@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module VarsInLoop = AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (Var)
module InvalidatedVars = AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (Var)
module LoopNodes = AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (Procdesc.Node)
module Models = InvariantModels
module VarSet = AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (Var)
let debug fmt = L.(debug Analysis Medium) fmt
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ let is_not_modeled tenv callee_pname =
match Models.ProcName.dispatch tenv callee_pname with Some _ -> false | None -> true
let get_purity tenv ~is_inv_by_default callee_pname args =
let get_purity tenv ~is_inv_by_default ~get_callee_purity callee_pname args =
(* Take into account purity behavior of modeled functions *)
match Models.ProcName.dispatch tenv callee_pname with
| Some inv ->
@ -36,8 +37,8 @@ let get_purity tenv ~is_inv_by_default callee_pname args =
| None -> (
debug "No model for %a \n" Typ.Procname.pp callee_pname ;
(* If there is no model, invoke purity analysis to see if function is pure *)
match Ondemand.analyze_proc_name callee_pname with
| Some {Summary.payloads= {Payloads.purity= Some purity_summary}} ->
match get_callee_purity callee_pname with
| Some purity_summary ->
| _ ->
if is_inv_by_default then PurityDomain.pure else PurityDomain.impure_global )
@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ let is_non_primitive typ = Typ.is_pointer typ || Typ.is_struct typ
(* check if the def of var is unique and invariant *)
let is_def_unique_and_satisfy tenv var (loop_nodes : LoopNodes.t) ~is_inv_by_default
is_exp_invariant =
~get_callee_purity is_exp_invariant =
let equals_var id = Var.equal var (Var.of_id id) in
match LoopNodes.is_singleton_or_more loop_nodes with
| IContainer.Singleton node ->
@ -59,7 +60,8 @@ let is_def_unique_and_satisfy tenv var (loop_nodes : LoopNodes.t) ~is_inv_by_def
when Exp.equal exp_lhs (Var.to_exp var) && is_exp_invariant exp_rhs ->
| Sil.Call ((id, _), Const (Cfun callee_pname), args, _, _) when equals_var id ->
PurityDomain.is_pure (get_purity tenv ~is_inv_by_default callee_pname args)
(get_purity tenv ~is_inv_by_default ~get_callee_purity callee_pname args)
&& (* check if all params are invariant *)
List.for_all ~f:(fun (exp, _) -> is_exp_invariant exp) args
| _ ->
@ -175,7 +177,7 @@ let all_unmodeled_modified tenv loop_nodes =
(* If there is a call to an impure function in the loop, invalidate
all its non-primitive arguments. Once invalidated, it should be
never added again. *)
let get_invalidated_vars_in_loop tenv loop_head ~is_inv_by_default loop_nodes =
let get_invalidated_vars_in_loop tenv loop_head ~is_inv_by_default ~get_callee_purity loop_nodes =
let all_unmodeled_modified = lazy (all_unmodeled_modified tenv loop_nodes) in
(fun node acc ->
@ -183,7 +185,9 @@ let get_invalidated_vars_in_loop tenv loop_head ~is_inv_by_default loop_nodes =
|> Instrs.fold ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc instr ->
match instr with
| Sil.Call ((id, _), Const (Cfun callee_pname), args, _, _) -> (
let purity = get_purity tenv ~is_inv_by_default callee_pname args in
let purity =
get_purity tenv ~is_inv_by_default ~get_callee_purity callee_pname args
match purity with
| AbstractDomain.Types.Top ->
@ -205,7 +209,8 @@ let get_invalidated_vars_in_loop tenv loop_head ~is_inv_by_default loop_nodes =
(* A variable is invariant if
- its reaching definition is outside of the loop
- o.w. its definition is constant or invariant itself *)
let get_inv_vars_in_loop tenv reaching_defs_invariant_map ~is_inv_by_default loop_head loop_nodes =
let get_inv_vars_in_loop tenv reaching_defs_invariant_map ~is_inv_by_default ~get_callee_purity
loop_head loop_nodes =
let process_var_once var inv_vars invalidated_vars =
(* if a variable is marked invariant once, it can't be invalidated
(i.e. invariance is monotonic) *)
@ -224,6 +229,7 @@ let get_inv_vars_in_loop tenv reaching_defs_invariant_map ~is_inv_by_default loo
else if
(* its definition is unique and invariant *)
is_def_unique_and_satisfy tenv var def_nodes ~is_inv_by_default
(is_exp_invariant inv_vars invalidated_vars loop_nodes reaching_defs)
then (InvariantVars.add var inv_vars, true)
else (inv_vars, false) )
@ -235,7 +241,7 @@ let get_inv_vars_in_loop tenv reaching_defs_invariant_map ~is_inv_by_default loo
(* until there are no changes to inv_vars, keep repeatedly
processing all the variables that occur in the loop nodes *)
let invalidated_vars =
get_invalidated_vars_in_loop tenv loop_head ~is_inv_by_default loop_nodes
get_invalidated_vars_in_loop tenv loop_head ~is_inv_by_default ~get_callee_purity loop_nodes
let rec find_fixpoint inv_vars =
let inv_vars', modified =
@ -254,12 +260,15 @@ let get_inv_vars_in_loop tenv reaching_defs_invariant_map ~is_inv_by_default loo
(** Map loop head -> invariant vars in loop *)
module LoopHeadToInvVars = Procdesc.NodeMap
let get_loop_inv_var_map tenv reaching_defs_invariant_map loop_head_to_loop_nodes =
type invariant_map = VarSet.t LoopHeadToInvVars.t
let get_loop_inv_var_map tenv get_callee_purity reaching_defs_invariant_map loop_head_to_loop_nodes
: invariant_map =
(fun loop_head loop_nodes inv_map ->
let inv_vars_in_loop =
get_inv_vars_in_loop tenv reaching_defs_invariant_map loop_head loop_nodes
~is_inv_by_default:Config.cost_invariant_by_default ~get_callee_purity
L.(debug Analysis Medium)
"@\n>>> loop head: %a --> inv vars: %a @\n" Procdesc.Node.pp loop_head InvariantVars.pp