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3 years ago
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
(** In-memory storage the information about nullability annotation of third-party methods. *)
type signature_info =
{ filename: string (** File where the particular signature is stored *)
; line_number: int (** Line number with this signature *)
; signature: ThirdPartyMethod.t }
(** The minimum information that is needed to _uniquely_ identify the method. That why we don't
- include e.g. return type, access quilifiers, or whether the method is static (because Java
- overload resolution rules ignore these things). In contrast, parameter types are essential,
- because Java allows several methods with different types. *)
type unique_repr =
{ class_name: ThirdPartyMethod.fully_qualified_type
; method_name: ThirdPartyMethod.method_name
; param_types: ThirdPartyMethod.fully_qualified_type list }
val pp_unique_repr : Format.formatter -> unique_repr -> unit
val unique_repr_of_java_proc_name : Procname.Java.t -> unique_repr
type storage
val create_storage : unit -> storage
type file_parsing_error =
{line_number: int; unparsable_method: string; parsing_error: ThirdPartyMethod.parsing_error}
val pp_parsing_error : Format.formatter -> file_parsing_error -> unit
val add_from_signature_file :
storage -> filename:string -> lines:string list -> (storage, file_parsing_error) result
(** Parse the information from the signature file, and add it to the storage *)
val find_nullability_info : storage -> unique_repr -> signature_info option
(** The main method. Do we have an information about the third-party method? If we do not, or it is
not a third-party method, returns None. Otherwise returns the nullability information. *)
val lookup_related_sig_file : storage -> package:string -> string option
(** If the package is third-party, return the relevant .sig file to add signatures for this package. *)
val lookup_related_sig_file_for_proc : storage -> Procname.Java.t -> string option
(** If the function is third-party (based on its package), return relevant .sig file *)
val is_third_party_proc : storage -> Procname.Java.t -> bool
(** Checks whether a required procname comes from third-party code based on available .sig files and
config flags. NOTE: considering config flags is done for compatibility with the legacy behaviour
and will be removed in the future *)
val is_third_party_typ : storage -> Typ.t -> bool
(** See [is_third_party_proc]. *)
val is_third_party_class_name : storage -> JavaClassName.t -> bool
(** See [is_third_party_proc]. *)