* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
open Core
open AbsLoc
open! AbstractDomain.Types
module F = Format
open Apron
module type S = sig
module Var : sig
type t
module Sym : sig
include AbstractDomain.S
val bot : astate
val top : astate
val of_loc : Loc.t -> astate
val of_loc_offset : Loc.t -> astate
val of_loc_size : Loc.t -> astate
val of_allocsite_offset : Allocsite.t -> astate
val of_allocsite_size : Allocsite.t -> astate
val get_var : astate -> Var.t option
module SymExp : sig
type t [@@deriving compare]
val pp_opt : F.formatter -> t option -> unit
val zero : t
val of_sym : Sym.astate -> t option
val of_exp : get_sym_f:(Exp.t -> Sym.astate) -> Exp.t -> t option
val of_exps :
get_int_sym_f:(Exp.t -> Sym.astate)
-> get_offset_sym_f:(Exp.t -> Sym.astate)
-> get_size_sym_f:(Exp.t -> Sym.astate)
-> Exp.t
-> t option * t option * t option
val of_exp_opt : get_sym_f:(Exp.t -> Sym.astate) -> Exp.t option -> t option
val plus : t -> t -> t
val minus : t -> t -> t
module Constraints : sig
type t
val of_exp : get_sym_f:(Exp.t -> Sym.astate) -> Exp.t -> t
module SubstMap : sig
type t
val empty : t
val add : Var.t -> SymExp.t option -> t -> t
val symexp_subst_opt : t -> SymExp.t option -> SymExp.t option
include AbstractDomain.S
val set_deserialize : unit -> unit
val compare_astate : astate -> astate -> int
val empty : astate
val bot : astate
val is_unsat : astate -> bool
val lt_sat_opt : SymExp.t option -> SymExp.t option -> astate -> bool
val le_sat_opt : SymExp.t option -> SymExp.t option -> astate -> bool
val meet_constraints : Constraints.t -> astate -> astate
val store_relation :
PowLoc.t -> SymExp.t option * SymExp.t option * SymExp.t option -> astate -> astate
val init_param : Loc.t -> astate -> astate
val init_array :
Allocsite.t -> offset:Itv.t -> size:Itv.t -> size_exp_opt:SymExp.t option -> astate -> astate
val forget_locs : PowLoc.t -> astate -> astate
val instantiate : caller:astate -> callee:astate -> SubstMap.t -> astate
module NoRelation = struct
module UnitDom = struct
type astate = unit [@@deriving compare]
type t = astate [@@deriving compare]
let compare_astate _ _ = 0
let f1 _ = ()
let f2 _ _ = ()
let f3 _ _ _ = ()
let f1_none _ = None
let f2_none _ _ = None
let f1_false _ = false
let f3_false _ _ _ = false
let ( <= ) ~lhs:() ~rhs:() = true
let join = f2
let widen ~prev:() ~next:() ~num_iters:_ = ()
let pp = f2
let bot = ()
let top = ()
module Var = UnitDom
module Sym = struct
include UnitDom
let of_loc = f1
let of_loc_offset = f1
let of_loc_size = f1
let of_allocsite_offset = f1
let of_allocsite_size = f1
let get_var = f1_none
module SymExp = struct
include UnitDom
let pp_opt = f2
let zero = ()
let of_exp ~get_sym_f:_ = f1_none
let of_exps ~get_int_sym_f:_ ~get_offset_sym_f:_ ~get_size_sym_f:_ _x = (None, None, None)
let of_exp_opt ~get_sym_f:_ = f1_none
let of_sym = f1_none
let plus = f2
let minus = f2
module Constraints = struct
include UnitDom
let of_exp ~get_sym_f:_ = f1
module SubstMap = struct
include UnitDom
let empty = ()
let add = f3
let symexp_subst_opt = f2_none
include UnitDom
let set_deserialize = f1
let empty = ()
let is_unsat = f1_false
let lt_sat_opt = f3_false
let le_sat_opt = f3_false
let meet_constraints = f2
let store_relation = f3
let init_param = f2
let init_array _allocsite ~offset:_ ~size:_ ~size_exp_opt:_ = f1
let forget_locs = f2
let instantiate ~caller:_ ~callee:_ = f1
module type Manager_S = sig
type domain_t
val alloc_man : unit -> domain_t Manager.t
module Make (Manager : Manager_S) = struct
let man = Manager.alloc_man ()
let set_deserialize () = Apron.Manager.set_deserialize man
module Compares = struct
let lift int_of x y = int_of x - int_of y
let int_of_unop = function Texpr0.Neg -> 0 | Texpr0.Cast -> 1 | Texpr0.Sqrt -> 2
let int_of_binop = function
| Texpr0.Add ->
| Texpr0.Sub ->
| Texpr0.Mul ->
| Texpr0.Div ->
| Texpr0.Mod ->
| Texpr0.Pow ->
let int_of_typ = function
| Texpr0.Real ->
| Texpr0.Int ->
| Texpr0.Single ->
| Texpr0.Double ->
| Texpr0.Extended ->
| Texpr0.Quad ->
let int_of_round = function
| Texpr0.Near ->
| Texpr0.Zero ->
| Texpr0.Up ->
| Texpr0.Down ->
| Texpr0.Rnd ->
let compare_unop = lift int_of_unop
let compare_binop = lift int_of_binop
let compare_typ = lift int_of_typ
let compare_round = lift int_of_round
let ( <?> ) n (cmp, x, y) = if n <> 0 then n else cmp x y
let rec compare_texpr0_expr x y =
let int_of_texpr0_expr = function
| Texpr0.Cst _ ->
| Texpr0.Dim _ ->
| Texpr0.Unop _ ->
| Texpr0.Binop _ ->
match (x, y) with
| Texpr0.Cst c1, Texpr0.Cst c2 ->
Coeff.cmp c1 c2
| Texpr0.Dim i1, Texpr0.Dim i2 ->
i1 - i2
| Texpr0.Unop (uop1, e1, t1, r1), Texpr0.Unop (uop2, e2, t2, r2) ->
compare_unop uop1 uop2 <?> (compare_texpr0_expr, e1, e2) <?> (compare_typ, t1, t2)
<?> (compare_round, r1, r2)
| Texpr0.Binop (bop1, le1, re1, t1, r1), Texpr0.Binop (bop2, le2, re2, t2, r2) ->
compare_binop bop1 bop2 <?> (compare_texpr0_expr, le1, le2)
<?> (compare_texpr0_expr, re1, re2) <?> (compare_typ, t1, t2) <?> (compare_round, r1, r2)
| _, _ ->
int_of_texpr0_expr x - int_of_texpr0_expr y
let compare_texpr0 x y = compare_texpr0_expr (Texpr0.to_expr x) (Texpr0.to_expr y)
let compare_texpr1 x y =
compare_texpr0 (Texpr1.get_texpr0 x) (Texpr1.get_texpr0 y)
<?> (Environment.compare, Texpr1.get_env x, Texpr1.get_env y)
let compare_abstract1 x y = Abstract1.hash man x - Abstract1.hash man y
module TexprToLinexpr = struct
let scalar_op (float_op, mpqf_op, mpfrf_op) s1 s2 =
match (s1, s2) with
| Scalar.Float f1, Scalar.Float f2 ->
Scalar.Float (float_op f1 f2)
| Scalar.Float f1, Scalar.Mpqf m2 | Scalar.Mpqf m2, Scalar.Float f1 ->
Scalar.Mpqf (mpqf_op (Mpqf.of_float f1) m2)
| Scalar.Float f1, Scalar.Mpfrf m2 | Scalar.Mpfrf m2, Scalar.Float f1 ->
Scalar.Mpfrf (mpfrf_op (Mpfrf.of_float f1 Mpfr.Near) m2 Mpfr.Near)
| Scalar.Mpqf m1, Scalar.Mpqf m2 ->
Scalar.Mpqf (mpqf_op m1 m2)
| Scalar.Mpqf m1, Scalar.Mpfrf m2 | Scalar.Mpfrf m2, Scalar.Mpqf m1 ->
Scalar.Mpfrf (mpfrf_op (Mpfrf.of_mpq m1 Mpfr.Near) m2 Mpfr.Near)
| Scalar.Mpfrf m1, Scalar.Mpfrf m2 ->
Scalar.Mpfrf (mpfrf_op m1 m2 Mpfr.Near)
let scalar_add = scalar_op (( +. ), Mpqf.add, Mpfrf.add)
let scalar_mult = scalar_op (( *. ), Mpqf.mul, Mpfrf.mul)
let coeff_plus c1 c2 =
match (c1, c2) with
| Coeff.Scalar s1, Coeff.Scalar s2 ->
Coeff.Scalar (scalar_add s1 s2)
| _, _ ->
assert false
let coeff_minus c1 c2 = coeff_plus c1 (Coeff.neg c2)
let coeff_mult c1 c2 =
match (c1, c2) with
| Coeff.Scalar s1, Coeff.Scalar s2 ->
Coeff.Scalar (scalar_mult s1 s2)
| _, _ ->
assert false
let rec is_constant = function
| Texpr1.Cst c ->
Some c
| Texpr1.Unop (Texpr1.Neg, re1, _, _) ->
Option.map (is_constant re1) ~f:Coeff.neg
| Texpr1.Binop (Texpr1.Add, re1, re2, _, _) ->
Option.map2 (is_constant re1) (is_constant re2) ~f:coeff_plus
| Texpr1.Binop (Texpr1.Sub, re1, re2, _, _) ->
Option.map2 (is_constant re1) (is_constant re2) ~f:coeff_minus
| Texpr1.Binop (Texpr1.Mul, re1, re2, _, _) ->
Option.map2 (is_constant re1) (is_constant re2) ~f:coeff_mult
| _ ->
let rec add_coeffs ~coeff re x =
match re with
| Texpr1.Cst c ->
let c' = Linexpr1.get_cst x in
Linexpr1.set_cst x (coeff_plus c' (coeff_mult c coeff)) ;
Some x
| Texpr1.Var var ->
let c' = Linexpr1.get_coeff x var in
Linexpr1.set_coeff x var (coeff_plus c' coeff) ;
Some x
| Texpr1.Unop (Texpr1.Neg, re1, _, _) ->
add_coeffs ~coeff:(Coeff.neg coeff) re1 x
| Texpr1.Binop (Texpr1.Add, re1, re2, _, _) ->
Option.bind (add_coeffs ~coeff re1 x) ~f:(add_coeffs ~coeff re2)
| Texpr1.Binop (Texpr1.Sub, re1, re2, _, _) ->
Option.bind (add_coeffs ~coeff re1 x) ~f:(add_coeffs ~coeff:(Coeff.neg coeff) re2)
| Texpr1.Binop (Texpr1.Mul, re1, re2, _, _) -> (
match is_constant re1 with
| None ->
Option.value_map (is_constant re2) ~default:None ~f:(fun c ->
add_coeffs ~coeff:(coeff_mult coeff c) re1 x )
| Some c ->
add_coeffs ~coeff:(coeff_mult coeff c) re2 x )
| _ ->
assert false
let trans x =
let lin = Linexpr1.make (Texpr1.get_env x) in
add_coeffs ~coeff:(Coeff.s_of_int 1) (Texpr1.to_expr x) lin
module Var = struct
include Apron.Var
let pp = print
let dummy = of_string "dummy"
let return = of_string "return"
let param_prefix = "__inferbo_param_"
let temp_param_prefix = "__inferbo_temp_param_"
let loc_offset_prefix = "__inferbo_loc_offset_"
let loc_size_prefix = "__inferbo_loc_size_"
let allocsite_offset_prefix = "__inferbo_allocsite_offset_"
let allocsite_size_prefix = "__inferbo_allocsite_size_"
let of_loc loc = of_string (Loc.to_string loc)
let of_loc_offset loc = of_string (loc_offset_prefix ^ Loc.to_string loc)
let of_loc_size loc = of_string (loc_size_prefix ^ Loc.to_string loc)
let of_allocsite_offset allocsite =
of_string (allocsite_offset_prefix ^ Allocsite.to_string allocsite)
let of_allocsite_size allocsite =
of_string (allocsite_size_prefix ^ Allocsite.to_string allocsite)
let param_of var = of_string (param_prefix ^ to_string var)
let temp_param_of var = of_string (temp_param_prefix ^ to_string var)
let param_of_loc loc = of_string (param_prefix ^ Loc.to_string loc)
let array_of_var var = Array.create ~len:1 var
let array_of_powloc of_loc locs =
let len = PowLoc.cardinal locs in
let a = Array.create ~len dummy in
let i = ref 0 in
(fun loc ->
a.(!i) <- of_loc loc ;
i := !i + 1 )
locs ;
let int_array_of_powloc locs = array_of_powloc of_loc locs
let offset_array_of_powloc locs = array_of_powloc of_loc_offset locs
let size_array_of_powloc locs = array_of_powloc of_loc_size locs
module VarSet = struct
include PrettyPrintable.MakePPSet (Var)
let of_array var_array = Array.fold var_array ~init:empty ~f:(fun acc var -> add var acc)
let to_array x =
let a = Array.create ~len:(cardinal x) Var.dummy in
let n = ref 0 in
(fun var ->
a.(!n) <- var ;
n := !n + 1 )
x ;
let of_powloc var_of_loc locs =
PowLoc.fold (fun loc acc -> add (var_of_loc loc) acc) locs empty
let int_of_powloc locs = of_powloc Var.of_loc locs
let offset_of_powloc locs = of_powloc Var.of_loc_offset locs
let size_of_powloc locs = of_powloc Var.of_loc_size locs
module VarMap = struct
include PrettyPrintable.MakePPMap (Var)
let iter x ~f = iter f x
let fold x ~init ~f = fold f x init
let fold2 x y ~init ~f =
let m = merge (fun _ v1 v2 -> Some (v1, v2)) x y in
fold m ~init ~f:(fun k (v1, v2) acc -> f k v1 v2 acc)
module Sym = struct
type astate = Bot | V of Var.t | Top [@@deriving compare]
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
match (lhs, rhs) with
| Bot, _ ->
| _, Bot ->
| _, Top ->
| Top, _ ->
| V x, V y ->
Int.equal (Var.compare x y) 0
let join x y =
match (x, y) with
| Bot, a | a, Bot ->
| _, Top | Top, _ ->
| V x', V y' ->
if Int.equal (Var.compare x' y') 0 then x else Top
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ = join prev next
let pp fmt = function
| Bot ->
F.fprintf fmt "_|_"
| Top ->
F.fprintf fmt "T"
| V x ->
Var.pp fmt x
let bot = Bot
let top = Top
let lift f x = V (f x)
let of_loc = lift Var.of_loc
let of_loc_offset = lift Var.of_loc_offset
let of_loc_size = lift Var.of_loc_size
let of_allocsite_offset = lift Var.of_allocsite_offset
let of_allocsite_size = lift Var.of_allocsite_size
let get_var = function V x -> Some x | Bot | Top -> None
module Env = struct
type t = Environment.t
let empty : t = Environment.make [||] [||]
let join env1 env2 =
let vars, _ = Environment.vars env2 in
let vars = Array.filter vars ~f:(fun var -> not (Environment.mem_var env1 var)) in
Environment.add env1 vars [||]
let of_vars_array vars = Environment.make vars [||]
let of_vars_set vars = of_vars_array (VarSet.to_array vars)
let to_vars_set x =
let vars, _ = Environment.vars x in
VarSet.of_array vars
module SymExp = struct
(* raw tree expression without environments *)
type raw = Texpr1.expr
(* efficient tree expression with environments *)
type t = Texpr1.t
let string_of_binop = function
| Texpr1.Add ->
| Texpr1.Sub ->
| Texpr1.Mul ->
| Texpr1.Div ->
| Texpr1.Mod ->
| Texpr1.Pow ->
let rec pp_raw ~need_paren fmt = function
| Texpr1.Cst coeff ->
Coeff.print fmt coeff
| Texpr1.Var x ->
Var.print fmt x
| Texpr1.Unop (Texpr1.Neg, e, _, _) ->
F.fprintf fmt "-%a" (pp_raw ~need_paren:true) e
| Texpr1.Unop (Texpr1.Cast, e, typ, _) ->
F.fprintf fmt "(%a)%a" Texpr1.print_typ typ (pp_raw ~need_paren:true) e
| Texpr1.Unop (Texpr1.Sqrt, e, _, _) ->
F.fprintf fmt "sqrt(%a)" (pp_raw ~need_paren:false) e
| Texpr1.Binop (bop, e1, e2, _, _) ->
(if need_paren then F.fprintf fmt "(%a%s%a)" else F.fprintf fmt "%a%s%a")
(pp_raw ~need_paren:true) e1 (string_of_binop bop) (pp_raw ~need_paren:true) e2
let pp fmt x = pp_raw ~need_paren:false fmt (Texpr1.to_expr x)
let pp_opt fmt = function None -> F.fprintf fmt "None" | Some x -> pp fmt x
let compare = Compares.compare_texpr1
(* NOTE: We consider only integer values as of now. *)
let default_round = Texpr1.Near
let raw_uop_make typ re = Texpr1.Unop (typ, re, Texpr1.Int, default_round)
let raw_bop_make typ re1 re2 = Texpr1.Binop (typ, re1, re2, Texpr1.Int, default_round)
let vars_array_of_raw re =
let rec vars_set_of = function
| Texpr1.Cst _ ->
| Texpr1.Var x ->
VarSet.singleton x
| Texpr1.Unop (_, re, _, _) ->
vars_set_of re
| Texpr1.Binop (_, re1, re2, _, _) ->
VarSet.union (vars_set_of re1) (vars_set_of re2)
VarSet.to_array (vars_set_of re)
let vars_set_of x = Env.to_vars_set (Texpr1.get_env x)
let vars_set_of_opt x_opt = Option.value_map x_opt ~default:VarSet.empty ~f:vars_set_of
let env_of_raw re = Env.of_vars_array (vars_array_of_raw re)
let raw_of_exp ~get_sym_f e : raw option =
let try_get_sym_f e = match get_sym_f e with Sym.V x -> Some (Texpr1.Var x) | _ -> None in
let rec raw_of_exp' e =
match e with
| Exp.UnOp (Unop.Neg, e', _) -> (
match raw_of_exp' e' with
| Some re ->
Some (raw_uop_make Texpr1.Neg re)
| None ->
try_get_sym_f e )
| Exp.BinOp (bop, e1, e2) -> (
match (raw_of_exp' e1, raw_of_exp' e2) with
| Some re1, Some re2 -> (
match bop with
| Binop.PlusA ->
Some (raw_bop_make Texpr1.Add re1 re2)
| Binop.MinusA ->
Some (raw_bop_make Texpr1.Sub re1 re2)
| Binop.Mult ->
Some (raw_bop_make Texpr1.Mul re1 re2)
| _ ->
try_get_sym_f e )
| _, _ ->
try_get_sym_f e )
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint i) ->
Option.map (IntLit.to_int i) ~f:(fun n -> Texpr1.Cst (Coeff.s_of_int n))
| _ ->
try_get_sym_f e
raw_of_exp' e
let raw_offset_of_exp ~get_int_sym_f ~get_offset_sym_f e =
let try_get_offset_sym_f e =
match get_offset_sym_f e with Sym.V x -> Some (Texpr1.Var x) | _ -> None
let rec raw_offset_of_exp' e =
match e with
| Exp.BinOp (bop, e1, e2) -> (
match (raw_offset_of_exp' e1, raw_of_exp ~get_sym_f:get_int_sym_f e2) with
| Some re1, Some re2 -> (
match bop with
| Binop.PlusPI ->
Some (raw_bop_make Texpr1.Add re1 re2)
| Binop.MinusPI ->
Some (raw_bop_make Texpr1.Sub re1 re2)
| _ ->
try_get_offset_sym_f e )
| _, _ ->
try_get_offset_sym_f e )
| _ ->
try_get_offset_sym_f e
raw_offset_of_exp' e
let raw_size_of_exp ~get_size_sym_f e =
let try_get_size_sym_f e =
match get_size_sym_f e with Sym.V x -> Some (Texpr1.Var x) | _ -> None
let rec raw_size_of_exp' e =
match e with
| Exp.BinOp (bop, e1, _e2) -> (
match raw_size_of_exp' e1 with
| Some re1 -> (
match bop with Binop.PlusPI | Binop.MinusPI -> Some re1 | _ -> try_get_size_sym_f e )
| _ ->
try_get_size_sym_f e )
| _ ->
try_get_size_sym_f e
raw_size_of_exp' e
let of_raw re = Texpr1.of_expr (env_of_raw re) re
let of_exp ~get_sym_f e = Option.map (raw_of_exp ~get_sym_f e) ~f:of_raw
let offset_of_exp ~get_int_sym_f ~get_offset_sym_f e : t option =
Option.map (raw_offset_of_exp ~get_int_sym_f ~get_offset_sym_f e) ~f:of_raw
let size_of_exp ~get_size_sym_f e : t option =
Option.map (raw_size_of_exp ~get_size_sym_f e) ~f:of_raw
let of_exps ~get_int_sym_f ~get_offset_sym_f ~get_size_sym_f e : t option * t option * t option
let int_sym = of_exp ~get_sym_f:get_int_sym_f e in
let offset_sym = offset_of_exp ~get_int_sym_f ~get_offset_sym_f e in
let size_sym = size_of_exp ~get_size_sym_f e in
(int_sym, offset_sym, size_sym)
let of_exp_opt ~get_sym_f opt_e : t option = Option.find_map opt_e ~f:(of_exp ~get_sym_f)
let of_int i = Texpr1.cst Env.empty (Coeff.s_of_int i)
let zero = of_int 0
let one = of_int 1
let of_sym s = match s with Sym.V x -> Some (of_raw (Texpr1.Var x)) | _ -> None
let of_var var = of_raw (Texpr1.Var var)
let dummy = of_var Var.dummy
let linexpr_dummy = Linexpr1.make Env.empty
let to_var x = match Texpr1.to_expr x with Texpr1.Var x' -> Some x' | _ -> None
let is_var x = match to_var x with Some _ -> true | None -> false
let bop_make typ x y =
let env = Env.join (Texpr1.get_env x) (Texpr1.get_env y) in
let re = raw_bop_make typ (Texpr1.to_expr x) (Texpr1.to_expr y) in
Texpr1.of_expr env re
let plus = bop_make Texpr1.Add
let minus = bop_make Texpr1.Sub
let to_linexpr = TexprToLinexpr.trans
module SubstMap = struct
type t = SymExp.t option VarMap.t
let add = VarMap.add
let empty = VarMap.empty
let fold = VarMap.fold
let mem = VarMap.mem
let singleton = VarMap.singleton
let map_opt ~f x = VarMap.map (Option.value_map ~default:None ~f) x
let to_arrays dummy x =
let x =
VarMap.fold x ~init:VarMap.empty ~f:(fun k v_opt acc ->
Option.value_map v_opt ~default:acc ~f:(fun v -> VarMap.add k v acc) )
let keys = Array.create ~len:(VarMap.cardinal x) Var.dummy in
let values = Array.create ~len:(VarMap.cardinal x) dummy in
let n = ref 0 in
VarMap.iter x ~f:(fun key value ->
keys.(!n) <- key ;
values.(!n) <- value ;
n := !n + 1 ) ;
(keys, values)
let to_arrays_symexp = to_arrays SymExp.dummy
let to_arrays_linexpr = to_arrays SymExp.linexpr_dummy
let rec symexp_raw_subst subst_map x =
match x with
| Texpr1.Cst _ ->
Some x
| Texpr1.Var var ->
if mem var subst_map then Option.map (VarMap.find var subst_map) ~f:Texpr1.to_expr
else None
| Texpr1.Unop (uop, re, typ, round) ->
Option.map (symexp_raw_subst subst_map re) ~f:(fun re' ->
Texpr1.Unop (uop, re', typ, round) )
| Texpr1.Binop (bop, re1, re2, typ, round) ->
Option.map2 (symexp_raw_subst subst_map re1) (symexp_raw_subst subst_map re2)
~f:(fun re1' re2' -> Texpr1.Binop (bop, re1', re2', typ, round) )
let symexp_subst subst_map x =
let re_opt = symexp_raw_subst subst_map (Texpr1.to_expr x) in
Option.map re_opt ~f:SymExp.of_raw
let symexp_subst_opt subst_map x_opt =
Option.value_map x_opt ~default:None ~f:(symexp_subst subst_map)
module Constraints = struct
type t = Tcons1.earray
let empty = Tcons1.array_make Env.empty 0
let singleton e =
let tcons_array = Tcons1.array_make (Tcons1.get_env e) 1 in
Tcons1.array_set tcons_array 0 e ; tcons_array
let doubleton e1 e2 =
let env = Env.join (Tcons1.get_env e1) (Tcons1.get_env e2) in
let tcons_array = Tcons1.array_make env 2 in
Tcons1.array_set tcons_array 0 e1 ; Tcons1.array_set tcons_array 1 e2 ; tcons_array
let and_ x y =
let env = Env.join (Tcons1.array_get_env x) (Tcons1.array_get_env y) in
let x, y = (Tcons1.array_extend_environment x env, Tcons1.array_extend_environment y env) in
let len1, len2 = (Tcons1.array_length x, Tcons1.array_length y) in
let tcons_array = Tcons1.array_make env (len1 + len2) in
for i = 0 to len1 - 1 do
Tcons1.array_set tcons_array i (Tcons1.array_get x i)
done ;
for i = 0 to len2 - 1 do
Tcons1.array_set tcons_array (len1 + i) (Tcons1.array_get y i)
done ;
let eq_of var1 var2 =
let sym_exp1, sym_exp2 = (SymExp.of_var var1, SymExp.of_var var2) in
let sym_exp = SymExp.minus sym_exp1 sym_exp2 in
singleton (Tcons1.make sym_exp Tcons1.EQ)
let eq_of_sym sym1 sym_exp2 =
Option.map (SymExp.of_sym sym1) ~f:(fun sym_exp1 ->
let sym_exp = SymExp.minus sym_exp1 sym_exp2 in
singleton (Tcons1.make sym_exp Tcons1.EQ) )
let itv_of sym itv =
if Itv.is_empty itv then empty
let lb, ub = (Itv.lb itv, Itv.ub itv) in
Option.value_map (SymExp.of_sym sym) ~default:empty ~f:(fun sym_exp ->
let tcons_lb =
Option.map (Itv.Bound.is_const lb) ~f:(fun lb ->
let sym_minus_lb = SymExp.minus sym_exp (SymExp.of_int lb) in
Tcons1.make sym_minus_lb Tcons1.SUPEQ )
let tcons_ub =
Option.map (Itv.Bound.is_const ub) ~f:(fun ub ->
let ub_minus_sym = SymExp.minus (SymExp.of_int ub) sym_exp in
Tcons1.make ub_minus_sym Tcons1.SUPEQ )
match (tcons_lb, tcons_ub) with
| Some tcons_lb, Some tcons_ub ->
doubleton tcons_lb tcons_ub
| Some tcons, None | None, Some tcons ->
singleton tcons
| None, None ->
empty )
let of_raw_symexp re typ = singleton (Tcons1.make (SymExp.of_raw re) typ)
let of_exp ~get_sym_f e : t =
let of_bin_compare bop e1 e2 =
match (SymExp.raw_of_exp ~get_sym_f e1, SymExp.raw_of_exp ~get_sym_f e2) with
| Some re1, Some re2 ->
of_raw_symexp (SymExp.raw_bop_make Texpr1.Sub re1 re2) bop
| _, _ ->
match e with
| Exp.Var _ | Exp.Lvar _ | Exp.Cast _ | Exp.Lfield _ | Exp.Lindex _ -> (
match get_sym_f e with Sym.V x -> of_raw_symexp (Texpr1.Var x) Tcons1.DISEQ | _ -> empty )
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.Eq, e1, e2) | Exp.UnOp (Unop.LNot, Exp.BinOp (Binop.Ne, e1, e2), _) ->
of_bin_compare Tcons1.EQ e1 e2
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.Ne, e1, e2) | Exp.UnOp (Unop.LNot, Exp.BinOp (Binop.Eq, e1, e2), _) ->
of_bin_compare Tcons1.DISEQ e1 e2
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.Gt, e1, e2)
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.Lt, e2, e1)
| Exp.UnOp (Unop.LNot, Exp.BinOp (Binop.Le, e1, e2), _)
| Exp.UnOp (Unop.LNot, Exp.BinOp (Binop.Ge, e2, e1), _) ->
of_bin_compare Tcons1.SUP e1 e2
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.Ge, e1, e2)
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.Le, e2, e1)
| Exp.UnOp (Unop.LNot, Exp.BinOp (Binop.Lt, e1, e2), _)
| Exp.UnOp (Unop.LNot, Exp.BinOp (Binop.Gt, e2, e1), _) ->
of_bin_compare Tcons1.SUPEQ e1 e2
| _ ->
let vars_set_of x =
let vars = ref VarSet.empty in
for i = 0 to Tcons1.array_length x - 1 do
vars := VarSet.union !vars (SymExp.vars_set_of (Tcons1.get_texpr1 (Tcons1.array_get x i)))
done ;
let remove_strict_ineq_tcons1 x =
match Tcons1.get_typ x with
| Tcons1.SUP ->
let e_minus_one = SymExp.minus (Tcons1.get_texpr1 x) SymExp.one in
Tcons1.make e_minus_one Tcons1.SUPEQ
| _ ->
let remove_strict_ineq x =
let length = Tcons1.array_length x in
let x' = Tcons1.array_make (Tcons1.array_get_env x) length in
for i = 0 to length - 1 do
let tcons1 = Tcons1.array_get x i in
Tcons1.array_set x' i (remove_strict_ineq_tcons1 tcons1)
done ;
module Val = struct
type astate = Manager.domain_t Abstract1.t
let compare_astate = Compares.compare_abstract1
let bot = Abstract1.bottom man Env.empty
let top = Abstract1.top man Env.empty
let is_bot x = Abstract1.is_bottom man x
let is_top x = Abstract1.is_top man x
let sync_env x y =
let x, y = (Abstract1.minimize_environment man x, Abstract1.minimize_environment man y) in
let env = Env.join (Abstract1.env x) (Abstract1.env y) in
let x = Abstract1.change_environment man x env false in
let y = Abstract1.change_environment man y env false in
(x, y)
let extend_env env x =
let x = Abstract1.minimize_environment man x in
let new_env = Env.join (Abstract1.env x) env in
Abstract1.change_environment man x new_env false
let sync_env_lift f x y =
let x, y = sync_env x y in
f x y
let join = sync_env_lift (Abstract1.join man)
let meet = sync_env_lift (Abstract1.meet man)
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ = sync_env_lift (Abstract1.widening man) prev next
let pp fmt x = Abstract1.print fmt x
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs = sync_env_lift (Abstract1.is_leq man) lhs rhs
let sat_tcons tcons x =
let tcons = Constraints.remove_strict_ineq_tcons1 tcons in
let x = extend_env (Tcons1.get_env tcons) x in
Abstract1.sat_tcons man x tcons
let is_unsat_constraint constr x =
let symexp = Tcons1.get_texpr1 constr in
let typ = Tcons1.get_typ constr in
let neg_constr_opt =
match typ with
| Tcons1.EQ ->
Some (Tcons1.make symexp Tcons1.DISEQ)
| Tcons1.DISEQ ->
Some (Tcons1.make symexp Tcons1.EQ)
| Tcons1.SUPEQ | Tcons1.SUP -> (
let env = Tcons1.get_env constr in
let neg_symexp =
Texpr1.of_expr env (SymExp.raw_uop_make Texpr1.Neg (Texpr1.to_expr symexp))
match typ with
| Tcons1.SUPEQ ->
Some (Tcons1.make neg_symexp Tcons1.SUP)
| Tcons1.SUP ->
Some (Tcons1.make neg_symexp Tcons1.SUPEQ)
| _ ->
assert false )
| _ ->
Option.value_map neg_constr_opt ~default:false ~f:(fun neg_constr -> sat_tcons neg_constr x)
let is_unsat_constraints constrs x =
let sat = ref true in
for i = 0 to Tcons1.array_length constrs - 1 do
let constr = Tcons1.array_get constrs i in
if is_unsat_constraint constr x then sat := false
done ;
not !sat
let meet_constraints constrs x =
let constrs = Constraints.remove_strict_ineq constrs in
let x = extend_env (Tcons1.array_get_env constrs) x in
if is_unsat_constraints constrs x then bot else Abstract1.meet_tcons_array man x constrs
let forget_vars_array vars x =
let x = extend_env (Env.of_vars_array vars) x in
Abstract1.forget_array man x vars false
let forget_vars_set vars x = forget_vars_array (VarSet.to_array vars) x
let assign_vars vars texpr x =
let x = extend_env (Env.join (Texpr1.get_env texpr) (Env.of_vars_array vars)) x in
let texprs = Array.create ~len:(Array.length vars) texpr in
Abstract1.assign_texpr_array man x vars texprs None
let store_relation var_array_of_powloc locs texpr_opt x =
let vars = var_array_of_powloc locs in
if can_strong_update locs then
match texpr_opt with
| Some texpr ->
assign_vars vars texpr x
| None ->
forget_vars_array vars x
else forget_vars_array vars x
let store_relation_int locs texpr_opt x =
store_relation Var.int_array_of_powloc locs texpr_opt x
let store_relation_offset locs texpr_opt x =
store_relation Var.offset_array_of_powloc locs texpr_opt x
let store_relation_size locs texpr_opt x =
store_relation Var.size_array_of_powloc locs texpr_opt x
let forget_var var x = forget_vars_array (Var.array_of_var var) x
let lt_sat e1 e2 x = sat_tcons (Tcons1.make (SymExp.minus e2 e1) Tcons1.SUP) x
let le_sat e1 e2 x = sat_tcons (Tcons1.make (SymExp.minus e2 e1) Tcons1.SUPEQ) x
let subst : forget_free:bool -> SubstMap.t -> astate -> astate =
let forget_free_vars vars_in_subst_map x =
let free_vars = VarSet.diff (Env.to_vars_set (Abstract1.env x)) vars_in_subst_map in
let free_vars = VarSet.remove Var.return free_vars in
forget_vars_set free_vars x
let filter_vars_to_none subst_map x =
let vars_to_none =
SubstMap.fold subst_map ~init:VarSet.empty ~f:(fun k v acc ->
match v with None -> VarSet.add k acc | Some _ -> acc )
forget_vars_set vars_to_none x
let extend_and_substitute subst_map to_arrays new_env substitute x =
let x = filter_vars_to_none subst_map x in
let vars, exps = to_arrays subst_map in
let x = extend_env new_env x in
substitute man x vars exps None
fun ~forget_free subst_map x ->
let vars_in_subst_map =
SubstMap.fold subst_map ~init:VarSet.empty ~f:(fun var sym_exp_opt acc ->
acc |> VarSet.add var
|> VarSet.add (Var.param_of var)
|> VarSet.union (SymExp.vars_set_of_opt sym_exp_opt) )
let new_env = Env.of_vars_set vars_in_subst_map in
let x = if forget_free then forget_free_vars vars_in_subst_map x else x in
match Config.bo_relational_domain with
| None ->
assert false
| Some `Bo_relational_domain_oct ->
extend_and_substitute subst_map SubstMap.to_arrays_symexp new_env
Abstract1.substitute_texpr_array x
| Some `Bo_relational_domain_poly ->
let subst_map = SubstMap.map_opt ~f:SymExp.to_linexpr subst_map in
extend_and_substitute subst_map SubstMap.to_arrays_linexpr new_env
Abstract1.substitute_linexpr_array x
module Pack = struct
type t = int [@@deriving compare]
let equal = Int.equal
let pp fmt x = F.fprintf fmt "%d" x
let subst ~from ~to_ x = if equal x from then to_ else x
module PackSet = struct
include PrettyPrintable.MakePPSet (Pack)
let subst ~from ~to_ x = if mem x from then to_ else x
module PackMap = struct
include PrettyPrintable.MakePPMap (Pack)
let remove_packs pack_ids x = PackSet.fold remove pack_ids x
module PackedVal = struct
type astate = {pack_ids: Pack.t VarMap.t; packs: Val.astate PackMap.t} [@@deriving compare]
let empty = {pack_ids= VarMap.empty; packs= PackMap.empty}
let pp_packs = PackMap.pp ~pp_value:Val.pp
let pp fmt x = pp_packs fmt x.packs
let sync_pack x y =
let id_ref = ref 0 in
let get_new_id () : Pack.t =
id_ref := !id_ref + 1 ;
let add_subst_partial var id (pack_ids, subst) =
match PackMap.find id subst with
| id' ->
(VarMap.add var id' pack_ids, subst)
| exception Caml.Not_found ->
let id' = get_new_id () in
(VarMap.add var id' pack_ids, PackMap.add id id' subst)
let add_subst var id1_opt id2_opt ((pack_ids, subst1, subst2) as subst_res) =
match (id1_opt, id2_opt) with
| Some id1, Some id2 -> (
match (PackMap.find_opt id1 subst1, PackMap.find_opt id2 subst2) with
| Some id1', Some id2' ->
if Pack.equal id1' id2' then (VarMap.add var id1' pack_ids, subst1, subst2)
let pack_ids =
pack_ids |> VarMap.add var id1' |> VarMap.map (Pack.subst ~from:id2' ~to_:id1')
let subst1 = PackMap.map (Pack.subst ~from:id2' ~to_:id1') subst1 in
let subst2 = PackMap.map (Pack.subst ~from:id2' ~to_:id1') subst2 in
(pack_ids, subst1, subst2)
| Some id1', None ->
(VarMap.add var id1' pack_ids, subst1, PackMap.add id2 id1' subst2)
| None, Some id2' ->
(VarMap.add var id2' pack_ids, PackMap.add id1 id2' subst1, subst2)
| None, None ->
let id' = get_new_id () in
(VarMap.add var id' pack_ids, PackMap.add id1 id' subst1, PackMap.add id2 id' subst2)
| Some id1, None ->
let pack_ids, subst1 = add_subst_partial var id1 (pack_ids, subst1) in
(pack_ids, subst1, subst2)
| None, Some id2 ->
let pack_ids, subst2 = add_subst_partial var id2 (pack_ids, subst2) in
(pack_ids, subst1, subst2)
| None, None ->
let get_subst_map pack_ids1 pack_ids2 =
VarMap.fold2 pack_ids1 pack_ids2 ~f:add_subst
~init:(VarMap.empty, PackMap.empty, PackMap.empty)
let subst subst_map packs =
let subst_helper pack_id v acc =
match PackMap.find pack_id subst_map with
| pack_id' ->
let v =
Option.value_map (PackMap.find_opt pack_id' acc) ~default:v ~f:(fun v' ->
Val.meet v' v )
PackMap.add pack_id' v acc
| exception Caml.Not_found ->
PackMap.fold subst_helper packs PackMap.empty
let pack_ids, subst_map_x, subst_map_y = get_subst_map x.pack_ids y.pack_ids in
(pack_ids, subst subst_map_x x.packs, subst subst_map_y y.packs)
let le_synced_packs ~lhs ~rhs =
let ge_than_lhs pack_id rhs =
match PackMap.find pack_id lhs with
| lhs ->
Val.( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs
| exception Caml.Not_found ->
Val.is_top rhs
PackMap.for_all ge_than_lhs rhs
let join_synced_packs x y =
let join_opt _ v1_opt v2_opt = Option.map2 v1_opt v2_opt ~f:Val.join in
PackMap.merge join_opt x y
let meet_synced_packs x y =
let exception BottomByMeet in
let meet_opt _ v1_opt v2_opt =
match (v1_opt, v2_opt) with
| Some v1, Some v2 ->
let v = Val.meet v1 v2 in
if Val.is_bot v then raise BottomByMeet else Some v
| Some v, None | None, Some v ->
Some v
| None, None ->
match PackMap.merge meet_opt x y with packs -> Some packs | exception BottomByMeet -> None
let widen_synced_packs ~prev ~next ~num_iters =
let widen_opt _ prev_opt next_opt =
Option.map2 prev_opt next_opt ~f:(fun prev next -> Val.widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters)
PackMap.merge widen_opt prev next
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
let _, packs_lhs, packs_rhs = sync_pack lhs rhs in
le_synced_packs ~lhs:packs_lhs ~rhs:packs_rhs
let join x y =
let pack_ids, packs_x, packs_y = sync_pack x y in
if le_synced_packs ~lhs:packs_x ~rhs:packs_y then y
else if le_synced_packs ~lhs:packs_y ~rhs:packs_x then x
else {pack_ids; packs= join_synced_packs packs_x packs_y}
let meet x y =
let pack_ids, packs_x, packs_y = sync_pack x y in
if le_synced_packs ~lhs:packs_x ~rhs:packs_y then NonBottom x
else if le_synced_packs ~lhs:packs_y ~rhs:packs_x then NonBottom y
Option.value_map (meet_synced_packs packs_x packs_y) ~default:Bottom ~f:(fun packs ->
NonBottom {pack_ids; packs} )
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters =
let pack_ids, packs_prev, packs_next = sync_pack prev next in
{pack_ids; packs= widen_synced_packs ~prev:packs_prev ~next:packs_next ~num_iters}
let pack_id_of_var var x = VarMap.find var x.pack_ids
let pack_id_of_var_opt var x = VarMap.find_opt var x.pack_ids
let pack_ids_of_vars vars x =
let add_id var acc =
Option.value_map (pack_id_of_var_opt var x) ~default:acc ~f:(fun id -> PackSet.add id acc)
VarSet.fold add_id vars PackSet.empty
let val_of_pack_id_opt pack_id x = PackMap.find_opt pack_id x.packs
let val_of_pack_id pack_id x = Option.value (val_of_pack_id_opt pack_id x) ~default:Val.top
let val_of_pack_ids ids x =
let meet_val id acc =
Option.value_map (val_of_pack_id_opt id x) ~default:acc ~f:(fun v -> Val.meet acc v)
PackSet.fold meet_val ids Val.top
let val_of_vars vars x = val_of_pack_ids (pack_ids_of_vars vars x) x
let lt_sat e1 e2 x =
let vars = VarSet.union (SymExp.vars_set_of e1) (SymExp.vars_set_of e2) in
Val.lt_sat e1 e2 (val_of_vars vars x)
let le_sat e1 e2 x =
let vars = VarSet.union (SymExp.vars_set_of e1) (SymExp.vars_set_of e2) in
Val.le_sat e1 e2 (val_of_vars vars x)
let lift_sat_opt f e1_opt e2_opt x =
match (e1_opt, e2_opt) with Some e1, Some e2 -> f e1 e2 x | _, _ -> false
let lt_sat_opt = lift_sat_opt lt_sat
let le_sat_opt = lift_sat_opt le_sat
let repack_with_vars vars x =
let id_ref =
let max_pack_id =
VarMap.fold x.pack_ids ~init:0 ~f:(fun _ pack_id acc -> max acc pack_id)
ref max_pack_id
let get_new_id () : Pack.t =
id_ref := !id_ref + 1 ;
let set_pack_id_of_vars vars id pack_ids =
VarSet.fold (fun var acc -> VarMap.add var id acc) vars pack_ids
let vars_ids = pack_ids_of_vars vars x in
let num_vars_ids = PackSet.cardinal vars_ids in
if Int.equal num_vars_ids 0 then
let id = get_new_id () in
{x with pack_ids= set_pack_id_of_vars vars id x.pack_ids}
else if Int.equal num_vars_ids 1 then
let id = PackSet.choose vars_ids in
{x with pack_ids= set_pack_id_of_vars vars id x.pack_ids}
let id = PackSet.min_elt vars_ids in
let other_ids = PackSet.remove id vars_ids in
let pack_ids =
x.pack_ids |> set_pack_id_of_vars vars id
|> VarMap.map (PackSet.subst ~from:other_ids ~to_:id)
let packs =
let v = val_of_pack_ids vars_ids x in
x.packs |> PackMap.remove_packs other_ids |> PackMap.add id v
{pack_ids; packs}
let subst ~forget_free subst_map x =
let exception BottomBySubst in
let repack_for_subst subst_map x =
SubstMap.fold subst_map ~init:x ~f:(fun var sym_exp_opt acc ->
let vars = VarSet.add var (SymExp.vars_set_of_opt sym_exp_opt) in
repack_with_vars vars acc )
let pack_subst_map x subst_map =
let add_subst var exp acc =
let pack_id = pack_id_of_var var x in
match PackMap.find pack_id acc with
| subst_map ->
PackMap.add pack_id (SubstMap.add var exp subst_map) acc
| exception Caml.Not_found ->
PackMap.add pack_id (SubstMap.singleton var exp) acc
SubstMap.fold subst_map ~init:PackMap.empty ~f:add_subst
let do_subst packed_subst_map pack_id v acc =
let subst_map =
Option.value (PackMap.find_opt pack_id packed_subst_map) ~default:SubstMap.empty
let v = Val.subst ~forget_free subst_map v in
if Val.is_bot v then raise BottomBySubst else PackMap.add pack_id v acc
let x = repack_for_subst subst_map x in
let packed_subst_map = pack_subst_map x subst_map in
match PackMap.fold (do_subst packed_subst_map) x.packs PackMap.empty with
| packs ->
NonBottom {x with packs}
| exception BottomBySubst ->
let meet_constraints constrs x =
let vars = Constraints.vars_set_of constrs in
if VarSet.is_empty vars then
if Val.is_unsat_constraints constrs Val.top then Bottom else NonBottom x
let x = repack_with_vars vars x in
let pack_id = pack_id_of_var (VarSet.choose vars) x in
let v = Val.meet_constraints constrs (val_of_pack_id pack_id x) in
if Val.is_bot v then Bottom else NonBottom {x with packs= PackMap.add pack_id v x.packs}
let store_relation locs (int_exp, offset_exp, size_exp) x =
let store_relation' varset_of_locs exp_opt val_store_relation x =
let vars_of_exp = VarSet.union (varset_of_locs locs) (SymExp.vars_set_of_opt exp_opt) in
let x = repack_with_vars vars_of_exp x in
let pack_id = pack_id_of_var (VarSet.choose vars_of_exp) x in
let v = val_store_relation locs exp_opt (val_of_pack_id pack_id x) in
if Val.is_bot v then Bottom else NonBottom {x with packs= PackMap.add pack_id v x.packs}
let ( ||> ) x f = match x with Bottom -> Bottom | NonBottom x -> f x in
if PowLoc.is_empty locs then NonBottom x
store_relation' VarSet.int_of_powloc int_exp Val.store_relation_int x
||> store_relation' VarSet.offset_of_powloc offset_exp Val.store_relation_offset
||> store_relation' VarSet.size_of_powloc size_exp Val.store_relation_size
let forget_var var x =
let forget_var_in pack_id =
let pack_ids = VarMap.remove var x.pack_ids in
let packs =
Option.value_map (val_of_pack_id_opt pack_id x) ~default:x.packs ~f:(fun v ->
PackMap.add pack_id (Val.forget_var var v) x.packs )
{pack_ids; packs}
Option.value_map (pack_id_of_var_opt var x) ~default:x ~f:forget_var_in
let forget_loc loc x = forget_var (Var.of_loc loc) x
let forget_locs locs x = PowLoc.fold forget_loc locs x
let forget_vars vars x = VarSet.fold forget_var vars x
let init_param loc x =
let param_var = Var.param_of_loc loc in
let var = Var.of_loc loc in
meet_constraints (Constraints.eq_of param_var var) x
let init_array allocsite ~offset ~size ~size_exp_opt x =
let offset_sym = Sym.of_allocsite_offset allocsite in
let size_sym = Sym.of_allocsite_size allocsite in
let offset_constrs = Constraints.itv_of offset_sym offset in
let size_constrs =
match size_exp_opt with
| None ->
Constraints.itv_of size_sym size
| Some size_exp -> (
match Constraints.eq_of_sym size_sym size_exp with
| None ->
Constraints.itv_of size_sym size
| Some constr ->
constr )
meet_constraints (Constraints.and_ offset_constrs size_constrs) x
let subst_param_caller subst_map caller =
let accum_rev_if_var k v acc =
Option.value_map (SymExp.to_var v) ~default:acc ~f:(fun k' ->
SubstMap.add k' (Some (SymExp.of_var (Var.temp_param_of k))) acc )
let accum_rev k v_opt acc =
Option.value_map v_opt ~default:acc ~f:(fun v -> accum_rev_if_var k v acc)
let rev_subst_map = SubstMap.fold subst_map ~init:SubstMap.empty ~f:accum_rev in
subst ~forget_free:false rev_subst_map caller
let subst_callee subst_map callee =
let accum_param_subst k v acc =
let v =
match v with
| Some v' when SymExp.is_var v' ->
Some (SymExp.of_var (Var.temp_param_of k))
| _ ->
SubstMap.add (Var.param_of k) v acc
let param_subst_map = SubstMap.fold subst_map ~init:SubstMap.empty ~f:accum_param_subst in
subst ~forget_free:true param_subst_map callee
let forget_temp_param subst_map x =
let temps =
SubstMap.fold subst_map ~init:VarSet.empty ~f:(fun k _ acc ->
VarSet.add (Var.temp_param_of k) acc )
forget_vars temps x
let instantiate ~caller ~callee subst_map =
match subst_param_caller subst_map caller with
| Bottom ->
| NonBottom caller -> (
match subst_callee subst_map callee with
| Bottom ->
| NonBottom callee -> (
match meet caller callee with
| Bottom ->
| NonBottom relation ->
NonBottom (forget_temp_param subst_map relation) ) )
include AbstractDomain.BottomLifted (PackedVal)
let compare_astate x y =
match (x, y) with
| Bottom, Bottom ->
| Bottom, _ ->
| _, Bottom ->
| NonBottom x', NonBottom y' ->
PackedVal.compare_astate x' y'
let empty : astate = NonBottom PackedVal.empty
let bot : astate = Bottom
let is_unsat : astate -> bool = function Bottom -> true | NonBottom _ -> false
let lift_default : default:'a -> (PackedVal.astate -> 'a) -> astate -> 'a =
fun ~default f -> function Bottom -> default | NonBottom x -> f x
let lift : (PackedVal.astate -> PackedVal.astate) -> astate -> astate =
fun f -> function Bottom -> Bottom | NonBottom x -> NonBottom (f x)
let lift2 : (PackedVal.astate -> PackedVal.astate -> astate) -> astate -> astate -> astate =
fun f x y ->
match (x, y) with Bottom, _ | _, Bottom -> Bottom | NonBottom x', NonBottom y' -> f x' y'
let lt_sat_opt : SymExp.t option -> SymExp.t option -> astate -> bool =
fun e1_opt e2_opt -> lift_default ~default:true (PackedVal.lt_sat_opt e1_opt e2_opt)
let le_sat_opt : SymExp.t option -> SymExp.t option -> astate -> bool =
fun e1_opt e2_opt -> lift_default ~default:true (PackedVal.le_sat_opt e1_opt e2_opt)
let meet_constraints : Constraints.t -> astate -> astate =
fun constrs -> lift_default ~default:Bottom (PackedVal.meet_constraints constrs)
let store_relation :
PowLoc.t -> SymExp.t option * SymExp.t option * SymExp.t option -> astate -> astate =
fun locs texpr_opts -> lift_default ~default:Bottom (PackedVal.store_relation locs texpr_opts)
let init_param : Loc.t -> astate -> astate =
fun loc -> lift_default ~default:Bottom (PackedVal.init_param loc)
let init_array :
Allocsite.t -> offset:Itv.t -> size:Itv.t -> size_exp_opt:SymExp.t option -> astate -> astate
fun allocsite ~offset ~size ~size_exp_opt ->
lift_default ~default:Bottom (PackedVal.init_array allocsite ~offset ~size ~size_exp_opt)
let forget_locs : PowLoc.t -> astate -> astate = fun locs -> lift (PackedVal.forget_locs locs)
let instantiate : caller:astate -> callee:astate -> SubstMap.t -> astate =
fun ~caller ~callee subst_map ->
lift2 (fun caller callee -> PackedVal.instantiate ~caller ~callee subst_map) caller callee
module ApronOctagonManager = struct
type domain_t = Oct.t
let alloc_man : unit -> domain_t Manager.t = Oct.manager_alloc
module ElinaPolyManager = struct
type domain_t = Elina_poly.loose Elina_poly.t
let alloc_man : unit -> domain_t Manager.t = Elina_poly.manager_alloc_loose
include ( val match Config.bo_relational_domain with
| None ->
(module NoRelation : S)
| Some `Bo_relational_domain_oct ->
(module Make (ApronOctagonManager) : S)
| Some `Bo_relational_domain_poly ->
(module Make (ElinaPolyManager) : S) )
(* NOTE: Globally only one manager (of a relational domain depends on
Apron) can set deserialization functions. *)
let () = set_deserialize ()