@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ type seg = {loc: Term.t; bas: Term.t; len: Term.t; siz: Term.t; seq: Term.t}
type starjunction =
{ us: Var.Set.t
; xs: Var.Set.t
; cong: Context.t
; ctx: Context.t
; pure: Term.t
; heap: seg list
; djns: disjunction list }
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ type t = starjunction [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
let emp =
{ us= Var.Set.empty
; xs= Var.Set.empty
; cong= Context.true_
; ctx= Context.true_
; pure= Term.true_
; heap= []
; djns= [] }
@ -56,16 +56,16 @@ let map_seg ~f h =
then h
else {loc; bas; len; siz; seq}
let map ~f_sjn ~f_cong ~f_trm ({us; xs= _; cong; pure; heap; djns} as q) =
let map ~f_sjn ~f_ctx ~f_trm ({us; xs= _; ctx; pure; heap; djns} as q) =
let pure = f_trm pure in
if Term.is_false pure then false_ us
let cong = f_cong cong in
let ctx = f_ctx ctx in
let heap = List.map_endo heap ~f:(map_seg ~f:f_trm) in
let djns = List.map_endo djns ~f:(List.map_endo ~f:f_sjn) in
if cong == q.cong && pure == q.pure && heap == q.heap && djns == q.djns
if ctx == q.ctx && pure == q.pure && heap == q.heap && djns == q.djns
then q
else {q with cong; pure; heap; djns}
else {q with ctx; pure; heap; djns}
let fold_terms_seg {loc; bas; len; siz; seq} ~init ~f =
let f b s = f s b in
@ -74,18 +74,17 @@ let fold_terms_seg {loc; bas; len; siz; seq} ~init ~f =
let fold_vars_seg seg ~init ~f =
fold_terms_seg seg ~init ~f:(fun init -> Term.fold_vars ~f ~init)
let fold_vars_stem ?ignore_cong {us= _; xs= _; cong; pure; heap; djns= _}
let fold_vars_stem ?ignore_ctx {us= _; xs= _; ctx; pure; heap; djns= _}
~init ~f =
List.fold ~init heap ~f:(fun init -> fold_vars_seg ~f ~init)
|> fun init ->
Term.fold_vars ~f ~init pure
|> fun init ->
if Option.is_some ignore_cong then init
Context.fold_terms ~init cong ~f:(fun init -> Term.fold_vars ~f ~init)
if Option.is_some ignore_ctx then init
else Context.fold_terms ~init ctx ~f:(fun init -> Term.fold_vars ~f ~init)
let fold_vars ?ignore_cong fold_vars q ~init ~f =
fold_vars_stem ?ignore_cong ~init ~f q
let fold_vars ?ignore_ctx fold_vars q ~init ~f =
fold_vars_stem ?ignore_ctx ~init ~f q
|> fun init ->
List.fold ~init q.djns ~f:(fun init -> List.fold ~init ~f:fold_vars)
@ -100,7 +99,7 @@ let rec var_strength_ xs m q =
let xs = Var.Set.union xs q.xs in
let m_stem =
fold_vars_stem ~ignore_cong:() q ~init:m ~f:(fun m var ->
fold_vars_stem ~ignore_ctx:() q ~init:m ~f:(fun m var ->
if not (Var.Set.mem xs var) then
Var.Map.set m ~key:var ~data:`Universal
else add m var )
@ -135,9 +134,9 @@ let pp_seg x fs {loc; bas; len; siz; seq} =
Format.fprintf fs " %a, %a " term_pp bas term_pp len )
(bas, len) (pp_chunk x) (siz, seq)
let pp_seg_norm cong fs seg =
let pp_seg_norm ctx fs seg =
let x _ = None in
pp_seg x fs (map_seg seg ~f:(Context.normalize cong))
pp_seg x fs (map_seg seg ~f:(Context.normalize ctx))
let pp_block x fs segs =
let is_full_alloc segs =
@ -171,7 +170,7 @@ let pp_block x fs segs =
pp_chunks segs
| [] -> ()
let pp_heap x ?pre cong fs heap =
let pp_heap x ?pre ctx fs heap =
let bas_off e =
match Term.const_of e with
| Some const -> (Term.sub e (Term.rational const), const)
@ -179,17 +178,15 @@ let pp_heap x ?pre cong fs heap =
let compare s1 s2 =
[%compare: Term.t * (Term.t * Q.t)]
( Context.normalize cong s1.bas
, bas_off (Context.normalize cong s1.loc) )
( Context.normalize cong s2.bas
, bas_off (Context.normalize cong s2.loc) )
(Context.normalize ctx s1.bas, bas_off (Context.normalize ctx s1.loc))
(Context.normalize ctx s2.bas, bas_off (Context.normalize ctx s2.loc))
let break s1 s2 =
(not (Term.equal s1.bas s2.bas))
|| (not (Term.equal s1.len s2.len))
|| not (Context.entails_eq cong (Term.add s1.loc s1.siz) s2.loc)
|| not (Context.entails_eq ctx (Term.add s1.loc s1.siz) s2.loc)
let heap = List.map heap ~f:(map_seg ~f:(Context.normalize cong)) in
let heap = List.map heap ~f:(map_seg ~f:(Context.normalize ctx)) in
let blocks = List.group ~break (List.sort ~compare heap) in
List.pp ?pre "@ * " (pp_block x) fs blocks
@ -203,8 +200,8 @@ let pp_us ?(pre = ("" : _ fmt)) ?vs () fs us =
fs "%( %)@[%a@] .@ " pre (Var.Set.pp_diff Var.pp) (vs, us)]
let rec pp_ ?var_strength vs parent_xs parent_cong fs
{us; xs; cong; pure; heap; djns} =
let rec pp_ ?var_strength vs parent_xs parent_ctx fs
{us; xs; ctx; pure; heap; djns} =
Format.pp_open_hvbox fs 0 ;
let x v = Option.bind ~f:(fun (_, m) -> Var.Map.find m v) var_strength in
pp_us ~vs () fs us ;
@ -218,14 +215,14 @@ let rec pp_ ?var_strength vs parent_xs parent_cong fs
if not (Var.Set.is_empty xs_d_vs) then Format.fprintf fs "@ " ) ;
if not (Var.Set.is_empty xs_d_vs) then
Format.fprintf fs "@<2>∃ @[%a@] .@ " (Var.Set.ppx x) xs_d_vs ;
let clss = Context.diff_classes cong parent_cong in
let clss = Context.diff_classes ctx parent_ctx in
let first = Term.Map.is_empty clss in
if not first then Format.fprintf fs " " ;
Context.ppx_classes x fs clss ;
let pure =
if Option.is_none var_strength then [pure]
let pure' = Context.normalize cong pure in
let pure' = Context.normalize ctx pure in
if Term.is_true pure' then [] else [pure']
@ -236,7 +233,7 @@ let rec pp_ ?var_strength vs parent_xs parent_cong fs
Format.fprintf fs
( if first then if List.is_empty djns then " emp" else ""
else "@ @<5>∧ emp" )
else pp_heap x ~pre:(if first then " " else "@ @<2>∧ ") cong fs heap ;
else pp_heap x ~pre:(if first then " " else "@ @<2>∧ ") ctx fs heap ;
let first = first && List.is_empty heap in
~pre:(if first then " " else "@ * ")
@ -244,11 +241,11 @@ let rec pp_ ?var_strength vs parent_xs parent_cong fs
(pp_djn ?var_strength
(Var.Set.union vs (Var.Set.union us xs))
(Var.Set.union parent_xs xs)
fs djns ;
Format.pp_close_box fs ()
and pp_djn ?var_strength vs xs cong fs = function
and pp_djn ?var_strength vs xs ctx fs = function
| [] -> Format.fprintf fs "false"
| djn ->
Format.fprintf fs "@[<hv>( %a@ )@]"
@ -258,22 +255,22 @@ and pp_djn ?var_strength vs xs cong fs = function
var_strength_ xs var_strength_stem sjn
Format.fprintf fs "@[<hv 1>(%a)@]"
(pp_ ?var_strength vs (Var.Set.union xs sjn.xs) cong)
(pp_ ?var_strength vs (Var.Set.union xs sjn.xs) ctx)
sjn ))
let pp_diff_eq ?(us = Var.Set.empty) ?(xs = Var.Set.empty) cong fs q =
pp_ ~var_strength:(var_strength ~xs q) us xs cong fs q
let pp_diff_eq ?(us = Var.Set.empty) ?(xs = Var.Set.empty) ctx fs q =
pp_ ~var_strength:(var_strength ~xs q) us xs ctx fs q
let pp fs q = pp_diff_eq Context.true_ fs q
let pp_djn fs d = pp_djn Var.Set.empty Var.Set.empty Context.true_ fs d
let pp_raw fs q = pp_ Var.Set.empty Var.Set.empty Context.true_ fs q
let fv_seg seg = fold_vars_seg seg ~f:Var.Set.add ~init:Var.Set.empty
let fv ?ignore_cong q =
let fv ?ignore_ctx q =
let rec fv_union init q =
(fold_vars ?ignore_cong fv_union q ~init ~f:Var.Set.add)
(fold_vars ?ignore_ctx fv_union q ~init ~f:Var.Set.add)
fv_union Var.Set.empty q
@ -287,7 +284,7 @@ let invariant_seg _ = ()
let rec invariant q =
let@ () = Invariant.invariant [%here] q [%sexp_of: t] in
let {us; xs; cong; pure; heap; djns} = q in
let {us; xs; ctx; pure; heap; djns} = q in
assert (
Var.Set.disjoint us xs
@ -297,13 +294,13 @@ let rec invariant q =
Var.Set.is_subset (fv q) ~of_:us
|| fail "unbound but free: %a" Var.Set.pp (Var.Set.diff (fv q) us) ()
) ;
Context.invariant cong ;
Context.invariant ctx ;
( match djns with
| [[]] ->
assert (Context.is_true cong) ;
assert (Context.is_true ctx) ;
assert (Term.is_true pure) ;
assert (List.is_empty heap)
| _ -> assert (not (Context.is_false cong)) ) ;
| _ -> assert (not (Context.is_false ctx)) ) ;
invariant_pure pure ;
List.iter heap ~f:invariant_seg ;
List.iter djns ~f:(fun djn ->
@ -320,7 +317,7 @@ let rec invariant q =
invariant *)
let rec apply_subst sub q =
map q ~f_sjn:(rename sub)
~f_cong:(fun r -> Context.rename r sub)
~f_ctx:(fun r -> Context.rename r sub)
~f_trm:(Term.rename sub)
|> check (fun q' ->
assert (Var.Set.disjoint (fv q') (Var.Subst.domain sub)) )
@ -435,19 +432,18 @@ let elim_exists xs q =
(** Construct *)
(** conjoin an equality relation assuming vocabulary is compatible *)
let and_cong_ cong q =
assert (Var.Set.is_subset (Context.fv cong) ~of_:q.us) ;
let xs, cong = Context.and_ (Var.Set.union q.us q.xs) q.cong cong in
if Context.is_false cong then false_ q.us
else exists_fresh xs {q with cong}
(** conjoin an FOL context assuming vocabulary is compatible *)
let and_ctx_ ctx q =
assert (Var.Set.is_subset (Context.fv ctx) ~of_:q.us) ;
let xs, ctx = Context.and_ (Var.Set.union q.us q.xs) q.ctx ctx in
if Context.is_false ctx then false_ q.us else exists_fresh xs {q with ctx}
let and_cong cong q =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a" Context.pp cong pp q]
let and_ctx ctx q =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a" Context.pp ctx pp q]
( match q.djns with
| [[]] -> q
| _ -> and_cong_ cong (extend_us (Context.fv cong) q) )
| _ -> and_ctx_ ctx (extend_us (Context.fv ctx) q) )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} q ->
pf "%a" pp q ;
@ -459,30 +455,30 @@ let star q1 q2 =
( match (q1, q2) with
| {djns= [[]]; _}, _ | _, {djns= [[]]; _} ->
false_ (Var.Set.union q1.us q2.us)
| {us= _; xs= _; cong; pure; heap= []; djns= []}, _
when Context.is_true cong && Term.is_true pure ->
| {us= _; xs= _; ctx; pure; heap= []; djns= []}, _
when Context.is_true ctx && Term.is_true pure ->
let us = Var.Set.union q1.us q2.us in
if us == q2.us then q2 else {q2 with us}
| _, {us= _; xs= _; cong; pure; heap= []; djns= []}
when Context.is_true cong && Term.is_true pure ->
| _, {us= _; xs= _; ctx; pure; heap= []; djns= []}
when Context.is_true ctx && Term.is_true pure ->
let us = Var.Set.union q1.us q2.us in
if us == q1.us then q1 else {q1 with us}
| _ ->
let us = Var.Set.union q1.us q2.us in
let q1 = freshen_xs q1 ~wrt:(Var.Set.union us q2.xs) in
let q2 = freshen_xs q2 ~wrt:(Var.Set.union us q1.xs) in
let {us= us1; xs= xs1; cong= c1; pure= p1; heap= h1; djns= d1} = q1 in
let {us= us2; xs= xs2; cong= c2; pure= p2; heap= h2; djns= d2} = q2 in
let {us= us1; xs= xs1; ctx= c1; pure= p1; heap= h1; djns= d1} = q1 in
let {us= us2; xs= xs2; ctx= c2; pure= p2; heap= h2; djns= d2} = q2 in
assert (Var.Set.equal us (Var.Set.union us1 us2)) ;
let xs, cong =
let xs, ctx =
Context.and_ (Var.Set.union us (Var.Set.union xs1 xs2)) c1 c2
if Context.is_false cong then false_ us
if Context.is_false ctx then false_ us
exists_fresh xs
{ us
; xs= Var.Set.union xs1 xs2
; cong
; ctx
; pure= Term.and_ p1 p2
; heap= List.append h1 h2
; djns= List.append d1 d2 } )
@ -504,17 +500,17 @@ let or_ q1 q2 =
| {djns= [[]]; _}, _ -> extend_us q1.us q2
| _, {djns= [[]]; _} -> extend_us q2.us q1
| ( ({djns= []; _} as q)
, ({us= _; xs; cong= _; pure; heap= []; djns= [djn]} as d) )
, ({us= _; xs; ctx= _; pure; heap= []; djns= [djn]} as d) )
when Var.Set.is_empty xs && Term.is_true pure ->
{d with us= Var.Set.union q.us d.us; djns= [q :: djn]}
| ( ({us= _; xs; cong= _; pure; heap= []; djns= [djn]} as d)
| ( ({us= _; xs; ctx= _; pure; heap= []; djns= [djn]} as d)
, ({djns= []; _} as q) )
when Var.Set.is_empty xs && Term.is_true pure ->
{d with us= Var.Set.union q.us d.us; djns= [q :: djn]}
| _ ->
{ us= Var.Set.union q1.us q2.us
; xs= Var.Set.empty
; cong= Context.true_
; ctx= Context.true_
; pure= Term.true_
; heap= []
; djns= [[q1; q2]] } )
@ -534,9 +530,9 @@ let pure (e : Term.t) =
List.fold (Term.disjuncts e) ~init:(false_ Var.Set.empty) ~f:(fun q b ->
let us = Term.fv b in
let xs, cong = Context.(and_term us b true_) in
if Context.is_false cong then false_ us
else or_ q (exists_fresh xs {emp with us; cong; pure= b}) )
let xs, ctx = Context.(and_term us b true_) in
if Context.is_false ctx then false_ us
else or_ q (exists_fresh xs {emp with us; ctx; pure= b}) )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} q ->
pf "%a" pp q ;
@ -589,23 +585,23 @@ let filter_heap ~f q =
(** Query *)
let is_emp = function
| {us= _; xs= _; cong= _; pure; heap= []; djns= []} -> Term.is_true pure
| {us= _; xs= _; ctx= _; pure; heap= []; djns= []} -> Term.is_true pure
| _ -> false
let is_false = function
| {djns= [[]]; _} -> true
| {cong; pure; heap; _} ->
Term.is_false (Context.normalize cong pure)
| {ctx; pure; heap; _} ->
Term.is_false (Context.normalize ctx pure)
|| List.exists heap ~f:(fun seg ->
Context.entails_eq cong seg.loc Term.zero )
Context.entails_eq ctx seg.loc Term.zero )
let rec pure_approx ({us; xs; cong; pure; heap= _; djns} as q) =
let rec pure_approx ({us; xs; ctx; pure; heap= _; djns} as q) =
let heap = emp.heap in
let djns =
List.map_endo djns ~f:(fun djn -> List.map_endo djn ~f:pure_approx)
if heap == q.heap && djns == q.djns then q
else {us; xs; cong; pure; heap; djns} |> check invariant
else {us; xs; ctx; pure; heap; djns} |> check invariant
let pure_approx q =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp q]
@ -650,10 +646,10 @@ let rec norm_ s q =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "@[%a@]@ %a" Context.Subst.pp s pp_raw q]
let q =
map q ~f_sjn:(norm_ s) ~f_cong:Fn.id ~f_trm:(Context.Subst.subst s)
map q ~f_sjn:(norm_ s) ~f_ctx:Fn.id ~f_trm:(Context.Subst.subst s)
let xs, cong = Context.apply_subst (Var.Set.union q.us q.xs) s q.cong in
exists_fresh xs {q with cong}
let xs, ctx = Context.apply_subst (Var.Set.union q.us q.xs) s q.ctx in
exists_fresh xs {q with ctx}
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} q' ->
pf "%a" pp_raw q' ;
@ -693,9 +689,9 @@ let rec freshen_nested_xs q =
pf "%a" pp q' ;
invariant q']
let rec propagate_equality_ ancestor_vs ancestor_cong q =
let rec propagate_context_ ancestor_vs ancestor_ctx q =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} ->
pf "(%a)@ %a" Context.pp_classes ancestor_cong pp q]
pf "(%a)@ %a" Context.pp_classes ancestor_ctx pp q]
(* extend vocabulary with variables in scope above *)
let ancestor_vs = Var.Set.union ancestor_vs (Var.Set.union q.us q.xs) in
@ -703,33 +699,33 @@ let rec propagate_equality_ ancestor_vs ancestor_cong q =
let xs, stem, djns =
(q.xs, {q with us= ancestor_vs; xs= emp.xs; djns= emp.djns}, q.djns)
(* strengthen equality relation with that from above *)
let ancestor_stem = and_cong_ ancestor_cong stem in
let ancestor_cong = ancestor_stem.cong in
(* strengthen context with that from above *)
let ancestor_stem = and_ctx_ ancestor_ctx stem in
let ancestor_ctx = ancestor_stem.ctx in
exists xs
(List.fold djns ~init:ancestor_stem ~f:(fun q' djn ->
let dj_congs, djn =
let dj_ctxs, djn =
List.rev_map_unzip djn ~f:(fun dj ->
let dj = propagate_equality_ ancestor_vs ancestor_cong dj in
(dj.cong, dj) )
let dj = propagate_context_ ancestor_vs ancestor_ctx dj in
(dj.ctx, dj) )
let new_xs, djn_cong = Context.orN ancestor_vs dj_congs in
(* hoist xs appearing in disjunction's equality relation *)
let djn_xs = Var.Set.diff (Context.fv djn_cong) q'.us in
let new_xs, djn_ctx = Context.orN ancestor_vs dj_ctxs in
(* hoist xs appearing in disjunction's context *)
let djn_xs = Var.Set.diff (Context.fv djn_ctx) q'.us in
let djn = List.map ~f:(elim_exists djn_xs) djn in
let cong_djn = and_cong_ djn_cong (orN djn) in
assert (is_false cong_djn || Var.Set.is_subset new_xs ~of_:djn_xs) ;
star (exists djn_xs cong_djn) q' ))
let ctx_djn = and_ctx_ djn_ctx (orN djn) in
assert (is_false ctx_djn || Var.Set.is_subset new_xs ~of_:djn_xs) ;
star (exists djn_xs ctx_djn) q' ))
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} q' ->
pf "%a" pp q' ;
invariant q']
let propagate_equality ancestor_vs ancestor_cong q =
let propagate_context ancestor_vs ancestor_ctx q =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} ->
pf "(%a)@ %a" Context.pp_classes ancestor_cong pp q]
pf "(%a)@ %a" Context.pp_classes ancestor_ctx pp q]
propagate_equality_ ancestor_vs ancestor_cong q
propagate_context_ ancestor_vs ancestor_ctx q
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} q' ->
pf "%a" pp q' ;
@ -745,19 +741,19 @@ let remove_absent_xs ks q =
if Var.Set.is_empty ks then q
let xs = Var.Set.diff q.xs ks in
let cong = Context.elim ks q.cong in
let ctx = Context.elim ks q.ctx in
let djns =
let rec trim_ks ks djns =
List.map djns ~f:(fun djn ->
List.map djn ~f:(fun sjn ->
{ sjn with
us= Var.Set.diff sjn.us ks
; cong= Context.elim ks sjn.cong
; ctx= Context.elim ks sjn.ctx
; djns= trim_ks ks sjn.djns } ) )
trim_ks ks q.djns
{q with xs; cong; djns}
{q with xs; ctx; djns}
let rec simplify_ us rev_xss q =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a" pp_vss (List.rev rev_xss) pp_raw q]
@ -772,8 +768,8 @@ let rec simplify_ us rev_xss q =
orN (List.map djn ~f:(fun sjn -> simplify_ us rev_xss sjn)) )
(* try to solve equations in cong for variables in xss *)
let subst = Context.solve_for_vars (us :: List.rev rev_xss) q.cong in
(* try to solve equations in ctx for variables in xss *)
let subst = Context.solve_for_vars (us :: List.rev rev_xss) q.ctx in
(* simplification can reveal inconsistency *)
( if is_false q then false_ q.us
else if Context.Subst.is_empty subst then q
@ -784,7 +780,7 @@ let rec simplify_ us rev_xss q =
let removed =
(Var.Set.union_list rev_xss)
(fv ~ignore_cong:() (elim_exists q.xs q))
(fv ~ignore_ctx:() (elim_exists q.xs q))
let keep, removed, _ = Context.Subst.partition_valid removed subst in
let q = and_subst keep q in
@ -799,7 +795,7 @@ let simplify q =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp_raw q]
let q = freshen_nested_xs q in
let q = propagate_equality Var.Set.empty Context.true_ q in
let q = propagate_context Var.Set.empty Context.true_ q in
let q = simplify_ q.us [] q in