@ -169,25 +169,33 @@ module Exec = struct
let get_max_char s = String.fold s ~init:0 ~f:(fun acc c -> max acc (Char.to_int c))
let decl_string {pname; node_hash; location; integer_type_widths} locs s mem =
let decl_string {pname; node_hash; location; integer_type_widths} ~do_alloc locs s mem =
let stride = Some (Typ.width_of_ikind integer_type_widths IChar / 8) in
let offset = Itv.zero in
let size = Itv.of_int (String.length s + 1) in
let traces = Trace.Set.singleton location Trace.ArrayDeclaration in
let char_itv = Itv.join Itv.zero (Itv.of_int (get_max_char s)) in
let decl loc mem =
let allocsite =
let deref_kind = Symb.SymbolPath.Deref_ArrayIndex in
let path = Loc.get_path loc in
let deref_path = Option.map ~f:(fun path -> Symb.SymbolPath.deref ~deref_kind path) path in
Allocsite.make pname ~node_hash ~inst_num:0 ~dimension:1 ~path:deref_path
(* It doesn't allocate if the character pointer is in stack, because they are already
allocated at the entry of the function. *)
let deref_loc, mem =
if do_alloc then
let allocsite =
let deref_kind = Symb.SymbolPath.Deref_ArrayIndex in
let path = Loc.get_path loc in
let deref_path =
Option.map ~f:(fun path -> Symb.SymbolPath.deref ~deref_kind path) path
Allocsite.make pname ~node_hash ~inst_num:0 ~dimension:1 ~path:deref_path
let v = Dom.Val.of_c_array_alloc allocsite ~stride ~offset ~size ~traces in
(Loc.of_allocsite allocsite, Dom.Mem.update_mem (PowLoc.singleton loc) v mem)
else (loc, mem)
let v = Dom.Val.of_c_array_alloc allocsite ~stride ~offset ~size ~traces in
|> Dom.Mem.update_mem (PowLoc.singleton loc) v
|> Dom.Mem.add_heap (Loc.of_allocsite allocsite) (Dom.Val.of_itv char_itv)
|> Dom.Mem.set_first_idx_of_null allocsite
|> Dom.Mem.add_heap deref_loc (Dom.Val.of_itv char_itv)
|> Dom.Mem.set_first_idx_of_null deref_loc
(Dom.Val.of_itv ~traces (Itv.of_int (String.length s)))
PowLoc.fold decl locs mem
@ -197,9 +205,10 @@ module Exec = struct
let traces = TraceSet.join (Dom.Val.get_traces tgt) (Dom.Val.get_traces src) in
let src_itv = Dom.Val.get_itv src in
let set_c_strlen1 allocsite arrinfo acc =
let loc = Loc.of_allocsite allocsite in
let idx = Dom.Val.of_itv ~traces (ArrayBlk.ArrInfo.offsetof arrinfo) in
if Itv.( <= ) ~lhs:Itv.zero ~rhs:src_itv then Dom.Mem.set_first_idx_of_null allocsite idx acc
else Dom.Mem.unset_first_idx_of_null allocsite idx acc
if Itv.( <= ) ~lhs:Itv.zero ~rhs:src_itv then Dom.Mem.set_first_idx_of_null loc idx acc
else Dom.Mem.unset_first_idx_of_null loc idx acc
ArrayBlk.fold set_c_strlen1 (Dom.Val.get_array_blk tgt) mem