[Infer][stats] Getting reliable file count/LOC count by moving computation inside inferanalyze

Sam Blackshear 10 years ago
parent d5fc25f28a
commit 1a51254b8c

@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ class Infer:
if not os.path.isdir(self.args.infer_out):
raise e
self.stats = {'int': {}, 'float': {}}
self.stats = {'int': {}}
self.timing = {}
if self.args.specs_dirs:
@ -561,43 +561,9 @@ class Infer:
if self.args.buck and exit_status == os.EX_OK:
cfgs = os.path.join(self.args.infer_out, 'captured', '*', '')
captured_total = len(glob.glob(cfgs))
captured_plural = '' if captured_total <= 1 else 's'
print('\n%d file%s analyzed' % (captured_total, captured_plural))
logging.info('Analyzed file count: %d', captured_total)
logging.info('Analysis status: %d', exit_status)
return exit_status
def file_stats(self, file, stats):
if file is not None:
stats['files'] += 1
with open(file, 'r') as f:
stats['lines'] += len(list(f))
except IOError:
logging.warning('File {} not found'.format(file))
def javac_stats(self):
stats = {'files': 0, 'lines': 0}
for arg in self.javac.original_arguments:
file = None
if arg.endswith('.java'):
file = arg
self.file_stats(file, stats)
if arg.startswith('@'):
with open(arg[1:], 'r') as f:
for line in f:
file = line.strip()
self.file_stats(file, stats)
return stats
def update_stats(self, csv_report):
def update_stats_with_warnings(self, csv_report):
with open(csv_report, 'r') as file_in:
reader = csv.reader(file_in)
rows = [row for row in reader][1:]
@ -633,7 +599,7 @@ class Infer:
+ infer_print_cmd)
clean_csv(self.args, csv_report)
@ -646,21 +612,21 @@ class Infer:
"""Print timing information to infer_out/stats.json"""
stats_path = os.path.join(self.args.infer_out, utils.STATS_FILENAME)
'capture_time': self.timing.get('capture', 0.0),
'analysis_time': self.timing.get('analysis', 0.0),
'reporting_time': self.timing.get('reporting', 0.0),
# Adding the analyzer and the version of Infer
self.stats['normal'] = {}
self.stats['normal']['analyzer'] = self.args.analyzer
self.stats['normal']['infer_version'] = utils.infer_version()
with open(stats_path, 'w') as stats_file:
with open(stats_path, 'r+') as stats_file:
file_stats = json.load(stats_file)
self.stats['float'] = {
'capture_time': self.timing.get('capture', 0.0),
'analysis_time': self.timing.get('analysis', 0.0),
'reporting_time': self.timing.get('reporting', 0.0),
self.stats['normal'] = {
'analyzer': self.args.analyzer,
'infer_version': utils.infer_version()
json.dump(self.stats, stats_file, indent=2)
def close(self):
if self.args.analyzer != COMPILE:
@ -693,6 +659,9 @@ class Infer:
elapsed = utils.elapsed_time(start_time)
self.timing['total'] = elapsed
files_total = self.stats['int']['files']
files_plural = '' if files_total <= 1 else 's'
print('\n%d file%s analyzed' % (files_total, files_plural))
return self.stats
return dict({})

@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ let default_in_zip_results_dir = "infer"
let default_buck_out = "buck-out"
let stats_filename = "stats.json"
let global_tenv_filename = "global.tenv"
(** List of paths to the directories containing specs for library functions. *)

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
module L = Logging
module F = Format
open Utils
open Yojson.Basic.Util
(* This module, unused by default, generates random c files with procedure calls *)
module Codegen = struct
@ -355,19 +356,29 @@ let file_pname_to_cg file_pname =
let cg_fname = DB.source_dir_get_internal_file source_dir ".cg" in
Cg.load_from_file cg_fname
let output_json_file_stats num_files num_lines =
let file_stats = `Assoc [ ("files", `Int num_files); ("lines", `Int num_lines) ] in
(* write stats file to disk, intentionally overwriting old file if it already exists *)
let f = open_out (Filename.concat !Config.results_dir Config.stats_filename) in
Yojson.Basic.pretty_to_channel f file_stats
(** create clusters of minimal size in the dependence order, with recursive parts grouped together *)
let create_minimal_clusters file_cg exe_env to_analyze_map : cluster list =
if !trace_clusters then L.err "[create_minimal_clusters]@.";
let sorted_files = weak_sort_nodes file_cg in
let seen = ref Procname.Set.empty in
let clusters = ref [] in
let create_cluster_elem (file_pname, changed_procs) = (* create a cluster_elem for the file *)
let total_files = ref 0 in
let total_LOC = ref 0 in
let create_cluster_elem (file_pname, changed_procs) = (* create a cluster_elem for the file *)
let source_file = source_file_from_pname file_pname in
if !trace_clusters then L.err " [create_cluster_elem] %s@." (DB.source_file_to_string source_file);
DB.current_source := source_file;
match file_pname_to_cg file_pname with
| None -> { ce_file = source_file; ce_naprocs = 0; ce_active_procs = []; ce_source_map = Procname.Map.empty }
| Some cg ->
total_files := !total_files + 1;
total_LOC := !total_LOC + (Cg.get_nLOC cg);
(* decide whether a proc is active using pname_to_fname, i.e. whether this is the file associated to it *)
let proc_is_selected pname = match !select_proc with
| None -> true
@ -427,6 +438,7 @@ let create_minimal_clusters file_cg exe_env to_analyze_map : cluster list =
build_clusters list'' in
build_clusters sorted_files;
output_json_file_stats !total_files !total_LOC;
list_rev !clusters
let cluster_nfiles cluster = list_length cluster
