@ -396,6 +396,41 @@ module Name = struct
let java_io_serializable = from_string " java.io.Serializable "
let java_lang_cloneable = from_string " java.lang.Cloneable "
(* * Given a package.class_name string, it looks for the latest dot and split the string
in two ( package , class_name ) * )
let split_classname package_classname =
match String . rsplit2 package_classname ~ on : '.' with
| Some ( x , y ) ->
( Some x , y )
| None ->
( None , package_classname )
let split_typename typename = split_classname ( name typename )
let get_parent_class class_name =
let package_name , class_name_no_package = split_typename class_name in
match String . rsplit2 ~ on : '$' class_name_no_package with
| Some ( parent_class , _ ) ->
Some ( from_package_class ( Option . value ~ default : " " package_name ) parent_class )
| None ->
let is_anonymous_inner_class_name class_name =
let class_name_no_package = snd ( split_typename class_name ) in
match String . rsplit2 class_name_no_package ~ on : '$' with
| Some ( _ , s ) ->
let is_int =
ignore ( int_of_string ( String . strip s ) ) ;
with Failure _ -> false
| None ->
module Cpp = struct
@ -501,12 +536,6 @@ let rec java_from_string : string -> t = function
type typ = t
module Procname = struct
(* e.g. ( "", "int" ) for primitive types or ( "java.io", "PrintWriter" ) for objects *)
type java_type = string option * string
(* compare in inverse order *)
let compare_java_type ( p1 , c1 ) ( p2 , c2 ) = [ % compare : string * string option ] ( c1 , p1 ) ( c2 , p2 )
type method_kind =
| Non_Static
(* in Java, procedures called with invokevirtual, invokespecial, and invokeinterface *)
@ -516,14 +545,117 @@ module Procname = struct
let equal_method_kind = [ % compare . equal : method_kind ]
(* * Type of java procedure names. *)
type java =
{ method_name : string
; parameters : java_type list
; class_name : Name . t
; return_type : java_type option (* option because constructors have no return type *)
; kind : method_kind }
[ @@ deriving compare ]
(* * Level of verbosity of some to_string functions. *)
type detail_level = Verbose | Non_verbose | Simple [ @@ deriving compare ]
let equal_detail_level = [ % compare . equal : detail_level ]
let is_verbose v = match v with Verbose -> true | _ -> false
module Java = struct
(* TODO: use Mangled.t here *)
type java_type = string option * string
(* compare in inverse order *)
let compare_java_type ( p1 , c1 ) ( p2 , c2 ) = [ % compare : string * string option ] ( c1 , p1 ) ( c2 , p2 )
(* * Type of java procedure names. *)
type t =
{ method_name : string
; parameters : java_type list
; class_name : Name . t
; return_type : java_type option (* option because constructors have no return type *)
; kind : method_kind }
[ @@ deriving compare ]
let make class_name return_type method_name parameters kind =
{ class_name ; return_type ; method_name ; parameters ; kind }
(* * A type is a pair ( package, type_name ) that is translated in a string package.type_name *)
let type_to_string_verbosity p verbosity =
match p with
| None , typ ->
| Some p , cls ->
if is_verbose verbosity then p ^ " . " ^ cls else cls
(* * Given a list of types, it creates a unique string of types separated by commas *)
let rec param_list_to_string inputList verbosity =
match inputList with
| [] ->
" "
| [ head ] ->
type_to_string_verbosity head verbosity
| head :: rest ->
type_to_string_verbosity head verbosity ^ " , " ^ param_list_to_string rest verbosity
(* * It is the same as java_type_to_string_verbosity, but Java return types are optional because
of constructors without type * )
let return_type_to_string j verbosity =
match j . return_type with None -> " " | Some typ -> type_to_string_verbosity typ verbosity
let get_class_name j = Name . name j . class_name
let get_class_type_name j = j . class_name
let get_simple_class_name j = snd ( Name . Java . split_classname ( get_class_name j ) )
let get_package j = fst ( Name . Java . split_classname ( get_class_name j ) )
let get_method j = j . method_name
let replace_method j mname = { j with method_name = mname }
let replace_return_type j ret_type = { j with return_type = Some ret_type }
let replace_parameters j parameters = { j with parameters }
let get_return_type j = return_type_to_string j Verbose
let get_parameters j = j . parameters
(* * Prints a string of a java procname with the given level of verbosity *)
let to_string ? ( withclass = false ) j verbosity =
match verbosity with
| Verbose | Non_verbose ->
(* if verbose, then package.class.method ( params ) : rtype,
else rtype package . class . method ( params )
verbose is used for example to create unique filenames , non_verbose to create reports * )
let return_type = return_type_to_string j verbosity in
let params = param_list_to_string j . parameters verbosity in
let class_name =
type_to_string_verbosity ( Name . Java . split_typename j . class_name ) verbosity
let separator =
match ( j . return_type , verbosity ) with
| None , _ ->
" "
| Some _ , Verbose ->
" : "
| _ ->
" "
let output = class_name ^ " . " ^ j . method_name ^ " ( " ^ params ^ " ) " in
if equal_detail_level verbosity Verbose then output ^ separator ^ return_type
else return_type ^ separator ^ output
| Simple ->
(* methodname ( ... ) or without ... if there are no parameters *)
let cls_prefix =
if withclass then
type_to_string_verbosity ( Name . Java . split_typename j . class_name ) verbosity ^ " . "
else " "
let params = match j . parameters with [] -> " " | _ -> " ... " in
let method_name =
if String . equal j . method_name " <init> " then get_simple_class_name j
else cls_prefix ^ j . method_name
method_name ^ " ( " ^ params ^ " ) "
(* * Type of c procedure names. *)
type c =
@ -556,7 +688,7 @@ module Procname = struct
(* * Type of procedure names. *)
type t =
| Java of java
| Java of Java . t
| C of c
| Linters_dummy_method
| Block of block_name
@ -568,11 +700,6 @@ module Procname = struct
let hash = Hashtbl . hash
(* * Level of verbosity of some to_string functions. *)
type detail_level = Verbose | Non_verbose | Simple [ @@ deriving compare ]
let equal_detail_level = [ % compare . equal : detail_level ]
let objc_method_kind_of_bool is_instance =
if is_instance then ObjCInstanceMethod else ObjCClassMethod
@ -587,47 +714,6 @@ module Procname = struct
let empty_block = Block " "
let is_verbose v = match v with Verbose -> true | _ -> false
(* * A type is a pair ( package, type_name ) that is translated in a string package.type_name *)
let java_type_to_string_verbosity p verbosity =
match p with
| None , typ ->
| Some p , cls ->
if is_verbose verbosity then p ^ " . " ^ cls else cls
(* * Given a list of types, it creates a unique string of types separated by commas *)
let rec java_param_list_to_string inputList verbosity =
match inputList with
| [] ->
" "
| [ head ] ->
java_type_to_string_verbosity head verbosity
| head :: rest ->
java_type_to_string_verbosity head verbosity ^ " , "
^ java_param_list_to_string rest verbosity
(* * It is the same as java_type_to_string_verbosity, but Java return types are optional because
of constructors without type * )
let java_return_type_to_string j verbosity =
match j . return_type with None -> " " | Some typ -> java_type_to_string_verbosity typ verbosity
(* * Given a package.class_name string, it looks for the latest dot and split the string
in two ( package , class_name ) * )
let split_classname package_classname =
match String . rsplit2 package_classname ~ on : '.' with
| Some ( x , y ) ->
( Some x , y )
| None ->
( None , package_classname )
let split_typename typename = split_classname ( Name . name typename )
let c name mangled template_args ~ is_generic_model =
{ name ; mangled = Some mangled ; template_args ; is_generic_model }
@ -640,10 +726,6 @@ module Procname = struct
; is_generic_model = false }
let java class_name return_type method_name parameters kind =
{ class_name ; return_type ; method_name ; parameters ; kind }
(* * Create an objc procedure name from a class_name and method_name. *)
let objc_cpp class_name method_name kind template_args ~ is_generic_model =
{ class_name ; method_name ; kind ; template_args ; is_generic_model }
@ -676,88 +758,13 @@ module Procname = struct
let rec objc_cpp_replace_method_name t ( new_method_name : string ) =
match t with
| ObjC_Cpp osig ->
ObjC_Cpp { osig with method_name = new_method_name }
| WithBlockParameters ( base , blocks ) ->
WithBlockParameters ( objc_cpp_replace_method_name base new_method_name , blocks )
| C _ | Block _ | Linters_dummy_method | Java _ ->
(* * Get the class name of a Objective-C/C++ procedure name. *)
let objc_cpp_get_class_name objc_cpp = Name . name objc_cpp . class_name
let objc_cpp_get_class_type_name objc_cpp = objc_cpp . class_name
(* * Return the package.classname of a java procname. *)
let java_get_class_name ( j : java ) = Name . name j . class_name
(* * Return the package.classname as a typename of a java procname. *)
let java_get_class_type_name ( j : java ) = j . class_name
(* * Return the class name of a java procedure name. *)
let java_get_simple_class_name ( j : java ) = snd ( split_classname ( java_get_class_name j ) )
(* * Return the package of a java procname. *)
let java_get_package ( j : java ) = fst ( split_classname ( java_get_class_name j ) )
(* * Return the method of a java procname. *)
let java_get_method ( j : java ) = j . method_name
(* * Replace the method of a java procname. *)
let java_replace_method ( j : java ) mname = { j with method_name = mname }
(* * Replace the return type of a java procname. *)
let java_replace_return_type j ret_type = { j with return_type = Some ret_type }
(* * Replace the parameters of a java procname. *)
let java_replace_parameters j parameters = { j with parameters }
(* * Return the method/function of a procname. *)
let rec get_method = function
| ObjC_Cpp name ->
name . method_name
| WithBlockParameters ( base , _ ) ->
get_method base
| C { name } ->
QualifiedCppName . to_qual_string name
| Block name ->
| Java j ->
j . method_name
| Linters_dummy_method ->
" Linters_dummy_method "
(* * Return whether the procname is a block procname. *)
let is_objc_block = function Block _ -> true | _ -> false
(* * Return whether the procname is a cpp lambda. *)
let is_cpp_lambda procname = String . is_substring ~ substring : " operator() " ( get_method procname )
(* * Return the language of the procedure. *)
let get_language = function
| ObjC_Cpp _ ->
Config . Clang
| C _ ->
Config . Clang
| Block _ ->
Config . Clang
| Linters_dummy_method ->
Config . Clang
| WithBlockParameters _ ->
Config . Clang
| Java _ ->
Config . Java
(* * Return the return type of a java procname. *)
let java_get_return_type ( j : java ) = java_return_type_to_string j Verbose
(* * Check if the procedure name is an anonymous inner class constructor. *)
let java_is_anonymous_inner_class_constructor = function
| Java js ->
Name . Java . is_anonymous_inner_class_name js . class_name
| _ ->
(* * Return the parameters of a java procname. *)
let java_get_parameters j = j . parameters
(* * Return true if the java procedure is static *)
let java_is_static = function Java j -> equal_method_kind j . kind Static | _ -> false
@ -776,61 +783,6 @@ module Procname = struct
(* * Prints a string of a java procname with the given level of verbosity *)
let java_to_string ? ( withclass = false ) ( j : java ) verbosity =
match verbosity with
| Verbose | Non_verbose ->
(* if verbose, then package.class.method ( params ) : rtype,
else rtype package . class . method ( params )
verbose is used for example to create unique filenames , non_verbose to create reports * )
let return_type = java_return_type_to_string j verbosity in
let params = java_param_list_to_string j . parameters verbosity in
let class_name = java_type_to_string_verbosity ( split_typename j . class_name ) verbosity in
let separator =
match ( j . return_type , verbosity ) with None , _ -> " " | Some _ , Verbose -> " : " | _ -> " "
let output = class_name ^ " . " ^ j . method_name ^ " ( " ^ params ^ " ) " in
if equal_detail_level verbosity Verbose then output ^ separator ^ return_type
else return_type ^ separator ^ output
| Simple ->
(* methodname ( ... ) or without ... if there are no parameters *)
let cls_prefix =
if withclass then
java_type_to_string_verbosity ( split_typename j . class_name ) verbosity ^ " . "
else " "
let params = match j . parameters with [] -> " " | _ -> " ... " in
let method_name =
if String . equal j . method_name " <init> " then java_get_simple_class_name j
else cls_prefix ^ j . method_name
method_name ^ " ( " ^ params ^ " ) "
(* * Check if the class name is for an anonymous inner class. *)
let is_anonymous_inner_class_name class_name =
let class_name_no_package = snd ( split_typename class_name ) in
match String . rsplit2 class_name_no_package ~ on : '$' with
| Some ( _ , s ) ->
let is_int =
ignore ( int_of_string ( String . strip s ) ) ;
with Failure _ -> false
| None ->
(* * Check if the procedure name is an anonymous inner class constructor. *)
let java_is_anonymous_inner_class_constructor = function
| Java js ->
is_anonymous_inner_class_name js . class_name
| _ ->
(* * Check if the procedure name is an acess method ( e.g. access$100 used to
access private members from a nested class . * )
let java_is_access_method = function
@ -867,6 +819,59 @@ module Procname = struct
let rec objc_cpp_replace_method_name t ( new_method_name : string ) =
match t with
| ObjC_Cpp osig ->
ObjC_Cpp { osig with method_name = new_method_name }
| WithBlockParameters ( base , blocks ) ->
WithBlockParameters ( objc_cpp_replace_method_name base new_method_name , blocks )
| C _ | Block _ | Linters_dummy_method | Java _ ->
(* * Get the class name of a Objective-C/C++ procedure name. *)
let objc_cpp_get_class_name objc_cpp = Name . name objc_cpp . class_name
let objc_cpp_get_class_type_name objc_cpp = objc_cpp . class_name
(* * Return the method/function of a procname. *)
let rec get_method = function
| ObjC_Cpp name ->
name . method_name
| WithBlockParameters ( base , _ ) ->
get_method base
| C { name } ->
QualifiedCppName . to_qual_string name
| Block name ->
| Java j ->
j . method_name
| Linters_dummy_method ->
" Linters_dummy_method "
(* * Return whether the procname is a block procname. *)
let is_objc_block = function Block _ -> true | _ -> false
(* * Return whether the procname is a cpp lambda. *)
let is_cpp_lambda procname = String . is_substring ~ substring : " operator() " ( get_method procname )
(* * Return the language of the procedure. *)
let get_language = function
| ObjC_Cpp _ ->
Config . Clang
| C _ ->
Config . Clang
| Block _ ->
Config . Clang
| Linters_dummy_method ->
Config . Clang
| WithBlockParameters _ ->
Config . Clang
| Java _ ->
Config . Java
let is_objc_constructor method_name =
String . equal method_name " new " | | String . is_prefix ~ prefix : " init " method_name
@ -919,7 +924,7 @@ module Procname = struct
match pn with
| Java j ->
let regexp = Str . regexp " com.facebook.infer.builtins.InferUndefined " in
Str . string_match regexp ( java_ get_class_name j ) 0
Str . string_match regexp ( Java . get_class_name j ) 0
| _ ->
(* TODO: add cases for obj-c, c, c++ *)
@ -977,7 +982,7 @@ module Procname = struct
let rec to_unique_id pn =
match pn with
| Java j ->
java_ to_string j Verbose
Java . to_string j Verbose
| C { name ; mangled } ->
to_readable_string ( name , mangled ) true
| ObjC_Cpp osig ->
@ -994,7 +999,7 @@ module Procname = struct
let rec to_string p =
match p with
| Java j ->
java_ to_string j Non_verbose
Java . to_string j Non_verbose
| C { name ; mangled } ->
to_readable_string ( name , mangled ) false
| ObjC_Cpp osig ->
@ -1011,7 +1016,7 @@ module Procname = struct
let rec to_simplified_string ? ( withclass = false ) p =
match p with
| Java j ->
java_ to_string ~ withclass j Simple
Java . to_string ~ withclass j Simple
| C { name ; mangled } ->
to_readable_string ( name , mangled ) false ^ " () "
| ObjC_Cpp osig ->
@ -1030,7 +1035,7 @@ module Procname = struct
(* Strip autogenerated anonymous inner class numbers in order to keep the bug hash
invariant when introducing new annonynous classes * )
Str . global_replace ( Str . regexp " $[0-9]+ " ) " $_ "
( java_ to_string ~ withclass : true pname Simple )
( Java . to_string ~ withclass : true pname Simple )
| ObjC_Cpp _ when is_objc_method p ->
(* In Objective C, the list of parameters is part of the method name. To prevent the bug
hash to change when a parameter is introduced or removed , only the part of the name
@ -1143,7 +1148,7 @@ end
(* * Return the return type of [pname_java]. *)
let java_proc_return_typ pname_java : t =
let typ = java_from_string ( Procname . java_ get_return_type pname_java ) in
let typ = java_from_string ( Procname . Java . get_return_type pname_java ) in
match typ . desc with Tstruct _ -> mk ( Tptr ( typ , Pk_pointer ) ) | _ -> typ
@ -1202,32 +1207,6 @@ module Fieldname = struct
(* * Returns the class part of the fieldname *)
let java_get_class fn =
let fn = to_string fn in
let ri = String . rindex_exn fn '.' in
String . slice fn 0 ri
(* * Returns the last component of the fieldname *)
let java_get_field fn =
let fn = to_string fn in
let ri = 1 + String . rindex_exn fn '.' in
String . slice fn ri 0
(* * Check if the field is the synthetic this$n of a nested class, used to access the n-th outher instance. *)
let java_is_outer_instance fn =
let fn = to_string fn in
let fn_len = String . length fn in
fn_len < > 0
let this = " .this$ " in
let last_char = fn . [ fn_len - 1 ] in
( last_char > = '0' && last_char < = '9' )
&& String . is_suffix fn ~ suffix : ( this ^ String . of_char last_char )
let clang_get_qual_class = function
| Clang { class_name } ->
Some ( Name . qual_name class_name )
@ -1248,6 +1227,29 @@ module Fieldname = struct
String . is_prefix ~ prefix : " val$ " ( to_flat_string field_name )
| Clang _ ->
let get_class fn =
let fn = to_string fn in
let ri = String . rindex_exn fn '.' in
String . slice fn 0 ri
let get_field fn =
let fn = to_string fn in
let ri = 1 + String . rindex_exn fn '.' in
String . slice fn ri 0
let is_outer_instance fn =
let fn = to_string fn in
let fn_len = String . length fn in
fn_len < > 0
let this = " .this$ " in
let last_char = fn . [ fn_len - 1 ] in
( last_char > = '0' && last_char < = '9' )
&& String . is_suffix fn ~ suffix : ( this ^ String . of_char last_char )