[infer][backend] More functions from the Specs module taking a summary as parameter

Summary: These functions are also called when the summary is guaranteed to exist. Enforcing this within the API

Reviewed By: cristianoc

Differential Revision: D4126839

fbshipit-source-id: 305b484
Jeremy Dubreil 9 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent af54b5da4b
commit 15ddf8b921

@ -529,9 +529,9 @@ let forward_tabulate tenv pdesc wl source =
let print_node_preamble curr_node session pathset_todo =
let log_string proc_name =
let phase_string =
if Specs.get_phase proc_name == Specs.FOOTPRINT then "FP" else "RE" in
let summary = Specs.get_summary_unsafe "forward_tabulate" proc_name in
let phase_string =
if Specs.get_phase summary == Specs.FOOTPRINT then "FP" else "RE" in
let timestamp = Specs.get_timestamp summary in
F.sprintf "[%s:%d] %s" phase_string timestamp (Procname.to_string proc_name) in
L.d_strln ("**** " ^ (log_string pname) ^ " " ^
@ -987,10 +987,10 @@ type exe_phase = (unit -> unit) * (unit -> Prop.normal Specs.spec list * Specs.p
[go ()] was interrupted by and exception. *)
let perform_analysis_phase tenv (pname : Procname.t) (pdesc : Cfg.Procdesc.t) source
: exe_phase =
let summary = Specs.get_summary_unsafe "check_recursion_level" pname in
let start_node = Cfg.Procdesc.get_start_node pdesc in
let check_recursion_level () =
let summary = Specs.get_summary_unsafe "check_recursion_level" pname in
let recursion_level = Specs.get_timestamp summary in
if recursion_level > Config.max_recursion then
@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@ let perform_analysis_phase tenv (pname : Procname.t) (pdesc : Cfg.Procdesc.t) so
specs, Specs.RE_EXECUTION in
go, get_results in
match Specs.get_phase pname with
match Specs.get_phase summary with
| Specs.FOOTPRINT ->
compute_footprint ()
@ -1394,8 +1394,10 @@ let perform_transition exe_env tenv proc_name source =
L.err "Error: %s %a@." err_str L.pp_ml_loc_opt ml_loc_opt;
[] in
transition_footprint_re_exe tenv proc_name joined_pres in
if Specs.get_phase proc_name == Specs.FOOTPRINT
then transition ()
match Specs.get_summary proc_name with
| Some summary when Specs.get_phase summary == Specs.FOOTPRINT ->
transition ()
| _ -> ()
let interprocedural_algorithm exe_env : unit =

@ -675,10 +675,10 @@ let pdesc_resolve_attributes proc_desc =
(* this should not happen *)
assert false
let get_origin proc_name =
let is_model proc_name =
match get_summary_origin proc_name with
| Some (_, origin) -> origin
| None -> DB.Res_dir
| None -> false
| Some (_, origin) -> origin = DB.Models
let summary_exists proc_name =
match get_summary proc_name with
@ -707,15 +707,11 @@ let get_attributes summary =
(** Get the flag with the given key for the procedure, if any *)
(* TODO get_flag should get a summary as parameter *)
let get_flag proc_name key =
match get_summary proc_name with
| None -> None
| Some summary ->
let proc_flags = summary.attributes.ProcAttributes.proc_flags in
Some (Hashtbl.find proc_flags key)
with Not_found -> None
let get_flag summary key =
let proc_flags = summary.attributes.ProcAttributes.proc_flags in
Some (Hashtbl.find proc_flags key)
with Not_found -> None
(** Return the specs and parameters for the proc in the spec table *)
let get_specs_formals proc_name =
@ -732,10 +728,8 @@ let get_specs proc_name =
fst (get_specs_formals proc_name)
(** Return the current phase for the proc *)
let get_phase proc_name =
match get_summary_origin proc_name with
| None -> raise (Failure ("Specs.get_phase: " ^ (Procname.to_string proc_name) ^ " Not_found"))
| Some (summary, _) -> summary.phase
let get_phase summary =
(** Set the current status for the proc *)
let set_status proc_name status =

@ -159,6 +159,12 @@ val clear_spec_tbl : unit -> unit
(** Dump a spec *)
val d_spec : 'a spec -> unit
(** Returns true if the procedure is a model *)
val is_model: Procname.t -> bool
(** Return the summary option for the procedure name *)
val get_summary : Procname.t -> summary option
(** Get the procedure name *)
val get_proc_name : summary -> Procname.t
@ -172,13 +178,10 @@ val get_ret_type : summary -> Typ.t
val get_formals : summary -> (Mangled.t * Typ.t) list
(** Get the flag with the given key for the procedure, if any *)
val get_flag : Procname.t -> string -> string option
val get_flag : summary -> string -> string option
(** Return the current phase for the proc *)
val get_phase : Procname.t -> phase
(** Return the origin of the spec file *)
val get_origin: Procname.t -> DB.origin
val get_phase : summary -> phase
(** Return the signature of a procedure declaration as a string *)
val get_signature : summary -> string
@ -192,9 +195,6 @@ val get_specs_formals : Procname.t -> Prop.normal spec list * (Mangled.t * Typ.t
(** Get the specs from the payload of the summary. *)
val get_specs_from_payload : summary -> Prop.normal spec list
(** Return the summary option for the procedure name *)
val get_summary : Procname.t -> summary option
(** @deprecated Return the summary for the procedure name. Raises an exception when not found. *)
val get_summary_unsafe : string -> Procname.t -> summary

@ -375,13 +375,13 @@ let check_inherently_dangerous_function caller_pname callee_pname =
(Localise.desc_inherently_dangerous_function callee_pname) in
Reporting.log_warning caller_pname exn
let call_should_be_skipped callee_pname summary =
let call_should_be_skipped callee_summary =
(* check skip flag *)
Specs.get_flag callee_pname proc_flag_skip <> None
Specs.get_flag callee_summary proc_flag_skip <> None
(* skip abstract methods *)
|| summary.Specs.attributes.ProcAttributes.is_abstract
|| callee_summary.Specs.attributes.ProcAttributes.is_abstract
(* treat calls with no specs as skip functions in angelic mode *)
|| (Config.angelic_execution && Specs.get_specs_from_payload summary == [])
|| (Config.angelic_execution && Specs.get_specs_from_payload callee_summary == [])
(** In case of constant string dereference, return the result immediately *)
let check_constant_string_dereference lexp =
@ -1067,20 +1067,20 @@ let rec sym_exec tenv current_pdesc _instr (prop_: Prop.normal Prop.t) path
let exec_skip_call skipped_pname ret_annots ret_type =
skip_call norm_prop path skipped_pname ret_annots loc ret_id
(Some ret_type) norm_args in
let resolved_pname, summary_opt = resolve_and_analyze tenv current_pdesc
let resolved_pname, resolved_summary_opt = resolve_and_analyze tenv current_pdesc
norm_prop norm_args callee_pname call_flags in
match summary_opt with
match resolved_summary_opt with
| None ->
let ret_typ = Typ.java_proc_return_typ callee_pname_java in
let ret_annots = load_ret_annots callee_pname in
exec_skip_call resolved_pname ret_annots ret_typ
| Some summary when call_should_be_skipped resolved_pname summary ->
let proc_attrs = summary.Specs.attributes in
| Some resolved_summary when call_should_be_skipped resolved_summary ->
let proc_attrs = resolved_summary.Specs.attributes in
let ret_annots, _ = proc_attrs.ProcAttributes.method_annotation in
exec_skip_call resolved_pname ret_annots proc_attrs.ProcAttributes.ret_type
| Some summary ->
proc_call summary (call_args prop_ callee_pname norm_args ret_id loc)
| Some resolved_summary ->
proc_call resolved_summary (call_args prop_ callee_pname norm_args ret_id loc)
| Java callee_pname_java ->
do_error_checks tenv (Paths.Path.curr_node path) instr current_pname current_pdesc;
@ -1098,12 +1098,13 @@ let rec sym_exec tenv current_pdesc _instr (prop_: Prop.normal Prop.t) path
let ret_typ = Typ.java_proc_return_typ callee_pname_java in
let ret_annots = load_ret_annots callee_pname in
exec_skip_call ret_annots ret_typ
| Some summary when call_should_be_skipped pname summary ->
let proc_attrs = summary.Specs.attributes in
| Some callee_summary when call_should_be_skipped callee_summary ->
let proc_attrs = callee_summary.Specs.attributes in
let ret_annots, _ = proc_attrs.ProcAttributes.method_annotation in
exec_skip_call ret_annots proc_attrs.ProcAttributes.ret_type
| Some summary ->
proc_call summary (call_args norm_prop pname url_handled_args ret_id loc) in
| Some callee_summary ->
let handled_args = call_args norm_prop pname url_handled_args ret_id loc in
proc_call callee_summary handled_args in
IList.fold_left (fun acc pname -> exec_one_pname pname @ acc) [] resolved_pnames
| _ -> (* Generic fun call with known name *)
let (prop_r, n_actual_params) =
@ -1122,12 +1123,8 @@ let rec sym_exec tenv current_pdesc _instr (prop_: Prop.normal Prop.t) path
(call_args prop_r callee_pname actual_params ret_id loc)
else [(prop_r, path)] in
let do_call (prop, path) =
let summary = Specs.get_summary resolved_pname in
let should_skip resolved_pname summary =
match summary with
| None -> true
| Some summary -> call_should_be_skipped resolved_pname summary in
if should_skip resolved_pname summary then
let resolved_summary_opt = Specs.get_summary resolved_pname in
if Option.map_default call_should_be_skipped true resolved_summary_opt then
(* If it's an ObjC getter or setter, call the builtin rather than skipping *)
let attrs_opt =
let attr_opt = Option.map Cfg.Procdesc.get_attributes callee_pdesc_opt in
@ -1149,7 +1146,7 @@ let rec sym_exec tenv current_pdesc _instr (prop_: Prop.normal Prop.t) path
current_pdesc callee_pname loc path
(sym_exec_objc_accessor objc_property_accessor ret_typ)
| None ->
let ret_annots = match summary with
let ret_annots = match resolved_summary_opt with
| Some summ ->
let ret_annots, _ =
summ.Specs.attributes.ProcAttributes.method_annotation in
@ -1163,7 +1160,7 @@ let rec sym_exec tenv current_pdesc _instr (prop_: Prop.normal Prop.t) path
skip_call ~is_objc_instance_method prop path resolved_pname ret_annots
loc ret_id ret_typ_opt n_actual_params
proc_call (Option.get summary)
proc_call (Option.get resolved_summary_opt)
(call_args prop resolved_pname n_actual_params ret_id loc) in
IList.flatten (IList.map do_call sentinel_result)
@ -1540,7 +1537,7 @@ and proc_call summary {Builtin.pdesc; tenv; prop_= pre; path; ret_id; args= actu
| _, None -> true
| _, Some (id, _) -> Errdesc.id_is_assigned_then_dead (State.get_node ()) id in
if is_ignored
&& Specs.get_flag callee_pname proc_flag_ignore_return = None then
&& Specs.get_flag summary proc_flag_ignore_return = None then
let err_desc = Localise.desc_return_value_ignored callee_pname loc in
let exn = (Exceptions.Return_value_ignored (err_desc, __POS__)) in
Reporting.log_warning caller_pname exn in

@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ let prop_set_exn tenv pname prop se_exn =
(** Include a subtrace for a procedure call if the callee is not a model. *)
let include_subtrace callee_pname =
Specs.get_origin callee_pname <> DB.Models &&
not (Specs.is_model callee_pname) &&
not (AttributesTable.pname_is_cpp_model callee_pname) &&
not (AttributesTable.is_whitelisted_cpp_method (Procname.to_string callee_pname))
