[sledge] Account for callees in used-globals analysis

Include global variables used in function callees in used globals
analysis.  Also adds support for arbitrary changes to symbolic
state while resolving callees in other analyses.

Reviewed By: jberdine

Differential Revision: D17479352

fbshipit-source-id: e3cd9f179
Benno Stein 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 693f2944c7
commit 00a5d3dd64

@ -391,32 +391,31 @@ module Make (Dom : Domain_sig.Dom) = struct
| Some state -> exec_jump stk state block jump |> Work.seq x
| None -> x )
| Call ({callee; args; areturn; return} as call) -> (
let lookup name =
Option.to_list (Llair.Func.find pgm.functions name)
Dom.resolve_callee lookup callee state
| [] -> exec_skip_func stk state block areturn return
| callees ->
List.fold callees ~init:Work.skip ~f:(fun x callee ->
( match
Dom.exec_intrinsic ~skip_throw:opts.skip_throw state
areturn callee.name.var args
| Some (Error ()) ->
(Dom.report_fmt_thunk state)
block.term ;
| Some (Ok state) when Dom.is_false state -> Work.skip
| Some (Ok state) -> exec_jump stk state block return
| None when Llair.Func.is_undefined callee ->
exec_skip_func stk state block areturn return
| None ->
exec_call opts stk state block {call with callee}
pgm.globals )
|> Work.seq x ) )
let callees, state = Dom.resolve_callee lookup callee state in
match callees with
| [] -> exec_skip_func stk state block areturn return
| callees ->
List.fold callees ~init:Work.skip ~f:(fun x callee ->
( match
Dom.exec_intrinsic ~skip_throw:opts.skip_throw state
areturn callee.name.var args
| Some (Error ()) ->
(Dom.report_fmt_thunk state)
block.term ;
| Some (Ok state) when Dom.is_false state -> Work.skip
| Some (Ok state) -> exec_jump stk state block return
| None when Llair.Func.is_undefined callee ->
exec_skip_func stk state block areturn return
| None ->
exec_call opts stk state block {call with callee}
pgm.globals )
|> Work.seq x ) )
| Return {exp} -> exec_return ~opts stk state block exp pgm.globals
| Throw {exc} ->
if opts.skip_throw then Work.skip

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module type Dom = sig
val dnf : t -> t list
val resolve_callee :
(Var.t -> Llair.func list) -> Exp.t -> t -> Llair.func list
(Var.t -> Llair.func list) -> Exp.t -> t -> Llair.func list * t
type summary

@ -107,8 +107,9 @@ module Make (State_domain : State_domain_sig) = struct
let dnf (entry, current) =
List.map ~f:(fun c -> (entry, c)) (State_domain.dnf current)
let resolve_callee f e (_, current) =
State_domain.resolve_callee f e current
let resolve_callee f e (entry, current) =
let callees, current = State_domain.resolve_callee f e current in
(callees, (entry, current))
type summary = State_domain.summary

@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ let post _ _ () = ()
let retn _ _ _ _ = ()
let dnf () = [()]
let resolve_callee lookup ptr _ =
let resolve_callee lookup ptr () =
match Var.of_exp ptr with
| Some callee_name -> lookup callee_name
| None -> []
| Some callee_name -> (lookup callee_name, ())
| None -> ([], ())
type summary = unit

@ -33,16 +33,14 @@ let exec_kill st _ = st
let exec_move st _ rhs = used_globals ~init:st rhs
let exec_inst st inst =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "{%a} %a { ? }" pp st Llair.Inst.pp inst]
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "pre:{%a} %a" pp st Llair.Inst.pp inst]
(Llair.Inst.fold_exps inst ~init:st ~f:(fun acc e ->
used_globals ~init:acc e ))
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} res ->
match res with
| Ok uses -> pf "new uses: %a" pp (Set.diff uses st)
| _ -> ()]
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} ->
Result.iter ~f:(fun uses -> pf "post:{%a}" pp uses)]
let exec_intrinsic ~skip_throw:_ st _ _ actuals =
List.fold actuals ~init:st ~f:(fun s a -> used_globals ~init:s a)
@ -54,10 +52,11 @@ type from_call = t [@@deriving sexp_of]
let call ~summaries:_ actuals _ _ _ _ st =
(empty, List.fold actuals ~init:st ~f:(fun s a -> used_globals ~init:s a))
let resolve_callee lookup ptr _ =
let resolve_callee lookup ptr st =
let st = used_globals ~init:st ptr in
match Var.of_exp ptr with
| Some callee_name -> lookup callee_name
| None -> []
| Some callee_name -> (lookup callee_name, st)
| None -> ([], st)
(* A function summary is the set of global variables accessed by that
function and its transitive callees *)

@ -155,10 +155,10 @@ let retn formals freturn {areturn; subst; frame} q =
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp]
let resolve_callee lookup ptr _ =
let resolve_callee lookup ptr st =
match Var.of_exp ptr with
| Some callee_name -> lookup callee_name
| None -> []
| Some callee_name -> (lookup callee_name, st)
| None -> ([], st)
type summary = {xs: Var.Set.t; foot: t; post: t}
