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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
open PulseBasicInterface
module L = Logging
type value = AbstractValue.t [@@deriving compare]
type event =
| ArrayWrite of {aw_array: value; aw_index: value}
| Call of {return: value option; arguments: value list; procname: Procname.t}
[@@deriving compare]
let pp_comma_seq f xs = Pp.comma_seq ~print_env:Pp.text_break f xs
let pp_event f = function
| ArrayWrite {aw_array; aw_index} ->
Format.fprintf f "@[ArrayWrite %a[%a]@]" AbstractValue.pp aw_array AbstractValue.pp aw_index
| Call {return; arguments; procname} ->
let procname = Procname.hashable_name procname (* as in [static_match] *) in
Format.fprintf f "@[call@ %a=%s(%a)@]" (Pp.option AbstractValue.pp) return procname
(pp_comma_seq AbstractValue.pp) arguments
type vertex = ToplAutomaton.vindex [@@deriving compare]
type register = ToplAst.register_name [@@deriving compare]
(* TODO(rgrigore): Change the memory assoc list to a Map. *)
type configuration = {vertex: vertex; memory: (register * value) list} [@@deriving compare]
type predicate = Binop.t * PathCondition.operand * PathCondition.operand [@@deriving compare]
type step =
{ step_location: Location.t
; step_predecessor: simple_state (** state before this step *)
; step_data: step_data }
and step_data = SmallStep of event | LargeStep of (Procname.t * (* post *) simple_state)
and simple_state =
{ pre: configuration (** at the start of the procedure *)
; post: configuration (** at the current program point *)
; pruned: predicate list (** path-condition for the automaton *)
; last_step: step option [@compare.ignore] (** for trace error reporting *) }
[@@deriving compare]
(* TODO: include a hash of the automaton in a summary to avoid caching problems. *)
(* TODO: limit the number of simple_states to some configurable number (default ~5) *)
type state = simple_state list
let pp_predicate f (op, l, r) =
Format.fprintf f "@[%a%a%a@]" PathCondition.pp_operand l Binop.pp op PathCondition.pp_operand r
let pp_mapping f (x, value) = Format.fprintf f "@[%s↦%a@]@," x AbstractValue.pp value
let pp_memory f memory = Format.fprintf f "@[<2>[%a]@]" (pp_comma_seq pp_mapping) memory
let pp_configuration f {vertex; memory} =
Format.fprintf f "@[{ topl-config@;vertex=%d@;memory=%a }@]" vertex pp_memory memory
let pp_simple_state f {pre; post; pruned} =
Format.fprintf f "@[<2>{ topl-simple-state@;pre=%a@;post=%a@;pruned=(%a) }@]" pp_configuration pre
pp_configuration post (Pp.seq ~sep:"" pp_predicate) pruned
let pp_state f = Format.fprintf f "@[<2>[ %a ]@]" (pp_comma_seq pp_simple_state)
let start () =
let mk_simple_states () =
let a = Topl.automaton () in
let memory = ~f:(fun r -> (r, AbstractValue.mk_fresh ())) (ToplAutomaton.registers a)
let configurations =
let n = ToplAutomaton.vcount a in
let f acc vertex = {vertex; memory} :: acc in
IContainer.forto n ~init:[] ~f
in ~f:(fun c -> {pre= c; post= c; pruned= []; last_step= None}) configurations
if Topl.is_deep_active () then mk_simple_states () else (* Avoids work later *) []
let get env x =
match List.Assoc.find env ~equal:String.equal x with
| Some v ->
| None ->
L.die InternalError "TOPL: Cannot find %s. Should be caught by static checks" x
let set = List.Assoc.add ~equal:String.equal
let is_trivially_true (predicate : predicate) =
match predicate with
| Eq, AbstractValueOperand l, AbstractValueOperand r when AbstractValue.equal l r ->
| _ ->
let eval_guard memory tcontext guard =
let operand_of_value (value : ToplAst.value) : PathCondition.operand =
match value with
| Constant (LiteralInt x) ->
LiteralOperand (IntLit.of_int x)
| Register reg ->
AbstractValueOperand (get memory reg)
| Binding v ->
AbstractValueOperand (get tcontext v)
let add predicate pruned = if is_trivially_true predicate then pruned else predicate :: pruned in
let conjoin_predicate pruned (predicate : ToplAst.predicate) =
match predicate with
| Binop (binop, l, r) ->
let l = operand_of_value l in
let r = operand_of_value r in
let binop = ToplUtils.binop_to binop in
add (binop, l, r) pruned
| Value v ->
let v = operand_of_value v in
let one = PathCondition.LiteralOperand in
add (Binop.Ne, v, one) pruned
List.fold ~init:[] ~f:conjoin_predicate guard
let apply_action tcontext assignments memory =
let apply_one memory (register, variable) = set memory register (get tcontext variable) in
List.fold ~init:memory ~f:apply_one assignments
type tcontext = (ToplAst.variable_name * AbstractValue.t) list
let pp_tcontext f tcontext =
Format.fprintf f "@[[%a]@]" (pp_comma_seq (Pp.pair ~fst:String.pp ~snd:AbstractValue.pp)) tcontext
let static_match_array_write arr index label : tcontext option =
match label.ToplAst.pattern with
| ArrayWritePattern ->
let v1, v2 =
match label.ToplAst.arguments with
| Some [v1; v2] ->
(v1, v2)
| _ ->
L.die InternalError "Topl: #ArrayWrite should have exactly two arguments"
Some [(v1, arr); (v2, index)]
| _ ->
let static_match_call return arguments procname label : tcontext option =
let rev_arguments = List.rev arguments in
let procname = Procname.hashable_name procname in
let match_name () : bool =
match label.ToplAst.pattern with
| ProcedureNamePattern pname ->
Str.string_match (Str.regexp pname) procname 0
| _ ->
let match_args () : tcontext option =
let match_formals formals : tcontext option =
let bind ~init rev_formals =
let f tcontext variable value = (variable, value) :: tcontext in
match List.fold2 ~init ~f rev_formals rev_arguments with
| Ok c ->
Some c
| Unequal_lengths ->
match (List.rev formals, return) with
| [], Some _ ->
| rev_formals, None ->
bind ~init:[] rev_formals
| r :: rev_formals, Some v ->
bind ~init:[(r, v)] rev_formals
Option.value_map ~default:(Some []) ~f:match_formals label.ToplAst.arguments
if match_name () then match_args () else None
(** Returns a list of transitions whose pattern matches (e.g., event type matches). Each match
produces a tcontext (transition context), which matches transition-local variables to abstract
values. *)
let static_match event : (ToplAutomaton.transition * tcontext) list =
let match_one transition =
let f label =
match event with
| ArrayWrite {aw_array; aw_index} ->
static_match_array_write aw_array aw_index label
| Call {return; arguments; procname} ->
static_match_call return arguments procname label
let tcontext_opt = Option.value_map ~default:(Some []) ~f transition.ToplAutomaton.label in
L.d_printfln "@[<2>PulseTopl.static_match:@;transition %a@;event %a@;result %a@]"
ToplAutomaton.pp_transition transition pp_event event (Pp.option pp_tcontext) tcontext_opt ; ~f:(fun tcontext -> (transition, tcontext)) tcontext_opt
ToplAutomaton.tfilter_map (Topl.automaton ()) ~f:match_one
let conjoin_pruned path_condition pruned =
let f path_condition (op, l, r) =
let path_condition, _new_eqs = PathCondition.prune_binop ~negated:false op l r path_condition in
List.fold ~init:path_condition ~f pruned
let is_unsat path_condition pruned =
PathCondition.is_unsat_cheap (conjoin_pruned path_condition pruned)
let negate_predicate =
| Eq, l, r ->
(Ne, l, r)
| Ne, l, r ->
(Eq, l, r)
| Ge, l, r ->
(Lt, r, l)
| Gt, l, r ->
(Le, r, l)
| Le, l, r ->
(Gt, r, l)
| Lt, l, r ->
(Ge, r, l)
| _ ->
L.die InternalError
"PulseTopl.negate_predicate should handle all outputs of ToplUtils.binop_to")
let skip_pruned_of_nonskip_pruned nonskip_list =
IList.product ( ~f:( ~f:negate_predicate) nonskip_list)
let drop_infeasible path_condition state =
let f {pruned} = not (is_unsat path_condition pruned) in
List.filter ~f state
let small_step loc path_condition event simple_states =
let tmatches = static_match event in
let evolve_transition (old : simple_state) (transition, tcontext) : state =
let mk ?(memory = ?(pruned = []) significant =
let last_step =
if significant then
Some {step_location= loc; step_predecessor= old; step_data= SmallStep event}
else old.last_step
(* NOTE: old pruned is discarded, because evolve_simple_state needs to see only new prunes
to determine skip transitions. It will then add back old prunes. *)
let post = {vertex=; memory} in
{old with post; pruned; last_step}
match transition.ToplAutomaton.label with
| None ->
(* "any" transition *)
let is_loop = Int.equal transition.ToplAutomaton.source in
[mk (not is_loop)]
| Some label ->
let memory = in
let pruned = eval_guard memory tcontext label.ToplAst.condition in
let memory = apply_action tcontext label.ToplAst.action memory in
[mk ~memory ~pruned true]
let evolve_simple_state old =
let path_condition = conjoin_pruned path_condition old.pruned in
let tmatches =
List.filter ~f:(fun (t, _) -> Int.equal t.ToplAutomaton.source) tmatches
let nonskip =
drop_infeasible path_condition (List.concat_map ~f:(evolve_transition old) tmatches)
let skip =
let nonskip_pruned_list = ~f:(fun {pruned} -> pruned) nonskip in
let skip_pruned_list = skip_pruned_of_nonskip_pruned nonskip_pruned_list in
let f pruned = {old with pruned} (* keeps last_step from old *) in
drop_infeasible path_condition ( ~f skip_pruned_list)
let add_old_pruned s = {s with pruned= List.rev_append s.pruned old.pruned} in ~f:add_old_pruned (List.rev_append nonskip skip)
let result = List.concat_map ~f:evolve_simple_state simple_states in
L.d_printfln "@[<2>PulseTopl.small_step:@;%a@ -> %a@]" pp_state simple_states pp_state result ;
let sub_value (sub, value) =
match AbstractValue.Map.find_opt value sub with
| Some (v, _history) ->
(sub, v)
| None ->
let v = AbstractValue.mk_fresh () in
let sub = AbstractValue.Map.add value (v, []) sub in
(sub, v)
let sub_list sub_elem (sub, xs) =
let f (sub, xs) x =
let sub, x = sub_elem (sub, x) in
(sub, x :: xs)
let sub, xs = List.fold ~init:(sub, []) ~f xs in
(sub, List.rev xs)
let of_unequal =
| Ok x ->
| Unequal_lengths ->
L.die InternalError "PulseTopl expected lists to be of equal lengths")
let sub_configuration (sub, {vertex; memory}) =
let keys, values = List.unzip memory in
let sub, values = sub_list sub_value (sub, values) in
let memory = of_unequal ( keys values) in
(sub, {vertex; memory})
let sub_predicate (sub, predicate) =
let avo x : PathCondition.operand = AbstractValueOperand x in
match (predicate : predicate) with
| op, AbstractValueOperand l, AbstractValueOperand r ->
let sub, l = sub_value (sub, l) in
let sub, r = sub_value (sub, r) in
(sub, (op, avo l, avo r))
| op, AbstractValueOperand l, r ->
let sub, l = sub_value (sub, l) in
(sub, (op, avo l, r))
| op, l, AbstractValueOperand r ->
let sub, r = sub_value (sub, r) in
(sub, (op, l, avo r))
| _ ->
(sub, predicate)
let sub_pruned = sub_list sub_predicate
(* Does not substitute in [last_step]: not usually needed, and takes much time. *)
let sub_simple_state (sub, {pre; post; pruned; last_step}) =
let sub, pre = sub_configuration (sub, pre) in
let sub, post = sub_configuration (sub, post) in
let sub, pruned = sub_pruned (sub, pruned) in
(sub, {pre; post; pruned; last_step})
let sub_state = sub_list sub_simple_state
let large_step ~call_location ~callee_proc_name ~substitution ~condition ~callee_prepost state =
let seq ((p : simple_state), (q : simple_state)) =
if not (Int.equal q.pre.vertex) then None
let add_eq eqs (register, value_a) =
let value_b =
match List.Assoc.find ~equal:String.equal q.pre.memory register with
| Some x ->
| None ->
L.die InternalError "PulseTopl expects all registers in memory"
let op x = PathCondition.AbstractValueOperand x in
(Binop.Eq, op value_a, op value_b) :: eqs
let pruned = List.fold ~init:(p.pruned @ q.pruned) ~f:add_eq in
let last_step =
{ step_location= call_location
; step_predecessor= p
; step_data= LargeStep (callee_proc_name, q) }
Some {pre= p.pre; post=; pruned; last_step}
let _updated_substitution, callee_prepost = sub_state (substitution, callee_prepost) in
(* TODO(rgrigore): may be worth optimizing the cartesian_product *)
let new_state = List.filter_map ~f:seq (List.cartesian_product state callee_prepost) in
let result = drop_infeasible condition new_state in
L.d_printfln "@[<2>PulseTopl.large_step:@;callee_prepost=%a@;%a@ -> %a@]" pp_state callee_prepost
pp_state state pp_state result ;
let filter_for_summary path_condition state =
List.filter ~f:(fun x -> not (is_unsat path_condition x.pruned)) state
let simplify ~keep state =
let simplify_simple_state {pre; post; pruned; last_step} =
(* NOTE(rgrigore): registers could be considered live for the program path_condition as well.
That should improve precision, but I'm wary of altering what the Pulse program state is just
because Topl is enabled. *)
let collect memory keep =
List.fold ~init:keep ~f:(fun keep (_reg, value) -> AbstractValue.Set.add value keep) memory
let keep = keep |> collect pre.memory |> collect post.memory in
let is_live_operand =
function LiteralOperand _ -> true | AbstractValueOperand v -> AbstractValue.Set.mem v keep)
let is_live_predicate (_op, l, r) = is_live_operand l && is_live_operand r in
let pruned = List.filter ~f:is_live_predicate pruned in
{pre; post; pruned; last_step}
let state = ~f:simplify_simple_state state in
List.dedup_and_sort ~compare:compare_simple_state state
let description_of_step_data step_data =
( match step_data with
| SmallStep (Call {procname}) | LargeStep (procname, _) ->
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@[call to %a@]" Procname.pp procname
| SmallStep (ArrayWrite _) ->
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@[write to array@]" ) ;
Format.flush_str_formatter ()
let report_errors proc_desc err_log state =
let a = Topl.automaton () in
let rec make_trace nesting trace q =
match q.last_step with
| None ->
| Some {step_location; step_predecessor; step_data} ->
let description = description_of_step_data step_data in
let trace =
let trace_element = Errlog.make_trace_element nesting step_location description [] in
match step_data with
| SmallStep _ ->
trace_element :: trace
| LargeStep (_, {last_step= None}) ->
trace (* skip trivial large steps (i.e., those with no steps) *)
| LargeStep (_, qq) ->
trace_element :: make_trace (nesting + 1) trace qq
make_trace nesting trace step_predecessor
let rec first_error_ss q =
match q.last_step with
| Some {step_predecessor} ->
if not (ToplAutomaton.is_error a then q
else first_error_ss step_predecessor
| None ->
L.die InternalError "PulseTopl.report_errors inv broken"
let is_nested_large_step q =
match q.last_step with
| Some {step_data= LargeStep (_, prepost)}
when ToplAutomaton.is_start a prepost.pre.vertex
&& ToplAutomaton.is_error a ->
| _ ->
let report_simple_state q =
if ToplAutomaton.is_start a q.pre.vertex && ToplAutomaton.is_error a then
let q = first_error_ss q in
(* Only report at the innermost level where error appears. *)
if not (is_nested_large_step q) then
let loc = Procdesc.get_loc proc_desc in
let ltr = make_trace 0 [] q in
let message = Format.asprintf "%a" ToplAutomaton.pp_message_of_state (a, in
Reporting.log_issue proc_desc err_log ~loc ~ltr ToplOnPulse IssueType.topl_pulse_error
List.iter ~f:report_simple_state state