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* Copyright (c) 2018 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module MF = MarkupFormatter
let debug fmt = F.kasprintf L.d_strln fmt
module Summary = Summary.Make (struct
type payload = StarvationDomain.summary
let update_payload post (summary: Specs.summary) =
{summary with payload= {summary.payload with starvation= Some post}}
let read_payload (summary: Specs.summary) = summary.payload.starvation
module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
module CFG = CFG
module Domain = StarvationDomain
type extras = ProcData.no_extras
let exec_instr (astate: Domain.astate) {ProcData.pdesc} _ (instr: HilInstr.t) =
let open RacerDConfig in
let get_path actuals =
List.hd actuals |> Option.value_map ~default:[] ~f:HilExp.get_access_exprs |> List.hd
|> ~f:AccessExpression.to_access_path
match instr with
| Call (_, Direct callee_pname, actuals, _, loc) -> (
match Models.get_lock callee_pname actuals with
| Lock ->
get_path actuals
|> Option.value_map ~default:astate ~f:(fun path -> Domain.acquire path astate loc)
| Unlock ->
get_path actuals
|> Option.value_map ~default:astate ~f:(fun path -> Domain.release path astate)
| LockedIfTrue ->
| NoEffect ->
Summary.read_summary pdesc callee_pname
|> Option.value_map ~default:astate ~f:(fun callee_summary ->
Domain.integrate_summary ~caller_state:astate ~callee_summary callee_pname loc ) )
| _ ->
module Analyzer = LowerHil.MakeAbstractInterpreter (ProcCfg.Normal) (TransferFunctions)
(* To allow on-demand reporting for deadlocks, we look for order pairs of the form (A,B)
where A belongs to the current class and B is potentially another class. To avoid
quadratic/double reporting (ie when we actually analyse B), we allow the check
only if the current class is ordered greater or equal to the callee class. *)
let should_skip_during_deadlock_reporting _ _ = false
(* currently short-circuited until non-determinism in reporting is dealt with *)
(* current_class eventually_class < 0 *)
let get_class_of_pname = function
| Typ.Procname.Java java_pname ->
Some (Typ.Procname.Java.get_class_type_name java_pname)
| _ ->
(* let false_if_none a ~f = Option.value_map a ~default:false ~f *)
(* if same class, report only if the locks order in one of the possible ways *)
let should_report_if_same_class _ = true
(* currently short-circuited until non-determinism in reporting is dealt with *)
(* StarvationDomain.(
LockOrder.get_pair caller_elem
|> false_if_none ~f:(fun (b, a) ->
let b_class_opt, a_class_opt = (LockEvent.owner_class b, LockEvent.owner_class a) in
false_if_none b_class_opt ~f:(fun first_class ->
false_if_none a_class_opt ~f:(fun eventually_class ->
not (Typ.Name.equal first_class eventually_class) || b a >= 0
) ) )) *)
let make_loc_trace pname trace_id start_loc elem =
let open StarvationDomain in
let header = Printf.sprintf "[Trace %d]" trace_id in
let trace = LockOrder.make_loc_trace elem in
let first_step = List.hd_exn trace in
if Location.equal first_step.Errlog.lt_loc start_loc then
let trace_descr = header ^ " " ^ first_step.Errlog.lt_description in
Errlog.make_trace_element 0 start_loc trace_descr [] :: List.tl_exn trace
let trace_descr = Format.asprintf "%s Method start: %a" header Typ.Procname.pp pname in
Errlog.make_trace_element 0 start_loc trace_descr [] :: trace
let get_summary caller_pdesc callee_pdesc =
Summary.read_summary caller_pdesc (Procdesc.get_proc_name callee_pdesc)
|> ~f:(fun summary -> (callee_pdesc, summary))
let report_deadlocks get_proc_desc tenv pdesc summary =
let open StarvationDomain in
let process_callee_elem caller_pdesc caller_elem callee_pdesc elem =
if LockOrder.may_deadlock caller_elem elem && should_report_if_same_class caller_elem then (
debug "Possible deadlock:@.%a@.%a@." LockOrder.pp caller_elem LockOrder.pp elem ;
let caller_loc = Procdesc.get_loc caller_pdesc in
let callee_loc = Procdesc.get_loc callee_pdesc in
let caller_pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name caller_pdesc in
let callee_pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name callee_pdesc in
let lock, lock' =
(caller_elem.LockOrder.eventually.LockEvent.lock, elem.LockOrder.eventually.LockEvent.lock)
let error_message =
Format.asprintf "Potential deadlock (%a ; %a)" LockIdentity.pp lock LockIdentity.pp lock'
let exn = Exceptions.Checkers (IssueType.starvation, Localise.verbatim_desc error_message) in
let first_trace = List.rev (make_loc_trace caller_pname 1 caller_loc caller_elem) in
let second_trace = make_loc_trace callee_pname 2 callee_loc elem in
let ltr = List.rev_append first_trace second_trace in
Specs.get_summary caller_pname
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun summary -> Reporting.log_error summary ~loc:caller_loc ~ltr exn) )
let report_pair current_class elem =
LockOrder.get_pair elem
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun (_, eventually) ->
LockEvent.owner_class eventually
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun eventually_class ->
if should_skip_during_deadlock_reporting current_class eventually_class then ()
(* get the class of the root variable of the lock in the endpoint event
and retrieve all the summaries of the methods of that class *)
let class_of_eventual_lock =
LockEvent.owner_class eventually |> Option.bind ~f:(Tenv.lookup tenv)
let methods =
Option.value_map class_of_eventual_lock ~default:[] ~f:(fun tstruct ->
tstruct.Typ.Struct.methods )
let proc_descs = List.rev_filter_map methods ~f:get_proc_desc in
let summaries = List.rev_filter_map proc_descs ~f:(get_summary pdesc) in
(* for each summary related to the endpoint, analyse and report on its pairs *)
List.iter summaries ~f:(fun (callee_pdesc, summary) ->
LockOrderDomain.iter (process_callee_elem pdesc elem callee_pdesc) summary
) ) )
Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc |> get_class_of_pname
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun curr_class -> LockOrderDomain.iter (report_pair curr_class) summary)
let analyze_procedure {Callbacks.proc_desc; get_proc_desc; tenv; summary} =
let proc_data = ProcData.make_default proc_desc tenv in
let initial =
if not (Procdesc.is_java_synchronized proc_desc) then StarvationDomain.empty
let attrs = Procdesc.get_attributes proc_desc in
List.hd attrs.ProcAttributes.formals
|> Option.value_map ~default:StarvationDomain.empty ~f:(fun (name, typ) ->
let pvar = name (Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc) in
let path = (AccessPath.base_of_pvar pvar typ, []) in
StarvationDomain.acquire path StarvationDomain.empty (Procdesc.get_loc proc_desc) )
match Analyzer.compute_post proc_data ~initial with
| None ->
| Some lock_state ->
let lock_order = StarvationDomain.to_summary lock_state in
let updated_summary = Summary.update_summary lock_order summary in
Option.iter updated_summary.Specs.payload.starvation
~f:(report_deadlocks get_proc_desc tenv proc_desc) ;