[thread-safety] better error message for unannotated interfaces

Reviewed By: jberdine

Differential Revision: D6028478

fbshipit-source-id: d09f6f7
Sam Blackshear 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent b95f29c8d1
commit 06a51869df

@ -1131,34 +1131,57 @@ let analyze_procedure {Callbacks.proc_desc; get_proc_desc; tenv; summary} =
module AccessListMap = Caml.Map.Make (ThreadSafetyDomain.Access)
type conflicts = ThreadSafetyDomain.TraceElem.t list
type report_kind =
| WriteWriteRace of conflicts (** possibly-empty list of conflicting accesses *)
| ReadWriteRace of conflicts (** non-empty list of conflicting accesses *)
| UnannotatedInterface
(** Explain why we are reporting this access *)
let get_reporting_explanation tenv pname thread =
let thread_assumption =
if ThreadSafetyDomain.ThreadsDomain.is_any thread then
"so we assume that this method can run in parallel with other non-private methods in the class (incuding itself)"
let get_reporting_explanation report_kind tenv pname thread =
(* best explanation is always that the current class or method is annotated thread-safe. try for
that first. *)
let annotation_explanation_opt =
if is_thread_safe_method pname tenv then
"@\n Reporting because current method is annotated %a or overrides an annotated method."
MF.pp_monospaced "@ThreadSafe")
"and another access to the same memory may occur on a background thread even though this access may not"
match get_current_class_and_threadsafe_superclasses tenv pname with
| Some (current_class, (thread_safe_class :: _ as thread_safe_annotated_classes))
-> Some
( if List.mem ~equal:Typ.Name.equal thread_safe_annotated_classes current_class then
F.asprintf "@\n Reporting because the current class is annotated %a"
MF.pp_monospaced "@ThreadSafe"
F.asprintf "@\n Reporting because a superclass %a is annotated %a"
(MF.wrap_monospaced Typ.Name.pp) thread_safe_class MF.pp_monospaced "@ThreadSafe" )
| _
-> None
match get_current_class_and_threadsafe_superclasses tenv pname with
| Some (current_class, (thread_safe_class :: _ as thread_safe_annotated_classes))
-> if List.mem ~equal:Typ.Name.equal thread_safe_annotated_classes current_class then
F.asprintf "@\n Reporting because the current class is annotated %a, %s." MF.pp_monospaced
"@ThreadSafe" thread_assumption
F.asprintf "@\n Reporting because a superclass %a is annotated %a, %s."
(MF.wrap_monospaced Typ.Name.pp) thread_safe_class MF.pp_monospaced "@ThreadSafe"
| _
-> if is_thread_safe_method pname tenv then
"@\n Reporting because current method is annotated %a or overrides an annotated method, %s."
MF.pp_monospaced "@ThreadSafe" thread_assumption
else if ThreadSafetyDomain.ThreadsDomain.is_any thread then
match (report_kind, annotation_explanation_opt) with
| UnannotatedInterface, Some threadsafe_explanation
-> F.asprintf "%s." threadsafe_explanation
| UnannotatedInterface, None
-> Logging.die InternalError
"Reporting non-threadsafe interface call, but can't find a @ThreadSafe annotation"
| _, Some threadsafe_explanation when ThreadSafetyDomain.ThreadsDomain.is_any thread
-> F.asprintf
"%s, so we assume that this method can run in parallel with other non-private methods in the class (incuding itself)."
| _, Some threadsafe_explanation
-> F.asprintf
"%s. Although this access is not known to run on a background thread, it may happen in parallel with another access that does."
| _, None
-> (* failed to explain based on @ThreadSafe annotation; have to justify using background thread *)
if ThreadSafetyDomain.ThreadsDomain.is_any thread then
F.asprintf "@\n Reporting because this access may occur on a background thread."
"@\n Reporting because another access to the same memory may run on a background thread."
"@\n Reporting because another access to the same memory occurs on a background thread, although this access may not."
let filter_by_access access_filter trace =
let open ThreadSafetyDomain in
@ -1217,13 +1240,6 @@ let trace_of_pname orig_sink orig_pdesc callee_pname =
| _
-> PathDomain.empty
type conflicts = ThreadSafetyDomain.TraceElem.t list
type report_kind =
| WriteWriteRace of conflicts (** possibly-empty list of conflicting accesses *)
| ReadWriteRace of conflicts (** non-empty list of conflicting accesses *)
| UnannotatedInterface
let make_trace ~report_kind original_path pdesc =
let open ThreadSafetyDomain in
let loc_trace_of_path path = PathDomain.to_sink_loc_trace ~desc_of_sink path in
@ -1269,11 +1285,13 @@ let report_thread_safety_violation tenv pdesc issue_type ~make_description ~repo
let final_sink_site = PathDomain.Sink.call_site final_sink in
let loc = CallSite.loc initial_sink_site in
let ltr = make_trace ~report_kind path pdesc in
let description =
make_description tenv pname final_sink_site initial_sink_site final_sink thread
(* what the potential bug is *)
let description = make_description pname final_sink_site initial_sink_site final_sink in
(* why we are reporting it *)
let explanation = get_reporting_explanation report_kind tenv pname thread in
let error_message = F.sprintf "%s%s" description explanation in
let exn =
Exceptions.Checkers (issue_type.IssueType.unique_id, Localise.verbatim_desc description)
Exceptions.Checkers (issue_type.IssueType.unique_id, Localise.verbatim_desc error_message)
Reporting.log_error_deprecated ~store_summary:true pname ~loc ~ltr exn
@ -1284,7 +1302,7 @@ let report_unannotated_interface_violation tenv pdesc access thread reported_pna
match reported_pname with
| Typ.Procname.Java java_pname
-> let class_name = Typ.Procname.java_get_class_name java_pname in
let make_description _ _ _ _ _ _ =
let make_description _ _ _ _ =
"Unprotected call to method of un-annotated interface %s. Consider annotating the class with %a, adding a lock, or using an interface that is known to be thread-safe."
class_name MF.pp_monospaced "@ThreadSafe"
@ -1302,17 +1320,16 @@ let pp_procname_short fmt = function
| pname
-> Typ.Procname.pp fmt pname
let make_unprotected_write_description tenv pname final_sink_site initial_sink_site final_sink
write_thread =
Format.asprintf "Unprotected write. Non-private method %a%s %s %a outside of synchronization.%s"
let make_unprotected_write_description pname final_sink_site initial_sink_site final_sink =
Format.asprintf "Unprotected write. Non-private method %a%s %s %a outside of synchronization."
(MF.wrap_monospaced pp_procname_short) pname
(if CallSite.equal final_sink_site initial_sink_site then "" else " indirectly")
( if ThreadSafetyDomain.TraceElem.is_container_write final_sink then "mutates"
else "writes to field" )
pp_access final_sink (get_reporting_explanation tenv pname write_thread)
pp_access final_sink
let make_read_write_race_description ~read_is_sync conflicts tenv pname final_sink_site
initial_sink_site final_sink read_thread =
let make_read_write_race_description ~read_is_sync conflicts pname final_sink_site
initial_sink_site final_sink =
let conflicting_proc_names =
List.map ~f:(fun (_, _, _, _, pdesc) -> Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc) conflicts
|> Typ.Procname.Set.of_list
@ -1323,16 +1340,16 @@ let make_read_write_race_description ~read_is_sync conflicts tenv pname final_si
else Typ.Procname.Set.pp fmt conflicts
let conflicts_description =
Format.asprintf "Potentially races with%s writes in method%s %a."
Format.asprintf "Potentially races with%s writes in method%s %a"
(if read_is_sync then " unsynchronized" else "")
(if Typ.Procname.Set.cardinal conflicting_proc_names > 1 then "s" else "")
(MF.wrap_monospaced pp_conflicts) conflicting_proc_names
Format.asprintf "Read/Write race. Non-private method %a%s reads%s from %a. %s%s"
Format.asprintf "Read/Write race. Non-private method %a%s reads%s from %a. %s."
(MF.wrap_monospaced pp_procname_short) pname
(if CallSite.equal final_sink_site initial_sink_site then "" else " indirectly")
(if read_is_sync then " with synchronization" else " without synchronization")
pp_access final_sink conflicts_description (get_reporting_explanation tenv pname read_thread)
pp_access final_sink conflicts_description
(** type for remembering what we have already reported to avoid duplicates. our policy is to report
each kind of access (read/write) to the same field reachable from the same procedure only once.
