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* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open !Utils
module F = Format
(* string set domain we use to ensure we're getting the expected traces *)
module MockTraceDomain =
include String
let pp_element fmt s = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" s
module Domain = AccessTree.Make (MockTraceDomain)
let make_base base_str = (Mangled.from_string base_str) Procname.empty_block, Typ.Tvoid
let make_field_access access_str =
AccessPath.FieldAccess (Ident.create_fieldname (Mangled.from_string access_str) 0, Typ.Tvoid)
let make_access_path base_str accesses =
let rec make_accesses accesses_acc = function
| [] -> accesses_acc
| access_str :: l -> make_accesses ((make_field_access access_str) :: accesses_acc) l in
let accesses = make_accesses [] accesses in
make_base base_str, IList.rev accesses
let tests =
let x_base = make_base "x" in
let y_base = make_base "y" in
let z_base = make_base "z" in
let f = make_field_access "f" in
let g = make_field_access "g" in
let xF = AccessPath.Exact (make_access_path "x" ["f"]) in
let xG = AccessPath.Exact (make_access_path "x" ["g"]) in
let xFG = AccessPath.Exact (make_access_path "x" ["f"; "g"]) in
let yF = AccessPath.Exact (make_access_path "y" ["f"]) in
let yG = AccessPath.Exact (make_access_path "y" ["g"]) in
let yFG = AccessPath.Exact (make_access_path "y" ["f"; "g"]) in
let z = AccessPath.Exact (make_access_path "z" []) in
let zF = AccessPath.Exact (make_access_path "z" ["f"]) in
let zFG = AccessPath.Exact (make_access_path "z" ["f"; "g"]) in
let a_star = AccessPath.Abstracted (make_access_path "a" []) in
let x_star = AccessPath.Abstracted (make_access_path "x" []) in
let xF_star = AccessPath.Abstracted (make_access_path "x" ["f"]) in
let xG_star = AccessPath.Abstracted (make_access_path "x" ["g"]) in
let y_star = AccessPath.Abstracted (make_access_path "y" []) in
let yF_star = AccessPath.Abstracted (make_access_path "y" ["f"]) in
let z_star = AccessPath.Abstracted (make_access_path "z" []) in
let x_trace = MockTraceDomain.singleton "x" in
let y_trace = MockTraceDomain.singleton "y" in
let z_trace = MockTraceDomain.singleton "z" in
let xF_trace = MockTraceDomain.singleton "xF" in
let yF_trace = MockTraceDomain.singleton "yF" in
let xFG_trace = MockTraceDomain.singleton "xFG" in
let x_tree =
let g_subtree = Domain.make_access_node xF_trace g xFG_trace in
Domain.AccessMap.singleton f g_subtree
|> Domain.make_node x_trace in
let y_tree =
let yF_subtree = Domain.make_starred_leaf yF_trace in
Domain.AccessMap.singleton f yF_subtree
|> Domain.make_node y_trace in
let z_tree = Domain.make_starred_leaf z_trace in
let tree =
Domain.BaseMap.singleton x_base x_tree
|> Domain.BaseMap.add y_base y_tree
|> Domain.BaseMap.add z_base z_tree in
(* [tree] is:
x |-> ("x",
f |-> ("Xf",
g |-> ("xFG", {})))
y |-> ("y",
f |-> ("yF", * ))
z |-> ("z", * )
let open OUnit2 in
let no_trace = "NONE" in
let get_trace_str access_path tree =
match Domain.get_trace access_path tree with
| Some trace -> pp_to_string MockTraceDomain.pp trace
| None -> no_trace in
let assert_traces_eq access_path tree expected_trace_str =
let actual_trace_str = get_trace_str access_path tree in
let pp_diff fmt (actual, expected) =
F.fprintf fmt "Expected to retrieve trace %s but got %s" expected actual in
assert_equal ~pp_diff actual_trace_str expected_trace_str in
let assert_trace_not_found access_path tree =
assert_traces_eq access_path tree no_trace in
let get_trace_test =
let get_trace_test_ _ =
(* exact access path tests *)
assert_traces_eq z tree "{ z }";
assert_traces_eq xF tree "{ xF }";
assert_traces_eq yF tree "{ yF }";
assert_traces_eq xFG tree "{ xFG }";
assert_trace_not_found xG tree;
(* starred access path tests *)
assert_traces_eq x_star tree "{ x, xF, xFG }";
assert_traces_eq xF_star tree "{ xF, xFG }";
assert_trace_not_found xG_star tree;
assert_trace_not_found a_star tree;
(* starred tree tests *)
assert_traces_eq zF tree "{ z }";
assert_traces_eq zFG tree "{ z }";
assert_traces_eq z_star tree "{ z }";
assert_traces_eq y_star tree "{ y, yF }";
assert_traces_eq yF_star tree "{ yF }";
assert_traces_eq yFG tree "{ yF }";
assert_trace_not_found yG tree in
"get_trace">::get_trace_test_ in
let lteq_test =
let lteq_test_ _ =
let x_base_tree = Domain.BaseMap.singleton x_base Domain.empty_node in
let y_base_tree = Domain.BaseMap.singleton y_base Domain.empty_node in
let x_y_base_tree = Domain.BaseMap.add y_base Domain.empty_node x_base_tree in
let xFG_tree = Domain.BaseMap.singleton x_base x_tree in
let x_star_tree = Domain.BaseMap.singleton x_base (Domain.make_starred_leaf x_trace) in
let yF_star_tree = Domain.BaseMap.singleton y_base y_tree in
(* regular tree tests *)
assert_bool "<= equal;" (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:tree ~rhs:tree);
assert_bool "<= bases" (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:x_base_tree ~rhs:x_y_base_tree);
assert_bool "<= regular1" (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:x_base_tree ~rhs:xFG_tree);
assert_bool "<= regular2" (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:xFG_tree ~rhs:tree);
assert_bool "<= regular3" (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:y_base_tree ~rhs:tree);
assert_bool "<= bases negative1" (not (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:x_y_base_tree ~rhs:x_base_tree));
assert_bool "<= bases negative2" (not (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:x_base_tree ~rhs:y_base_tree));
assert_bool "<= negative1" (not (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:xFG_tree ~rhs:y_base_tree));
assert_bool "<= negative2" (not (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:tree ~rhs:xFG_tree));
(* star tree tests *)
assert_bool "<= star lhs equal" (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:x_star_tree ~rhs:x_star_tree);
assert_bool "<= star rhs1" (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:x_base_tree ~rhs:x_star_tree);
assert_bool "<= star rhs2" (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:xFG_tree ~rhs:x_star_tree);
assert_bool "<= star rhs3" (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:y_base_tree ~rhs:yF_star_tree);
assert_bool "<= star rhs4" (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:yF_star_tree ~rhs:tree);
assert_bool "<= star lhs negative1" (not (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:x_star_tree ~rhs:x_base_tree));
assert_bool "<= star lhs negative2" (not (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:x_star_tree ~rhs:xFG_tree));
assert_bool "<= star lhs negative3" (not (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:yF_star_tree ~rhs:y_base_tree));
assert_bool "<= star lhs negative4" (not (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:tree ~rhs:yF_star_tree));
(* <= tree but not <= trace tests *)
(* same as x_base_tree, but with a trace higher in the traces lattice *)
let x_base_tree_higher_trace =
Domain.BaseMap.singleton x_base (Domain.make_normal_leaf y_trace) in
(* same as x_star_tree, but with a trace incomparable in the traces lattice *)
let x_star_tree_diff_trace =
Domain.BaseMap.singleton x_base (Domain.make_starred_leaf y_trace) in
"(x, {}) <= (x, {y})"
(Domain.(<=) ~lhs:x_base_tree ~rhs:x_base_tree_higher_trace);
"(x, {y}) not <= (x, {})"
(not (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:x_base_tree_higher_trace ~rhs:x_base_tree));
"(x*, {y})* not <= (x*, {x})"
(not (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:x_star_tree_diff_trace ~rhs:x_star_tree));
"(x*, {x})* not <= (x*, {y})"
(not (Domain.(<=) ~lhs:x_star_tree ~rhs:x_star_tree_diff_trace)) in
"lteq">::lteq_test_ in
"access_tree_suite">:::[get_trace_test; lteq_test]