: 2131339f1
5 years ago
let filter = Lazy.force Filtering.procedures_filter in
if Config.procedures_summary then
let pp_summary fmt proc_name =
match Summary.OnDisk.get proc_name with
| None ->
Format.fprintf fmt "No summary found: %a@\n" Procname.pp proc_name
| Some summary ->
Summary.pp_text fmt summary
Option.iter (Procedures.select_proc_names_interactive ~filter) ~f:(fun proc_names ->
L.result "%a" (fun fmt () -> List.iter proc_names ~f:(pp_summary fmt)) () )
L.result "%a"
Procedures.pp_all ~filter ~proc_name:procedures_name
~attr_kind:procedures_definedness ~source_file:procedures_source_file
| false, true ->
let filter = Lazy.force Filtering.source_files_filter in
L.result "%a"
(SourceFiles.pp_all ~filter ~type_environment:Config.source_files_type_environment
() ;
if Config.source_files_cfg then (
let source_files = SourceFiles.get_all ~filter () in
List.iter source_files ~f:(fun source_file ->
(* create directory in captured/ *)
DB.Results_dir.init ~debug:true source_file ;
(* collect the CFGs for all the procedures in [source_file] *)
let proc_names = SourceFiles.proc_names_of_source source_file in
let cfgs = Procname.Hash.create (List.length proc_names) in
List.iter proc_names ~f:(fun proc_name ->
Procdesc.load proc_name
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun cfg -> Procname.Hash.add cfgs proc_name cfg) ) ;
(* emit the dot file in captured/... *)
DotCfg.emit_frontend_cfg source_file cfgs ) ;
L.result "CFGs written in %s/*/%s@." Config.captured_dir Config.dotty_frontend_output )
| false, false ->
(* explore bug traces *)
if Config.html then
~report_json:Config.(results_dir ^/ report_json)
~show_source_context:Config.source_preview ~max_nested_level:Config.max_nesting
~report_html_dir:Config.(results_dir ^/ report_html_dir)
TraceBugs.explore ~selector_limit:None
~report_json:Config.(results_dir ^/ report_json)
~report_txt:Config.(results_dir ^/ report_txt) ~show_source_context:Config.source_preview
| true, true ->
L.user_error "Options --procedures and --source-files cannot be used together.@\n" ) ) ;
(* to make sure the exitcode=0 case is logged, explicitly invoke exit *)
L.exit 0