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123 lines
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123 lines
4.6 KiB
4 years ago
* Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open Utils
open Clang_ast_t
open Clang_ast_proj
let source_location ?file ?line ?column () = {sl_file= file; sl_line= line; sl_column= column}
let empty_source_location = source_location ()
let decl_info start stop =
{ di_pointer= 0
; di_parent_pointer= None
; di_source_range= (start, stop)
; di_owning_module= None
; di_is_hidden= false
; di_is_implicit= false
; di_is_used= false
; di_is_this_declaration_referenced= false
; di_is_invalid_decl= false
; di_attributes= []
; di_full_comment= None
; di_access= `None }
let name_info name = {ni_name= name; ni_qual_name= [name]}
let append_name_info info suffix =
{ni_name= info.ni_name ^ suffix; ni_qual_name= (fun x -> x ^ suffix) info.ni_qual_name}
let qual_type ptr =
{ qt_type_ptr= ptr
; qt_is_const= false
; qt_is_restrict= false
; qt_is_volatile= false }
let var_decl_info ~is_global =
{ vdi_is_global= is_global
; vdi_is_extern= false
; vdi_is_static_local= false
; vdi_is_static_data_member= false
; vdi_is_const_expr= false
; vdi_is_init_ice= false
; vdi_is_init_expr_cxx11_constant= false
; vdi_init_expr= None
; vdi_parm_index_in_function= None
; vdi_is_static = false}
let stmt_info pointer =
{ si_pointer= pointer
; si_source_range= (empty_source_location, empty_source_location) }
let expr_info qual_type =
{ ei_qual_type= qual_type
; ei_value_kind= `RValue
; ei_object_kind= `Ordinary }
let cxx_construct_expr_info decl_ref is_copy_constructor =
{ xcei_decl_ref= decl_ref
; xcei_is_elidable= false
; xcei_requires_zero_initialization= false
; xcei_is_copy_constructor= is_copy_constructor }
let () =
let di = decl_info empty_source_location empty_source_location in
let decl = LabelDecl (di, name_info "foo") in
assert_equal "get_decl_kind_string" (get_decl_kind_string decl) "LabelDecl" ;
assert_equal "get_decl_tuple" (get_decl_tuple decl) di ;
assert_equal "get_decl_context_tuple" (get_decl_context_tuple decl) None ;
assert_equal "get_named_decl_tuple" (get_named_decl_tuple decl) (Some (di, name_info "foo")) ;
assert_equal "get_type_decl_tuple" (get_type_decl_tuple decl) None ;
assert_equal "get_tag_decl_tuple" (get_tag_decl_tuple decl) None ;
assert_equal "is_valid_astnode_kind" (is_valid_astnode_kind (get_decl_kind_string decl)) true ;
assert_equal "is_valid_astnode_kind" (is_valid_astnode_kind "AFakeNodeThatDoesNotExist") false ;
let decl2 = update_named_decl_tuple (fun (di, info) -> (di, append_name_info info "bar")) decl in
assert_equal "update_named_decl_tuple" (get_named_decl_tuple decl2)
(Some (di, name_info "foobar")) ;
let di2 = decl_info (source_location ~file:"bla" ()) (source_location ~file:"bleh" ()) in
let decl3 = update_decl_tuple (fun _ -> di2) decl in
assert_equal "update_decl_tuple" (get_decl_tuple decl3) di2 ;
assert_equal "get_var_decl_tuple_none" (get_var_decl_tuple decl) None ;
let vdi = var_decl_info ~is_global:true in
let qt = qual_type (Clang_ast_types.TypePtr.wrap 0) in
let var_decl = ParmVarDecl(di, name_info "fooey", qt, vdi) in
assert_equal "get_var_decl_tuple" (get_var_decl_tuple var_decl)
(Some (di, name_info "fooey", qt, vdi)) ;
let updated_var_decl = update_var_decl_tuple
(fun (di, ni, qt, vdi) ->
(di, append_name_info ni "-mod", qt, var_decl_info ~is_global:false))
var_decl in
assert_equal "update_var_decl_tuple" (get_var_decl_tuple updated_var_decl)
(Some (di, name_info "fooey-mod", qt, var_decl_info ~is_global:false)) ;
let stmt = DoStmt(stmt_info 0, []) in
assert_equal "get_cxx_construct_expr_tuple_from_stmt"
(get_cxx_construct_expr_tuple stmt) None ;
let ei = expr_info qt in
let dr = { dr_kind= `CXXConstructor
; dr_decl_pointer= 0
; dr_name= None
; dr_is_hidden= false
; dr_qual_type= None } in
let xcei = cxx_construct_expr_info dr true in
let xcei2 = cxx_construct_expr_info dr false in
let cxx_ctor_expr = CXXConstructExpr(stmt_info 1, [], ei, xcei) in
assert_equal "get_cxx_construct_expr_tuple"
(get_cxx_construct_expr_tuple cxx_ctor_expr)
(Some (stmt_info 1, [], ei, xcei)) ;
let updated_cxx_ctor_expr = update_cxx_construct_expr_tuple
(fun (si, sl, ei, xcei) ->
(stmt_info (si.si_pointer + 1)), sl, ei, xcei2)
cxx_ctor_expr in
assert_equal "update_cxx_construct_expr_tuple"
(get_cxx_construct_expr_tuple updated_cxx_ctor_expr)
(Some (stmt_info 2, [], ei, xcei2)) ;