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11 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#pragma once
#include <infer_model/common.h>
// There is specialization of unique_ptr below and it's mosly copy paste.
// When changing model, remember to change it for specialization as well!
template <class _Tp, class _Dp = default_delete<_Tp>>
struct unique_ptr {
// use SFINAE to determine whether _Del::pointer exists
class _Pointer {
template <typename _Up>
static typename _Up::pointer __test(typename _Up::pointer*);
template <typename _Up>
static _Tp* __test(...);
typedef typename remove_reference<_Dp>::type _Del;
typedef decltype(__test<_Del>(0)) type;
typedef typename _Pointer::type pointer;
typedef _Tp element_type;
typedef _Dp deleter_type;
pointer data;
template <class Y>
unique_ptr(const std__unique_ptr<Y>& u) {}
constexpr unique_ptr() noexcept : data(nullptr) {}
constexpr unique_ptr(nullptr_t) noexcept : unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>() {}
explicit unique_ptr(pointer ptr) : data(ptr) {}
unique_ptr(pointer ptr,
typename conditional<
typename add_lvalue_reference<const deleter_type>::type>::type
__d) noexcept : data(ptr) {}
unique_ptr(pointer ptr,
typename remove_reference<deleter_type>::type&& __d) noexcept
: data(ptr) {}
unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& u) noexcept : data( { = nullptr; }
template <class _Up,
class _Ep,
typename = typename enable_if<
!is_array<_Up>::value &&
is_convertible<typename unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>::pointer,
pointer>::value &&
is_convertible<_Ep, deleter_type>::value &&
(!is_reference<deleter_type>::value ||
is_same<deleter_type, _Ep>::value)>::type>
unique_ptr(unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>&& u) noexcept : data( { = nullptr;
template <
class _Up,
typename = typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Up*, _Tp*>::value>::type>
unique_ptr(auto_ptr<_Up>&& __p) noexcept;
~unique_ptr() { reset(); }
unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr&& __u) noexcept {
return *this;
template <class _Up,
class _Ep,
typename = typename enable_if<
!is_array<_Up>::value &&
is_convertible<typename unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>::pointer,
pointer>::value &&
is_assignable<deleter_type&, _Ep&&>::value>::type>
unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>&& __u) noexcept {
return *this;
unique_ptr& operator=(nullptr_t) noexcept {
return *this;
typename add_lvalue_reference<_Tp>::type operator*() const { return *data; }
pointer operator->() const { return data; }
pointer get() const { return data; }
typedef typename remove_reference<deleter_type>::type& _Dp_reference;
typedef const typename remove_reference<deleter_type>::type&
_Dp_const_reference get_deleter() const {}
_Dp_reference get_deleter() {}
explicit operator bool() const { return data != nullptr; }
pointer release() { return data; }
void reset(pointer p = nullptr) { data = p; }
void swap(unique_ptr& u) {
pointer tmp = data;
data =; = tmp;
template <class _Tp, class _Dp>
struct unique_ptr<_Tp[], _Dp> {
// use SFINAE to determine whether _Del::pointer exists
class _Pointer {
template <typename _Up>
static typename _Up::pointer __test(typename _Up::pointer*);
template <typename _Up>
static _Tp* __test(...);
typedef typename remove_reference<_Dp>::type _Del;
typedef decltype(__test<_Del>(0)) type;
typedef typename _Pointer::type pointer;
typedef _Tp element_type;
typedef _Dp deleter_type;
pointer data;
constexpr unique_ptr() noexcept : data(nullptr) {}
constexpr unique_ptr(nullptr_t) noexcept : data(nullptr) {}
explicit unique_ptr(pointer ptr) : data(ptr) {}
pointer ptr,
typename conditional<
typename add_lvalue_reference<const deleter_type>::type>::type __d)
: data(ptr) {}
unique_ptr(pointer ptr, typename remove_reference<deleter_type>::type&& __d)
: data(ptr) {}
unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& u) : data( { = nullptr; }
template <class _Up,
class _Ep,
typename = typename enable_if<
is_array<_Up>::value &&
is_convertible<typename unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>::pointer,
pointer>::value &&
is_convertible<_Ep, deleter_type>::value &&
(!is_reference<deleter_type>::value ||
is_same<deleter_type, _Ep>::value)>::type>
unique_ptr(unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>&& u) : data( { = nullptr;
template <
class _Up,
typename = typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Up*, _Tp*>::value>::type>
unique_ptr(auto_ptr<_Up>&& __p) noexcept;
~unique_ptr() { reset(); }
unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr&& __u) {
return *this;
template <class _Up,
class _Ep,
typename = typename enable_if<
is_array<_Up>::value &&
is_convertible<typename unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>::pointer,
pointer>::value &&
is_assignable<deleter_type&, _Ep&&>::value>::type>
unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>&& __u) {
return *this;
unique_ptr& operator=(nullptr_t) {
return *this;
typename add_lvalue_reference<_Tp>::type operator[](size_t i) const {}
pointer get() const { return data; }
typedef typename remove_reference<deleter_type>::type& _Dp_reference;
typedef const typename remove_reference<deleter_type>::type&
_Dp_const_reference get_deleter() const {}
_Dp_reference get_deleter() {}
explicit operator bool() const { return data != nullptr; }
pointer release() { return data; }
void reset(pointer p = nullptr) { data = p; }
void swap(unique_ptr& u) {
pointer tmp = data;
data =; = tmp;
template <class _T1, class _D1, class _T2, class _D2>
inline bool operator==(const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x,
const unique_ptr<_T2, _D2>& __y) {
return __x.get() == __y.get();
template <class _T1, class _D1, class _T2, class _D2>
inline bool operator!=(const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x,
const unique_ptr<_T2, _D2>& __y) {
return !(__x == __y);
template <class _T1, class _D1, class _T2, class _D2>
inline bool operator<(const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x,
const unique_ptr<_T2, _D2>& __y) {
/*typedef typename unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>::pointer _P1;
typedef typename unique_ptr<_T2, _D2>::pointer _P2;
typedef typename common_type<_P1, _P2>::type _Vp;
return less<_Vp>()(__x.get(), __y.get());*/
template <class _T1, class _D1, class _T2, class _D2>
inline bool operator>(const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x,
const unique_ptr<_T2, _D2>& __y) {
return __y < __x;
template <class _T1, class _D1, class _T2, class _D2>
inline bool operator<=(const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x,
const unique_ptr<_T2, _D2>& __y) {
return !(__y < __x);
template <class _T1, class _D1, class _T2, class _D2>
inline bool operator>=(const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x,
const unique_ptr<_T2, _D2>& __y) {
return !(__x < __y);
template <class _T1, class _D1>
inline bool operator==(const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x, nullptr_t) {
return !__x;
template <class _T1, class _D1>
inline bool operator==(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x) {
return !__x;
template <class _T1, class _D1>
inline bool operator!=(const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x, nullptr_t) {
return static_cast<bool>(__x);
template <class _T1, class _D1>
inline bool operator!=(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x) {
return static_cast<bool>(__x);
template <class _T1, class _D1>
inline bool operator<(const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x, nullptr_t) {
/*typedef typename unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>::pointer _P1;
return less<_P1>()(__x.get(), nullptr);*/
template <class _T1, class _D1>
inline bool operator<(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x) {
/*typedef typename unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>::pointer _P1;
return less<_P1>()(nullptr, __x.get());*/
template <class _T1, class _D1>
inline bool operator>(const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x, nullptr_t) {
return nullptr < __x;
template <class _T1, class _D1>
inline bool operator>(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x) {
return __x < nullptr;
template <class _T1, class _D1>
inline bool operator<=(const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x, nullptr_t) {
return !(nullptr < __x);
template <class _T1, class _D1>
inline bool operator<=(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x) {
return !(__x < nullptr);
template <class _T1, class _D1>
inline bool operator>=(const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x, nullptr_t) {
return !(__x < nullptr);
template <class _T1, class _D1>
inline bool operator>=(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<_T1, _D1>& __x) {
return !(nullptr < __x);
template <class T, class D>
struct hash<unique_ptr<T, D>> : public hash<std__unique_ptr<T, D>> {
size_t operator()(const unique_ptr<T, D>& __u) const noexcept {}
template <typename _Tp>
struct _MakeUniq2 {
typedef unique_ptr<_Tp> __single_object;
template <typename _Tp>
struct _MakeUniq2<_Tp[]> {
typedef unique_ptr<_Tp[]> __array;
template <typename _Tp, size_t _Bound>
struct _MakeUniq2<_Tp[_Bound]> {
struct __invalid_type {};
/// std::make_unique for single objects
template <typename _Tp, typename... _Args>
inline typename _MakeUniq2<_Tp>::__single_object make_unique(
_Args&&... __args) {
return unique_ptr<_Tp>(new _Tp(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...));
/// std::make_unique for arrays of unknown bound
template <typename _Tp>
inline typename _MakeUniq2<_Tp>::__array make_unique(size_t __num) {
return unique_ptr<_Tp>(new typename remove_extent<_Tp>::type[__num]());
/// Disable std::make_unique for arrays of known bound
template <typename _Tp, typename... _Args>
inline typename _MakeUniq2<_Tp>::__invalid_type make_unique(_Args&&...) =