[sledge] Optimize equality solver on sequences using super-term index

Update the first-order equality solver for the sequence theory to
avoid searching the whole representation now that the super-term index
is maintained.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D26338015

fbshipit-source-id: 24a9a19b6
Josh Berdine 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent d298eb1bad
commit 1274bd0d46

@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ struct
let only_elt = S.only_elt
let classify = S.classify
let map s ~f = S.map f s
let flat_map s ~f = S.fold (fun x s -> S.union (f x) s) s S.empty
let filter s ~f = S.filter f s
let partition s ~f = S.partition f s
let iter s ~f = S.iter f s

@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ module type S = sig
(** {1 Transform} *)
val map : t -> f:(elt -> elt) -> t
val flat_map : t -> f:(elt -> t) -> t
val filter : t -> f:(elt -> bool) -> t
val partition : t -> f:(elt -> bool) -> t * t

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ end
let mem elt seq ~eq = mem ~eq ~x:elt seq
let map seq ~f = map ~f seq
let flat_map seq ~f = flat_map ~f seq
let filter seq ~f = filter ~f seq
let sort seq ~cmp = sort ~cmp seq
let sort_uniq seq ~cmp = sort_uniq ~cmp seq
let sorted seq ~cmp = sorted ~cmp seq

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ end
val mem : 'a -> 'a t -> eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> bool
val map : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b) -> 'b t
val flat_map : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
val filter : 'a t -> f:('a -> bool) -> 'a t
val sort : 'a t -> cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t
val sort_uniq : 'a t -> cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t
val sorted : 'a t -> cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> bool

@ -217,6 +217,8 @@ module Use : sig
val iter : t -> f:(Trm.t -> unit) -> unit
val fold : t -> 's -> f:(Trm.t -> 's -> 's) -> 's
val map : t -> f:(Trm.t -> Trm.t) -> t
val flat_map : t -> f:(Trm.t -> t) -> t
val filter : t -> f:(Trm.t -> bool) -> t
end =
@ -342,6 +344,8 @@ let in_car a x = Subst.mem a x.rep
let is_rep a x =
match Subst.find a x.rep with Some a' -> Trm.equal a a' | None -> false
let use_of a x = Trm.Map.find a x.use |> Option.value ~default:Use.empty
(** congruent specialized to assume subterms of [a'] are normalized wrt [r]
(or canonized) *)
let semi_congruent r a' b = Trm.equal a' (Trm.map ~f:(Subst.norm r.rep) b)
@ -397,9 +401,7 @@ let pre_invariant x =
subterms *)
Iter.iter (Theory.solvable_trms a) ~f:(fun b ->
assert (
let b_use =
Trm.Map.find b x.use |> Option.value ~default:Use.empty
let b_use = use_of b x in
Use.mem a b_use
|| fail "@[subterm %a@ of %a@ not in use %a@]" Trm.pp b Trm.pp
a Use.pp b_use () ) ) ) ;
@ -628,9 +630,8 @@ let propagate1 (v, t) x =
~retn:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp_raw)
@@ fun () ->
let s = Trm.Map.singleton v t in
let v_use = Trm.Map.find v x.use |> Option.value ~default:Use.empty in
let x = update_rep true ~from:v ~to_:t x in
Use.fold v_use x ~f:(fun u x ->
Use.fold (use_of v x) x ~f:(fun u x ->
let w = norm1 s u in
let x = {x with pnd= (u, w) :: x.pnd} in
if Theory.is_noninterpreted u then
@ -754,21 +755,6 @@ let ppx_diff var_strength fs parent_ctx fml ctx =
(diff_classes ctx parent_ctx)
(if Fml.(equal tt fml') then [] else [fml'])
let fold_uses_of r t s ~f =
let rec fold_ e s ~f =
let s =
Iter.fold (Trm.trms e) s ~f:(fun sub s ->
fold_ ~f sub (if Trm.equal t sub then f e s else s) )
if Theory.is_interpreted e then Iter.fold ~f:(fold_ ~f) (Trm.trms e) s
else s
Subst.fold r.rep s ~f:(fun ~key:trm ~data:rep s ->
fold_ ~f trm (fold_ ~f rep s) )
let iter_uses_of t r ~f = fold_uses_of r t () ~f:(fun use () -> f use)
let uses_of t r = Iter.from_labelled_iter (iter_uses_of t r)
let apply_subst wrt s r =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a@ %a" Subst.pp s pp r]
@ -897,7 +883,7 @@ let trivial vs r =
let x = Trm.var v in
match Subst.find x r.rep with
| None -> Var.Set.add v ks
| Some x' when Trm.equal x x' && Iter.is_empty (uses_of x r) ->
| Some x' when Trm.equal x x' && Use.is_empty (use_of x r) ->
Var.Set.add v ks
| _ -> ks )
@ -1231,21 +1217,22 @@ let solve_class us us_xs ~key:rep ~data:cls (classes, subst) =
let solve_concat_extracts_eq r x =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a@ %a" Trm.pp x pp r]
let uses =
fold_uses_of r x [] ~f:(fun use uses ->
match use with
| Sized _ as m ->
fold_uses_of r m uses ~f:(fun use uses ->
match use with Extract _ as e -> e :: uses | _ -> uses )
| _ -> uses )
(* find terms of form [Extract {_=Sized {_=x}}] *)
let extract_uses =
Use.flat_map (use_of x r) ~f:(function
| Sized _ as m ->
Use.filter (use_of m r) ~f:(function
| Extract _ -> true
| _ -> false )
| _ -> Use.empty )
let find_extracts_at_off off =
List.filter uses ~f:(function
Use.filter extract_uses ~f:(function
| Extract {off= o} -> implies r (Fml.eq o off)
| _ -> false )
let rec find_extracts full_rev_extracts rev_prefix off =
List.fold (find_extracts_at_off off) full_rev_extracts
Use.fold (find_extracts_at_off off) full_rev_extracts
~f:(fun e full_rev_extracts ->
match e with
| Extract {seq= Sized {siz= n}; off= o; len= l} ->
