* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
(** Process properties by creating their getters and setters in the case that they need to be syntethized *)
(** or in the case of dynamic. *)
(* How it works: *)
(* - First, the property is defined in the interface. Then, we add the method declarations of the getter *)
(* and setter to the map property_table. *)
(* - Second, in the class implementation, if synthetize is available, create the getters and setters, *)
(* unless some of these methods has already been created before. *)
open Utils
open CFrontend_utils
module L = Logging
open CContext
type prop_getter_setter = string * (Clang_ast_t.decl * bool) option
(** For each property, we save the getter and the setter method declarations (no implementation). *)
(** A property type is a tuple: *)
(** (type_ptr, property attributes, decl_info, (getter_name, getter), (setter_name, setter), ivar name) *)
type property_type = Clang_ast_t.type_ptr * Clang_ast_t.property_attribute list *
Clang_ast_t.decl_info * prop_getter_setter * prop_getter_setter *
Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info option
(** A table that record the property defined in the interface and its getter/setter. *)
(** This info used later on in the implementation if the getter/setter need to automatically *)
(** synthesized*)
module type PropertySig =
type t
type property_key = (CContext.curr_class * Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info)
val property_key_to_string : property_key -> string
val reset_property_table: unit -> unit
val find_property : CContext.curr_class -> Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info -> property_type
val find_properties_class : CContext.curr_class ->
(Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info * property_type) list
val is_mem_property : property_key -> bool
val replace_property : property_key -> property_type -> unit
val add_property : property_key -> Clang_ast_t.type_ptr -> Clang_ast_t.property_attribute list ->
Clang_ast_t.decl_info -> unit
val print_property_table : unit -> unit
val find_property_name_from_ivar : CContext.curr_class -> Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info ->
Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info option
module Property: PropertySig =
type property_key = (CContext.curr_class * Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info)
let property_key_to_string (curr_class, property_name) =
((CContext.curr_class_to_string curr_class) ^ "-" ^ property_name.Clang_ast_t.ni_name)
(** Hash table to implement error logs *)
module PropertyTableHash = Hashtbl.Make (struct
type t = property_key
let hash (curr_class, pname) = (CContext.curr_class_hash curr_class) + Hashtbl.hash pname
let equal (curr_class1, property_name1) (curr_class2, property_name2) =
CContext.curr_class_equal curr_class1 curr_class2 &&
(String.compare property_name1.Clang_ast_t.ni_name property_name2.Clang_ast_t.ni_name = 0)
type t = property_type PropertyTableHash.t
let property_table : t = PropertyTableHash.create 100
let reset_property_table () =
PropertyTableHash.reset property_table
let rec find_property curr_class property_name =
try PropertyTableHash.find property_table (curr_class, property_name)
with Not_found ->
match curr_class with
| ContextCls (name, _, protocols) ->
let res_opt = list_fold_right
(fun protocol found_procname_opt ->
match found_procname_opt with
| Some found_procname -> Some found_procname
| None ->
Some (find_property (ContextProtocol protocol) property_name)) protocols None in
(match res_opt with
| Some res -> res
| None -> raise Not_found)
| _ -> raise Not_found
let find_property_name_from_ivar curr_class ivar =
let res = ref None in
PropertyTableHash.iter (fun (cl, pname) (_, _, _, _, _, ivar') ->
match ivar' with
| Some s when (CContext.curr_class_equal curr_class cl) && s = ivar -> res:= Some pname
| _ -> ()) property_table;
let is_mem_property property =
PropertyTableHash.mem property_table property
let replace_property property =
PropertyTableHash.replace property_table property
let print_property_table () =
let print_item key (tp, attributes, decl_info, getter, setter, ivar) =
let getter_str =
match getter with
| getter_name, Some (Clang_ast_t.ObjCMethodDecl _, defined1) ->
| _ -> "" in
let setter_str = match setter with
| setter_name, Some (Clang_ast_t.ObjCMethodDecl _, defined2) ->
| _ -> "" in
Logging.out "Property item %s accessors %s and %s \n"
(property_key_to_string key) getter_str setter_str in
PropertyTableHash.iter print_item property_table
let find_properties_class curr_class =
let find_properties (curr_class', property_name) property_type properties =
if (CContext.curr_class_equal curr_class' curr_class) then
(property_name, property_type):: properties
else properties in
PropertyTableHash.fold find_properties property_table []
let get_getter_name prop_name attributes =
match Ast_utils.getter_attribute_opt attributes with
| Some name -> name.Clang_ast_t.ni_name
| None -> prop_name.Clang_ast_t.ni_name
let get_setter_name prop_name attributes =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match Ast_utils.setter_attribute_opt attributes with
| Some name -> name.Clang_ast_t.ni_name
| None -> "set" ^ (String.capitalize prop_name.ni_name) ^ ":"
let add_property (curr_class, property_name) tp attributes decl_info =
let key = (curr_class, property_name) in
let getter_name = get_getter_name property_name attributes in
let setter_name = get_setter_name property_name attributes in
PropertyTableHash.add property_table key
(tp, attributes, decl_info, (getter_name, None), (setter_name, None), None)
let reset_property_table = Property.reset_property_table
let print_property_table () = Property.print_property_table ()
let find_properties_class = Property.find_properties_class
let get_ivarname_property pidi =
match pidi.Clang_ast_t.opidi_ivar_decl with
| Some dr -> (match dr.Clang_ast_t.dr_name with
| Some n -> n
| _ -> assert false)
| _ -> (* If ivar is not defined than we need to take the name of the property to define ivar*)
Ast_utils.property_name pidi
let upgrade_property_accessor property_key property_type meth_decl new_defined is_getter =
let is_defined meth_decl =
match meth_decl with
| Some (method_decl, was_defined) -> new_defined || was_defined
| None -> new_defined in
match property_type with
| tp, attributes, decl_info, (gname, getter), (sname, setter), ivar ->
if is_getter then
let defined = is_defined getter in
Property.replace_property property_key
(tp, attributes, decl_info, (gname, Some (meth_decl, defined)), (sname, setter), ivar)
else let defined = is_defined setter in
Property.replace_property property_key
(tp, attributes, decl_info, (gname, getter), (sname, Some (meth_decl, defined)), ivar)
let check_for_property curr_class method_name meth_decl body =
let defined = Option.is_some body in
let properties_class = find_properties_class curr_class in
let check_property_accessor curr_class method_name is_getter =
let method_is_getter (property_name, property_type) =
match property_type with (_, _, _, (getter_name, _), (setter_name, _), _) ->
let found =
if is_getter then (method_name = getter_name)
else (method_name = setter_name) in
if found then
(Printing.log_out " Found property '%s' defined in property table\n"
(Property.property_key_to_string (curr_class, property_name));
(curr_class, property_name) property_type meth_decl defined is_getter) in
list_iter method_is_getter properties_class in
check_property_accessor curr_class method_name true;
check_property_accessor curr_class method_name false
let method_is_property_accesor cls method_name =
let properties_class = find_properties_class cls in
let method_is_getter (property_name, property_type) res_opt =
match res_opt with
| Some res -> res_opt
| None ->
match property_type with (_, _, _, (getter_name, _), (setter_name, _), _) ->
if method_name = getter_name then Some (property_name, property_type, true)
else if method_name = setter_name then Some (property_name, property_type, false)
else None in
list_fold_right method_is_getter properties_class None
let prepare_dynamic_property curr_class decl_info property_impl_decl_info =
let pname = Ast_utils.property_name property_impl_decl_info in
let prop_name = pname.Clang_ast_t.ni_name in
let res = (try
let tp', atts, di, getter, setter, _ = Property.find_property curr_class pname in
let ivar = (match property_impl_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.opidi_ivar_decl with
| Some dr -> (match dr.Clang_ast_t.dr_name with
| Some name_info -> name_info
| None -> assert false)
| None -> Ast_utils.generated_ivar_name pname) in
(* update property info with proper ivar name *)
Property.replace_property (curr_class, pname) (tp', atts, di, getter, setter, Some ivar);
Printing.log_out "Updated property table by adding ivar name for property '%s'\n"
Some (tp', ivar)
with Not_found ->
L.err "Property '%s' not found in the table. Ivar not updated.@." prop_name;
None) in
match property_impl_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.opidi_implementation, res with
| `Dynamic, Some (tp, ivar) ->
(* For Dynamic property we need to create the ObjCIvarDecl which specifies*)
(* the field of the property. In case of Dynamic this is not in the AST.*)
(* Once created the ObjCIvarDecl then we treat the property as synthesized *)
[Ast_expressions.make_objc_ivar_decl decl_info tp property_impl_decl_info ivar]
| _ ->
(* No names of fields/method to collect from ObjCPropertyImplDecl when Synthesized *)
let is_property_read_only attributes =
list_mem (Ast_utils.property_attribute_eq) `Readonly attributes
let get_memory_management_attribute attributes =
let memory_management_attributes = Ast_utils.get_memory_management_attributes () in
try Some (list_find (
fun att -> list_mem (Ast_utils.property_attribute_eq)
att memory_management_attributes) attributes)
with Not_found -> None
let create_generated_method_name name_info =
{ Clang_ast_t.ni_name = name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_name;
ni_qual_name = CFrontend_config.generated_suffix:: name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_qual_name;
let get_ivar_name prop_name ivar_opt =
match ivar_opt with
| Some ivar_name -> ivar_name
| None -> Ast_utils.generated_ivar_name prop_name
let make_getter curr_class prop_name prop_type =
match prop_type with
| tp, attributes, decl_info, (getter_name, getter), (setter_name, setter), ivar_opt ->
let ivar_name = get_ivar_name prop_name ivar_opt in
let open Clang_ast_t in
match getter with
| Some (ObjCMethodDecl(di, name_info, mdi), _) ->
let dummy_info = Ast_expressions.dummy_decl_info_in_curr_file di in
[clang] [2 of 3] Dealing with custom ast expressions and flow of types in the frontend.
This is the second of 3 stack diffs to deal with replacing the parser of types.
This diff is about general changes to the frontend to make it cope with the change. There
are two main challenges:
1. We create pieces of ast in ast_expressions, such as getters and setters. For that we create
custom types.
2. We store types in cMethod_signature for parameters and return type of functions. This was
stored as strings, but that means losing the pointer information which is vital to get the
sil types.
So this diff consists mostly of dealing with these challenges. It change the signature of
cMethod_signature and update modules accordingly.
To deal with the custom types, we build methods in ast_expressions for creating those types,
with a custom type pointer, like "internal_typeint". At the beginning of the translation we save
all these custom types in the map from type pointers to sil types that we build as we compute the
types, so that they are available later.
Another custom type that we build is a type of classes or pointer of classes based on the current
class. I found a simple way to deal with it, giving it a pointer "class_name", and then we know
how to translate those. Something I tried is to save the declaration of the current class and pass
that declaration around, but somehow that lead to pref regression, so I removed it in favor of this
more lightweight version.
10 years ago
let class_name = CContext.get_curr_class_name curr_class in
let deref_self_field = Ast_expressions.make_deref_self_field
[clang] [2 of 3] Dealing with custom ast expressions and flow of types in the frontend.
This is the second of 3 stack diffs to deal with replacing the parser of types.
This diff is about general changes to the frontend to make it cope with the change. There
are two main challenges:
1. We create pieces of ast in ast_expressions, such as getters and setters. For that we create
custom types.
2. We store types in cMethod_signature for parameters and return type of functions. This was
stored as strings, but that means losing the pointer information which is vital to get the
sil types.
So this diff consists mostly of dealing with these challenges. It change the signature of
cMethod_signature and update modules accordingly.
To deal with the custom types, we build methods in ast_expressions for creating those types,
with a custom type pointer, like "internal_typeint". At the beginning of the translation we save
all these custom types in the map from type pointers to sil types that we build as we compute the
types, so that they are available later.
Another custom type that we build is a type of classes or pointer of classes based on the current
class. I found a simple way to deal with it, giving it a pointer "class_name", and then we know
how to translate those. Something I tried is to save the declaration of the current class and pass
that declaration around, but somehow that lead to pref regression, so I removed it in favor of this
more lightweight version.
10 years ago
class_name dummy_info mdi.Clang_ast_t.omdi_result_type ivar_name in
let body = ReturnStmt(Ast_expressions.make_stmt_info dummy_info, [deref_self_field]) in
let mdi'= Ast_expressions.make_method_decl_info mdi body in
let generated_name_info = create_generated_method_name name_info in
(curr_class, prop_name)
(tp, attributes, decl_info,
(getter_name, Some (ObjCMethodDecl(di, name_info, mdi), true)), (setter_name, setter), Some ivar_name);
[ObjCMethodDecl(dummy_info, generated_name_info, mdi')]
| _ -> []
let make_setter curr_class prop_name prop_type =
match prop_type with
| tp, attributes, decl_info, (getter_name, getter), (setter_name, setter), ivar_opt ->
let ivar_name = get_ivar_name prop_name ivar_opt in
let open Clang_ast_t in
match setter with
| Some (ObjCMethodDecl(di, name, mdi), _) when not (is_property_read_only attributes) ->
let dummy_info = Ast_expressions.dummy_decl_info_in_curr_file di in
let param_name, tp_param = (match mdi.Clang_ast_t.omdi_parameters with
| [ParmVarDecl(_, name_info, tp_param, _)] -> name_info, tp_param
| _ -> assert false) in
let is_hidden = false in
let decl_ptr = Ast_utils.get_invalid_pointer () in
let drti_decl_ref' =
Ast_expressions.make_decl_ref_tp (`ParmVar) decl_ptr param_name is_hidden tp_param in
let decl_ref_expr_info' = Ast_expressions.make_decl_ref_expr_info drti_decl_ref' in
let expr_info = Ast_expressions.make_expr_info tp_param in
let stmt_info = Ast_expressions.make_stmt_info dummy_info in
let rhs_exp = Ast_expressions.make_cast_expr tp_param di decl_ref_expr_info' `ObjCProperty in
let lhs_exp = Ast_expressions.make_self_field
(CContext.get_curr_class_name curr_class) di tp_param ivar_name in
let boi = { Clang_ast_t.boi_kind = `Assign } in
let setter = Ast_expressions.make_binary_stmt lhs_exp rhs_exp stmt_info expr_info boi in
let memory_management_attribute = (get_memory_management_attribute attributes) in
let code =
if Ast_utils.is_retain memory_management_attribute then
let param_decl = Ast_expressions.make_decl_ref_exp_var (param_name, tp_param, decl_ptr) `ParmVar stmt_info in
let retain_call = Ast_expressions.make_message_expr tp_param CFrontend_config.retain param_decl stmt_info true in
let release_call = Ast_expressions.make_message_expr tp_param CFrontend_config.release lhs_exp stmt_info true in
[retain_call; release_call; setter]
else if Ast_utils.is_copy memory_management_attribute then
let param_decl = Ast_expressions.make_decl_ref_exp_var (param_name, tp_param, decl_ptr) `ParmVar stmt_info in
let copy_call = Ast_expressions.make_message_expr tp_param CFrontend_config.copy param_decl stmt_info true in
let setter = Ast_expressions.make_binary_stmt lhs_exp copy_call stmt_info expr_info boi in
else [setter] in
let body = Ast_expressions.make_compound_stmt code stmt_info in
let mdi'= Ast_expressions.make_method_decl_info mdi body in
let name_generated = create_generated_method_name name in
(curr_class, prop_name)
(tp, attributes, decl_info,
(getter_name, getter),
(setter_name, Some (ObjCMethodDecl(di, name, mdi), true)), Some ivar_name);
[ObjCMethodDecl(dummy_info, name_generated, mdi')]
| _ -> []
(*Makes the getters and setters according to the attributes: *)
(* - If readonly is available, only write getter *)
(* - If strong or retain are available then write the following code in the setter: *)
(* [param retain] *)
(* [self->_field release] *)
(* [self->_field = param] *)
(* - If copy is available then write the following code: *)
(* [self->_field = [param copy] *)
let make_getter_setter curr_class decl_info prop_name =
Printing.log_out "pointer = '%s'\n" decl_info.Clang_ast_t.di_pointer;
let prop_type =
Property.find_property curr_class prop_name
with _ ->
Printing.log_out "Property %s not found@." prop_name.Clang_ast_t.ni_name;
assert false in
(make_getter curr_class prop_name prop_type)@ (make_setter curr_class prop_name prop_type)
let add_properties_to_table curr_class decl_list =
let add_property_to_table dec =
match dec with
| Clang_ast_t.ObjCPropertyDecl(decl_info, name_info, pdi) ->
(* Property declaration register the property on the property table to be *)
let pname = name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_name in
Printing.log_out "ADDING: ObjCPropertyDecl for property '%s' " pname;
Printing.log_out " pointer= '%s' \n" decl_info.Clang_ast_t.di_pointer;
Property.add_property (curr_class, name_info) pdi.Clang_ast_t.opdi_type_ptr
pdi.Clang_ast_t.opdi_property_attributes decl_info;
| _ -> () in
list_iter add_property_to_table decl_list
(* Given a list of declarations in an interface returns list of methods)*)
let get_methods curr_class decl_list =
let class_name = CContext.get_curr_class_name curr_class in
add_properties_to_table curr_class decl_list;
let get_method decl list_methods =
match decl with
| Clang_ast_t.ObjCMethodDecl (decl_info, name_info, method_decl_info) ->
let is_instance = method_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.omdi_is_instance_method in
let method_kind = Procname.objc_method_kind_of_bool is_instance in
let method_name = name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_name in
Printing.log_out " ...Adding Method '%s' \n" (class_name^"_"^method_name);
let _ = check_for_property curr_class method_name decl method_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.omdi_body in
let meth_name = General_utils.mk_procname_from_objc_method class_name method_name method_kind in
meth_name:: list_methods
| _ -> list_methods in
list_fold_right get_method decl_list []