[access trees] function for computing depth

I'm working on parameterizing access trees with a config that will limit max depth + perhaps width if needed.
This is a stepping stone to enforcing max depth.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D5693453

fbshipit-source-id: c15b0ee
Sam Blackshear 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 56b4348970
commit 028a28752b

@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ module type S = sig
val trace_fold : ('a -> AccessPath.Abs.t -> TraceDomain.astate -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val depth : t -> int
val pp_node : F.formatter -> node -> unit
@ -92,6 +94,19 @@ module Make (TraceDomain : AbstractDomain.WithBottom) = struct
let make_starred_leaf trace = (trace, Star)
(* no need to make it tail-recursive, trees shouldn't be big enough to blow up the call stack *)
let rec node_depth (_, tree) = 1 + tree_depth tree
and tree_depth = function
| Star
-> 0
| Subtree node_map
-> AccessMap.fold (fun _ node acc -> max_depth node acc) node_map 0
and max_depth node max_depth_acc = Int.max (node_depth node) max_depth_acc
let depth access_tree = BaseMap.fold (fun _ node acc -> max_depth node acc) access_tree 0
let make_access_node base_trace access trace =
make_node base_trace (AccessMap.singleton access (make_normal_leaf trace))

@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ module type S = sig
val trace_fold : ('a -> AccessPath.Abs.t -> TraceDomain.astate -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val depth : t -> int
(** number of traces in the tallest branch of the tree *)
val pp_node : Format.formatter -> node -> unit

@ -398,5 +398,18 @@ let tests =
"fold" >:: fold_test_
let depth_test =
let depth_test_ _ =
assert_equal (Domain.depth Domain.empty) 0 ;
assert_equal (Domain.depth x_base_tree) 1 ;
assert_equal (Domain.depth x_y_base_tree) 1 ;
assert_equal (Domain.depth xFG_tree) 3 ;
assert_equal (Domain.depth x_star_tree) 1 ;
assert_equal (Domain.depth yF_star_tree) 2 ;
assert_equal (Domain.depth x_yF_star_tree) 2 ;
"depth" >:: depth_test_
>::: [get_trace_test; add_trace_test; lteq_test; join_test; widen_test; fold_test]
>::: [get_trace_test; add_trace_test; lteq_test; join_test; widen_test; fold_test; depth_test]
