diff --git a/sledge/src/fol/trm.ml b/sledge/src/fol/trm.ml index c9a7772e3..f66044edf 100644 --- a/sledge/src/fol/trm.ml +++ b/sledge/src/fol/trm.ml @@ -7,10 +7,6 @@ (** Terms *) -let pp_boxed fs fmt = - Format.pp_open_box fs 2 ; - Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.pp_close_box fs ()) fs fmt - (** Representation of Arithmetic terms *) module rec Arith0 : (Arithmetic.REPRESENTATION @@ -139,9 +135,21 @@ end = struct let rec ppx strength fs trm = let rec pp fs trm = + let pp_boxed fs fmt = + Format.pp_open_box fs 2 ; + Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.pp_close_box fs ()) fs fmt + in let pf fmt = pp_boxed fs fmt in match trm with - | Var _ as v -> Var1.ppx strength fs (Var1.of_ v) + | Var {id; name} -> ( + if id < 0 then Trace.pp_styled `Bold "%%%s!%i" fs name (-id) + else + match strength trm with + | None -> Format.fprintf fs "%%%s_%i" name id + | Some `Universal -> Trace.pp_styled `Bold "%%%s_%i" fs name id + | Some `Existential -> + Trace.pp_styled `Cyan "%%%s_%i" fs name id + | Some `Anonymous -> Trace.pp_styled `Cyan "_" fs ) | Z z -> Trace.pp_styled `Magenta "%a" fs Z.pp z | Q q -> Trace.pp_styled `Magenta "%a" fs Q.pp q | Arith a -> Arith.ppx (ppx strength) fs a