[pulse] more type-safety around summary and latent issues creation

This makes sure we call `AbductiveDomain.summary_of_post` exactly once
per post-condition. Notice in particular in the diff:
- in Pulse.ml we remove a now-certified-useless "is_unsat_expensive"
- in PulseOperations.ml we add a previously-missing call to
  `summary_of_post` (it's needed to remove local variables from the
  symbolic state + normalize)

The price to pay is ugly type annotations and down-casting peppered in a
few places, in reasonable number.

Reviewed By: da319

Differential Revision: D24078564

fbshipit-source-id: 3102cacf0
Jules Villard 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 7fdb33b710
commit 0b7e2fb7c7

@ -142,8 +142,10 @@ let extract_impurity tenv pdesc (exec_state : ExecutionDomain.t) : ImpurityDomai
match exec_state with
| ExitProgram astate ->
(astate, true)
| AbortProgram astate | ContinueProgram astate | LatentAbortProgram {astate} ->
| ContinueProgram astate ->
(astate, false)
| AbortProgram astate | LatentAbortProgram {astate} ->
((astate :> AbductiveDomain.t), false)
let pre_heap = (AbductiveDomain.get_pre astate).BaseDomain.heap in
let post = AbductiveDomain.get_post astate in
@ -162,7 +164,8 @@ let extract_impurity tenv pdesc (exec_state : ExecutionDomain.t) : ImpurityDomai
{modified_globals; modified_params; skipped_calls; exited}
let checker {IntraproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; tenv; err_log} pulse_summary_opt =
let checker {IntraproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; tenv; err_log}
(pulse_summary_opt : PulseSummary.t option) =
let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
let pname_loc = Procdesc.get_loc proc_desc in
match pulse_summary_opt with
@ -182,8 +185,9 @@ let checker {IntraproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; tenv; err_log} pulse_summary_opt
IssueType.impure_function impure_fun_desc
| Some pre_posts ->
let (ImpurityDomain.{modified_globals; modified_params; skipped_calls} as impurity_astate) =
List.fold pre_posts ~init:ImpurityDomain.pure ~f:(fun acc exec_state ->
let modified = extract_impurity tenv proc_desc exec_state in
List.fold pre_posts ~init:ImpurityDomain.pure
~f:(fun acc (exec_state : ExecutionDomain.summary) ->
let modified = extract_impurity tenv proc_desc (exec_state :> ExecutionDomain.t) in
ImpurityDomain.join acc modified )
if PurityChecker.should_report proc_name && not (ImpurityDomain.is_pure impurity_astate) then

@ -23,29 +23,26 @@ let check_error_transform {InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; err_log} ~f = func
| Ok astate ->
f astate
| Error (diagnostic, astate) -> (
let astate, is_unsat = PulseArithmetic.is_unsat_expensive astate in
if is_unsat then []
let astate_summary = AbductiveDomain.summary_of_post proc_desc astate in
if PulseArithmetic.is_unsat_cheap (astate_summary :> AbductiveDomain.t) then []
let astate = AbductiveDomain.of_post proc_desc astate in
if PulseArithmetic.is_unsat_cheap astate then []
match LatentIssue.should_report_diagnostic astate diagnostic with
| `ReportNow ->
report proc_desc err_log diagnostic ;
[ExecutionDomain.AbortProgram astate]
| `DelayReport latent_issue ->
( if Config.pulse_report_latent_issues then
(* HACK: report latent issues with a prominent message to distinguish them from
non-latent. Useful for infer's own tests. *)
let diagnostic = LatentIssue.to_diagnostic latent_issue in
let extra_trace =
let depth = 0 in
let tags = [] in
let location = Diagnostic.get_location diagnostic in
[Errlog.make_trace_element depth location "*** LATENT ***" tags]
report ~extra_trace proc_desc err_log diagnostic ) ;
[ExecutionDomain.LatentAbortProgram {astate; latent_issue}] )
match LatentIssue.should_report_diagnostic astate_summary diagnostic with
| `ReportNow ->
report proc_desc err_log diagnostic ;
[ExecutionDomain.AbortProgram astate_summary]
| `DelayReport latent_issue ->
( if Config.pulse_report_latent_issues then
(* HACK: report latent issues with a prominent message to distinguish them from
non-latent. Useful for infer's own tests. *)
let diagnostic = LatentIssue.to_diagnostic latent_issue in
let extra_trace =
let depth = 0 in
let tags = [] in
let location = Diagnostic.get_location diagnostic in
[Errlog.make_trace_element depth location "*** LATENT ***" tags]
report ~extra_trace proc_desc err_log diagnostic ) ;
[ExecutionDomain.LatentAbortProgram {astate= astate_summary; latent_issue}] )
let check_error_continue analysis_data result =
@ -72,13 +69,14 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
AnalysisCallbacks.proc_resolve_attributes pname |> Option.map ~f:ProcAttributes.get_pvar_formals
let interprocedural_call {InterproceduralAnalysis.analyze_dependency} ret call_exp actuals
call_loc astate =
let interprocedural_call {InterproceduralAnalysis.analyze_dependency; proc_desc} ret call_exp
actuals call_loc astate =
match proc_name_of_call call_exp with
| Some callee_pname when not Config.pulse_intraprocedural_only ->
let formals_opt = get_pvar_formals callee_pname in
let callee_data = analyze_dependency callee_pname in
PulseOperations.call ~callee_data call_loc callee_pname ~ret ~actuals ~formals_opt astate
PulseOperations.call ~caller_proc_desc:proc_desc ~callee_data call_loc callee_pname ~ret
~actuals ~formals_opt astate
| _ ->
L.d_printfln "Skipping indirect call %a@\n" Exp.pp call_exp ;
PulseOperations.unknown_call call_loc (SkippedUnknownCall call_exp) ~ret ~actuals

@ -432,7 +432,9 @@ let invalidate_locals pdesc astate : t =
else {astate with post= PostDomain.update astate.post ~attrs:attrs'}
let of_post pdesc astate =
type summary = t
let summary_of_post pdesc astate =
let astate = filter_for_summary astate in
let astate, live_addresses, _ = discard_unreachable astate in
let astate =

@ -158,7 +158,12 @@ val add_skipped_calls : SkippedCalls.t -> t -> t
val set_path_condition : PathCondition.t -> t -> t
val of_post : Procdesc.t -> t -> t
(** private type to make sure {!summary_of_post} is always called when creating summaries *)
type summary = private t
val summary_of_post : Procdesc.t -> t -> summary
(** trim the state down to just the procedure's interface (formals and globals), and simplify and
normalize the state *)
val set_post_edges : AbstractValue.t -> BaseMemory.Edges.t -> t -> t
(** directly set the edges for the given address, bypassing abduction altogether *)

@ -12,11 +12,17 @@ open PulseBasicInterface
module AbductiveDomain = PulseAbductiveDomain
module LatentIssue = PulseLatentIssue
type t =
| AbortProgram of AbductiveDomain.t
| ContinueProgram of AbductiveDomain.t
| ExitProgram of AbductiveDomain.t
| LatentAbortProgram of {astate: AbductiveDomain.t; latent_issue: LatentIssue.t}
(* The type variable is needed to distinguish summaries from plain states.
Some of the variants have summary-typed states instead of plain states, to ensure we have
normalized them and don't need to normalize them again. *)
type 'abductive_domain_t base_t =
| ContinueProgram of 'abductive_domain_t
| ExitProgram of 'abductive_domain_t
| AbortProgram of AbductiveDomain.summary
| LatentAbortProgram of {astate: AbductiveDomain.summary; latent_issue: LatentIssue.t}
type t = AbductiveDomain.t base_t
let continue astate = ContinueProgram astate
@ -24,13 +30,14 @@ let mk_initial pdesc = ContinueProgram (AbductiveDomain.mk_initial pdesc)
let leq ~lhs ~rhs =
match (lhs, rhs) with
| AbortProgram astate1, AbortProgram astate2
| ContinueProgram astate1, ContinueProgram astate2
| ExitProgram astate1, ExitProgram astate2 ->
AbductiveDomain.leq ~lhs:astate1 ~rhs:astate2
| AbortProgram astate1, AbortProgram astate2 ->
AbductiveDomain.leq ~lhs:(astate1 :> AbductiveDomain.t) ~rhs:(astate2 :> AbductiveDomain.t)
| ContinueProgram astate1, ContinueProgram astate2 | ExitProgram astate1, ExitProgram astate2 ->
AbductiveDomain.leq ~lhs:(astate1 :> AbductiveDomain.t) ~rhs:(astate2 :> AbductiveDomain.t)
| ( LatentAbortProgram {astate= astate1; latent_issue= issue1}
, LatentAbortProgram {astate= astate2; latent_issue= issue2} ) ->
LatentIssue.equal issue1 issue2 && AbductiveDomain.leq ~lhs:astate1 ~rhs:astate2
LatentIssue.equal issue1 issue2
&& AbductiveDomain.leq ~lhs:(astate1 :> AbductiveDomain.t) ~rhs:(astate2 :> AbductiveDomain.t)
| _ ->
@ -39,36 +46,40 @@ let pp fmt = function
| ContinueProgram astate ->
AbductiveDomain.pp fmt astate
| ExitProgram astate ->
F.fprintf fmt "{ExitProgram %a}" AbductiveDomain.pp astate
F.fprintf fmt "{ExitProgram %a}" AbductiveDomain.pp (astate :> AbductiveDomain.t)
| AbortProgram astate ->
F.fprintf fmt "{AbortProgram %a}" AbductiveDomain.pp astate
F.fprintf fmt "{AbortProgram %a}" AbductiveDomain.pp (astate :> AbductiveDomain.t)
| LatentAbortProgram {astate; latent_issue} ->
let diagnostic = LatentIssue.to_diagnostic latent_issue in
let message = Diagnostic.get_message diagnostic in
let location = Diagnostic.get_location diagnostic in
F.fprintf fmt "{LatentAbortProgram(%a: %s) %a}" Location.pp location message
AbductiveDomain.pp astate
(astate :> AbductiveDomain.t)
let map ~f exec_state =
match exec_state with
| AbortProgram astate ->
AbortProgram (f astate)
| ContinueProgram astate ->
ContinueProgram (f astate)
| ExitProgram astate ->
ExitProgram (f astate)
| AbortProgram astate ->
AbortProgram astate
| LatentAbortProgram {astate; latent_issue} ->
LatentAbortProgram {astate= f astate; latent_issue}
LatentAbortProgram {astate; latent_issue}
type summary = AbductiveDomain.summary base_t
let of_posts pdesc posts =
let summary_of_posts pdesc posts =
List.filter_mapi posts ~f:(fun i exec_state ->
let ( AbortProgram astate
| ContinueProgram astate
| ExitProgram astate
| LatentAbortProgram {astate} ) =
let astate =
match exec_state with
| AbortProgram astate | LatentAbortProgram {astate} ->
(astate :> AbductiveDomain.t)
| ContinueProgram astate | ExitProgram astate ->
L.d_printfln "Creating spec out of state #%d:@\n%a" i pp exec_state ;
let astate, is_unsat = PulseArithmetic.is_unsat_expensive astate in
@ -77,4 +88,4 @@ let of_posts pdesc posts =
(map exec_state ~f:(fun _astate ->
(* prefer [astate] since it is an equivalent state that has been normalized *)
AbductiveDomain.of_post pdesc astate )) )
AbductiveDomain.summary_of_post pdesc astate )) )

@ -9,18 +9,22 @@ open! IStd
module AbductiveDomain = PulseAbductiveDomain
module LatentIssue = PulseLatentIssue
type t =
| AbortProgram of AbductiveDomain.t
type 'abductive_domain_t base_t =
| ContinueProgram of 'abductive_domain_t (** represents the state at the program point *)
| ExitProgram of 'abductive_domain_t (** represents the state originating at exit/divergence. *)
| AbortProgram of AbductiveDomain.summary
(** represents the state at the program point that caused an error *)
| ContinueProgram of AbductiveDomain.t (** represents the state at the program point *)
| ExitProgram of AbductiveDomain.t (** represents the state originating at exit/divergence. *)
| LatentAbortProgram of {astate: AbductiveDomain.t; latent_issue: LatentIssue.t}
| LatentAbortProgram of {astate: AbductiveDomain.summary; latent_issue: LatentIssue.t}
(** this path leads to an error but we don't have conclusive enough data to report it yet *)
type t = AbductiveDomain.t base_t
include AbstractDomain.NoJoin with type t := t
val continue : AbductiveDomain.t -> t
val of_posts : Procdesc.t -> t list -> t list
val mk_initial : Procdesc.t -> t
type summary = AbductiveDomain.summary base_t
val summary_of_posts : Procdesc.t -> t list -> summary list

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
open! IStd
open PulseBasicInterface
module AbductiveDomain = PulseAbductiveDomain
module Arithmetic = PulseArithmetic
type t = AccessToInvalidAddress of Diagnostic.access_to_invalid_address [@@deriving equal]
@ -20,9 +22,13 @@ let add_call call_and_loc = function
AccessToInvalidAddress {access with calling_context= call_and_loc :: access.calling_context}
let should_report astate = PulseArithmetic.has_no_assumptions astate
let should_report (astate : AbductiveDomain.summary) =
Arithmetic.has_no_assumptions (astate :> AbductiveDomain.t)
let should_report_diagnostic astate (diagnostic : Diagnostic.t) =
(* require a summary because we don't want to stop reporting because some non-abducible condition is
not true as calling context cannot possibly influence such conditions *)
let should_report_diagnostic (astate : AbductiveDomain.summary) (diagnostic : Diagnostic.t) =
match diagnostic with
| MemoryLeak _ | StackVariableAddressEscape _ ->
(* these issues are reported regardless of the calling context, not sure if that's the right

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
open! IStd
open PulseBasicInterface
module AbductiveDomain = PulseAbductiveDomain
(** A subset of [PulseDiagnostic] that can be "latent", i.e. there is a potential issue in the code
but we want to delay reporting until we see the conditions for the bug manifest themselves in
@ -16,9 +17,9 @@ type t = AccessToInvalidAddress of Diagnostic.access_to_invalid_address [@@deriv
val to_diagnostic : t -> Diagnostic.t
val should_report : PulseAbductiveDomain.t -> bool
val should_report : AbductiveDomain.summary -> bool
val should_report_diagnostic :
PulseAbductiveDomain.t -> Diagnostic.t -> [`ReportNow | `DelayReport of t]
AbductiveDomain.summary -> Diagnostic.t -> [`ReportNow | `DelayReport of t]
val add_call : CallEvent.t * Location.t -> t -> t

@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ end
module StdFunction = struct
let operator_call ProcnameDispatcher.Call.FuncArg.{arg_payload= lambda_ptr_hist; typ} actuals :
model =
fun {analyze_dependency} ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret astate ->
fun {analyze_dependency; proc_desc} ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret astate ->
let havoc_ret (ret_id, _) astate =
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::function::operator()"; location; in_call= []} in
[PulseOperations.havoc_id ret_id [event] astate]
@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ module StdFunction = struct
:: List.map actuals ~f:(fun ProcnameDispatcher.Call.FuncArg.{arg_payload; typ} ->
(arg_payload, typ) )
PulseOperations.call ~caller_proc_desc:proc_desc
~callee_data:(analyze_dependency callee_proc_name)
location callee_proc_name ~ret ~actuals ~formals_opt:None astate

@ -437,8 +437,8 @@ let unknown_call call_loc reason ~ret ~actuals ~formals_opt astate =
|> havoc_ret ret |> add_skipped_proc
let apply_callee callee_pname call_loc callee_exec_state ~ret ~captured_vars_with_actuals ~formals
~actuals astate =
let apply_callee ~caller_proc_desc callee_pname call_loc callee_exec_state ~ret
~captured_vars_with_actuals ~formals ~actuals astate =
let apply callee_prepost ~f =
PulseInterproc.apply_prepost callee_pname call_loc ~callee_prepost ~captured_vars_with_actuals
~formals ~actuals astate
@ -467,13 +467,18 @@ let apply_callee callee_pname call_loc callee_exec_state ~ret ~captured_vars_wit
| ExitProgram astate ->
apply astate ~f:(fun astate -> Ok (Some (ExitProgram astate)))
| LatentAbortProgram {astate; latent_issue} ->
apply astate ~f:(fun astate ->
let latent_issue =
LatentIssue.add_call (CallEvent.Call callee_pname, call_loc) latent_issue
if LatentIssue.should_report astate then
Error (LatentIssue.to_diagnostic latent_issue, astate)
else Ok (Some (LatentAbortProgram {astate; latent_issue})) )
(astate :> AbductiveDomain.t)
~f:(fun astate ->
let astate_summary = AbductiveDomain.summary_of_post caller_proc_desc astate in
if PulseArithmetic.is_unsat_cheap (astate_summary :> AbductiveDomain.t) then Ok None
let latent_issue =
LatentIssue.add_call (CallEvent.Call callee_pname, call_loc) latent_issue
if LatentIssue.should_report astate_summary then
Error (LatentIssue.to_diagnostic latent_issue, (astate_summary :> AbductiveDomain.t))
else Ok (Some (LatentAbortProgram {astate= astate_summary; latent_issue})) )
let get_captured_actuals location ~captured_vars ~actual_closure astate =
@ -488,8 +493,9 @@ let get_captured_actuals location ~captured_vars ~actual_closure astate =
(astate, captured_vars_with_actuals)
let call ~callee_data call_loc callee_pname ~ret ~actuals ~formals_opt (astate : AbductiveDomain.t)
: (ExecutionDomain.t list, Diagnostic.t * t) result =
let call ~caller_proc_desc ~(callee_data : (Procdesc.t * PulseSummary.t) option) call_loc
callee_pname ~ret ~actuals ~formals_opt (astate : AbductiveDomain.t) :
(ExecutionDomain.t list, Diagnostic.t * t) result =
match callee_data with
| Some (callee_proc_desc, exec_states) ->
let formals =
@ -516,12 +522,14 @@ let call ~callee_data call_loc callee_pname ~ret ~actuals ~formals_opt (astate :
Str.string_match regex (Procname.to_string callee_pname) 0 )
(* call {!AbductiveDomain.PrePost.apply} on each pre/post pair in the summary. *)
IContainer.fold_result_until exec_states ~fold:List.fold ~init:[]
(exec_states :> ExecutionDomain.t list)
~fold:List.fold ~init:[]
~f:(fun posts callee_exec_state ->
(* apply all pre/post specs *)
apply_callee callee_pname call_loc callee_exec_state ~captured_vars_with_actuals
~formals ~actuals ~ret astate
apply_callee ~caller_proc_desc callee_pname call_loc callee_exec_state
~captured_vars_with_actuals ~formals ~actuals ~ret astate
| Ok None ->
(* couldn't apply pre/post pair *)

@ -124,7 +124,8 @@ val check_address_escape :
Location.t -> Procdesc.t -> AbstractValue.t -> ValueHistory.t -> t -> t access_result
val call :
callee_data:(Procdesc.t * PulseSummary.t) option
-> callee_data:(Procdesc.t * PulseSummary.t) option
-> Location.t
-> Procname.t
-> ret:Ident.t * Typ.t

@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ open! IStd
module F = Format
open PulseDomainInterface
type t = ExecutionDomain.t list
type t = ExecutionDomain.summary list
let pp fmt summary =
F.open_vbox 0 ;
F.fprintf fmt "%d pre/post(s)@;" (List.length summary) ;
List.iteri summary ~f:(fun i pre_post ->
F.fprintf fmt "#%d: @[%a@]@;" i ExecutionDomain.pp pre_post ) ;
List.iteri summary ~f:(fun i (pre_post : ExecutionDomain.summary) ->
F.fprintf fmt "#%d: @[%a@]@;" i ExecutionDomain.pp (pre_post :> ExecutionDomain.t) ) ;
F.close_box ()
let of_posts pdesc posts =
AnalysisCallbacks.html_debug_new_node_session (Procdesc.get_exit_node pdesc)
~pp_name:(fun fmt -> F.pp_print_string fmt "pulse summary creation")
~f:(fun () -> ExecutionDomain.of_posts pdesc posts)
~f:(fun () -> ExecutionDomain.summary_of_posts pdesc posts)

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
open! IStd
open PulseDomainInterface
type t = ExecutionDomain.t list
type t = ExecutionDomain.summary list
val of_posts : Procdesc.t -> ExecutionDomain.t list -> t

@ -304,10 +304,10 @@ let add_errors_biabduction {InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; tenv; err_log} bi
List.iter ~f:handle_preposts preposts
let add_errors_pulse {InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; err_log} pulse_summary =
let add_errors_pulse {InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; err_log} (pulse_summary : PulseSummary.t) =
let pulse_summary =
let f = function PulseExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram s -> Some s | _ -> None in
List.filter_map ~f pulse_summary
List.filter_map ~f (pulse_summary :> PulseExecutionDomain.t list)
let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
if not (ToplUtils.is_synthesized proc_name) then
