[refactor] Refactor SymExec Sil.Call pattern match

Reviewed By: jeremydubreil

Differential Revision: D4095871

fbshipit-source-id: d496776
Andrzej Kotulski 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 46592ffdd9
commit 08d4465e1d

@ -1052,126 +1052,122 @@ let rec sym_exec tenv current_pdesc _instr (prop_: Prop.normal Prop.t) path
check_condition_always_true_false ();
let n_cond, prop = check_arith_norm_exp tenv current_pname cond prop__ in
ret_old_path (Propset.to_proplist (prune tenv ~positive:true n_cond prop))
| Sil.Call (ret_id, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun callee_pname), args, loc, _)
when Builtin.is_registered callee_pname ->
let sym_exe_builtin = Option.get (Builtin.get callee_pname) in
sym_exe_builtin (call_args prop_ callee_pname args ret_id loc)
| Sil.Call (ret_id,
Exp.Const (Const.Cfun ((Procname.Java callee_pname_java) as callee_pname)),
actual_params, loc, call_flags)
when Config.dynamic_dispatch = `Lazy ->
let norm_prop, norm_args =
(call_constructor_url_update_args callee_pname actual_params) in
let exec_skip_call skipped_pname ret_annots ret_type =
skip_call norm_prop path skipped_pname ret_annots loc ret_id (Some ret_type) norm_args in
let resolved_pname, summary_opt =
resolve_and_analyze tenv current_pdesc norm_prop norm_args callee_pname call_flags in
match summary_opt with
| None ->
let ret_typ = Typ.java_proc_return_typ callee_pname_java in
let ret_annots = load_ret_annots callee_pname in
exec_skip_call resolved_pname ret_annots ret_typ
| Some summary when call_should_be_skipped resolved_pname summary ->
let proc_attrs = summary.Specs.attributes in
let ret_annots, _ = proc_attrs.ProcAttributes.method_annotation in
exec_skip_call resolved_pname ret_annots proc_attrs.ProcAttributes.ret_type
| Some summary ->
proc_call summary (call_args prop_ callee_pname norm_args ret_id loc)
| Sil.Call (ret_id,
Exp.Const (Const.Cfun ((Procname.Java callee_pname_java) as callee_pname)),
actual_params, loc, call_flags) ->
do_error_checks tenv (Paths.Path.curr_node path) instr current_pname current_pdesc;
let norm_prop, norm_args = normalize_params tenv current_pname prop_ actual_params in
let url_handled_args =
call_constructor_url_update_args callee_pname norm_args in
let resolved_pnames =
resolve_virtual_pname tenv norm_prop url_handled_args callee_pname call_flags in
let exec_one_pname pname =
Ondemand.analyze_proc_name tenv ~propagate_exceptions:true current_pdesc pname;
let exec_skip_call ret_annots ret_type =
skip_call norm_prop path pname ret_annots loc ret_id (Some ret_type) url_handled_args in
match Specs.get_summary pname with
| None ->
let ret_typ = Typ.java_proc_return_typ callee_pname_java in
let ret_annots = load_ret_annots callee_pname in
exec_skip_call ret_annots ret_typ
| Some summary when call_should_be_skipped pname summary ->
let proc_attrs = summary.Specs.attributes in
let ret_annots, _ = proc_attrs.ProcAttributes.method_annotation in
exec_skip_call ret_annots proc_attrs.ProcAttributes.ret_type
| Some summary ->
proc_call summary (call_args norm_prop pname url_handled_args ret_id loc) in
IList.fold_left (fun acc pname -> exec_one_pname pname @ acc) [] resolved_pnames
| Sil.Call (ret_id, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun callee_pname), actual_params, loc, call_flags) ->
(* Generic fun call with known name *)
let (prop_r, n_actual_params) = normalize_params tenv current_pname prop_ actual_params in
let resolved_pname =
match resolve_virtual_pname tenv prop_r n_actual_params callee_pname call_flags with
| resolved_pname :: _ -> resolved_pname
| [] -> callee_pname in
Ondemand.analyze_proc_name tenv ~propagate_exceptions:true current_pdesc resolved_pname;
let callee_pdesc_opt = Ondemand.get_proc_desc resolved_pname in
let ret_typ_opt = Option.map Cfg.Procdesc.get_ret_type callee_pdesc_opt in
let sentinel_result =
if !Config.curr_language = Config.Clang then
(call_args prop_r callee_pname actual_params ret_id loc)
else [(prop_r, path)] in
let do_call (prop, path) =
let summary = Specs.get_summary resolved_pname in
let should_skip resolved_pname summary =
match summary with
| None -> true
| Some summary -> call_should_be_skipped resolved_pname summary in
if should_skip resolved_pname summary then
(* If it's an ObjC getter or setter, call the builtin rather than skipping *)
let attrs_opt =
let attr_opt = Option.map Cfg.Procdesc.get_attributes callee_pdesc_opt in
match attr_opt, resolved_pname with
| Some attrs, Procname.ObjC_Cpp _ -> Some attrs
| None, Procname.ObjC_Cpp _ -> AttributesTable.load_attributes resolved_pname
| _ -> None in
let objc_property_accessor_ret_typ_opt =
match attrs_opt with
| Some attrs ->
(match attrs.ProcAttributes.objc_accessor with
| Some objc_accessor -> Some (objc_accessor, attrs.ProcAttributes.ret_type)
| None -> None)
| None -> None in
match objc_property_accessor_ret_typ_opt with
| Some (objc_property_accessor, ret_typ) ->
n_actual_params n_actual_params prop tenv ret_id
current_pdesc callee_pname loc path
(sym_exec_objc_accessor objc_property_accessor ret_typ)
| None ->
let ret_annots = match summary with
| Some summ ->
let ret_annots, _ = summ.Specs.attributes.ProcAttributes.method_annotation in
| Sil.Call (ret_id, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun callee_pname), actual_params, loc, call_flags) -> (
match Builtin.get callee_pname with
| Some exec_builtin -> exec_builtin (call_args prop_ callee_pname actual_params ret_id loc)
| None -> (
match callee_pname with
| Java callee_pname_java when Config.dynamic_dispatch = `Lazy ->
let norm_prop, norm_args =
(call_constructor_url_update_args callee_pname actual_params) in
let exec_skip_call skipped_pname ret_annots ret_type =
skip_call norm_prop path skipped_pname ret_annots loc ret_id
(Some ret_type) norm_args in
let resolved_pname, summary_opt = resolve_and_analyze tenv current_pdesc
norm_prop norm_args callee_pname call_flags in
match summary_opt with
| None ->
load_ret_annots resolved_pname in
let is_objc_instance_method =
match attrs_opt with
| Some attrs -> attrs.ProcAttributes.is_objc_instance_method
| None -> false in
skip_call ~is_objc_instance_method prop path resolved_pname ret_annots loc ret_id
ret_typ_opt n_actual_params
proc_call (Option.get summary)
(call_args prop resolved_pname n_actual_params ret_id loc) in
IList.flatten (IList.map do_call sentinel_result)
let ret_typ = Typ.java_proc_return_typ callee_pname_java in
let ret_annots = load_ret_annots callee_pname in
exec_skip_call resolved_pname ret_annots ret_typ
| Some summary when call_should_be_skipped resolved_pname summary ->
let proc_attrs = summary.Specs.attributes in
let ret_annots, _ = proc_attrs.ProcAttributes.method_annotation in
exec_skip_call resolved_pname ret_annots proc_attrs.ProcAttributes.ret_type
| Some summary ->
proc_call summary (call_args prop_ callee_pname norm_args ret_id loc)
| Java callee_pname_java ->
do_error_checks tenv (Paths.Path.curr_node path) instr current_pname current_pdesc;
let norm_prop, norm_args = normalize_params tenv current_pname prop_ actual_params in
let url_handled_args =
call_constructor_url_update_args callee_pname norm_args in
let resolved_pnames =
resolve_virtual_pname tenv norm_prop url_handled_args callee_pname call_flags in
let exec_one_pname pname =
Ondemand.analyze_proc_name tenv ~propagate_exceptions:true current_pdesc pname;
let exec_skip_call ret_annots ret_type = skip_call norm_prop path pname ret_annots
loc ret_id (Some ret_type) url_handled_args in
match Specs.get_summary pname with
| None ->
let ret_typ = Typ.java_proc_return_typ callee_pname_java in
let ret_annots = load_ret_annots callee_pname in
exec_skip_call ret_annots ret_typ
| Some summary when call_should_be_skipped pname summary ->
let proc_attrs = summary.Specs.attributes in
let ret_annots, _ = proc_attrs.ProcAttributes.method_annotation in
exec_skip_call ret_annots proc_attrs.ProcAttributes.ret_type
| Some summary ->
proc_call summary (call_args norm_prop pname url_handled_args ret_id loc) in
IList.fold_left (fun acc pname -> exec_one_pname pname @ acc) [] resolved_pnames
| _ -> (* Generic fun call with known name *)
let (prop_r, n_actual_params) =
normalize_params tenv current_pname prop_ actual_params in
let resolved_pname =
match resolve_virtual_pname tenv prop_r n_actual_params callee_pname call_flags with
| resolved_pname :: _ -> resolved_pname
| [] -> callee_pname in
tenv ~propagate_exceptions:true current_pdesc resolved_pname;
let callee_pdesc_opt = Ondemand.get_proc_desc resolved_pname in
let ret_typ_opt = Option.map Cfg.Procdesc.get_ret_type callee_pdesc_opt in
let sentinel_result =
if !Config.curr_language = Config.Clang then
(call_args prop_r callee_pname actual_params ret_id loc)
else [(prop_r, path)] in
let do_call (prop, path) =
let summary = Specs.get_summary resolved_pname in
let should_skip resolved_pname summary =
match summary with
| None -> true
| Some summary -> call_should_be_skipped resolved_pname summary in
if should_skip resolved_pname summary then
(* If it's an ObjC getter or setter, call the builtin rather than skipping *)
let attrs_opt =
let attr_opt = Option.map Cfg.Procdesc.get_attributes callee_pdesc_opt in
match attr_opt, resolved_pname with
| Some attrs, Procname.ObjC_Cpp _ -> Some attrs
| None, Procname.ObjC_Cpp _ -> AttributesTable.load_attributes resolved_pname
| _ -> None in
let objc_property_accessor_ret_typ_opt =
match attrs_opt with
| Some attrs ->
(match attrs.ProcAttributes.objc_accessor with
| Some objc_accessor -> Some (objc_accessor, attrs.ProcAttributes.ret_type)
| None -> None)
| None -> None in
match objc_property_accessor_ret_typ_opt with
| Some (objc_property_accessor, ret_typ) ->
n_actual_params n_actual_params prop tenv ret_id
current_pdesc callee_pname loc path
(sym_exec_objc_accessor objc_property_accessor ret_typ)
| None ->
let ret_annots = match summary with
| Some summ ->
let ret_annots, _ =
summ.Specs.attributes.ProcAttributes.method_annotation in
| None ->
load_ret_annots resolved_pname in
let is_objc_instance_method =
match attrs_opt with
| Some attrs -> attrs.ProcAttributes.is_objc_instance_method
| None -> false in
skip_call ~is_objc_instance_method prop path resolved_pname ret_annots
loc ret_id ret_typ_opt n_actual_params
proc_call (Option.get summary)
(call_args prop resolved_pname n_actual_params ret_id loc) in
IList.flatten (IList.map do_call sentinel_result)
| Sil.Call (ret_id, fun_exp, actual_params, loc, call_flags) -> (* Call via function pointer *)
let (prop_r, n_actual_params) = normalize_params tenv current_pname prop_ actual_params in
if call_flags.CallFlags.cf_is_objc_block then
