[Infer][backend] Refactoring attribute categories so as not to conflate resource and undefined attrs

`get_resource_or_undef` attribute is weird and was causing problems for me in another diff.
This diff refactors the attribute categories to make resource and undef separate.
Sam Blackshear 10 years ago
parent 8c80856e97
commit 09242fc711

@ -1277,13 +1277,15 @@ let check_junk ?original_prop pname tenv prop =
(* find the alloc attribute of one of the roots of hpred, if it exists *)
let res = ref None in
let do_entry e =
match Prop.get_resource_undef_attribute prop e with
match Prop.get_resource_attribute prop e with
| Some (Sil.Aresource ({ Sil.ra_kind = Sil.Racquire }) as a) ->
L.d_str "ATTRIBUTE: "; Sil.d_exp (Sil.Const (Sil.Cattribute a)); L.d_ln ();
res := Some a
| Some (Sil.Aundef _ as a) ->
res := Some a
| _ -> () in
| _ ->
(match Prop.get_undef_attribute prop e with
| Some (Sil.Aundef _ as a) ->
res := Some a
| _ -> ()) in
list_iter do_entry entries;
!res in
L.d_decrease_indent 1;

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ let pvar_to_string pvar =
(** Check whether the hpred is a |-> representing a resource in the Racquire state *)
let hpred_is_open_resource prop = function
| Sil.Hpointsto(e, _, _) ->
(match Prop.get_resource_undef_attribute prop e with
(match Prop.get_resource_attribute prop e with
| Some (Sil.Aresource { Sil.ra_kind = Sil.Racquire; Sil.ra_res = res }) -> Some res
| _ -> None)
| _ ->

@ -1762,7 +1762,10 @@ let get_attribute prop exp category =
with Not_found -> None
let get_resource_undef_attribute prop exp =
let get_undef_attribute prop exp =
get_attribute prop exp Sil.ACundef
let get_resource_attribute prop exp =
get_attribute prop exp Sil.ACresource
let get_taint_attribute prop exp =

@ -271,8 +271,11 @@ val atom_get_exp_attribute : atom -> (Sil.exp * Sil.attribute) option
(** Get the attributes associated to the expression, if any *)
val get_exp_attributes : 'a t -> exp -> attribute list
(** Get the resource attribute associated to the expression, if any, or undefined *)
val get_resource_undef_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> attribute option
(** Get the undef attribute associated to the expression, if any *)
val get_undef_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> attribute option
(** Get the resource attribute associated to the expression, if any *)
val get_resource_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> attribute option
(** Get the taint attribute associated to the expression, if any *)
val get_taint_attribute : 'a t -> exp -> attribute option

@ -970,7 +970,8 @@ let check_dereference_error pdesc (prop : Prop.normal Prop.t) lexp loc =
!Config.report_nullable_inconsistency && !Config.curr_language = Config.Java &&
not (is_definitely_non_null root prop) && is_only_pt_by_nullable_fld_or_param root in
let relevant_attributes_getters = [
] in
let get_relevant_attributes exp =
let rec fold_getters = function

@ -635,6 +635,8 @@ and attribute_category =
| ACtaint
| ACdiv0
| ACobjc_null
| ACundef
| ACretval
(** Constants *)
and const =
@ -1131,14 +1133,14 @@ let attribute_category_equal att1 att2 =
let attribute_to_category att =
match att with
| Aresource _
| Adangling _
| Aretval _
| Aundef _ -> ACresource
| Adangling _ -> ACresource
| Ataint
| Auntaint -> ACtaint
| Aautorelease -> ACautorelease
| Adiv0 _ -> ACdiv0
| Aobjc_null _ -> ACobjc_null
| Aretval _ -> ACretval
| Aundef _ -> ACundef
let attr_is_undef = function
| Aundef _ -> true

@ -270,6 +270,8 @@ and attribute_category =
| ACtaint
| ACdiv0
| ACobjc_null
| ACundef
| ACretval
(** Constants *)
and const =

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ let rec apply_offlist
lookup_inst := Some inst_curr;
let alloc_attribute_opt =
if inst_curr = Sil.Iinitial then None
else Prop.get_resource_undef_attribute p root_lexp in
else Prop.get_undef_attribute p root_lexp in
let deref_str = Localise.deref_str_uninitialized alloc_attribute_opt in
let err_desc = Errdesc.explain_memory_access deref_str p (State.get_loc ()) in
let exn = (Exceptions.Uninitialized_value (err_desc, try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x)) in
@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ let handle_objc_method_call actual_pars actual_params pre tenv cfg ret_ids pdesc
let res = Tabulation.exe_function_call tenv cfg ret_ids pdesc callee_pname loc actual_params pre path in
let is_undef =
Option.map_default Sil.attr_is_undef false (Prop.get_resource_undef_attribute pre receiver) in
Option.is_some (Prop.get_undef_attribute pre receiver) in
if !Config.footprint && not is_undef then
let res_null = (* returns: (objc_null(res) /\ receiver=0) or an empty list of results *)
let pre_with_attr_or_null = add_objc_null_attribute_or_nullify_result pre in
@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@ module ModelBuiltins = struct
let is_undefined_opt prop n_lexp =
let is_undef =
Option.map_default Sil.attr_is_undef false (Prop.get_resource_undef_attribute prop n_lexp) in
Option.is_some (Prop.get_undef_attribute prop n_lexp) in
is_undef && (!Config.angelic_execution || !Config.optimistic_cast)
(** Creates an object in the heap with a given type, when the object is not known to be null or when it doesn't
@ -1723,7 +1723,7 @@ module ModelBuiltins = struct
(execute___instanceof_cast cfg pdesc instr tenv _prop path ret_ids args callee_pname loc false)
let set_resource_attribute prop path n_lexp loc ra_res =
let prop' = match Prop.get_resource_undef_attribute prop n_lexp with
let prop' = match Prop.get_resource_attribute prop n_lexp with
| Some (Sil.Aresource (_ as ra)) ->
let check_attr_change att_old att_new = () in
Prop.add_or_replace_exp_attribute check_attr_change prop n_lexp (Sil.Aresource { ra with Sil.ra_res = ra_res })

@ -264,12 +264,14 @@ let check_dereferences callee_pname actual_pre sub spec_pre formal_params =
if Prop.has_dangling_uninit_attribute spec_pre e then
Some (Deref_undef_exp, desc false (Localise.deref_str_dangling (Some Sil.DAuninit)) )
else if Sil.exp_equal e_sub Sil.exp_minus_one then Some (Deref_minusone, desc true (Localise.deref_str_dangling None))
else match Prop.get_resource_undef_attribute actual_pre e_sub with
| Some (Sil.Aundef (s, loc, pos)) ->
Some (Deref_undef (s, loc, pos), desc false (Localise.deref_str_undef (s, loc)))
else match Prop.get_resource_attribute actual_pre e_sub with
| Some (Sil.Aresource ({ Sil.ra_kind = Sil.Rrelease } as ra)) ->
Some (Deref_freed ra, desc true (Localise.deref_str_freed ra))
| _ -> None in
| _ ->
(match Prop.get_undef_attribute actual_pre e_sub with
| Some (Sil.Aundef (s, loc, pos)) ->
Some (Deref_undef (s, loc, pos), desc false (Localise.deref_str_undef (s, loc)))
| _ -> None) in
let check_hpred = function
| Sil.Hpointsto (lexp, se, _) ->
check_dereference (Sil.root_of_lexp lexp) se
@ -324,7 +326,7 @@ let check_path_errors_in_post caller_pname post post_path =
Also, update any Aresource attributes to refer to the caller *)
let post_process_post
caller_pname callee_pname loc actual_pre ((post: Prop.exposed Prop.t), post_path) =
let actual_pre_has_freed_attribute e = match Prop.get_resource_undef_attribute actual_pre e with
let actual_pre_has_freed_attribute e = match Prop.get_resource_attribute actual_pre e with
| Some (Sil.Aresource ({ Sil.ra_kind = Sil.Rrelease })) -> true
| _ -> false in
let atom_update_alloc_attribute = function
@ -1087,7 +1089,7 @@ let exe_call_postprocess tenv ret_ids trace_call callee_pname loc initial_prop r
let mark_id_as_retval (p, path) =
(* check if the retval already has an important resource that should not be overwritten *)
let has_important_resource_attr =
match Prop.get_resource_undef_attribute p ret_var with
match Prop.get_resource_attribute p ret_var with
| Some (Sil.Aresource ({ Sil.ra_res = Sil.Rfile; })) -> true
| _ -> false in
if has_important_resource_attr then p, path
