@ -35,6 +35,107 @@ module AddAbstractionInstructions = struct
Procdesc . iter_nodes do_node pdesc
(* * Find synthetic ( including access and bridge ) Java methods in the procedure and inline them in
the cfg .
This is a horrible hack that inlines only * one * instruction ouf of the callee . This works only
on some synthetic methods that have a particular shape . * )
module InlineJavaSyntheticMethods = struct
(* * Inline a synthetic ( access or bridge ) method. *)
let inline_synthetic_method ( ( ret_id , _ ) as ret ) etl pdesc loc_call : Sil . instr option =
let found instr instr' =
L . debug Analysis Verbose
" inline_synthetic_method translated the call %a as %a (original instr %a)@ \n " Procname . pp
( Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc )
( Sil . pp_instr ~ print_types : true Pp . text )
( Sil . pp_instr ~ print_types : true Pp . text )
instr ;
Some instr'
let do_instr instr =
match ( instr , etl ) with
| ( Sil . Load { e = Exp . Lfield ( Exp . Var _ , fn , ft ) ; root_typ ; typ }
, [ (* getter for fields *) ( e1 , _ ) ] ) ->
let instr' =
Sil . Load { id = ret_id ; e = Exp . Lfield ( e1 , fn , ft ) ; root_typ ; typ ; loc = loc_call }
found instr instr'
| Sil . Load { e = Exp . Lfield ( Exp . Lvar pvar , fn , ft ) ; root_typ ; typ } , [] when Pvar . is_global pvar
(* getter for static fields *)
let instr' =
Sil . Load
{ id = ret_id ; e = Exp . Lfield ( Exp . Lvar pvar , fn , ft ) ; root_typ ; typ ; loc = loc_call }
found instr instr'
| ( Sil . Store { e1 = Exp . Lfield ( _ , fn , ft ) ; root_typ ; typ }
, [ (* setter for fields *) ( e1 , _ ) ; ( e2 , _ ) ] ) ->
let instr' = Sil . Store { e1 = Exp . Lfield ( e1 , fn , ft ) ; root_typ ; typ ; e2 ; loc = loc_call } in
found instr instr'
| Sil . Store { e1 = Exp . Lfield ( Exp . Lvar pvar , fn , ft ) ; root_typ ; typ } , [ ( e1 , _ ) ]
when Pvar . is_global pvar ->
(* setter for static fields *)
let instr' =
Sil . Store { e1 = Exp . Lfield ( Exp . Lvar pvar , fn , ft ) ; root_typ ; typ ; e2 = e1 ; loc = loc_call }
found instr instr'
| Sil . Call ( _ , Exp . Const ( Const . Cfun pn ) , etl' , _ , cf ) , _
when Int . equal ( List . length etl' ) ( List . length etl ) ->
let instr' = Sil . Call ( ret , Exp . Const ( Const . Cfun pn ) , etl , loc_call , cf ) in
found instr instr'
| Sil . Call ( _ , Exp . Const ( Const . Cfun pn ) , etl' , _ , cf ) , _
when Int . equal ( List . length etl' + 1 ) ( List . length etl ) ->
let etl1 =
match List . rev etl with
(* remove last element *)
| _ :: l ->
List . rev l
| [] ->
assert false
let instr' = Sil . Call ( ret , Exp . Const ( Const . Cfun pn ) , etl1 , loc_call , cf ) in
found instr instr'
| _ ->
Procdesc . find_map_instrs ~ f : do_instr pdesc
let process pdesc =
let is_generated_for_lambda proc_name =
String . is_substring ~ substring : " $Lambda$ " ( Procname . get_method proc_name )
let should_inline proc_name =
( not ( is_generated_for_lambda proc_name ) )
match Attributes . load proc_name with
| None ->
| Some attributes ->
let is_access =
match proc_name with
| Procname . Java java_proc_name ->
Procname . Java . is_access_method java_proc_name
| _ ->
let is_synthetic = attributes . is_synthetic_method in
let is_bridge = attributes . is_bridge_method in
is_access | | is_bridge | | is_synthetic
let instr_inline_synthetic_method _ node ( instr : Sil . instr ) =
match instr with
| Call ( ret_id_typ , Const ( Cfun pn ) , etl , loc , _ ) when should_inline pn ->
Option . bind ( Procdesc . load pn ) ~ f : ( fun proc_desc_callee ->
inline_synthetic_method ret_id_typ etl proc_desc_callee loc )
| > Option . value ~ default : instr
| _ ->
Procdesc . replace_instrs pdesc ~ f : instr_inline_synthetic_method | > ignore
(* * perform liveness analysis and insert Nullify/Remove_temps instructions into the IR to make it
easy for analyses to do abstract garbage collection * )
module Liveness = struct
@ -236,8 +337,10 @@ end
let do_preanalysis exe_env pdesc =
let summary = Summary . OnDisk . reset pdesc in
let tenv = Exe_env . get_tenv exe_env ( Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc ) in
if Config . function_pointer_specialization && not ( Procname . is_java ( Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc ) )
then FunctionPointerSubstitution . process summary tenv ;
let proc_name = Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
if Procname . is_java proc_name then InlineJavaSyntheticMethods . process pdesc ;
if Config . function_pointer_specialization && not ( Procname . is_java proc_name ) then
FunctionPointerSubstitution . process summary tenv ;
Liveness . process summary tenv ;
AddAbstractionInstructions . process pdesc ;
NoReturn . process pdesc ;