@ -144,6 +144,12 @@ let issue_of_cost cost_info ~delta ~prev_cost ~curr_cost =
else if CostDomain . BasicCost . is_zero curr_cost then IssueType . zero_execution_time_call
else IssueType . performance_variation
let curr_degree_with_term = CostDomain . BasicCost . get_degree_with_term curr_cost in
let curr_cost_msg fmt () =
Format . fprintf fmt " Cost is %a (degree is %a) " CostDomain . BasicCost . pp curr_cost
( CostDomain . BasicCost . pp_degree ~ only_bigO : false )
if ( not Config . filtering ) | | issue_type . IssueType . enabled then
let qualifier =
let pp_delta fmt delta =
@ -153,24 +159,34 @@ let issue_of_cost cost_info ~delta ~prev_cost ~curr_cost =
| ` Increased ->
Format . fprintf fmt " increased "
let pp_extra_msg fmt cost_polynomial =
if Config . developer_mode then
Format . fprintf fmt " Cost is %a (degree is %a) " CostDomain . BasicCost . pp cost_polynomial
CostDomain . BasicCost . pp_degree cost_polynomial
let pp_extra_msg fmt () =
if Config . developer_mode then curr_cost_msg fmt ()
else Format . fprintf fmt " Please make sure this is an expected change. "
let prev_degree_with_term = CostDomain . BasicCost . get_degree_with_term prev_cost in
Format . asprintf " Complexity of this function has %a from %a to %a. %a "
( MarkupFormatter . wrap_bold pp_delta )
( MarkupFormatter . wrap_monospaced CostDomain . BasicCost . pp_degree _hum )
prev_ cost
( MarkupFormatter . wrap_monospaced CostDomain . BasicCost . pp_degree _hum )
curr_ cost pp_extra_msg curr_cost
( MarkupFormatter . wrap_monospaced ( CostDomain . BasicCost . pp_degree ~ only_bigO : true ) )
prev_ degree_with_term
( MarkupFormatter . wrap_monospaced ( CostDomain . BasicCost . pp_degree ~ only_bigO : true ) )
curr_ degree_with_term pp_extra_msg ()
let line = cost_info . Jsonbug_t . loc . lnum in
let column = cost_info . Jsonbug_t . loc . cnum in
let trace =
[ Errlog . make_trace_element 0 { Location . line ; col = column ; file = source_file } " " [] ]
let curr_cost_trace =
[ Errlog . make_trace_element 0
{ Location . line ; col = column ; file = source_file }
( Format . asprintf " Updated %a " curr_cost_msg () )
[] ]
Option . value_map ~ default : curr_cost_trace
~ f : ( fun ( _ , degree_term ) ->
let symbol_list = Polynomials . NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial . get_symbols degree_term in
( " " , curr_cost_trace ) :: List . map symbol_list ~ f : Bounds . NonNegativeBound . make_err_trace
| > Errlog . concat_traces )
let severity = Exceptions . Advice in