codetoanalyze/java/performance/,[]):int, 5 + log(arr.length), OnUIThread:false, [{arr.length},Modeled call to Arrays.binarySearch]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,, 6 + log(i), OnUIThread:false, [{i},Modeled call to Arrays.binarySearch]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,, 19 + 6 ⋅ x + 5 ⋅ x, OnUIThread:false, [{x},call to String[] Array.gen_and_iter_types(int),Loop at line 76,{x},Loop at line 82]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,,int):void, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Unbounded loop,Loop at line 92]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, ArrayListTest.boolean_control_var_linear():void, 7 + 19 ⋅ this.arr.length + 4 ⋅ (this.arr.length + 1), OnUIThread:false, [{this.arr.length + 1},Loop at line 292,{this.arr.length},Loop at line 292]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, ArrayListTest.call_init_with_put_linear(java.util.ArrayList):void, 22 + 8 ⋅ a.length + 13 ⋅ a.length + 3 ⋅ (a.length + 1) + 3 ⋅ (a.length + 1), OnUIThread:false, [{a.length + 1},call to HashMap ArrayListTest.init_with_put_linear(ArrayList),Loop at line 301,{a.length + 1},Loop at line 309,{a.length},call to HashMap ArrayListTest.init_with_put_linear(ArrayList),Loop at line 301,{a.length},Loop at line 309]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,, 13 + 7 ⋅ p, OnUIThread:false, [{p},call to int Break.break_loop(int,int),Loop at line 12]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,,int):int, 8 + 7 ⋅ p, OnUIThread:false, [{p},Loop at line 12]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,,int):void, 8 + 4 ⋅ maxI + 3 ⋅ maxI × (min(12, maxJ)) + 5 ⋅ maxI × (12-max(0, maxJ)) + 5 ⋅ (min(11, maxI)) × (min(11, maxJ)), OnUIThread:false, [{min(11, maxJ)},Loop at line 37,{min(11, maxI)},Loop at line 35,{12-max(0, maxJ)},Loop at line 35,{min(12, maxJ)},Loop at line 37,{maxI},Loop at line 35]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, CollectionTest$MyEnumType.<clinit>():void, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Call to CollectionTest$MyEnumType$1.<init>(),Unbounded loop,Loop at line 88]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, CollectionTest.ensure_call(CollectionTest$MyCollection):void, 11 + 5 ⋅ list.length, OnUIThread:false, [{list.length},call to void CollectionTest.iterate_over_mycollection(CollectionTest$MyCollection),Loop at line 17]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, CollectionTest.iterate_over_call_quad(int,CollectionTest$MyCollection):void, 6 + 18 ⋅ list.length + 5 ⋅ list.length × list.length + 3 ⋅ (list.length + 1), OnUIThread:false, [{list.length + 1},Loop at line 45,{list.length},call to void CollectionTest.iterate_over_mycollection(CollectionTest$MyCollection),Loop at line 17,{list.length},Loop at line 45]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, CollectionTest.iterate_over_mycollection(CollectionTest$MyCollection):void, 8 + 5 ⋅ list.length, OnUIThread:false, [{list.length},Loop at line 17]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, CollectionTest.iterate_over_mycollection_quad(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue):void, 6 + 18 ⋅ mSubscribers.length + 5 ⋅ mSubscribers.length × mSubscribers.elements.*.length.ub + 3 ⋅ (mSubscribers.length + 1), OnUIThread:false, [{mSubscribers.length + 1},Loop at line 26,{mSubscribers.elements.*.length.ub},call to void CollectionTest.iterate_over_mycollection(CollectionTest$MyCollection),Loop at line 17,{mSubscribers.length},Loop at line 26]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, CollectionTest.iterate_over_some_java_collection(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue):void, 6 + 8 ⋅ mSubscribers.length + 3 ⋅ (mSubscribers.length + 1), OnUIThread:false, [{mSubscribers.length + 1},Loop at line 22,{mSubscribers.length},Loop at line 22]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, CollectionTest.loop_over_call(int,CollectionTest$MyCollection):void, 5 + 15 ⋅ size + 5 ⋅ size × list.length, OnUIThread:false, [{list.length},call to void CollectionTest.iterate_over_mycollection(CollectionTest$MyCollection),Loop at line 17,{size},Loop at line 38]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, CollectionTest.nested_iterator_qubic(int,CollectionTest$MyCollection,CollectionTest$MyCollection):void, 6 + 13 ⋅ list1.length + 5 ⋅ list1.length × list1.length × list2.length + 5 ⋅ list1.length × list1.length × list2.length + 28 ⋅ list1.length × list2.length + 3 ⋅ list1.length × (list2.length + 1) + 3 ⋅ (list1.length + 1), OnUIThread:false, [{list1.length + 1},Loop at line 52,{list2.length + 1},Loop at line 53,{list2.length},Loop at line 53,{list2.length},Loop at line 53,{list1.length},call to void CollectionTest.iterate_over_mycollection(CollectionTest$MyCollection),Loop at line 17,{list2.length},Loop at line 53,{list1.length},call to void CollectionTest.iterate_over_mycollection(CollectionTest$MyCollection),Loop at line 17,{list1.length},Loop at line 52]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, CollectionTest.sparse_array_linear(android.util.SparseArray):void, 5 + 5 ⋅ arr.length + 3 ⋅ (arr.length + 1), OnUIThread:false, [{arr.length + 1},Loop at line 61,{arr.length},Loop at line 61]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,, 9 + 5 ⋅ m + 2 ⋅ (1+max(0, m)), OnUIThread:false, [{1+max(0, m)},Loop at line 15,{m},Loop at line 15]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Unbounded loop,Loop at line 24]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,, 14 + 5 ⋅ n + 6 ⋅ n², OnUIThread:false, [{n},call to void Cost_test.mult_symbols_quadratic(int,int),Loop at line 193,{n},call to void Cost_test.mult_symbols_quadratic(int,int),Loop at line 193,{n},Loop at line 197]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,,int):void, 7 + 6 ⋅ n + 2 ⋅ (1+max(0, n)), OnUIThread:false, [{1+max(0, n)},Loop at line 122,{n},Loop at line 122]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,,int):void, 6 + 6 ⋅ x × y, OnUIThread:false, [{y},Loop at line 193,{x},Loop at line 193]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,, 6 + 6 ⋅ x², OnUIThread:false, [{x},Loop at line 202,{x},Loop at line 202]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, InferAnnotationTest.assert_not_null_explanation_linear(java.lang.Integer):void, 5 + 5 ⋅ x + 7 ⋅ (1+max(0, x)), OnUIThread:false, [{1+max(0, x)},Loop at line 19,{x},Loop at line 19]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, InferAnnotationTest.assert_not_null_linear(java.lang.Integer):void, 5 + 5 ⋅ x + 7 ⋅ (1+max(0, x)), OnUIThread:false, [{1+max(0, x)},Loop at line 15,{x},Loop at line 15]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, InferAnnotationTest.assume_not_null_explanation_linear(java.lang.Integer):void, 5 + 5 ⋅ x + 7 ⋅ (1+max(0, x)), OnUIThread:false, [{1+max(0, x)},Loop at line 27,{x},Loop at line 27]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, InferAnnotationTest.assume_not_null_linear(java.lang.Integer):void, 5 + 5 ⋅ x + 7 ⋅ (1+max(0, x)), OnUIThread:false, [{1+max(0, x)},Loop at line 23,{x},Loop at line 23]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, InferAnnotationTest.nullsafe_fixme_linear(java.lang.Integer):void, 5 + 5 ⋅ x + 7 ⋅ (1+max(0, x)), OnUIThread:false, [{1+max(0, x)},Loop at line 31,{x},Loop at line 31]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, InheritanceTest$UniqueImpl4.top_cost(InheritanceTest$MyInterface3):void, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Unbounded loop,Loop at line 58]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, InheritanceTest.call_interface_method2_linear(InheritanceTest$MyInterface2,int):void, 8 + 5 ⋅ x, OnUIThread:false, [{x},call to void InheritanceTest$,Loop at line 34]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, InheritanceTest.call_interface_method_linear(InheritanceTest$MyInterface,int):void, 8 + 5 ⋅ x, OnUIThread:false, [{x},call to void InheritanceTest$,Loop at line 15]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, IntTest.intValue_linear(java.lang.Integer):void, 5 + 5 ⋅ mKBytesToSend + 3 ⋅ (1+max(0, mKBytesToSend)), OnUIThread:false, [{1+max(0, mKBytesToSend)},Loop at line 9,{mKBytesToSend},Loop at line 9]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, IntTest.static_Integer_top():void, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Unbounded loop,Loop at line 15]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, IntTest.valueOf_linear(int):void, 8 + 5 ⋅ p + 3 ⋅ (1+max(0, p)), OnUIThread:false, [{1+max(0, p)},Loop at line 20,{p},Loop at line 20]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, IteratorTest.linearIterable(java.lang.Iterable):void, 9 + 10 ⋅ elements.length + 3 ⋅ (elements.length + 1), OnUIThread:false, [{elements.length + 1},call to void IteratorTest.appendTo(Iterator),Loop at line 19,{elements.length},call to void IteratorTest.appendTo(Iterator),Loop at line 19]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Call to void JsonUtils.serialize(StringBuilder,String),Call to void JsonUtils.escape(StringBuilder,String),Unbounded loop,Loop at line 13]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,,boolean):void, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Call to void JsonMap.addKeyToMap(String),Call to void JsonUtils.serialize(StringBuilder,String),Call to void JsonUtils.escape(StringBuilder,String),Unbounded loop,Loop at line 13]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,,double):void, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Call to void JsonMap.addKeyToMap(String),Call to void JsonUtils.serialize(StringBuilder,String),Call to void JsonUtils.escape(StringBuilder,String),Unbounded loop,Loop at line 13]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,,java.lang.Object):void, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Call to void JsonMap.addKeyToMap(String),Call to void JsonUtils.serialize(StringBuilder,String),Call to void JsonUtils.escape(StringBuilder,String),Unbounded loop,Loop at line 13]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,,java.lang.String):void, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Call to void JsonUtils.serialize(StringBuilder,String),Call to void JsonUtils.escape(StringBuilder,String),Unbounded loop,Loop at line 13]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,,, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Call to void JsonMap.addKeyToMap(String),Call to void JsonUtils.serialize(StringBuilder,String),Call to void JsonUtils.escape(StringBuilder,String),Unbounded loop,Loop at line 13]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,,long):void, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Call to void JsonMap.addKeyToMap(String),Call to void JsonUtils.serialize(StringBuilder,String),Call to void JsonUtils.escape(StringBuilder,String),Unbounded loop,Loop at line 13]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Call to void JsonUtils.serialize(StringBuilder,String),Call to void JsonUtils.escape(StringBuilder,String),Unbounded loop,Loop at line 13]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,<init>(java.lang.String), ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Call to StringBuilder JsonUtils.serialize(String),Call to void JsonUtils.serialize(StringBuilder,String),Call to void JsonUtils.escape(StringBuilder,String),Unbounded loop,Loop at line 13]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,,java.lang.String):void, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Unbounded loop,Loop at line 13]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Call to void JsonUtils.serialize(StringBuilder,String),Call to void JsonUtils.escape(StringBuilder,String),Unbounded loop,Loop at line 13]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,,java.lang.String):void, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Call to void JsonUtils.escape(StringBuilder,String),Unbounded loop,Loop at line 13]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, LambdaTest.call_lambda(int):void, 21 + 5 ⋅ x, OnUIThread:false, [{x},call to void LambdaTest$Lambda$_2_0.abstractFun(int),call to void LambdaTest.access_LambdaTest$Lambda$_2_0(int),call to void LambdaTest.lambda$call_lambda$0(int),Loop at line 24]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, ListTest.asList_linear(java.lang.String[]):void, 9 + 8 ⋅ array.length + 3 ⋅ (array.length + 1), OnUIThread:false, [{array.length + 1},Loop at line 42,{array.length},Loop at line 42]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, ListTest.call_iterate_elements_linear(java.util.List,java.util.List):void, 26 + 5 ⋅ (l2.length + l1.length) + 3 ⋅ (l2.length + l1.length + 1), OnUIThread:false, [{l2.length + l1.length + 1},call to void ListTest.iterate_elements_linear(List),Loop at line 59,{l2.length + l1.length},call to void ListTest.iterate_elements_linear(List),Loop at line 59]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, ListTest.indexOfImpl_linear(java.util.List,java.lang.Object):int, 14 + 11 ⋅ list.length + 3 ⋅ (list.length + 1), OnUIThread:false, [{list.length + 1},Loop at line 18,{list.length},Loop at line 18]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, ListTest.iter_multiple_list1_linear(java.util.List,java.util.List):void, 19 + 12 ⋅ (l2.length + l1.length) + 3 ⋅ (l2.length + l1.length + 1), OnUIThread:false, [{l2.length + l1.length + 1},Loop at line 76,{l2.length + l1.length},Loop at line 76]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, ListTest.iter_multiple_list2_linear(java.util.List,java.util.List):void, 16 + 8 ⋅ (l2.length + l1.length) + 3 ⋅ (l2.length + l1.length + 1), OnUIThread:false, [{l2.length + l1.length + 1},Loop at line 88,{l2.length + l1.length},Loop at line 88]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, ListTest.iter_multiple_list3_linear(java.util.List,java.util.List,java.util.List):void, 20 + 8 ⋅ (l2.length + l1.length + a.length) + 3 ⋅ (l2.length + l1.length + a.length + 1), OnUIThread:false, [{l2.length + l1.length + a.length + 1},Loop at line 99,{l2.length + l1.length + a.length},Loop at line 99]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, ListTest.iter_my_own_obj(java.util.List):void, 22 + 14 ⋅ a.length + 6 ⋅ a.length + 3 ⋅ (a.length + 1), OnUIThread:false, [{a.length + 1},Loop at line 120,{a.length},Loop at line 123,{a.length},Loop at line 120]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, ListTest.iter_relation_with_var(java.util.List):void, 11 + 10 ⋅ a.length + 5 ⋅ a.length + 3 ⋅ (a.length + 1), OnUIThread:false, [{a.length + 1},Loop at line 104,{a.length},Loop at line 107,{a.length},Loop at line 104]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, ListTest.iterate_elements_linear(java.util.List):void, 6 + 5 ⋅ l.length + 3 ⋅ (l.length + 1), OnUIThread:false, [{l.length + 1},Loop at line 59,{l.length},Loop at line 59]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, ListTest.sort_comparator_nlogn(java.util.List):void, 8 + people.length × log(people.length), OnUIThread:false, [{people.length},Modeled call to List.sort,{people.length},Modeled call to List.sort]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, ListTest.sublist(java.util.List):void, 13 + 8 ⋅ (filesList.length - 1) + 3 ⋅ filesList.length, OnUIThread:false, [{filesList.length},Loop at line 32,{filesList.length - 1},Loop at line 32]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,[],long[],int):void, 5 + 59 ⋅ (length - 1) × (length - 1) + 8 ⋅ length, OnUIThread:false, [{length},Loop at line 54,{length - 1},Loop at line 55,{length - 1},Loop at line 54]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,[],int):void, 5 + 25 ⋅ (length - 1), OnUIThread:false, [{length - 1},Loop at line 44]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,$MyLinkedList):void, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Unbounded value x,call to void Loops.loop_linear(int),Loop at line 86]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,, 5 + 5 ⋅ x, OnUIThread:false, [{x},Loop at line 86]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Unbounded loop,Loop at line 34]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Unbounded value x,call to void Loops.loop_linear(int),Loop at line 86]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, StringTest.index_substring_linear():java.lang.String, 17 + this.mId.length, OnUIThread:false, [{this.mId.length},call to int StringTest.indexof_linear(String),Modeled call to String.indexOf]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, StringTest.indexof_linear(java.lang.String):int, 5 + m.length, OnUIThread:false, [{m.length},Modeled call to String.indexOf]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, StringTest.indexof_quadratic(java.lang.String,java.lang.String):int, 6 + m.length × n.length, OnUIThread:false, [{n.length},Modeled call to String.indexOf,{m.length},Modeled call to String.indexOf]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, StringTest.last_index_of_linear(java.lang.String):void, 8 + 5 ⋅ (s.length - 1), OnUIThread:false, [{s.length - 1},Loop at line 96]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, StringTest.last_index_of_linear_FP(java.lang.String):void, 8 + 6 ⋅ (s.length - 1) × (s.length + 1) + 4 ⋅ (1+min(1, s.length))², OnUIThread:false, [{1+min(1, s.length)},Loop at line 103,{1+min(1, s.length)},Loop at line 103,{s.length + 1},Loop at line 103,{s.length - 1},Loop at line 103]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, StringTest.replace_linear(java.lang.String):void, 8 + 5 ⋅ s.length + 3 ⋅ (s.length + 1), OnUIThread:false, [{s.length + 1},Loop at line 91,{s.length},Loop at line 91]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, StringTest.split_linear(java.lang.String):void, 9 + 6 ⋅ (-1+max(2, s.length)), OnUIThread:false, [{-1+max(2, s.length)},Loop at line 40]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, StringTest.split_with_limit_linear(java.lang.String,int):void, 10 + 6 ⋅ (max(1, limit)), OnUIThread:false, [{max(1, limit)},Loop at line 45]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,, 14 + 10 ⋅ (max(0, this.f)), OnUIThread:true, [{max(0, this.f)},call to int AllMethodsOnUiThread.bar_UIThread_linear(),Loop at line 37]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,$Annotations.loop_UIThread_linear(int):void, 5 + 5 ⋅ x, OnUIThread:true, [{x},Loop at line 76]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,$Annotations.loop_linear(int):void, 5 + 5 ⋅ x, OnUIThread:false, [{x},Loop at line 84]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,$Annotations.onBindMethod_linear(int):void, 8 + 5 ⋅ x, OnUIThread:true, [{x},call to void UIAnnotationTest$Annotations.loop_linear(int),Loop at line 84]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/,$Annotations.onClick_linear(int):void, 5 + 5 ⋅ x, OnUIThread:true, [{x},Loop at line 90]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, UnknownCallsTest.call_concrete_func_linear_FP(UnknownCallsTest$AbstractC):void, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Unbounded loop,Loop at line 96]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, UnknownCallsTest.call_loop_over_charArray_FP(java.lang.StringBuilder,java.lang.String):void, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Call to void UnknownCallsTest.loop_over_charArray_FP(StringBuilder,String),Unbounded loop,Loop at line 51]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, UnknownCallsTest.jsonArray_linear(org.json.JSONArray):void, 8 + 5 ⋅ jsonArray.length, OnUIThread:false, [{jsonArray.length},Loop at line 18]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/, UnknownCallsTest.loop_over_charArray_FP(java.lang.StringBuilder,java.lang.String):void, ⊤, OnUIThread:false, [Unbounded loop,Loop at line 51]