[sledge] Factor core Fol modules into separate modules

The Fol.Term and Fol.Formula provide an interface which supports
if-then-else terms and formulas, while the underlying representation
in Trm does not and Fml only supports if-then-else over formulas, not
terms. The implementation of the rest of the first-order solver needs
to use the underlying, normalized, representation. This diff exports
Trm and Fml to separate modules for this purpose. Later, they will be
packed into a library for the first-order solver, and only used from

Reviewed By: ngorogiannis

Differential Revision: D24532351

fbshipit-source-id: 7310827da
Josh Berdine 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 90675ca33a
commit 1643bf1c50

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(** Arithmetic terms *)
open Ses
module Var = Ses.Var
module type S = sig
type var

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Formulas *)
module Prop = Propositional.Make (Trm)
module Fmls = Prop.Fmls
type fmls = Fmls.t
include Prop.Fml
let tt = mk_Tt ()
let ff = _Not tt
let bool b = if b then tt else ff
let _Eq0 x =
match (x : Trm.trm) with
| Z z -> bool (Z.equal Z.zero z)
| Q q -> bool (Q.equal Q.zero q)
| x -> _Eq0 x
let _Pos x =
match (x : Trm.trm) with
| Z z -> bool (Z.gt z Z.zero)
| Q q -> bool (Q.gt q Q.zero)
| x -> _Pos x
let _Eq x y =
if x == Trm.zero then _Eq0 y
else if y == Trm.zero then _Eq0 x
let sort_eq x y =
match Sign.of_int (Trm.compare_trm x y) with
| Neg -> _Eq x y
| Zero -> tt
| Pos -> _Eq y x
match (x, y) with
(* x = y ==> 0 = x - y when x = y is an arithmetic equality *)
| (Z _ | Q _ | Arith _), _ | _, (Z _ | Q _ | Arith _) ->
_Eq0 (Trm.sub x y)
(* α^β^δ = α^γ^δ ==> β = γ *)
| Concat a, Concat b ->
let m = Array.length a in
let n = Array.length b in
let l = min m n in
let length_common_prefix =
let rec find_lcp i =
if i < l && Trm.equal_trm a.(i) b.(i) then find_lcp (i + 1)
else i
find_lcp 0
if length_common_prefix = l then tt
let length_common_suffix =
let rec find_lcs i =
if Trm.equal_trm a.(m - 1 - i) b.(n - 1 - i) then
find_lcs (i + 1)
else i
find_lcs 0
let length_common = length_common_prefix + length_common_suffix in
if length_common = 0 then sort_eq x y
let pos = length_common_prefix in
let a = Array.sub ~pos ~len:(m - length_common) a in
let b = Array.sub ~pos ~len:(n - length_common) b in
_Eq (Trm._Concat a) (Trm._Concat b)
| (Sized _ | Extract _ | Concat _), (Sized _ | Extract _ | Concat _) ->
sort_eq x y
(* x = α ==> ⟨x,|α|⟩ = α *)
| x, ((Sized _ | Extract _ | Concat _) as a)
|((Sized _ | Extract _ | Concat _) as a), x ->
_Eq (Trm._Sized x (Trm.seq_size_exn a)) a
| _ -> sort_eq x y
let vars p = Iter.flat_map ~f:Trm.vars (trms p)

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Formulas *)
open Propositional_intf
include FORMULA with type trm := Trm.trm
module Fmls : FORMULA_SET with type elt := fml with type t = fmls
type trm := Trm.trm
val tt : fml
val ff : fml
val bool : bool -> fml
val _Eq0 : trm -> fml
val _Pos : trm -> fml
val _Eq : trm -> trm -> fml
val vars : fml -> Trm.Var.t iter

@ -5,475 +5,11 @@
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open Ses
let pp_boxed fs fmt =
Format.pp_open_box fs 2 ;
Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.pp_close_box fs ()) fs fmt
* Terms
(** Variable terms, represented as a subtype of general terms *)
module rec Var : sig
include Var_intf.VAR with type t = private Trm.trm
val of_ : Trm.trm -> t
end = struct
module T = struct
type t = Trm.trm [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
let invariant x =
let@ () = Invariant.invariant [%here] x [%sexp_of: t] in
match x with
| Var _ -> ()
| _ -> fail "non-var: %a" Sexp.pp_hum (sexp_of_t x) ()
let make ~id ~name = Trm._Var id name |> check invariant
let id = function Trm.Var v -> v.id | x -> violates invariant x
let name = function Trm.Var v -> v.name | x -> violates invariant x
include Var0.Make (T)
let of_ v = v |> check T.invariant
and Arith0 :
with type var := Var.t
with type trm := Trm.trm) =
Arithmetic.Representation (Trm)
and Arith :
with type var := Var.t
with type trm := Trm.trm
with type t = Arith0.t) = struct
include Arith0
include Make (struct
let get_arith (e : Trm.trm) =
match e with
| Z z -> Some (Arith.const (Q.of_z z))
| Q q -> Some (Arith.const q)
| Arith a -> Some a
| _ -> None
(** Terms, built from variables and applications of function symbols from
various theories. Denote functions from structures to values. *)
and Trm : sig
type var = Var.t
type trm = private
(* variables *)
| Var of {id: int; name: string}
(* arithmetic *)
| Z of Z.t
| Q of Q.t
| Arith of Arith.t
(* sequences (of flexible size) *)
| Splat of trm
| Sized of {seq: trm; siz: trm}
| Extract of {seq: trm; off: trm; len: trm}
| Concat of trm array
(* records (with fixed indices) *)
| Select of {idx: int; rcd: trm}
| Update of {idx: int; rcd: trm; elt: trm}
| Record of trm array
| Ancestor of int
(* uninterpreted *)
| Apply of Funsym.t * trm array
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
val ppx : Var.t Var.strength -> trm pp
val _Var : int -> string -> trm
val _Z : Z.t -> trm
val _Q : Q.t -> trm
val _Arith : Arith.t -> trm
val _Splat : trm -> trm
val _Sized : trm -> trm -> trm
val _Extract : trm -> trm -> trm -> trm
val _Concat : trm array -> trm
val _Select : int -> trm -> trm
val _Update : int -> trm -> trm -> trm
val _Record : trm array -> trm
val _Ancestor : int -> trm
val _Apply : Funsym.t -> trm array -> trm
val add : trm -> trm -> trm
val sub : trm -> trm -> trm
val seq_size_exn : trm -> trm
val vars : trm -> Var.t iter
end = struct
type var = Var.t
type trm =
| Var of {id: int; name: string}
| Z of Z.t
| Q of Q.t
| Arith of Arith.t
| Splat of trm
| Sized of {seq: trm; siz: trm}
| Extract of {seq: trm; off: trm; len: trm}
| Concat of trm array
| Select of {idx: int; rcd: trm}
| Update of {idx: int; rcd: trm; elt: trm}
| Record of trm array
| Ancestor of int
| Apply of Funsym.t * trm array
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
let compare_trm x y =
if x == y then 0
match (x, y) with
| Var {id= i; name= _}, Var {id= j; name= _} when i > 0 && j > 0 ->
Int.compare i j
| _ -> compare_trm x y
let equal_trm x y =
x == y
match (x, y) with
| Var {id= i; name= _}, Var {id= j; name= _} when i > 0 && j > 0 ->
Int.equal i j
| _ -> equal_trm x y
let rec ppx strength fs trm =
let rec pp fs trm =
let pf fmt = pp_boxed fs fmt in
match trm with
| Var _ as v -> Var.ppx strength fs (Var.of_ v)
| Z z -> Trace.pp_styled `Magenta "%a" fs Z.pp z
| Q q -> Trace.pp_styled `Magenta "%a" fs Q.pp q
| Arith a -> Arith.ppx strength fs a
| Splat x -> pf "%a^" pp x
| Sized {seq; siz} -> pf "@<1>⟨%a,%a@<1>⟩" pp siz pp seq
| Extract {seq; off; len} -> pf "%a[%a,%a)" pp seq pp off pp len
| Concat [||] -> pf "@<2>⟨⟩"
| Concat xs -> pf "(%a)" (Array.pp "@,^" pp) xs
| Select {idx; rcd} -> pf "%a[%i]" pp rcd idx
| Update {idx; rcd; elt} ->
pf "[%a@ @[| %i → %a@]]" pp rcd idx pp elt
| Record xs -> pf "{%a}" (ppx_record strength) xs
| Ancestor i -> pf "(ancestor %i)" i
| Apply (f, [||]) -> pf "%a" Funsym.pp f
| Apply
( ( (Rem | BitAnd | BitOr | BitXor | BitShl | BitLshr | BitAshr)
as f )
, [|x; y|] ) ->
pf "(%a@ %a@ %a)" pp x Funsym.pp f pp y
| Apply (f, es) ->
pf "%a(%a)" Funsym.pp f (Array.pp ",@ " (ppx strength)) es
pp fs trm
and ppx_record strength fs elts =
fs "%a"
(fun fs elts ->
let exception Not_a_string in
String.init (Array.length elts) ~f:(fun i ->
match elts.(i) with
| Z c -> Char.of_int_exn (Z.to_int c)
| _ -> raise Not_a_string )
| s -> Format.fprintf fs "%S" s
| exception (Not_a_string | Z.Overflow | Failure _) ->
Format.fprintf fs "@[<h>%a@]"
(Array.pp ",@ " (ppx strength))
elts )
let pp = ppx (fun _ -> None)
let invariant e =
let@ () = Invariant.invariant [%here] e [%sexp_of: trm] in
match e with
| Q q -> assert (not (Z.equal Z.one (Q.den q)))
| Arith a -> (
match Arith.classify a with
| Compound -> ()
| Trm _ | Const _ -> assert false )
| _ -> ()
(* destructors *)
let get_z = function Z z -> Some z | _ -> None
let get_q = function Q q -> Some q | Z z -> Some (Q.of_z z) | _ -> None
(* constructors *)
let _Var id name = Var {id; name} |> check invariant
(* statically allocated since they are tested with == *)
let zero = Z Z.zero |> check invariant
let one = Z Z.one |> check invariant
let _Z z =
(if Z.equal Z.zero z then zero else if Z.equal Z.one z then one else Z z)
|> check invariant
let _Q q =
(if Z.equal Z.one (Q.den q) then _Z (Q.num q) else Q q)
|> check invariant
let _Arith a =
( match Arith.classify a with
| Trm e -> e
| Const q -> _Q q
| Compound -> Arith a )
|> check invariant
let add x y = _Arith Arith.(add (trm x) (trm y))
let sub x y = _Arith Arith.(sub (trm x) (trm y))
let _Splat x = Splat x |> check invariant
let seq_size_exn =
let invalid = Invalid_argument "seq_size_exn" in
let rec seq_size_exn = function
| Sized {siz= n} | Extract {len= n} -> n
| Concat a0U ->
Array.fold ~f:(fun aJ a0I -> add a0I (seq_size_exn aJ)) a0U zero
| _ -> raise invalid
let seq_size e =
try Some (seq_size_exn e) with Invalid_argument _ -> None
let _Sized seq siz =
( match seq_size seq with
(* ⟨n,α⟩ ==> α when n ≡ |α| *)
| Some n when equal_trm siz n -> seq
| _ -> Sized {seq; siz} )
|> check invariant
let partial_compare x y =
match sub x y with
| Z z -> Some (Int.sign (Z.sign z))
| Q q -> Some (Int.sign (Q.sign q))
| _ -> None
let partial_ge x y =
match partial_compare x y with Some (Pos | Zero) -> true | _ -> false
let empty_seq = Concat [||]
let rec _Extract seq off len =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp (Extract {seq; off; len}))
~retn:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp)
@@ fun () ->
(* _[_,0) ==> ⟨⟩ *)
( if equal_trm len zero then empty_seq
let o_l = add off len in
match seq with
(* α[m,k)[o,l) ==> α[m+o,l) when k ≥ o+l *)
| Extract {seq= a; off= m; len= k} when partial_ge k o_l ->
_Extract a (add m off) len
(* ⟨n,E^⟩[o,l) ==> ⟨l,E^⟩ when n ≥ o+l *)
| Sized {siz= n; seq= Splat _ as e} when partial_ge n o_l ->
_Sized e len
(* ⟨n,a⟩[0,n) ==> ⟨n,a⟩ *)
| Sized {siz= n} when equal_trm off zero && equal_trm n len -> seq
(* For (α₀^α₁)[o,l) there are 3 cases:
* ...^...
* [,)
* o < o+l |α| : (α^α)[o,l) ==> α[o,l) ^ α[0,0)
* ...^...
* [ , )
* o |α| < o+l : (α^α)[o,l) ==> α[o,|α|-o) ^ α[0,l-(|α|-o))
* ...^...
* [,)
* |α| o : (α^α)[o,l) ==> α[o,0) ^ α[o-|α|,l)
* So in general:
* (α^α)[o,l) ==> α[o,l) ^ α[o,l-l)
* where l = max 0 (min l |α|-o)
* o = max 0 o-|α|
| Concat na1N -> (
match len with
| Z l ->
Array.fold_map_until na1N (l, off)
~f:(fun naI (l, oI) ->
if Z.equal Z.zero l then
`Continue (_Extract naI oI zero, (l, oI))
let nI = seq_size_exn naI in
let oI_nI = sub oI nI in
match oI_nI with
| Z z ->
let oJ = if Z.sign z <= 0 then zero else oI_nI in
let lI = Z.(max zero (min l (neg z))) in
let l = Z.(l - lI) in
`Continue (_Extract naI oI (_Z lI), (l, oJ))
| _ -> `Stop (Extract {seq; off; len}) )
~finish:(fun (e1N, _) -> _Concat e1N)
| _ -> Extract {seq; off; len} )
(* α[o,l) *)
| _ -> Extract {seq; off; len} )
|> check invariant
and _Concat xs =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp (Concat xs))
~retn:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp)
@@ fun () ->
(* (α^(β^γ)) ==> (α^β^γ) *)
let flatten xs =
if Array.exists ~f:(function Concat _ -> true | _ -> false) xs then
Array.flat_map ~f:(function Concat s -> s | e -> [|e|]) xs
else xs
let simp_adjacent e f =
match (e, f) with
(* ⟨n,a⟩[o,k)^⟨n,a⟩[o+k,l) ==> ⟨n,a⟩[o,k+l) when n ≥ o+k+l *)
| ( Extract {seq= Sized {siz= n} as na; off= o; len= k}
, Extract {seq= na'; off= o_k; len= l} )
when equal_trm na na'
&& equal_trm o_k (add o k)
&& partial_ge n (add o_k l) ->
Some (_Extract na o (add k l))
(* ⟨m,E^⟩^⟨n,E^⟩ ==> ⟨m+n,E^⟩ *)
| Sized {siz= m; seq= Splat _ as a}, Sized {siz= n; seq= a'}
when equal_trm a a' ->
Some (_Sized a (add m n))
| _ -> None
let xs = flatten xs in
let xs = Array.reduce_adjacent ~f:simp_adjacent xs in
(if Array.length xs = 1 then xs.(0) else Concat xs) |> check invariant
let _Select idx rcd = Select {idx; rcd} |> check invariant
let _Update idx rcd elt = Update {idx; rcd; elt} |> check invariant
let _Record es = Record es |> check invariant
let _Ancestor i = Ancestor i |> check invariant
let _Apply f es =
( match
Funsym.eval ~equal:equal_trm ~get_z ~ret_z:_Z ~get_q ~ret_q:_Q f es
| Some c -> c
| None -> Apply (f, es) )
|> check invariant
let rec iter_vars e ~f =
match e with
| Var _ as v -> f (Var.of_ v)
| Z _ | Q _ | Ancestor _ -> ()
| Splat x | Select {rcd= x} -> iter_vars ~f x
| Sized {seq= x; siz= y} | Update {rcd= x; elt= y} ->
iter_vars ~f x ;
iter_vars ~f y
| Extract {seq= x; off= y; len= z} ->
iter_vars ~f x ;
iter_vars ~f y ;
iter_vars ~f z
| Concat xs | Record xs | Apply (_, xs) ->
Array.iter ~f:(iter_vars ~f) xs
| Arith a -> Iter.iter ~f:(iter_vars ~f) (Arith.iter a)
let vars e = Iter.from_labelled_iter (iter_vars e)
open Trm
let zero = _Z Z.zero
let one = _Z Z.one
* Formulas
module Prop = Propositional.Make (Trm)
module Fml = struct
include Prop.Fml
let tt = mk_Tt ()
let ff = _Not tt
let bool b = if b then tt else ff
let _Eq0 = function
| Z z -> bool (Z.equal Z.zero z)
| Q q -> bool (Q.equal Q.zero q)
| x -> _Eq0 x
let _Pos = function
| Z z -> bool (Z.gt z Z.zero)
| Q q -> bool (Q.gt q Q.zero)
| x -> _Pos x
let _Eq x y =
if x == zero then _Eq0 y
else if y == zero then _Eq0 x
let sort_eq x y =
match Sign.of_int (compare_trm x y) with
| Neg -> _Eq x y
| Zero -> tt
| Pos -> _Eq y x
match (x, y) with
(* x = y ==> 0 = x - y when x = y is an arithmetic equality *)
| (Z _ | Q _ | Arith _), _ | _, (Z _ | Q _ | Arith _) ->
_Eq0 (sub x y)
(* α^β^δ = α^γ^δ ==> β = γ *)
| Concat a, Concat b ->
let m = Array.length a in
let n = Array.length b in
let l = min m n in
let length_common_prefix =
let rec find_lcp i =
if i < l && equal_trm a.(i) b.(i) then find_lcp (i + 1) else i
find_lcp 0
if length_common_prefix = l then tt
let length_common_suffix =
let rec find_lcs i =
if equal_trm a.(m - 1 - i) b.(n - 1 - i) then
find_lcs (i + 1)
else i
find_lcs 0
let length_common =
length_common_prefix + length_common_suffix
if length_common = 0 then sort_eq x y
let pos = length_common_prefix in
let a = Array.sub ~pos ~len:(m - length_common) a in
let b = Array.sub ~pos ~len:(n - length_common) b in
_Eq (_Concat a) (_Concat b)
| (Sized _ | Extract _ | Concat _), (Sized _ | Extract _ | Concat _)
sort_eq x y
(* x = α ==> ⟨x,|α|⟩ = α *)
| x, ((Sized _ | Extract _ | Concat _) as a)
|((Sized _ | Extract _ | Concat _) as a), x ->
_Eq (_Sized x (seq_size_exn a)) a
| _ -> sort_eq x y
let vars p = Iter.flat_map ~f:Trm.vars (trms p)
module Fmls = Prop.Fmls
open Fml
type var = Var.t
* Conditional terms
@ -498,6 +34,10 @@ type exp = [cnd | `Fml of fml] [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
(** pp *)
let pp_boxed fs fmt =
Format.pp_open_box fs 2 ;
Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.pp_close_box fs ()) fs fmt
let ppx_f strength fs fml =
let pp_t = Trm.ppx strength in
let rec pp fs fml =
@ -529,7 +69,7 @@ let ppx_f strength fs fml =
| Iff (x, y) -> pf "(%a@ <=> %a)" pp x pp y
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} ->
pf "@[<hv 1>(%a@ ? %a@ : %a)@]" pp cnd pp pos pp neg
| Lit (p, xs) -> pf "%a(%a)" Predsym.pp p (Array.pp ",@ " pp_t) xs
| Lit (p, xs) -> pf "%a(%a)" Ses.Predsym.pp p (Array.pp ",@ " pp_t) xs
pp fs fml

@ -5,11 +5,6 @@
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open Ses
(** Variables *)
module Var : Var_intf.VAR
(** Terms *)
module rec Term : sig
type t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
@ -51,7 +46,7 @@ module rec Term : sig
val ancestor : int -> t
(* uninterpreted *)
val apply : Funsym.t -> t array -> t
val apply : Ses.Funsym.t -> t array -> t
(* if-then-else *)
val ite : cnd:Formula.t -> thn:t -> els:t -> t
@ -116,7 +111,7 @@ and Formula : sig
val le : Term.t -> Term.t -> t
(* uninterpreted *)
val lit : Predsym.t -> Term.t array -> t
val lit : Ses.Predsym.t -> Term.t array -> t
(* connectives *)
val not_ : t -> t

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
(** Propositional formulas *)
include Propositional_intf
open Ses
module Make (Trm : TERM) = struct
open Trm
@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ module Make (Trm : TERM) = struct
| Or of {pos: Fmls.t; neg: Fmls.t}
| Iff of fml * fml
| Cond of {cnd: fml; pos: fml; neg: fml}
| Lit of Predsym.t * trm array
| Lit of Ses.Predsym.t * trm array
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
let invariant f =

@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
(** Frame Inference Solver over Symbolic Heaps *)
open Fol
val infer_frame : Sh.t -> Var.Set.t -> Sh.t -> Sh.t option
(** If [infer_frame p xs q] is [Some r], then [p ⊢ ∃xs. q * r]. The
vocabulary of [r] is the vocabulary of [q] union [xs]. A goal is for [r]

@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Terms *)
module Funsym = Ses.Funsym
let pp_boxed fs fmt =
Format.pp_open_box fs 2 ;
Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.pp_close_box fs ()) fs fmt
(** Variable terms, represented as a subtype of general terms *)
module rec Var : sig
include Ses.Var_intf.VAR with type t = private Trm.trm
val of_ : Trm.trm -> t
end = struct
module T = struct
type t = Trm.trm [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
let invariant x =
let@ () = Invariant.invariant [%here] x [%sexp_of: t] in
match x with
| Var _ -> ()
| _ -> fail "non-var: %a" Sexp.pp_hum (sexp_of_t x) ()
let make ~id ~name = Trm._Var id name |> check invariant
let id = function Trm.Var v -> v.id | x -> violates invariant x
let name = function Trm.Var v -> v.name | x -> violates invariant x
include Ses.Var0.Make (T)
let of_ v = v |> check T.invariant
and Arith0 :
with type var := Var.t
with type trm := Trm.trm) =
Arithmetic.Representation (Trm)
and Arith :
with type var := Var.t
with type trm := Trm.trm
with type t = Arith0.t) = struct
include Arith0
include Make (struct
let get_arith (e : Trm.trm) =
match e with
| Z z -> Some (Arith.const (Q.of_z z))
| Q q -> Some (Arith.const q)
| Arith a -> Some a
| _ -> None
(** Terms, built from variables and applications of function symbols from
various theories. Denote functions from structures to values. *)
and Trm : sig
type var = Var.t
type trm = private
(* variables *)
| Var of {id: int; name: string}
(* arithmetic *)
| Z of Z.t
| Q of Q.t
| Arith of Arith.t
(* sequences (of flexible size) *)
| Splat of trm
| Sized of {seq: trm; siz: trm}
| Extract of {seq: trm; off: trm; len: trm}
| Concat of trm array
(* records (with fixed indices) *)
| Select of {idx: int; rcd: trm}
| Update of {idx: int; rcd: trm; elt: trm}
| Record of trm array
| Ancestor of int
(* uninterpreted *)
| Apply of Funsym.t * trm array
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
val ppx : Var.t Var.strength -> trm pp
val _Var : int -> string -> trm
val _Z : Z.t -> trm
val _Q : Q.t -> trm
val _Arith : Arith.t -> trm
val _Splat : trm -> trm
val _Sized : trm -> trm -> trm
val _Extract : trm -> trm -> trm -> trm
val _Concat : trm array -> trm
val _Select : int -> trm -> trm
val _Update : int -> trm -> trm -> trm
val _Record : trm array -> trm
val _Ancestor : int -> trm
val _Apply : Funsym.t -> trm array -> trm
val add : trm -> trm -> trm
val sub : trm -> trm -> trm
val seq_size_exn : trm -> trm
val seq_size : trm -> trm option
end = struct
type var = Var.t
type trm =
| Var of {id: int; name: string}
| Z of Z.t
| Q of Q.t
| Arith of Arith.t
| Splat of trm
| Sized of {seq: trm; siz: trm}
| Extract of {seq: trm; off: trm; len: trm}
| Concat of trm array
| Select of {idx: int; rcd: trm}
| Update of {idx: int; rcd: trm; elt: trm}
| Record of trm array
| Ancestor of int
| Apply of Funsym.t * trm array
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
let compare_trm x y =
if x == y then 0
match (x, y) with
| Var {id= i; name= _}, Var {id= j; name= _} when i > 0 && j > 0 ->
Int.compare i j
| _ -> compare_trm x y
let equal_trm x y =
x == y
match (x, y) with
| Var {id= i; name= _}, Var {id= j; name= _} when i > 0 && j > 0 ->
Int.equal i j
| _ -> equal_trm x y
let rec ppx strength fs trm =
let rec pp fs trm =
let pf fmt = pp_boxed fs fmt in
match trm with
| Var _ as v -> Var.ppx strength fs (Var.of_ v)
| Z z -> Trace.pp_styled `Magenta "%a" fs Z.pp z
| Q q -> Trace.pp_styled `Magenta "%a" fs Q.pp q
| Arith a -> Arith.ppx strength fs a
| Splat x -> pf "%a^" pp x
| Sized {seq; siz} -> pf "@<1>⟨%a,%a@<1>⟩" pp siz pp seq
| Extract {seq; off; len} -> pf "%a[%a,%a)" pp seq pp off pp len
| Concat [||] -> pf "@<2>⟨⟩"
| Concat xs -> pf "(%a)" (Array.pp "@,^" pp) xs
| Select {idx; rcd} -> pf "%a[%i]" pp rcd idx
| Update {idx; rcd; elt} ->
pf "[%a@ @[| %i → %a@]]" pp rcd idx pp elt
| Record xs -> pf "{%a}" (ppx_record strength) xs
| Ancestor i -> pf "(ancestor %i)" i
| Apply (f, [||]) -> pf "%a" Funsym.pp f
| Apply
( ( (Rem | BitAnd | BitOr | BitXor | BitShl | BitLshr | BitAshr)
as f )
, [|x; y|] ) ->
pf "(%a@ %a@ %a)" pp x Funsym.pp f pp y
| Apply (f, es) ->
pf "%a(%a)" Funsym.pp f (Array.pp ",@ " (ppx strength)) es
pp fs trm
and ppx_record strength fs elts =
fs "%a"
(fun fs elts ->
let exception Not_a_string in
String.init (Array.length elts) ~f:(fun i ->
match elts.(i) with
| Z c -> Char.of_int_exn (Z.to_int c)
| _ -> raise Not_a_string )
| s -> Format.fprintf fs "%S" s
| exception (Not_a_string | Z.Overflow | Failure _) ->
Format.fprintf fs "@[<h>%a@]"
(Array.pp ",@ " (ppx strength))
elts )
let pp = ppx (fun _ -> None)
let invariant e =
let@ () = Invariant.invariant [%here] e [%sexp_of: trm] in
match e with
| Q q -> assert (not (Z.equal Z.one (Q.den q)))
| Arith a -> (
match Arith.classify a with
| Compound -> ()
| Trm _ | Const _ -> assert false )
| _ -> ()
(* destructors *)
let get_z = function Z z -> Some z | _ -> None
let get_q = function Q q -> Some q | Z z -> Some (Q.of_z z) | _ -> None
(* constructors *)
let _Var id name = Var {id; name} |> check invariant
(* statically allocated since they are tested with == *)
let zero = Z Z.zero |> check invariant
let one = Z Z.one |> check invariant
let _Z z =
(if Z.equal Z.zero z then zero else if Z.equal Z.one z then one else Z z)
|> check invariant
let _Q q =
(if Z.equal Z.one (Q.den q) then _Z (Q.num q) else Q q)
|> check invariant
let _Arith a =
( match Arith.classify a with
| Trm e -> e
| Const q -> _Q q
| Compound -> Arith a )
|> check invariant
let add x y = _Arith Arith.(add (trm x) (trm y))
let sub x y = _Arith Arith.(sub (trm x) (trm y))
let _Splat x = Splat x |> check invariant
let seq_size_exn =
let invalid = Invalid_argument "seq_size_exn" in
let rec seq_size_exn = function
| Sized {siz= n} | Extract {len= n} -> n
| Concat a0U ->
Array.fold ~f:(fun aJ a0I -> add a0I (seq_size_exn aJ)) a0U zero
| _ -> raise invalid
let seq_size e =
try Some (seq_size_exn e) with Invalid_argument _ -> None
let _Sized seq siz =
( match seq_size seq with
(* ⟨n,α⟩ ==> α when n ≡ |α| *)
| Some n when equal_trm siz n -> seq
| _ -> Sized {seq; siz} )
|> check invariant
let partial_compare x y =
match sub x y with
| Z z -> Some (Int.sign (Z.sign z))
| Q q -> Some (Int.sign (Q.sign q))
| _ -> None
let partial_ge x y =
match partial_compare x y with Some (Pos | Zero) -> true | _ -> false
let empty_seq = Concat [||]
let rec _Extract seq off len =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp (Extract {seq; off; len}))
~retn:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp)
@@ fun () ->
(* _[_,0) ==> ⟨⟩ *)
( if equal_trm len zero then empty_seq
let o_l = add off len in
match seq with
(* α[m,k)[o,l) ==> α[m+o,l) when k ≥ o+l *)
| Extract {seq= a; off= m; len= k} when partial_ge k o_l ->
_Extract a (add m off) len
(* ⟨n,E^⟩[o,l) ==> ⟨l,E^⟩ when n ≥ o+l *)
| Sized {siz= n; seq= Splat _ as e} when partial_ge n o_l ->
_Sized e len
(* ⟨n,a⟩[0,n) ==> ⟨n,a⟩ *)
| Sized {siz= n} when equal_trm off zero && equal_trm n len -> seq
(* For (α₀^α₁)[o,l) there are 3 cases:
* ...^...
* [,)
* o < o+l |α| : (α^α)[o,l) ==> α[o,l) ^ α[0,0)
* ...^...
* [ , )
* o |α| < o+l : (α^α)[o,l) ==> α[o,|α|-o) ^ α[0,l-(|α|-o))
* ...^...
* [,)
* |α| o : (α^α)[o,l) ==> α[o,0) ^ α[o-|α|,l)
* So in general:
* (α^α)[o,l) ==> α[o,l) ^ α[o,l-l)
* where l = max 0 (min l |α|-o)
* o = max 0 o-|α|
| Concat na1N -> (
match len with
| Z l ->
Array.fold_map_until na1N (l, off)
~f:(fun naI (l, oI) ->
if Z.equal Z.zero l then
`Continue (_Extract naI oI zero, (l, oI))
let nI = seq_size_exn naI in
let oI_nI = sub oI nI in
match oI_nI with
| Z z ->
let oJ = if Z.sign z <= 0 then zero else oI_nI in
let lI = Z.(max zero (min l (neg z))) in
let l = Z.(l - lI) in
`Continue (_Extract naI oI (_Z lI), (l, oJ))
| _ -> `Stop (Extract {seq; off; len}) )
~finish:(fun (e1N, _) -> _Concat e1N)
| _ -> Extract {seq; off; len} )
(* α[o,l) *)
| _ -> Extract {seq; off; len} )
|> check invariant
and _Concat xs =
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp (Concat xs))
~retn:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp)
@@ fun () ->
(* (α^(β^γ)) ==> (α^β^γ) *)
let flatten xs =
if Array.exists ~f:(function Concat _ -> true | _ -> false) xs then
Array.flat_map ~f:(function Concat s -> s | e -> [|e|]) xs
else xs
let simp_adjacent e f =
match (e, f) with
(* ⟨n,a⟩[o,k)^⟨n,a⟩[o+k,l) ==> ⟨n,a⟩[o,k+l) when n ≥ o+k+l *)
| ( Extract {seq= Sized {siz= n} as na; off= o; len= k}
, Extract {seq= na'; off= o_k; len= l} )
when equal_trm na na'
&& equal_trm o_k (add o k)
&& partial_ge n (add o_k l) ->
Some (_Extract na o (add k l))
(* ⟨m,E^⟩^⟨n,E^⟩ ==> ⟨m+n,E^⟩ *)
| Sized {siz= m; seq= Splat _ as a}, Sized {siz= n; seq= a'}
when equal_trm a a' ->
Some (_Sized a (add m n))
| _ -> None
let xs = flatten xs in
let xs = Array.reduce_adjacent ~f:simp_adjacent xs in
(if Array.length xs = 1 then xs.(0) else Concat xs) |> check invariant
let _Select idx rcd = Select {idx; rcd} |> check invariant
let _Update idx rcd elt = Update {idx; rcd; elt} |> check invariant
let _Record es = Record es |> check invariant
let _Ancestor i = Ancestor i |> check invariant
let _Apply f es =
( match
Funsym.eval ~equal:equal_trm ~get_z ~ret_z:_Z ~get_q ~ret_q:_Q f es
| Some c -> c
| None -> Apply (f, es) )
|> check invariant
type arith = Arith.t
include Trm
let zero = _Z Z.zero
let one = _Z Z.one
let rec iter_vars e ~f =
match e with
| Var _ as v -> f (Var.of_ v)
| Z _ | Q _ | Ancestor _ -> ()
| Splat x | Select {rcd= x} -> iter_vars ~f x
| Sized {seq= x; siz= y} | Update {rcd= x; elt= y} ->
iter_vars ~f x ;
iter_vars ~f y
| Extract {seq= x; off= y; len= z} ->
iter_vars ~f x ;
iter_vars ~f y ;
iter_vars ~f z
| Concat xs | Record xs | Apply (_, xs) -> Array.iter ~f:(iter_vars ~f) xs
| Arith a -> Iter.iter ~f:(iter_vars ~f) (Arith.iter a)
let vars e = Iter.from_labelled_iter (iter_vars e)

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Terms *)
type arith
type trm = private
(* variables *)
| Var of {id: int; name: string}
(* arithmetic *)
| Z of Z.t
| Q of Q.t
| Arith of arith
(* sequences (of flexible size) *)
| Splat of trm
| Sized of {seq: trm; siz: trm}
| Extract of {seq: trm; off: trm; len: trm}
| Concat of trm array
(* records (with fixed indices) *)
| Select of {idx: int; rcd: trm}
| Update of {idx: int; rcd: trm; elt: trm}
| Record of trm array
| Ancestor of int
(* uninterpreted *)
| Apply of Ses.Funsym.t * trm array
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
module Var : sig
include Ses.Var_intf.VAR with type t = private trm
val of_ : trm -> t
module Arith :
with type var := Var.t
with type trm := trm
with type t = arith
val ppx : Var.t Var.strength -> trm pp
val _Var : int -> string -> trm
val _Z : Z.t -> trm
val _Q : Q.t -> trm
val _Arith : Arith.t -> trm
val _Splat : trm -> trm
val _Sized : trm -> trm -> trm
val _Extract : trm -> trm -> trm -> trm
val _Concat : trm array -> trm
val _Select : int -> trm -> trm
val _Update : int -> trm -> trm -> trm
val _Record : trm array -> trm
val _Ancestor : int -> trm
val _Apply : Ses.Funsym.t -> trm array -> trm
val add : trm -> trm -> trm
val sub : trm -> trm -> trm
val seq_size_exn : trm -> trm
val seq_size : trm -> trm option
val vars : trm -> Var.t iter
val zero : trm
val one : trm

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Variables *)
include Trm.Var

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Variables *)
include module type of Trm.Var