diff --git a/infer/src/IR/Binop.ml b/infer/src/IR/Binop.ml index f55f99c70..1661749c4 100644 --- a/infer/src/IR/Binop.ml +++ b/infer/src/IR/Binop.ml @@ -158,3 +158,6 @@ let str pe binop = to_string binop ) | _ -> to_string binop + + +let pp f binop = Format.fprintf f "%s" (to_string binop) diff --git a/infer/src/IR/Binop.mli b/infer/src/IR/Binop.mli index 6a029bdad..00da711d3 100644 --- a/infer/src/IR/Binop.mli +++ b/infer/src/IR/Binop.mli @@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ type t = val str : Pp.env -> t -> string +val pp : Formatter.t -> t -> unit + val equal : t -> t -> bool val injective : t -> bool diff --git a/infer/src/istd/IList.ml b/infer/src/istd/IList.ml index 9fb82d9f4..9f8146e7d 100644 --- a/infer/src/istd/IList.ml +++ b/infer/src/istd/IList.ml @@ -212,6 +212,14 @@ let fold2_result ~init ~f l1 l2 = let eval_until_first_some thunks = List.find_map thunks ~f:(fun f -> f ()) +let rec product = function + | [] -> + [[]] + | xs :: xss -> + let yss = product xss in + List.concat_map ~f:(fun x -> List.map ~f:(fun ys -> x :: ys) yss) xs + + let move_last_to_first = let rec move_last_to_first_helper l rev_acc = match l with diff --git a/infer/src/istd/IList.mli b/infer/src/istd/IList.mli index b70e41d46..0abba83db 100644 --- a/infer/src/istd/IList.mli +++ b/infer/src/istd/IList.mli @@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ val force_until_first_some : 'a option lazy_t list -> 'a option val eval_until_first_some : (unit -> 'a option) list -> 'a option (** given a list of functions taking unit, evaluate and return the first one to return [Some x] *) +val product : 'a list list -> 'a list list +(** n-ary cartesian product *) + val pp_print_list : max:int -> ?pp_sep:(Format.formatter -> unit -> unit) diff --git a/infer/src/pulse/Pulse.ml b/infer/src/pulse/Pulse.ml index 38f198955..992cbd457 100644 --- a/infer/src/pulse/Pulse.ml +++ b/infer/src/pulse/Pulse.ml @@ -92,14 +92,14 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct Ok exec_state - let topl_small_step arguments (return, _typ) exec_state_res = + let topl_small_step procname arguments (return, _typ) exec_state_res = let arguments = List.map arguments ~f:(fun {ProcnameDispatcher.Call.FuncArg.arg_payload} -> fst arg_payload) in let return = Var.of_id return in let do_astate astate = let return = Option.map ~f:fst (Stack.find_opt return astate) in - let topl_event = PulseTopl.Call {return; arguments} in + let topl_event = PulseTopl.Call {return; arguments; procname} in AbductiveDomain.Topl.small_step topl_event astate in let do_one_exec_state (exec_state : Domain.t) : Domain.t = @@ -125,8 +125,9 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct :: rev_func_args ) ) in let func_args = List.rev rev_func_args in + let callee_pname = proc_name_of_call call_exp in let model = - match proc_name_of_call call_exp with + match callee_pname with | Some callee_pname -> PulseModels.dispatch tenv callee_pname func_args |> Option.map ~f:(fun model -> (model, callee_pname)) @@ -153,7 +154,12 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct r in let exec_state_res = - if Topl.is_deep_active () then topl_small_step func_args ret exec_state_res + if Topl.is_deep_active () then + match callee_pname with + | Some callee_pname -> + topl_small_step callee_pname func_args ret exec_state_res + | None -> + (* skip, as above for non-topl *) exec_state_res else exec_state_res in match get_out_of_scope_object call_exp actuals flags with diff --git a/infer/src/pulse/PulseAbductiveDomain.ml b/infer/src/pulse/PulseAbductiveDomain.ml index b2185c3a7..055382c74 100644 --- a/infer/src/pulse/PulseAbductiveDomain.ml +++ b/infer/src/pulse/PulseAbductiveDomain.ml @@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ type t = ; path_condition: PathCondition.t } [@@deriving yojson_of] -let pp f {post; pre; path_condition; skipped_calls} = - F.fprintf f "@[%a@;%a@;PRE=[%a]@;skipped_calls=%a@]" PathCondition.pp path_condition - PostDomain.pp post PreDomain.pp pre SkippedCalls.pp skipped_calls +let pp f {post; pre; topl; path_condition; skipped_calls} = + F.fprintf f "@[%a@;%a@;PRE=[%a]@;skipped_calls=%a@;TOPL=%a@]" PathCondition.pp path_condition + PostDomain.pp post PreDomain.pp pre SkippedCalls.pp skipped_calls PulseTopl.pp_state topl let set_path_condition path_condition astate = {astate with path_condition} diff --git a/infer/src/pulse/PulseFormula.ml b/infer/src/pulse/PulseFormula.ml index 5d4f3c31c..a8e83e69f 100644 --- a/infer/src/pulse/PulseFormula.ml +++ b/infer/src/pulse/PulseFormula.ml @@ -1289,7 +1289,7 @@ type t = let ttrue = {known= Formula.ttrue; pruned= Atom.Set.empty; both= Formula.ttrue} let pp_with_pp_var pp_var fmt {known; pruned; both} = - F.fprintf fmt "@[known=%a,@;pruned=%a,@;both=%a@]@." (Formula.pp_with_pp_var pp_var) known + F.fprintf fmt "@[known=%a,@;pruned=%a,@;both=%a@]" (Formula.pp_with_pp_var pp_var) known (Atom.Set.pp_with_pp_var pp_var) pruned (Formula.pp_with_pp_var pp_var) both diff --git a/infer/src/pulse/PulseInterproc.ml b/infer/src/pulse/PulseInterproc.ml index e093bfd75..0b6cb2c20 100644 --- a/infer/src/pulse/PulseInterproc.ml +++ b/infer/src/pulse/PulseInterproc.ml @@ -115,14 +115,6 @@ let visit call_state ~pre ~addr_callee ~addr_hist_caller = ; rev_subst= AddressMap.add addr_caller addr_callee call_state.rev_subst } ) -let pp f {AbductiveDomain.pre; post; topl; path_condition; skipped_calls} = - F.fprintf f "COND:@\n @[%a@]@\n" PathCondition.pp path_condition ; - F.fprintf f "PRE:@\n @[%a@]@\n" BaseDomain.pp (pre :> BaseDomain.t) ; - F.fprintf f "POST:@\n @[%a@]@\n" BaseDomain.pp (post :> BaseDomain.t) ; - F.fprintf f "SKIPPED_CALLS:@ @[%a@]@\n" SkippedCalls.pp skipped_calls ; - F.fprintf f "TOPL:@\n @[%a@]@\n" PulseTopl.pp_state topl - - (* {3 reading the pre from the current state} *) let add_call_to_trace proc_name call_location caller_history in_call = @@ -542,7 +534,7 @@ let check_all_valid callee_proc_name call_location {AbductiveDomain.pre; _} call let apply_prepost callee_proc_name call_location ~callee_prepost:pre_post ~captured_vars_with_actuals ~formals ~actuals astate = L.d_printfln "Applying pre/post for %a(%a):@\n%a" Procname.pp callee_proc_name - (Pp.seq ~sep:"," Var.pp) formals pp pre_post ; + (Pp.seq ~sep:"," Var.pp) formals AbductiveDomain.pp pre_post ; let empty_call_state = {astate; subst= AddressMap.empty; rev_subst= AddressMap.empty; visited= AddressSet.empty} in diff --git a/infer/src/pulse/PulseOperations.ml b/infer/src/pulse/PulseOperations.ml index cd0dfa453..ffebf78a1 100644 --- a/infer/src/pulse/PulseOperations.ml +++ b/infer/src/pulse/PulseOperations.ml @@ -180,7 +180,9 @@ let realloc_pvar pvar location astate = let write_id id new_addr_loc astate = Stack.add (Var.of_id id) new_addr_loc astate let havoc_id id loc_opt astate = - if Stack.mem (Var.of_id id) astate then write_id id (AbstractValue.mk_fresh (), loc_opt) astate + (* Topl needs to track the return value of a method; even if nondet now, it may be pruned later. *) + if Topl.is_deep_active () || Stack.mem (Var.of_id id) astate then + write_id id (AbstractValue.mk_fresh (), loc_opt) astate else astate diff --git a/infer/src/pulse/PulsePathCondition.ml b/infer/src/pulse/PulsePathCondition.ml index 048c70431..f5a37cba5 100644 --- a/infer/src/pulse/PulsePathCondition.ml +++ b/infer/src/pulse/PulsePathCondition.ml @@ -230,6 +230,13 @@ type operand = Formula.operand = | LiteralOperand of IntLit.t | AbstractValueOperand of AbstractValue.t +let pp_operand f = function + | LiteralOperand i -> + IntLit.pp f i + | AbstractValueOperand v -> + AbstractValue.pp f v + + let eval_citv_binop binop_addr bop op_lhs op_rhs citvs = let citv_of_op op citvs = match op with diff --git a/infer/src/pulse/PulsePathCondition.mli b/infer/src/pulse/PulsePathCondition.mli index 0e13de008..abf64ba10 100644 --- a/infer/src/pulse/PulsePathCondition.mli +++ b/infer/src/pulse/PulsePathCondition.mli @@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ val and_callee : type operand = LiteralOperand of IntLit.t | AbstractValueOperand of AbstractValue.t +val pp_operand : Formatter.t -> operand -> unit + val eval_binop : AbstractValue.t -> Binop.t -> operand -> operand -> t -> t * new_eqs val eval_unop : AbstractValue.t -> Unop.t -> AbstractValue.t -> t -> t * new_eqs diff --git a/infer/src/pulse/PulseTopl.ml b/infer/src/pulse/PulseTopl.ml index 765c0d9a9..74522a618 100644 --- a/infer/src/pulse/PulseTopl.ml +++ b/infer/src/pulse/PulseTopl.ml @@ -7,34 +7,237 @@ open! IStd open PulseBasicInterface +module L = Logging type value = AbstractValue.t -type event = Call of {return: value option; arguments: value list} +type event = Call of {return: value option; arguments: value list; procname: Procname.t} -type vertex = string +let pp_comma_seq f xs = Pp.comma_seq ~print_env:Pp.text_break f xs -type register = string +let pp_event f (Call {return; arguments; procname}) = + let procname = Procname.hashable_name procname (* as in [static_match] *) in + Format.fprintf f "@[call@ %a=%s(%a)@]" (Pp.option AbstractValue.pp) return procname + (pp_comma_seq AbstractValue.pp) arguments + + +type vertex = ToplAutomaton.vindex + +type register = ToplAst.register_name type configuration = {vertex: vertex; memory: (register * value) list} -(** Let P be the [path_condition] in the enclosing pulse state, and let Q be the [path_condition] in - the [simple_state] below. Then, the facts we know are P∧Q, and it should be that ∃V P∧Q, - where V are the abstract values mentioned in the pre/post-configurations of the simple state, is - equivalent to P. In other words, the facts in Q should not constrain program variables but may - constrain Topl registers. *) +type predicate = Binop.t * PathCondition.operand * PathCondition.operand + type simple_state = { pre: configuration (** at the start of the procedure *) ; post: configuration (** at the current program point *) - ; path_condition: PathCondition.t } + ; pruned: predicate list (** path-condition for the automaton *) } + +(* TODO(rgrigore): use Formula.Atom.Set for [pruned]?? *) (* TODO: include a hash of the automaton in a summary to avoid caching problems. *) +(* TODO: limit the number of simple_states to some configurable number (default ~5) *) type state = simple_state list -let start () = (* TODO *) [] +let pp_predicate f (op, l, r) = + Format.fprintf f "@[%a%a%a@]" PathCondition.pp_operand l Binop.pp op PathCondition.pp_operand r -let small_step _condition _event state = (* TODO *) state -let large_step ~substitution:_ ~condition:_ ~callee_prepost:_ _state = (* TODO *) [] +let pp_mapping f (x, value) = Format.fprintf f "@[%s↦%a@]@," x AbstractValue.pp value + +let pp_memory f memory = Format.fprintf f "@[<2>[%a]@]" (pp_comma_seq pp_mapping) memory + +let pp_configuration f {vertex; memory} = + Format.fprintf f "@[{topl-config@;vertex=%d@;memory=%a}@]" vertex pp_memory memory + + +let pp_simple_state f {pre; post; pruned} = + Format.fprintf f "@[<2>{topl-simple-state@;pre=%a@;post=%a@;pruned=(%a)}@]" pp_configuration pre + pp_configuration post (Pp.seq ~sep:"∧" pp_predicate) pruned + + +let pp_state f = Format.fprintf f "@[<2>[ %a]@]" (pp_comma_seq pp_simple_state) + +let start () = + let a = Topl.automaton () in + let starts = ToplAutomaton.starts a in + let mk_memory = + let registers = ToplAutomaton.registers a in + fun () -> List.map ~f:(fun r -> (r, AbstractValue.mk_fresh ())) registers + in + let configurations = List.map ~f:(fun vertex -> {vertex; memory= mk_memory ()}) starts in + List.map ~f:(fun c -> {pre= c; post= c; pruned= []}) configurations + + +let get env x = + match List.Assoc.find env ~equal:String.equal x with + | Some v -> + v + | None -> + L.die InternalError "TOPL: Cannot find %s. Should be caught by static checks" x + + +let set = List.Assoc.add ~equal:String.equal + +let eval_guard memory tcontext guard = + let operand_of_value (value : ToplAst.value) : PathCondition.operand = + match value with + | Constant (LiteralInt x) -> + LiteralOperand (IntLit.of_int x) + | Register reg -> + AbstractValueOperand (get memory reg) + | Binding v -> + AbstractValueOperand (get tcontext v) + in + let conjoin_predicate pruned (predicate : ToplAst.predicate) = + match predicate with + | Binop (binop, l, r) -> + let l = operand_of_value l in + let r = operand_of_value r in + let binop = ToplUtils.binop_to binop in + (binop, l, r) :: pruned + | Value v -> + let v = operand_of_value v in + let one = PathCondition.LiteralOperand IntLit.one in + (Binop.Ne, v, one) :: pruned + in + List.fold ~init:[] ~f:conjoin_predicate guard + -let pp_state _formatter _state = (* TODO *) () +let apply_action tcontext assignments memory = + let apply_one memory (register, variable) = set memory register (get tcontext variable) in + List.fold ~init:memory ~f:apply_one assignments + + +type tcontext = (ToplAst.variable_name * AbstractValue.t) list + +let pp_tcontext f tcontext = + Format.fprintf f "@[[%a]@]" (pp_comma_seq (Pp.pair ~fst:String.pp ~snd:AbstractValue.pp)) tcontext + + +(** Returns a list of transitions whose pattern matches (e.g., event type matches). Each match + produces a tcontext (transition context), which matches transition-local variables to abstract + values. *) +let static_match (Call {return; arguments; procname} as event) : + (ToplAutomaton.transition * tcontext) list = + (* TODO(rgrigore): if both [Topl.evaluate_static_guard] and [PulseTopl.static_match] remain, try to factor code. *) + let rev_arguments = List.rev arguments in + let procname = Procname.hashable_name procname in + let match_one t = + let ret c = Some (t, c) in + let f label = + let match_name () : bool = + let re = Str.regexp label.ToplAst.procedure_name in + Str.string_match re procname 0 + in + let match_args () : (ToplAutomaton.transition * tcontext) option = + let match_formals formals = + let bind ~init rev_formals = + let f tcontext variable value = (variable, value) :: tcontext in + match List.fold2 ~init ~f rev_formals rev_arguments with + | Ok c -> + ret c + | Unequal_lengths -> + None + in + match (List.rev formals, return) with + | [], Some _ -> + None + | rev_formals, None -> + bind ~init:[] rev_formals + | r :: rev_formals, Some v -> + bind ~init:[(r, v)] rev_formals + in + Option.value_map ~default:(ret []) ~f:match_formals label.ToplAst.arguments + in + if match_name () then match_args () else None + in + let result = Option.value_map ~default:(ret []) ~f t.ToplAutomaton.label in + let pp_second pp f (_, x) = pp f x in + L.d_printfln "@[<2>PulseTopl.static_match:@;transition %a@;event %a@;result %a@]" + ToplAutomaton.pp_transition t pp_event event + (Pp.option (pp_second pp_tcontext)) + result ; + result + in + ToplAutomaton.tfilter_map (Topl.automaton ()) ~f:match_one + + +let conjoin_pruned path_condition pruned = + let f path_condition (op, l, r) = + let path_condition, _new_eqs = PathCondition.prune_binop ~negated:false op l r path_condition in + path_condition + in + List.fold ~init:path_condition ~f pruned + + +let is_unsat path_condition pruned = + PathCondition.is_unsat_cheap (conjoin_pruned path_condition pruned) + + +let negate_predicate = + Binop.( + function + | Eq, l, r -> + (Ne, l, r) + | Ne, l, r -> + (Eq, l, r) + | Ge, l, r -> + (Lt, r, l) + | Gt, l, r -> + (Le, r, l) + | Le, l, r -> + (Gt, r, l) + | Lt, l, r -> + (Ge, r, l) + | _ -> + L.die InternalError + "PulseTopl.negate_predicate should handle all outputs of ToplUtils.binop_to") + + +let skip_pruned_of_nonskip_pruned nonskip_list = + IList.product (List.map ~f:(List.map ~f:negate_predicate) nonskip_list) + + +let small_step path_condition event simple_states = + let tmatches = static_match event in + let evolve_transition memory (transition, tcontext) : (configuration * predicate list) list = + match transition.ToplAutomaton.label with + | None -> + (* "any" transition *) + [({vertex= transition.ToplAutomaton.target; memory}, [])] + | Some label -> + let pruned = eval_guard memory tcontext label.ToplAst.condition in + let memory = apply_action tcontext label.ToplAst.action memory in + [({vertex= transition.ToplAutomaton.target; memory}, pruned)] + in + let evolve_state_cond ({vertex; memory}, pruned) = + let path_condition = conjoin_pruned path_condition pruned in + let simplify result = + (* TODO(rgrigore): Remove from extra_pruned what is implied by path_condition *) + let f (_configuration, extra_pruned) = not (is_unsat path_condition extra_pruned) in + List.filter ~f result + in + let tmatches = + List.filter ~f:(fun (t, _) -> Int.equal vertex t.ToplAutomaton.source) tmatches + in + let nonskip = simplify (List.concat_map ~f:(evolve_transition memory) tmatches) in + let skip = + let nonskip_pruned_list = List.map ~f:snd nonskip in + let skip_pruned_list = skip_pruned_of_nonskip_pruned nonskip_pruned_list in + let f pruned = ({vertex; memory}, pruned) in + simplify (List.map ~f skip_pruned_list) + in + let add_old_pruned (configuration, extra_pruned) = (configuration, extra_pruned @ pruned) in + List.map ~f:add_old_pruned (List.rev_append nonskip skip) + in + let evolve_simple_state {pre; post; pruned} = + List.map ~f:(fun (post, pruned) -> {pre; post; pruned}) (evolve_state_cond (post, pruned)) + in + let result = List.concat_map ~f:evolve_simple_state simple_states in + L.d_printfln "@[<2>PulseTopl.small_step:@;%a@ -> %a@]" pp_state simple_states pp_state result ; + result + + +let large_step ~substitution:_ ~condition:_ ~callee_prepost:_ _state = (* TODO *) [] diff --git a/infer/src/pulse/PulseTopl.mli b/infer/src/pulse/PulseTopl.mli index 965b14f43..cffd8bef0 100644 --- a/infer/src/pulse/PulseTopl.mli +++ b/infer/src/pulse/PulseTopl.mli @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ open! IStd type value = PulseAbstractValue.t -type event = Call of {return: value option; arguments: value list} +type event = Call of {return: value option; arguments: value list; procname: Procname.t} type state diff --git a/infer/src/topl/ToplAst.ml b/infer/src/topl/ToplAst.ml index cbf50082b..ac6a2048d 100644 --- a/infer/src/topl/ToplAst.ml +++ b/infer/src/topl/ToplAst.ml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ type register_name = string type variable_name = string -type constant = Exp.t +type constant = LiteralInt of int type value = Constant of constant | Register of register_name | Binding of variable_name diff --git a/infer/src/topl/ToplAutomaton.ml b/infer/src/topl/ToplAutomaton.ml index 4c68dcdb8..cbac3abac 100644 --- a/infer/src/topl/ToplAutomaton.ml +++ b/infer/src/topl/ToplAutomaton.ml @@ -169,3 +169,30 @@ let get_start_error_pairs a = let pp_message_of_state fmt (a, i) = let property, state = vname a i in Format.fprintf fmt "property %s reaches state %s" property state + + +let starts a = + (* TODO(rgrigore): cache *) + let f i (_property, vname) = if String.equal vname "start" then Some i else None in + Array.to_list (Array.filter_mapi ~f a.states) + + +let registers a = + (* TODO(rgrigore): cache *) + let do_assignment acc (r, _v) = String.Set.add acc r in + let do_action acc = List.fold ~init:acc ~f:do_assignment in + let do_value acc = ToplAst.(function Register r -> String.Set.add acc r | _ -> acc) in + let do_predicate acc = + ToplAst.(function Binop (_op, l, r) -> do_value (do_value acc l) r | _ -> acc) + in + let do_condition acc = List.fold ~init:acc ~f:do_predicate in + let do_label acc {ToplAst.action; condition} = do_action (do_condition acc condition) action in + let do_label_opt acc = Option.fold ~init:acc ~f:do_label in + let do_transition acc {label} = do_label_opt acc label in + String.Set.to_list (Array.fold ~init:String.Set.empty ~f:do_transition a.transitions) + + +let tfilter_map a ~f = Array.to_list (Array.filter_map ~f a.transitions) + +let pp_transition f {source; target; label} = + Format.fprintf f "@[%d -> %d:@,%a@]" source target ToplAstOps.pp_label label diff --git a/infer/src/topl/ToplAutomaton.mli b/infer/src/topl/ToplAutomaton.mli index 6a5e25b13..0aa48c56d 100644 --- a/infer/src/topl/ToplAutomaton.mli +++ b/infer/src/topl/ToplAutomaton.mli @@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ val vcount : t -> int val transition : t -> tindex -> transition +val tfilter_map : t -> f:(transition -> 'a option) -> 'a list + val is_skip : t -> tindex -> bool (** A transition is *skip* when it has no action, its guard is implied by all other guards, and its target equals its source. [is_skip automaton t] returns true when it can prove that [t] is skip.*) @@ -54,3 +56,9 @@ val get_start_error_pairs : t -> (vindex * vindex) list val pp_message_of_state : Format.formatter -> t * tindex -> unit (** Print "property P reaches state E". *) + +val starts : t -> vindex list + +val registers : t -> ToplAst.register_name list + +val pp_transition : Format.formatter -> transition -> unit diff --git a/infer/src/topl/ToplMonitor.ml b/infer/src/topl/ToplMonitor.ml index 1ea0e60e3..c1afc06b3 100644 --- a/infer/src/topl/ToplMonitor.ml +++ b/infer/src/topl/ToplMonitor.ml @@ -289,30 +289,16 @@ let generate_execute_state automaton proc_name = let exp_of_value = let open ToplAst in function - | Constant c -> - c + | Constant (LiteralInt x) -> + Exp.Const (Const.Cint (IntLit.of_int x)) | Register i -> ToplUtils.static_var (ToplName.reg i) | Binding v -> ToplUtils.static_var (binding_of v) in - let expbinop = function - | ToplAst.OpEq -> - Binop.Eq - | ToplAst.OpNe -> - Binop.Ne - | ToplAst.OpGe -> - Binop.Ge - | ToplAst.OpGt -> - Binop.Gt - | ToplAst.OpLe -> - Binop.Le - | ToplAst.OpLt -> - Binop.Lt - in let predicate = function | ToplAst.Binop (op, v1, v2) -> - Exp.BinOp (expbinop op, exp_of_value v1, exp_of_value v2) + Exp.BinOp (ToplUtils.binop_to op, exp_of_value v1, exp_of_value v2) | ToplAst.Value v -> exp_of_value v in diff --git a/infer/src/topl/ToplParser.mly b/infer/src/topl/ToplParser.mly index 5c8c1ab69..ef7b03264 100644 --- a/infer/src/topl/ToplParser.mly +++ b/infer/src/topl/ToplParser.mly @@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ predicate: value: id=LID { ToplAst.Register id } | id=UID { ToplAst.Binding id } - | x=INTEGER { ToplAst.Constant (Exp.Const (Const.Cint (IntLit.of_int x))) } - | x=STRING { ToplAst.Constant (Exp.Const (Const.Cstr x)) } + | x=INTEGER { ToplAst.Constant (LiteralInt x) (* (Exp.Const (Const.Cint (IntLit.of_int x)))*) } + (* TODO(rgrigore): Add string literals. *) predop_value: o=predop v=value { (o, v) } diff --git a/infer/src/topl/ToplUtils.ml b/infer/src/topl/ToplUtils.ml index 14f292179..2d0f18f95 100644 --- a/infer/src/topl/ToplUtils.ml +++ b/infer/src/topl/ToplUtils.ml @@ -52,6 +52,12 @@ let is_synthesized = function false +let binop_to = + let open ToplAst in + let open Binop in + function OpEq -> Eq | OpNe -> Ne | OpGe -> Ge | OpGt -> Gt | OpLe -> Le | OpLt -> Lt + + let debug fmt = let mode = if Config.trace_topl then Logging.Quiet else Logging.Verbose in Logging.debug Analysis mode "ToplTrace: " ; diff --git a/infer/src/topl/ToplUtils.mli b/infer/src/topl/ToplUtils.mli index a9d45161d..d96cd7bf5 100644 --- a/infer/src/topl/ToplUtils.mli +++ b/infer/src/topl/ToplUtils.mli @@ -34,3 +34,5 @@ val is_synthesized : Procname.t -> bool val debug : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) IStd.format -> 'a val make_field : string -> Fieldname.t + +val binop_to : ToplAst.binop -> Binop.t