[sledge] Reimplement arithmetic and congruence closure

- Add nary expressions implemented using a form of multisets which
  support any integer multiplicity

- Reimplement polynomials using new nary expressions

- Move the decomposition of exps into "base plus offset" form into
  Exp, to enforce simplification invariants

- Revise expression simplification to cooperate with congruence
  closure (mainly: simplification should not invent new

- Reimplement congruence closure plus integer offsets to

  + cope with new representation of polynomials using nary expression forms

  + be diligent about maintaining which expressions are in the relation

  + add lots of invariant checking for the correlations between the
    componnents of the congruence closure data structures

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D14075512

fbshipit-source-id: 2dbaf3d11
Josh Berdine 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 06d169c440
commit 22578089c3

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
* overall
** rename accumulators from [z] to [s] for "state"
* llvm
* import
** consider adding set ops that operate on a set and the domain of a map
@ -16,7 +18,16 @@ rather than nearest enclosing
** revise spec of strlen to account for non-max length strings
** convert strlen inst into a primitive to return the end of the block containing a pointer, and model strlen in code
* llair
** simplify "greater-than" exps to "less-than" in reverse order
** divide Exp into two: one for code and one for formulas
- Exp simplification does not preserve order of operations, which is wrong wrt overflow
- code Exps don't need polynomial simplification
- code Exps could be given strong types in order to check the frontend, while letting formula Exps have weaker types as dictated by the logic
- treat formula exps as unbounded, clamp to bounded range when conferting to a code exp
** check if simplification via simp_sub in simp_eq is still needed
- it leads to violations of the subexp assertion on app1
** replace Option.value_exn (Typ.prim_bit_size_of typ) with bits_of_int
** simplify combinations of mul and div, e.g. x * (y / z) ==> (x * y) / z
** ? simplify "greater-than" exps to "less-than" in reverse order
** when Xor exps have types, simplify e xor e to 0
** normalize polynomial equations by dividing coefficients by their gcd
** treat Typ.ptr as an integer of some particular size (i.e. ptr = intptr)
@ -215,6 +226,14 @@ it is not obvious whether it will be simpler to use free variables instead of No
** llvm bugs?
- Why aren't shufflevector instructions with zeroinitializer masks eliminated by the scalarizer pass?
* congruence
** should handle equality and disequality simplification
- equalities of equalities to integers currently handled by Sh.pure
- doing it in Exp leads to violations of the subexp assertion on app1
** optimize: change Cls.t and Use.t from a list to an unbalanced tree data structure
- only need empty, add, union, map, fold, fold_map to be fast, so no need for balancing
- detecting duplicates probably not worth the time since if any occur, the only cost is adding a redundant equation to pnd which will be quickly processed
** optimize: when called from extend, norm_extend calls norm unnecessarily
** revise mli to two sections, one for a "relation" api (with merge, mem/check, etc) and one for a "formula" api (with and_, or_, etc.)
** ? assert exps in formulas are in the carrier
us and xs, or just fv?
** strengthen invariant
@ -222,8 +241,6 @@ us and xs, or just fv?
since they (could) have the same domain
** optimize: can identity mappings in lkp be removed?
* symbolic heap
** Congruence should handle equalities of equalities to integers
currently handled by Sh.pure
** normalize exps in terms of reps
- add operation to normalize by rewriting in terms of reps
- check for unsat

@ -265,6 +265,12 @@ module Set = struct
let to_tree = Using_comparator.to_tree
module Mset = struct
include Mset
let pp sep pp_elt fs s = List.pp sep pp_elt fs (to_list s)
module Z = struct
include Z

@ -212,8 +212,15 @@ module Set : sig
val to_tree : ('e, 'c) t -> ('e, 'c) tree
module Mset : sig
include module type of Mset
val pp : (unit, unit) fmt -> ('a * Z.t) pp -> ('a, _) t pp
(** Pretty-print a multiset. *)
module Z : sig
include module type of Z
include module type of struct include Z end
val hash_fold_t : t Hash.folder
val t_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> t

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Mset - Set with integer (positive, negative, or zero) multiplicity for
each element *)
open Base
type ('elt, 'cmp) t = ('elt, Z.t, 'cmp) Map.t
module M (Elt : sig
type t
type comparator_witness
end) =
type nonrec t = (Elt.t, Elt.comparator_witness) t
module type Sexp_of_m = sig
type t [@@deriving sexp_of]
module type M_of_sexp = sig
type t [@@deriving of_sexp]
include Comparator.S with type t := t
module type Compare_m = sig end
module type Hash_fold_m = Hasher.S
let sexp_of_z z = Sexp.Atom (Z.to_string z)
let z_of_sexp = function Sexp.Atom s -> Z.of_string s | _ -> assert false
let hash_fold_z state z = Hash.fold_int state (Z.hash z)
let sexp_of_m__t (type elt) (module Elt : Sexp_of_m with type t = elt) t =
Map.sexp_of_m__t (module Elt) sexp_of_z t
let m__t_of_sexp (type elt cmp)
(module Elt : M_of_sexp
with type t = elt and type comparator_witness = cmp) sexp =
Map.m__t_of_sexp (module Elt) z_of_sexp sexp
let compare_m__t (module Elt : Compare_m) = Map.compare_direct Z.compare
let hash_fold_m__t (type elt) (module Elt : Hash_fold_m with type t = elt)
state =
Map.hash_fold_m__t (module Elt) hash_fold_z state
let hash_m__t (type elt) (module Elt : Hash_fold_m with type t = elt) =
Hash.of_fold (hash_fold_m__t (module Elt))
type ('elt, 'cmp) comparator =
(module Comparator.S with type t = 'elt and type comparator_witness = 'cmp)
let empty cmp = Map.empty cmp
let if_nz z = if Z.equal Z.zero z then None else Some z
let add m x i =
Map.change m x ~f:(function Some j -> if_nz Z.(i + j) | None -> if_nz i)
let remove m x = Map.remove m x
let union m n =
Map.merge m n ~f:(fun ~key:_ -> function
| `Both (i, j) -> if_nz Z.(i + j) | `Left i | `Right i -> Some i )
let length m = Map.length m
let count m x = match Map.find m x with Some z -> z | None -> Z.zero
let count_and_remove m x =
let found = ref Z.zero in
let m =
Map.change m x ~f:(function
| None -> None
| Some i ->
found := i ;
None )
if Z.equal !found Z.zero then None else Some (!found, m)
let min_elt = Map.min_elt
let fold m ~f ~init = Map.fold m ~f:(fun ~key ~data s -> f key data s) ~init
let map m ~f =
fold m ~init:m ~f:(fun x i m ->
let x', i' = f x i in
if phys_equal x' x then
if Z.equal i' i then m else Map.set m ~key:x ~data:i'
else add (Map.remove m x) x' i' )
let fold_map m ~f ~init:s =
fold m ~init:(m, s) ~f:(fun x i (m, s) ->
let x', i', s = f x i s in
if phys_equal x' x then
if Z.equal i' i then (m, s) else (Map.set m ~key:x ~data:i', s)
else (add (Map.remove m x) x' i', s) )
let for_all m ~f = Map.for_alli m ~f:(fun ~key ~data -> f key data)
let map_counts m ~f = Map.mapi m ~f:(fun ~key ~data -> f key data)
let iter m ~f = Map.iteri m ~f:(fun ~key ~data -> f key data)
let to_list m = Map.to_alist m

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Mset - Set with integer (positive, negative, or zero) multiplicity for
each element *)
open Base
type ('elt, 'cmp) t
type ('elt, 'cmp) comparator =
(module Comparator.S with type t = 'elt and type comparator_witness = 'cmp)
module M (Elt : sig
type t
type comparator_witness
end) : sig
type nonrec t = (Elt.t, Elt.comparator_witness) t
module type Sexp_of_m = sig
type t [@@deriving sexp_of]
module type M_of_sexp = sig
type t [@@deriving of_sexp]
include Comparator.S with type t := t
module type Compare_m = sig end
module type Hash_fold_m = Hasher.S
val sexp_of_m__t :
(module Sexp_of_m with type t = 'elt) -> ('elt, 'cmp) t -> Sexp.t
val m__t_of_sexp :
(module M_of_sexp with type t = 'elt and type comparator_witness = 'cmp)
-> Sexp.t
-> ('elt, 'cmp) t
val compare_m__t :
(module Compare_m) -> ('elt, 'cmp) t -> ('elt, 'cmp) t -> int
val hash_fold_m__t :
(module Hash_fold_m with type t = 'elt)
-> Hash.state
-> ('elt, _) t
-> Hash.state
val hash_m__t :
(module Hash_fold_m with type t = 'elt) -> ('elt, _) t -> Hash.hash_value
val empty : ('elt, 'cmp) comparator -> ('elt, 'cmp) t
(** The empty multiset over the provided order. *)
val add : ('a, 'c) t -> 'a -> Z.t -> ('a, 'c) t
(** Add to multiplicity of single element. [O(log n)] *)
val remove : ('a, 'c) t -> 'a -> ('a, 'c) t
(** Set the multiplicity of an element to zero. [O(log n)] *)
val union : ('a, 'c) t -> ('a, 'c) t -> ('a, 'c) t
(** Sum multiplicities pointwise. [O(n + m)] *)
val length : _ t -> int
(** Number of elements with non-zero multiplicity. [O(1)]. *)
val count : ('a, _) t -> 'a -> Z.t
(** Multiplicity of an element. [O(log n)]. *)
val count_and_remove : ('a, 'c) t -> 'a -> (Z.t * ('a, 'c) t) option
(** Multiplicity of an element, and remove it. [O(log n)]. *)
val map : ('a, 'c) t -> f:('a -> Z.t -> 'a * Z.t) -> ('a, 'c) t
(** Map over the elements in ascending order. Preserves physical equality if
[f] does. *)
val map_counts : ('a, 'c) t -> f:('a -> Z.t -> Z.t) -> ('a, 'c) t
(** Map over the multiplicities of the elements in ascending order. *)
val fold : ('a, _) t -> f:('a -> Z.t -> 's -> 's) -> init:'s -> 's
(** Fold over the elements in ascending order. *)
val fold_map :
('a, 'c) t
-> f:('a -> Z.t -> 's -> 'a * Z.t * 's)
-> init:'s
-> ('a, 'c) t * 's
(** Folding map over the elements in ascending order. Preserves physical
equality if [f] does. *)
val for_all : ('a, _) t -> f:('a -> Z.t -> bool) -> bool
(** Universal property test. [O(n)] but returns as soon as a violation is
found, in ascending order. *)
val iter : ('a, _) t -> f:('a -> Z.t -> unit) -> unit
(** Iterate over the elements in ascending order. *)
val min_elt : ('a, _) t -> ('a * Z.t) option
(** Minimum element. *)
val to_list : ('a, _) t -> ('a * Z.t) list
(** Convert to a list of elements in ascending order. *)

@ -74,5 +74,6 @@ let of_array = v
let of_list x = v (Array.of_list x)
let of_list_rev x = v (Array.of_list_rev x)
let of_option x = v (Option.to_array x)
let reduce_exn x ~f = Array.reduce_exn (a x) ~f
let to_list x = Array.to_list (a x)
let to_array = a

@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ val find_exn : 'a t -> f:('a -> bool) -> 'a
val contains_dup : compare:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> bool
(* val reduce : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a option *)
(* val reduce_exn : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a *)
val reduce_exn : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a
(* val random_element :
* ?random_state:Base.Random.State.t -> 'a t -> 'a option *)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -21,9 +21,14 @@
treated as atomic since, as they are recursive, doing otherwise would
require inductive reasoning. *)
type t = private
type comparator_witness
type mset = (t, comparator_witness) Mset.t
and t = private
| App of {op: t; arg: t}
(** Application of function symbol to argument, curried *)
| AppN of {op: t; args: mset}
| Var of {id: int; name: string} (** Local variable / virtual register *)
| Nondet of {msg: string}
(** Anonymous local variable with arbitrary value, representing
@ -72,9 +77,9 @@ type t = private
(** Convert between specified types, possibly with loss of information *)
[@@deriving compare, hash, sexp]
type exp = t
val comparator : (t, comparator_witness) Comparator.t
include Comparator.S with type t := t
type exp = t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val sort : t -> t -> t * t
@ -150,6 +155,7 @@ val ult : t -> t -> t
val ule : t -> t -> t
val ord : t -> t -> t
val uno : t -> t -> t
val neg : Typ.t -> t -> t
val add : Typ.t -> t -> t -> t
val sub : Typ.t -> t -> t -> t
val mul : Typ.t -> t -> t -> t
@ -182,16 +188,30 @@ val struct_rec :
val convert : ?signed:bool -> dst:Typ.t -> src:Typ.t -> t -> t
(** Destruct *)
val base_offset : t -> (t * Z.t * Typ.t) option
(** Decompose an addition of a constant "offset" to a "base" exp. *)
val base : t -> t
(** Like [base_offset] but does not construct the "offset" exp. *)
val offset : t -> (Z.t * Typ.t) option
(** Like [base_offset] but does not construct the "base" exp. *)
(** Access *)
val iter : t -> f:(t -> unit) -> unit
val fold_vars : t -> init:'a -> f:('a -> Var.t -> 'a) -> 'a
val fold_exps : t -> init:'a -> f:('a -> t -> 'a) -> 'a
val fold : t -> init:'a -> f:('a -> t -> 'a) -> 'a
val fold_map : t -> init:'a -> f:('a -> t -> 'a * t) -> 'a * t
val map : t -> f:(t -> t) -> t
val for_all : t -> f:(t -> bool) -> bool
val exists : t -> f:(t -> bool) -> bool
(** Update *)
(** Transform *)
val map : t -> f:(t -> t) -> t
val fold_map : t -> init:'a -> f:('a -> t -> 'a * t) -> 'a * t
val rename : t -> Var.Subst.t -> t
(** Query *)
@ -199,4 +219,5 @@ val rename : t -> Var.Subst.t -> t
val fv : t -> Var.Set.t
val is_true : t -> bool
val is_false : t -> bool
val is_simple : t -> bool
val is_constant : t -> bool

@ -7,8 +7,9 @@
let%test_module _ =
( module struct
(* let () = Trace.init ~margin:68 ~config:all () *)
let () = Trace.init ~margin:68 ~config:none ()
let pp = Format.printf "%t%a@." (fun _ -> Trace.flush ()) Exp.pp
let pp = Format.printf "@\n%a@." Exp.pp
let char = Typ.integer ~bits:8
let ( ! ) i = Exp.integer (Z.of_int i) char
let ( + ) = Exp.add char
@ -63,16 +64,6 @@ let%test_module _ =
pp (!(-128) || !127) ;
[%expect {| -1 |}]
let%test "monomial coefficient must be toplevel" =
match !7 * z * (!2 * y) with
| App {op= App {op= Mul _}; arg= Integer _} -> true
| _ -> false
let%test "polynomial constant must be toplevel" =
match (!13 * z) + !42 + (!3 * y) with
| App {op= App {op= Add _}; arg= Integer _} -> true
| _ -> false
let%expect_test _ =
pp (z + !42 + !13) ;
[%expect {| (%z_2 + 55) |}]
@ -87,11 +78,11 @@ let%test_module _ =
let%expect_test _ =
pp (y * z * y) ;
[%expect {| (%y_1 × %y_1 × %z_2) |}]
[%expect {| (%y_1^2 × %z_2) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp ((!2 * z * z) + (!3 * z) + !4) ;
[%expect {| ((2 × %z_2 × %z_2) + (3 × %z_2) + 4) |}]
[%expect {| (2 × (%z_2^2) + 3 × %z_2 + 4) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
@ -104,9 +95,9 @@ let%test_module _ =
+ (!9 * z * z * z) ) ;
((7 × %y_1 × %y_1 × %z_2) + (8 × %y_1 × %z_2 × %z_2)
+ (9 × %z_2 × %z_2 × %z_2) + (5 × %y_1 × %y_1) + (6 × %y_1 × %z_2)
+ (4 × %z_2 × %z_2) + (3 × %y_1) + (2 × %z_2) + 1) |}]
(6 × (%y_1 × %z_2) + 8 × (%y_1 × %z_2^2) + 5 × (%y_1^2)
+ 7 × (%y_1^2 × %z_2) + 4 × (%z_2^2) + 9 × (%z_2^3) + 3 × %y_1
+ 2 × %z_2 + 1) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp (!0 * z * y) ;
@ -118,15 +109,15 @@ let%test_module _ =
let%expect_test _ =
pp (!7 * z * (!2 * y)) ;
[%expect {| (14 × %y_1 × %z_2) |}]
[%expect {| (14 × (%y_1 × %z_2)) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp (!13 + (!42 * z)) ;
[%expect {| ((42 × %z_2) + 13) |}]
[%expect {| (42 × %z_2 + 13) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp ((!13 * z) + !42) ;
[%expect {| ((13 × %z_2) + 42) |}]
[%expect {| (13 × %z_2 + 42) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp ((!2 * z) - !3 + ((!(-2) * z) + !3)) ;
@ -134,32 +125,31 @@ let%test_module _ =
let%expect_test _ =
pp ((!3 * y) + (!13 * z) + !42) ;
[%expect {| ((3 × %y_1) + (13 × %z_2) + 42) |}]
[%expect {| (3 × %y_1 + 13 × %z_2 + 42) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp ((!13 * z) + !42 + (!3 * y)) ;
[%expect {| ((3 × %y_1) + (13 × %z_2) + 42) |}]
[%expect {| (3 × %y_1 + 13 × %z_2 + 42) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp ((!13 * z) + !42 + (!3 * y) + (!2 * z)) ;
[%expect {| ((3 × %y_1) + (15 × %z_2) + 42) |}]
[%expect {| (3 × %y_1 + 15 × %z_2 + 42) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp ((!13 * z) + !42 + (!3 * y) + (!(-13) * z)) ;
[%expect {| ((3 × %y_1) + 42) |}]
[%expect {| (3 × %y_1 + 42) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp (z + !42 + ((!3 * y) + (!(-1) * z))) ;
[%expect {| ((3 × %y_1) + 42) |}]
[%expect {| (3 × %y_1 + 42) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp (!(-1) * (z + (!(-1) * y))) ;
[%expect {| (%y_1 + (-1 × %z_2)) |}]
[%expect {| (%y_1 + -1 × %z_2) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp (((!3 * y) + !2) * (!4 + (!5 * z))) ;
{| ((15 × %y_1 × %z_2) + (12 × %y_1) + (10 × %z_2) + 8) |}]
[%expect {| (15 × (%y_1 × %z_2) + 12 × %y_1 + 10 × %z_2 + 8) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp (((!2 * z) - !3 + ((!(-2) * z) + !3)) * (!4 + (!5 * z))) ;
@ -167,11 +157,11 @@ let%test_module _ =
let%expect_test _ =
pp ((!13 * z) + !42 - ((!3 * y) + (!13 * z))) ;
[%expect {| ((-3 × %y_1) + 42) |}]
[%expect {| (-3 × %y_1 + 42) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp (z = y) ;
[%expect {| (%y_1 = %z_2) |}]
[%expect {| (%z_2 = %y_1) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp (z = z) ;
@ -203,55 +193,55 @@ let%test_module _ =
let%expect_test _ =
pp (y - (!(-3) * y) + !4) ;
[%expect {| ((4 × %y_1) + 4) |}]
[%expect {| (4 × %y_1 + 4) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp ((!(-3) * y) + !4 - y) ;
[%expect {| ((-4 × %y_1) + 4) |}]
[%expect {| (-4 × %y_1 + 4) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp (y = (!(-3) * y) + !4) ;
[%expect {| ((4 × %y_1) = 4) |}]
[%expect {| (%y_1 = (-3 × %y_1 + 4)) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp ((!(-3) * y) + !4 = y) ;
[%expect {| ((4 × %y_1) = 4) |}]
[%expect {| ((-3 × %y_1 + 4) = %y_1) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp (Exp.sub Typ.bool (Exp.bool true) (z = !4)) ;
[%expect {| ((%z_2 = 4) + -1) |}]
[%expect {| (-1 × (%z_2 = 4) + -1) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp (Exp.add Typ.bool (Exp.bool true) (z = !4) = (z = !4)) ;
[%expect {| 0 |}]
[%expect {| (((%z_2 = 4) + -1) = (%z_2 = 4)) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp ((!13 * z) + !42 = (!3 * y) + (!13 * z)) ;
[%expect {| ((3 × %y_1) = 42) |}]
[%expect {| ((13 × %z_2 + 42) = (3 × %y_1 + 13 × %z_2)) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp ((!13 * z) + !(-42) = (!3 * y) + (!13 * z)) ;
[%expect {| ((-3 × %y_1) = 42) |}]
[%expect {| ((13 × %z_2 + -42) = (3 × %y_1 + 13 × %z_2)) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp ((!13 * z) + !42 = (!(-3) * y) + (!13 * z)) ;
[%expect {| ((-3 × %y_1) = 42) |}]
[%expect {| ((13 × %z_2 + 42) = (-3 × %y_1 + 13 × %z_2)) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp ((!10 * z) + !42 = (!(-3) * y) + (!13 * z)) ;
[%expect {| (((-3 × %y_1) + (3 × %z_2)) = 42) |}]
[%expect {| ((10 × %z_2 + 42) = (-3 × %y_1 + 13 × %z_2)) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp ~~((!13 * z) + !(-42) != (!3 * y) + (!13 * z)) ;
[%expect {| ((-3 × %y_1) = 42) |}]
[%expect {| ((13 × %z_2 + -42) = (3 × %y_1 + 13 × %z_2)) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp ~~(y > !2 && z <= !3) ;
[%expect {| ((%z_2 > 3) || (%y_1 <= 2)) |}]
[%expect {| ((%y_1 <= 2) || (%z_2 > 3)) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp ~~(y >= !2 || z < !3) ;
[%expect {| ((%z_2 >= 3) && (%y_1 < 2)) |}]
[%expect {| ((%y_1 < 2) && (%z_2 >= 3)) |}]
let%expect_test _ =
pp Exp.(eq z null) ;
@ -261,7 +251,7 @@ let%test_module _ =
(%z_2 = null)
(%z_2 = null)
(null = %z_2)
(%z_2 = null) |}]
(null = %z_2) |}]
end )

@ -7,16 +7,65 @@
(** Congruence closure with integer offsets *)
(* For background, see:
Robert Nieuwenhuis, Albert Oliveras: Fast congruence closure and
extensions. Inf. Comput. 205(4): 557-580 (2007)
and, for a more detailed correctness proof of the case without integer
offsets, see section 5 of:
Aleksandar Nanevski, Viktor Vafeiadis, Josh Berdine: Structuring the
verification of heap-manipulating programs. POPL 2010: 261-274 *)
(** For background, see:
Robert Nieuwenhuis, Albert Oliveras: Fast congruence closure and
extensions. Inf. Comput. 205(4): 557-580 (2007)
and, for a more detailed correctness proof of the case without integer
offsets, see section 5 of:
Aleksandar Nanevski, Viktor Vafeiadis, Josh Berdine: Structuring the
verification of heap-manipulating programs. POPL 2010: 261-274 *)
(** Lazy flattening:
The congruence closure data structure is used to lazily flatten
expressions. Flattening expressions gives each compound expression (e.g.
an application) a "name", which is treated as an atomic symbol. In the
background papers, fresh symbols are introduced to name compound
expressions in a pre-processing pass, but here we do not a priori know
the carrier (set of all expressions equations might relate). Instead, we
use the expression itself as its "name" and use the representative map
to record this naming. That is, if [f(a+i)] is in the domain of the
representative map, then "f(a+i)" is the name of the compound expression
[f(a+i)]. If [f(a+i)] is not in the domain of the representative map,
then it is not yet in the "carrier" of the relation. Adding it to the
carrier, which logically amounts to adding the equation [f(a+i) =
"f(a+i)"], extends the representative map, as well as the lookup map and
use lists, after which [f(a+i)] can be used as if it was a simple symbol
name for the compound expression.
Note that merging a compound equation of the form [f(a+i)+j = b+k]
results in naming [f(a+i)] and then merging the simple equation
["f(a+i)"+j = b+k] normalized to ["f(a+i)" = b+(k-j)]. In particular,
every equation is either of the form ["f(a+i)" = f(a+i)] or of the form
[a = b+i], but not of the form [f(a+i) = b+j].
By the same reasoning, the range of the lookup table does not need
offsets, as every exp in the range of the lookup table will be the name
of a compound exp.
A consequence of lazy flattening is that the equations stored in the
lookup table, use lists, and pending equation list in the background
papers are here all of the form [f(a+i) = "f(a+i)"], and hence are
represented by the application expression itself.
Sparse carrier:
For symbols, that is expressions that are not compound [App]lications,
there are no cooperative invariants between components of the data
structure that need to be established. So adding a symbol to the carrier
would amount to adding an identity association to the representatives
map. Since we need to use a map instead of an array anyhow, this can be
represented sparsely by omitting identity associations in the
representative map. Note that identity associations for compound
expressions are still needed to record which compound expressions have
been added to the carrier.
- often use identifiers such as [a'] for the representative of [a] *)
(** set of exps representing congruence classes *)
module Cls = struct
@ -33,8 +82,10 @@ module Cls = struct
let remove_exn = List.remove_exn
let union = List.rev_append
let fold_map = List.fold_map
let iter = List.iter
let is_empty = List.is_empty
let length = List.length
let map = List.map_preserving_phys_equal
let mem = List.mem ~equal:Exp.equal
@ -44,70 +95,71 @@ module Use = struct
let equal = [%compare.equal: t]
let pp fs use =
Format.fprintf fs "@[<hov 1>{@[%a@]}@]" (List.pp ",@ " Exp.pp) use
let pp fs uses =
Format.fprintf fs "@[<hov 1>{@[%a@]}@]" (List.pp ",@ " Exp.pp) uses
let empty = []
let singleton exp = [exp]
let add use exp = exp :: use
let singleton use = [use]
let add uses use = use :: uses
let union = List.rev_append
let fold = List.fold
let iter = List.iter
let exists = List.exists
let is_empty = List.is_empty
let map = List.map_preserving_phys_equal
type 'a exp_map = 'a Map.M(Exp).t [@@deriving compare, sexp]
let empty_map = Map.empty (module Exp)
(** see also [invariant] *)
type t =
{ sat: bool (** [false] if constraints are inconsistent *)
{ sat: bool (** [false] only if constraints are inconsistent *)
; rep: Exp.t exp_map
(** map [a] to [a'+k], indicating that [a=a'+k] holds, and that [a']
(without the offset [k]) is the 'rep(resentative)' of [a] *)
(** map [a] to [a'+k], indicating that [a = a'+k] holds, and that
[a'] (without the offset [k]) is the 'rep(resentative)' of [a] *)
; lkp: Exp.t exp_map
(** inverse of mapping rep over sub-expressions: map [f'(a'+i)] to
[f(a+j)+k], an (offsetted) app(lication expression) in the
relation which normalizes to one in the 'equivalence modulo
offset' class of [f'(a'+i)], indicating that [f'(a'+i) =
f(a+j)+k] holds, for some [k] where [rep f = f'] and [rep a =
a'+(i-j)] *)
(** map [f'(a'+i)] to [f(a+j)], indicating that [f'(a'+i) = f(a+j)]
holds, where [f(a+j)] is in the carrier *)
; cls: Cls.t exp_map
(** inverse rep: map each rep [a'] to all the [a+k] in its class,
i.e., [cls a' = {a+k | rep a = a'+(-k)}] *)
i.e., [cls a' = {a+(-k) | rep a = a'+k}] *)
; use: Use.t exp_map
(** super-expression relation for representatives: map each
representative [a'] of [a] to the application expressions in the
relation where [a] (possibly + an offset) appears as an
immediate sub-expression *)
representative [a'] of [a] to the compound expressions in the
carrier where [a] (possibly + an offset) appears as an immediate
sub-expression *)
; pnd: (Exp.t * Exp.t) list
(** equations to be added to the relation, to enable delaying adding
equations discovered while invariants are temporarily broken *)
(** equations of the form [a+i = b+j], where [a] and [b] are in the
carrier, to be added to the relation by merging the classes of
[a] and [b] *) }
[@@deriving compare, sexp]
(** The expressions in the range of [lkp] and [use], as well as those in
[pnd], are 'in the relation' in the sense that there is some constraint
involving them, and in practice are expressions which have been passed
to [merge] as opposed to having been constructed internally. *)
(** Pretty-printing *)
let pp_eq fs (e, f) = Format.fprintf fs "@[%a = %a@]" Exp.pp e Exp.pp f
let pp fs {sat; rep; lkp; cls; use; pnd} =
let pp_alist pp_k pp_v fs alist =
let pp_assoc fs (k, v) =
Format.fprintf fs "[@[%a@ @<2>↦ %a@]]" pp_k k pp_v v
Format.fprintf fs "[@[%a@ @<2>↦ %a@]]" pp_k k pp_v (k, v)
Format.fprintf fs "[@[<hv>%a@]]" (List.pp ";@ " pp_assoc) alist
let pp_pnd fs pnd =
if not (List.is_empty pnd) then
Format.fprintf fs ";@ pnd= [@[<hv>%a@]];" (List.pp ";@ " pp_eq) pnd
let pp_exp_v fs (k, v) = if not (Exp.equal k v) then Exp.pp fs v in
let pp_cls_v fs (_, v) = Cls.pp fs v in
let pp_use_v fs (_, v) = Use.pp fs v in
Format.fprintf fs
"@[{@[<hv>sat= %b;@ rep= %a;@ lkp= %a;@ cls= %a;@ use= %a%a@]}@]" sat
(pp_alist Exp.pp Exp.pp) (Map.to_alist rep) (pp_alist Exp.pp Exp.pp)
(Map.to_alist lkp) (pp_alist Exp.pp Cls.pp) (Map.to_alist cls)
(pp_alist Exp.pp Use.pp) (Map.to_alist use) pp_pnd pnd
(pp_alist Exp.pp pp_exp_v)
(Map.to_alist rep)
(pp_alist Exp.pp pp_exp_v)
(Map.to_alist lkp)
(pp_alist Exp.pp pp_cls_v)
(Map.to_alist cls)
(pp_alist Exp.pp pp_use_v)
(Map.to_alist use)
(List.pp ~pre:";@ pnd= [@[<hv>" ";@ " pp_eq ~suf:"@]];")
let pp_classes fs {cls} =
List.pp "@ @<2>∧ "
@ -138,32 +190,41 @@ let pp_diff fs (r, s) =
let pp_sdiff_exps fs (c, d) =
pp_sdiff_list "" Exp.pp Exp.compare fs (c, d)
let pp_sdiff_elt pp_val pp_sdiff_val fs = function
let pp_sdiff_uses fs (c, d) =
pp_sdiff_list "" Exp.pp Exp.compare fs (c, d)
let pp_sdiff_elt pp_key pp_val pp_sdiff_val fs = function
| k, `Left v ->
Format.fprintf fs "-- [@[%a@ @<2>↦ %a@]]" Exp.pp k pp_val v
Format.fprintf fs "-- [@[%a@ @<2>↦ %a@]]" pp_key k pp_val v
| k, `Right v ->
Format.fprintf fs "++ [@[%a@ @<2>↦ %a@]]" Exp.pp k pp_val v
Format.fprintf fs "++ [@[%a@ @<2>↦ %a@]]" pp_key k pp_val v
| k, `Unequal vv ->
Format.fprintf fs "[@[%a@ @<2>↦ %a@]]" Exp.pp k pp_sdiff_val vv
Format.fprintf fs "[@[%a@ @<2>↦ %a@]]" pp_key k pp_sdiff_val vv
let pp_sdiff_exp_map =
let pp_sdiff_exp fs (u, v) =
Format.fprintf fs "-- %a ++ %a" Exp.pp u Exp.pp v
pp_sdiff_map (pp_sdiff_elt Exp.pp pp_sdiff_exp) Exp.equal
pp_sdiff_map (pp_sdiff_elt Exp.pp Exp.pp pp_sdiff_exp) Exp.equal
let pp_sdiff_app_map =
let pp_sdiff_app fs (u, v) =
Format.fprintf fs "-- %a ++ %a" Exp.pp u Exp.pp v
pp_sdiff_map (pp_sdiff_elt Exp.pp Exp.pp pp_sdiff_app) Exp.equal
let pp_sat fs =
if not (Bool.equal r.sat s.sat) then
Format.fprintf fs "sat= @[-- %b@ ++ %b@];@ " r.sat s.sat
let pp_rep fs = pp_sdiff_exp_map "rep" fs r.rep s.rep in
let pp_lkp fs = pp_sdiff_exp_map "lkp" fs r.lkp s.lkp in
let pp_lkp fs = pp_sdiff_app_map "lkp" fs r.lkp s.lkp in
let pp_cls fs =
let pp_sdiff_cls = pp_sdiff_elt Cls.pp pp_sdiff_exps in
let pp_sdiff_cls = pp_sdiff_elt Exp.pp Cls.pp pp_sdiff_exps in
pp_sdiff_map pp_sdiff_cls Cls.equal "cls" fs r.cls s.cls
let pp_use fs =
let pp_sdiff_use = pp_sdiff_elt Use.pp pp_sdiff_exps in
let pp_sdiff_use = pp_sdiff_elt Exp.pp Use.pp pp_sdiff_uses in
pp_sdiff_map pp_sdiff_use Use.equal "use" fs r.use s.use
let pp_pnd fs =
@ -172,46 +233,177 @@ let pp_diff fs (r, s) =
Format.fprintf fs "@[{@[<hv>%t%t%t%t%t%t@]}@]" pp_sat pp_rep pp_lkp pp_cls
pp_use pp_pnd
let invariant r =
Invariant.invariant [%here] r [%sexp_of: t]
@@ fun () ->
Map.iteri r.rep ~f:(fun ~key:e ~data:e' -> assert (not (Exp.equal e e'))) ;
Map.iteri r.cls ~f:(fun ~key:e' ~data:cls -> assert (Cls.mem cls e')) ;
Map.iteri r.use ~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:use -> assert (not (Use.is_empty use))
(** Auxiliary functions for manipulating "base plus offset" expressions *)
(* Auxiliary functions for manipulating "base plus offset" expressions *)
let map_sum e ~f =
match e with
| Exp.App {op= App {op= Add {typ}; arg= a}; arg= i} ->
(** solve a+i = b for a, yielding a = b-i *)
let solve_for_base ai b =
match Exp.base_offset ai with
| Some (a, i, typ) -> (a, Exp.sub typ b (Exp.integer i typ))
| None -> (ai, b)
(** subtract offset from both sides of equation a+i = b, yielding b-i *)
let subtract_offset ai b =
match Exp.offset ai with
| Some (i, typ) -> Exp.sub typ b (Exp.integer i typ)
| None -> b
(** [map_base ~f a+i] is [f(a) + i] and [map_base ~f a] is [f(a)] *)
let map_base ai ~f =
match Exp.base_offset ai with
| Some (a, i, typ) ->
let a' = f a in
if a' == a then e else Exp.add typ a' i
| a -> f a
if a' == a then ai else Exp.add typ a' (Exp.integer i typ)
| None -> f ai
let fold_sum e ~init ~f =
match e with
| Exp.App {op= App {op= Add _; arg= a}; arg= Integer _} -> f init a
| a -> f init a
(** [norm_base r a] is [a'+k] where [r] implies [a = a'+k] and [a'] is a
rep, requires [a] to not have any offset and be in the carrier *)
let norm_base r e =
assert (Option.is_none (Exp.offset e)) ;
try Map.find_exn r.rep e with Caml.Not_found ->
assert (Exp.is_simple e) ;
let base_of = function
| Exp.App {op= App {op= Add _; arg= a}; arg= Integer _} -> a
| a -> a
(** [norm r a+i] is [a'+k] where [r] implies [a+i = a'+k] and [a'] is a rep,
requires [a] to be in the carrier *)
let norm r e = map_base ~f:(norm_base r) e
(** solve a+i = b for a, yielding a = b-i *)
let solve_for_base ai b =
match ai with
| Exp.App {op= App {op= Add {typ}; arg= a}; arg= i} -> (a, Exp.sub typ b i)
| _ -> (ai, b)
(** test membership in carrier, strictly in the sense that an exp with an
offset is not in the carrier even when its base is *)
let in_car r e = Exp.is_simple e || Map.mem r.rep e
(** [norm r a+i] = [a'+k] where [r] implies [a+i=a'+k] and [a'] is a rep *)
let norm r e =
map_sum e ~f:(fun a -> try Map.find_exn r.rep a with Caml.Not_found -> a)
(** test if an exp is a representative, requires exp to have no offset *)
let is_rep r e = Exp.equal e (norm_base r e)
(* Core closure operations *)
let pre_invariant r =
Invariant.invariant [%here] r [%sexp_of: t]
@@ fun () ->
Map.iteri r.rep ~f:(fun ~key:a ~data:a'k ->
(* carrier is stored without offsets *)
assert (Option.is_none (Exp.offset a)) ;
(* carrier is closed under sub-expressions *)
Exp.iter a ~f:(fun bj ->
assert (
in_car r (Exp.base bj)
|| Trace.report "@[subexp %a of %a not in carrier of@ %a@]"
Exp.pp bj Exp.pp a pp r ) ) ;
let a', a_k = solve_for_base a'k a in
(* carrier is closed under rep *)
assert (in_car r a') ;
if Exp.is_simple a' then
(* rep is sparse for symbols *)
assert (
(not (Map.mem r.rep a'))
|| Trace.report
"no symbol rep should be in rep domain: %a @<2>↦ %a@\n%a"
Exp.pp a Exp.pp a' pp r )
(* rep is idempotent for applications *)
assert (
is_rep r a'
|| Trace.report
"every app rep should be its own rep: %a @<2>↦ %a" Exp.pp a
Exp.pp a' ) ;
match Map.find r.cls a' with
| None ->
(* every rep in dom of cls *)
assert (
Trace.report "rep not in dom of cls: %a@\n%a" Exp.pp a' pp r )
| Some a_cls ->
(* every exp is in class of its rep *)
assert (
(* rep a = a'+k so expect a-k in cls a' *)
Cls.mem a_cls a_k
|| Trace.report "%a = %a by rep but %a not in cls@\n%a" Exp.pp a
Exp.pp a'k Exp.pp a_k pp r ) ) ;
Map.iteri r.cls ~f:(fun ~key:a' ~data:a_cls ->
(* domain of cls are reps *)
assert (is_rep r a') ;
(* cls contained in inverse of rep *)
Cls.iter a_cls ~f:(fun ak ->
let a, a'_k = solve_for_base ak a' in
assert (
in_car r a
|| Trace.report "%a in cls of %a but not in carrier" Exp.pp a
Exp.pp a' ) ;
let a'' = norm_base r a in
assert (
(* a' = a+k in cls so expect rep a = a'-k *)
Exp.equal a'' a'_k
|| Trace.report "%a = %a by cls but @<2>≠ %a by rep" Exp.pp a'
Exp.pp ak Exp.pp a'' ) ) ) ;
Map.iteri r.use ~f:(fun ~key:a' ~data:a_use ->
assert (
(not (Use.is_empty a_use))
|| Trace.report "empty use list should not have been added" ) ;
Use.iter a_use ~f:(fun u ->
(* uses are applications *)
assert (not (Exp.is_simple u)) ;
(* uses have no offsets *)
assert (Option.is_none (Exp.offset u)) ;
(* subexps of uses in carrier *)
Exp.iter u ~f:(fun bj -> assert (in_car r (Exp.base bj))) ;
(* every rep is a subexp-modulo-rep of each of its uses *)
assert (
Exp.exists u ~f:(fun bj -> Exp.equal a' (Exp.base (norm r bj)))
|| Trace.report
"rep %a has use %a, but is not the rep of any immediate \
subexp of the use"
Exp.pp a' Exp.pp u ) ;
(* every use has a corresponding entry in lkp... *)
let v =
try Map.find_exn r.lkp (Exp.map ~f:(norm r) u)
with Caml.Not_found ->
fail "no lkp entry for use %a of %a" Exp.pp u Exp.pp a'
(* ...which is (eventually) provably equal *)
if List.is_empty r.pnd then
assert (Exp.equal (norm_base r u) (norm_base r v)) ) ) ;
Map.iteri r.lkp ~f:(fun ~key:a ~data:c ->
(* subexps of domain of lkp in carrier *)
Exp.iter a ~f:(fun bj -> assert (in_car r (Exp.base bj))) ;
(* range of lkp are applications in carrier *)
assert (in_car r c) ;
(* there may be stale entries in lkp whose subexps are no longer reps,
which will therefore never be used, and hence are unconstrained *)
if Exp.equal a (Exp.map ~f:(norm r) a) then (
let c_' = Exp.map ~f:(norm r) c in
(* lkp contains equalities provable modulo normalizing sub-exps *)
assert (
Exp.equal a c_'
|| Trace.report "%a sub-normalizes to %a @<2>≠ %a" Exp.pp c
Exp.pp c_' Exp.pp a ) ;
let c' = norm_base r c in
Exp.iter a ~f:(fun bj ->
(* every subexp of an app in domain of lkp has an associated use *)
let b' = Exp.base (norm r bj) in
let b_use =
try Map.find_exn r.use b' with Caml.Not_found ->
fail "no use list for subexp %a of lkp key %a" Exp.pp bj
Exp.pp a
assert (
Use.exists b_use ~f:(fun u ->
Exp.equal a (Exp.map ~f:(norm r) u)
&& Exp.equal c' (norm_base r u) )
|| Trace.report
"no corresponding use for subexp %a of lkp key %a" Exp.pp
bj Exp.pp a ) ) ) ) ;
List.iter r.pnd ~f:(fun (ai, bj) ->
assert (in_car r (Exp.base ai)) ;
assert (in_car r (Exp.base bj)) )
let invariant r =
Invariant.invariant [%here] r [%sexp_of: t]
@@ fun () ->
pre_invariant r ;
assert (List.is_empty r.pnd)
(** Core closure operations *)
type prefer = Exp.t -> over:Exp.t -> int
let empty_map = Map.empty (module Exp)
let true_ =
{ sat= true
; rep= empty_map
@ -219,42 +411,9 @@ let true_ =
; cls= empty_map
; use= empty_map
; pnd= [] }
|> check invariant
let false_ = {true_ with sat= false}
(** Add app exps (and sub-exps) to the relation. This populates the [lkp]
and [use] maps, treating an exp [e] of form [f(a)] as an equation
between the app [f(a)] and the 'symbol' [e]. This has the effect of
using [e] as a 'name' of the app [f(a)], rather than using an explicit
'flattening' transformation introducing new symbols for each
application. *)
let rec extend r e =
fold_sum e ~init:r ~f:(fun r -> function
| App _ as fa ->
let r, fa' =
Exp.fold_map fa ~init:r ~f:(fun r b ->
let r, c = extend r b in
(r, norm r c) )
Map.find_or_add r.lkp fa'
~if_found:(fun d ->
let r = {r with pnd= (e, d) :: r.pnd} in
(r, d) )
~if_added:(fun lkp ->
let use =
Exp.fold fa' ~init:r.use ~f:(fun use b' ->
if Exp.is_constant b' then use
Map.update use b' ~f:(function
| Some b_use -> Use.add b_use fa
| None -> Use.singleton fa ) )
let r = {r with lkp; use} in
(r, e) )
| _ -> (r, e) )
exception Unsat
let false_ = {true_ with sat= false} |> check invariant
(** Add an equation [b+j] = [a+i] using [a] as the new rep. This removes [b]
from the [cls] and [use] maps, as it is no longer a rep. The [rep] map
@ -267,9 +426,12 @@ let add_directed_equation r0 ~exp:bj ~rep:ai =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "@[%a@ %a@]@ %a" Exp.pp bj Exp.pp ai pp r0]
let r = r0 in
let a = base_of ai in
(* b+j = a+i so b = a+i-j *)
let b, ai_j = solve_for_base bj ai in
let b, aij = solve_for_base bj ai in
assert ((not (in_car r b)) || is_rep r b) ;
(* compute a from aij in case ai is an int and j is a non-0 offset *)
let a = Exp.base aij in
assert ((not (in_car r a)) || is_rep r a) ;
let b_cls, cls =
try Map.find_and_remove_exn r.cls b with Caml.Not_found ->
(Cls.singleton b, r.cls)
@ -278,32 +440,29 @@ let add_directed_equation r0 ~exp:bj ~rep:ai =
try Map.find_and_remove_exn r.use b with Caml.Not_found ->
(Use.empty, r.use)
let rep, a_cls_delta =
Cls.fold_map b_cls ~init:r.rep ~f:(fun rep ck ->
let r, a_cls_delta =
Cls.fold_map b_cls ~init:r ~f:(fun r ck ->
(* c+k = b = a+i-j so c = a+i-j-k *)
let c, ai_j_k = solve_for_base ck ai_j in
if Exp.is_false (Exp.eq c ai_j_k) then raise Unsat ;
let rep = Map.set rep ~key:c ~data:ai_j_k in
(* a+i-j = c+k so a = c+k+j-i *)
let _, ckj_i = solve_for_base ai_j ck in
(rep, ckj_i) )
let cls =
Map.update cls a ~f:(function
| Some a_cls -> Cls.union a_cls_delta a_cls
| None -> Cls.add a_cls_delta a )
let c, aijk = solve_for_base ck aij in
let r =
if Exp.equal a c || Exp.is_false (Exp.eq c aijk) then false_
else if Exp.is_simple c && Exp.equal c aijk then r
else {r with rep= Map.set r.rep ~key:c ~data:aijk}
(* a+i-j-k = c so a = c-i+j+k *)
let cijk = subtract_offset aijk c in
(r, cijk) )
let r = {r with rep; cls; use} in
let r, a_use_delta =
Use.fold b_use ~init:(r, Use.empty) ~f:(fun (r, a_use_delta) u ->
let u' = Exp.map ~f:(norm r) u in
Map.find_or_add r.lkp u'
let u_' = Exp.map ~f:(norm r) u in
Map.find_or_add r.lkp u_'
~if_found:(fun v ->
let r = {r with pnd= (u, v) :: r.pnd} in
(* no need to add u to use a since u is an app already in r
(since u' found in r.lkp) that is equal to v, so will be in
use of u's subexps, and u = v is added to pnd so propagate
will combine them later *)
(* no need to add u to use a since u is already in r (since u_'
found in r.lkp) that is equal to v, so will be in use of u_'s
subexps, and u = v is added to pnd so propagate will combine
them later *)
(r, a_use_delta) )
~if_added:(fun lkp ->
@ -311,6 +470,11 @@ let add_directed_equation r0 ~exp:bj ~rep:ai =
let a_use_delta = Use.add a_use_delta u in
(r, a_use_delta) ) )
let cls =
Map.update cls a ~f:(function
| Some a_cls -> Cls.union a_cls_delta a_cls
| None -> Cls.add a_cls_delta a )
let use =
if Use.is_empty a_use_delta then use
@ -318,105 +482,136 @@ let add_directed_equation r0 ~exp:bj ~rep:ai =
| Some a_use -> Use.union a_use_delta a_use
| None -> a_use_delta )
let r = {r with use} in
r |> check invariant
let r = if not r.sat then false_ else {r with cls; use} in
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} r -> pf "%a" pp_diff (r0, r)]
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} r ->
pf "%a" pp_diff (r0, r) ;
pre_invariant r]
(** Close the relation with the pending equations. *)
let rec propagate_ ?prefer r =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp r]
let prefer_rep ?prefer r e ~over:d =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "@[%a@ %a@]@ %a" Exp.pp d Exp.pp e pp r]
( match r.pnd with
| [] -> r
| (d, e) :: pnd ->
let d' = norm r d in
let e' = norm r e in
let r = {r with pnd} in
let r =
if Exp.equal (base_of d') (base_of e') then
if Exp.equal d' e' then r else {r with sat= false; pnd= []}
let prefer_e_over_d =
match (Exp.is_constant d, Exp.is_constant e) with
| true, false -> -1
| false, true -> 1
| _ -> (
match prefer with
| Some prefer -> prefer e' ~over:d'
| None -> 0 )
match prefer_e_over_d with
| n when n < 0 -> add_directed_equation r ~exp:e' ~rep:d'
| p when p > 0 -> add_directed_equation r ~exp:d' ~rep:e'
| _ ->
let len_d =
try Cls.length (Map.find_exn r.cls d')
with Caml.Not_found -> 1
let len_e =
try Cls.length (Map.find_exn r.cls e')
with Caml.Not_found -> 1
if len_d > len_e then add_directed_equation r ~exp:e' ~rep:d'
else add_directed_equation r ~exp:d' ~rep:e'
let prefer_e_over_d =
match (Exp.is_constant d, Exp.is_constant e) with
| true, false -> -1
| false, true -> 1
| _ -> (
match prefer with Some prefer -> prefer e ~over:d | None -> 0 )
( match prefer_e_over_d with
| n when n < 0 -> false
| p when p > 0 -> true
| _ ->
let len_e =
try Cls.length (Map.find_exn r.cls e) with Caml.Not_found -> 1
let len_d =
try Cls.length (Map.find_exn r.cls d) with Caml.Not_found -> 1
propagate_ ?prefer r )
len_e >= len_d )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} r' -> pf "%a" pp_diff (r, r')]
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%b"]
let choose_preferred ?prefer r d e =
if prefer_rep ?prefer r e ~over:d then (d, e) else (e, d)
let add_equation ?prefer r d e =
let d = norm r d in
let e = norm r e in
if (not r.sat) || Exp.equal d e then r
else (
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "@[%a@ %a@]@ %a" Exp.pp d Exp.pp e pp r]
let exp, rep = choose_preferred ?prefer r d e in
add_directed_equation r ~exp ~rep
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} r' -> pf "%a" pp_diff (r, r')] )
(** normalize, and add base to carrier if needed *)
let rec norm_extend r ek =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a" Exp.pp ek pp r]
let e = Exp.base ek in
( if Exp.is_simple e then (r, norm r ek)
Map.find_or_add r.rep e
~if_found:(fun e' ->
match Exp.offset ek with
| Some (k, typ) -> (r, Exp.add typ e' (Exp.integer k typ))
| None -> (r, e') )
~if_added:(fun rep ->
let cls = Map.set r.cls ~key:e ~data:(Cls.singleton e) in
let r = {r with rep; cls} in
let r, e_' = Exp.fold_map ~f:norm_extend ~init:r e in
Map.find_or_add r.lkp e_'
~if_found:(fun d ->
let pnd = (e, d) :: r.pnd in
let d' = norm_base r d in
({r with rep; pnd}, d') )
~if_added:(fun lkp ->
let use =
Exp.fold e_' ~init:r.use ~f:(fun use b'j ->
let b' = Exp.base b'j in
Map.update use b' ~f:(function
| Some b_use -> Use.add b_use e
| None -> Use.singleton e ) )
({r with lkp; use}, e) ) ) )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (r', e') -> pf "%a@ %a" Exp.pp e' pp_diff (r, r')]
let propagate ?prefer r =
let norm_extend r ek = norm_extend r ek |> check (fst >> pre_invariant)
let extend r ek = fst (norm_extend r ek)
(** Close the relation with the pending equations. *)
let rec propagate ?prefer r =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp r]
(try propagate_ ?prefer r with Unsat -> false_)
( match r.pnd with
| (d, e) :: pnd ->
let r = {r with pnd} in
let r = add_equation ?prefer r d e in
propagate ?prefer r
| [] -> r )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} r' -> pf "%a" pp_diff (r, r')]
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} r' ->
pf "%a" pp_diff (r, r') ;
invariant r']
let merge ?prefer r d e =
if not r.sat then r
let r, a = extend r d in
let r =
if Exp.equal d e then r
let r, b = extend r e in
let r = {r with pnd= (a, b) :: r.pnd} in
let r = extend r d in
let r = extend r e in
let r = add_equation ?prefer r d e in
propagate ?prefer r
let rec normalize_ r e =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" Exp.pp e]
let rec normalize r ek =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a" Exp.pp ek pp r]
map_sum e ~f:(function
| App _ as fa -> (
let fa' = Exp.map ~f:(normalize_ r) fa in
match Map.find_exn r.lkp fa' with
| exception _ -> fa'
| c -> norm r (Exp.map ~f:(norm r) c) )
| c ->
let c' = norm r c in
if c' == c then c else normalize_ r c' )
map_base ek ~f:(fun e ->
try Map.find_exn r.rep e with Caml.Not_found ->
Exp.map ~f:(normalize r) e )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%a" Exp.pp]
let normalize r e =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp r]
normalize_ r e
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%a" Exp.pp]
let mem_eq r e f = Exp.equal (normalize r e) (normalize r f)
let mem_eq r d e = Exp.equal (normalize r d) (normalize r e)
(** Exposed interface *)
let extend r e = propagate (extend r e)
let and_eq = merge
let and_ ?prefer r s =
if not r.sat then r
else if not s.sat then s
let s, r =
if Map.length s.rep <= Map.length r.rep then (s, r) else (r, s)
Map.fold s.rep ~init:r ~f:(fun ~key:e ~data:e' r -> merge ?prefer r e e')
let or_ ?prefer r s =
@ -435,33 +630,36 @@ let or_ ?prefer r s =
(* assumes that f is injective and for any set of exps E, f[E] is disjoint
from E *)
let map_exps ({sat= _; rep; lkp; cls; use; pnd} as r) ~f =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@." pp r]
[%Trace.call fun {pf} ->
pf "%a" pp r ;
assert (List.is_empty pnd)]
assert (List.is_empty pnd) ;
let map ~equal_data ~f_data m =
let map ~equal_key ~equal_data ~f_key ~f_data m =
Map.fold m ~init:m ~f:(fun ~key ~data m ->
let key' = f key in
let key' = f_key key in
let data' = f_data data in
if Exp.equal key' key then
if equal_key key' key then
if equal_data data' data then m else Map.set m ~key ~data:data'
Map.remove m key
|> Map.add_exn ~key:key'
~data:(if data' == data then data else data') )
else Map.remove m key |> Map.add_exn ~key:key' ~data:data' )
let rep' =
map rep ~equal_key:Exp.equal ~equal_data:Exp.equal ~f_key:f ~f_data:f
let lkp' =
map lkp ~equal_key:Exp.equal ~equal_data:Exp.equal ~f_key:f ~f_data:f
let exp_map = map ~equal_data:Exp.equal ~f_data:f in
let exp_list_map =
map ~equal_data:[%compare.equal: Exp.t list]
~f_data:(List.map_preserving_phys_equal ~f)
let cls' =
map cls ~equal_key:Exp.equal ~equal_data:[%compare.equal: Exp.t list]
~f_key:f ~f_data:(Cls.map ~f)
let use' =
map use ~equal_key:Exp.equal ~equal_data:[%compare.equal: Exp.t list]
~f_key:f ~f_data:(Use.map ~f)
let rep' = exp_map rep in
let lkp' = exp_map lkp in
let cls' = exp_list_map cls in
let use' = exp_list_map use in
( if rep' == rep && lkp' == lkp && cls' == cls && use' == use then r
else {r with rep= rep'; lkp= lkp'; cls= cls'; use= use'} )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%a@." pp]
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} r -> pf "%a" pp r ; invariant r]
let rename r sub = map_exps r ~f:(fun e -> Exp.rename e sub)
@ -484,30 +682,25 @@ let classes {cls} = cls
let entails r s =
Map.for_alli s.rep ~f:(fun ~key:e ~data:e' -> mem_eq r e e')
(* a - b = k if a = b+k *)
let difference r a b =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a@ %a" Exp.pp a Exp.pp b pp r]
let r, a = extend r a in
let r, b = extend r b in
let r = propagate r in
let ci = normalize r a in
let dj = normalize r b in
(* a - b = (c+i) - (d+j) *)
( match solve_for_base dj ci with
(* d = (c+i)-j = c+(i-j) & c = d *)
| d, App {op= App {op= Add _; arg= c}; arg= Integer {data= i_j}}
when Exp.equal d c ->
(* a - b = (c+i) - (d+j) = i-j *)
Some i_j
| Integer {data= j}, Integer {data= i} -> Some (Z.sub i j)
| d, ci_j when Exp.equal d ci_j -> Some Z.zero
let r, a = norm_extend r a in
let r, b = norm_extend r b in
( match (a, b) with
| _ when Exp.equal a b -> Some Z.zero
| (AppN {op= Add {typ} | Mul {typ}} | Integer {typ}), _
|_, (AppN {op= Add {typ} | Mul {typ}} | Integer {typ}) -> (
let a_b = Exp.sub typ a b in
let r, a_b = norm_extend r a_b in
let r = propagate r in
match normalize r a_b with Integer {data} -> Some data | _ -> None )
| _ -> None )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} ->
| Some d -> pf "%a" Z.pp_print d
| None -> pf "c+i: %a@ d+j: %a" Exp.pp ci Exp.pp dj]
function Some d -> pf "%a" Z.pp_print d | None -> ()]
(** Tests *)
let%test_module _ =
( module struct

@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ type prefer = Exp.t -> over:Exp.t -> int
val true_ : t
(** The diagonal relation, which only equates each exp with itself. *)
val extend : t -> Exp.t -> t
(** Extend the carrier of the relation. *)
val merge : ?prefer:prefer -> t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> t
(** Merge the equivalence classes of exps together. If [prefer a ~over:b] is
positive, then [b] will not be used as the representative of a class

@ -9,16 +9,22 @@ let%test_module _ =
( module struct
open Congruence
let printf pp = Format.printf "@.%a@." pp
(* let () = Trace.init ~margin:160 ~config:all () *)
let () = Trace.init ~margin:68 ~config:none ()
let printf pp = Format.printf "@\n%a@." pp
let pp = printf pp
let pp_classes = printf pp_classes
let of_eqs = List.fold ~init:true_ ~f:(fun r (a, b) -> and_eq r a b)
let mem_eq x y r = entails r (and_eq true_ x y)
let mem_eq x y r = Exp.equal (normalize r x) (normalize r y)
let i8 = Typ.integer ~bits:8
let i64 = Typ.integer ~bits:64
let ( ! ) i = Exp.integer (Z.of_int i) Typ.siz
let ( + ) = Exp.add Typ.siz
let ( - ) = Exp.sub Typ.siz
let ( * ) = Exp.mul Typ.siz
let f = Exp.convert ~dst:i64 ~src:i8
let g = Exp.xor
let g = Exp.rem
let wrt = Var.Set.empty
let t_, wrt = Var.fresh "t" ~wrt
let u_, wrt = Var.fresh "u" ~wrt
@ -37,6 +43,11 @@ let%test_module _ =
let f1 = of_eqs [(!0, !1)]
let%test _ = is_false f1
let%expect_test _ =
pp f1 ;
[%expect {| {sat= false; rep= []; lkp= []; cls= []; use= []} |}]
let%test _ = Map.is_empty (classes f1)
let%test _ = is_false (merge f1 !1 !1)
@ -65,49 +76,73 @@ let%test_module _ =
let r0 = true_
let%expect_test _ =
printf pp r0 ;
pp r0 ;
[%expect {| {sat= true; rep= []; lkp= []; cls= []; use= []} |}]
let%expect_test _ = printf pp_classes r0 ; [%expect {| |}]
let%expect_test _ = pp_classes r0 ; [%expect {| |}]
let%test _ = difference r0 (f x) (f x) |> Poly.equal (Some (Z.of_int 0))
let%test _ = difference r0 !4 !3 |> Poly.equal (Some (Z.of_int 1))
let r1 = of_eqs [(x, y)]
let%test _ = not (Map.is_empty (classes r1))
let%expect_test _ =
printf pp r1 ;
pp_classes r1 ;
pp r1 ;
%y_6 = %x_5
{sat= true;
rep= [[%x_5 %y_6]];
lkp= [];
cls= [[%y_6 {%x_5, %y_6}]];
use= []} |}]
let%expect_test _ = printf pp_classes r1 ; [%expect {| %y_6 = %x_5 |}]
let%test _ = not (Map.is_empty (classes r1))
let%test _ = mem_eq x y r1
let r2 = of_eqs [(x, y); (f x, y); (f y, z)]
let%expect_test _ =
printf pp r2 ;
pp_classes r2 ;
pp r2 ;
%y_6 = ((i64)(i8) %x_5) = ((i64)(i8) %y_6) = %x_5 = %z_7
{sat= true;
rep= [[((i64)(i8) %x_5) %y_6];
[((i64)(i8) %y_6) %y_6];
[%x_5 %y_6];
[%z_7 %y_6]];
lkp= [[((i64)(i8) %y_6) ((i64)(i8) %x_5)]];
cls= [[%y_6 {((i64)(i8) %x_5), ((i64)(i8) %y_6), %x_5, %y_6, %z_7}]];
use= [[%y_6 {((i64)(i8) %x_5)}]]} |}]
cls= [[%y_6
{((i64)(i8) %x_5), ((i64)(i8) %y_6), %x_5, %y_6, %z_7}]];
use= [[%y_6 {((i64)(i8) %x_5)}];
[(i64)(i8) {((i64)(i8) %x_5)}]]} |}]
let r2' = extend r2 (f z)
let%expect_test _ =
printf pp_classes r2 ;
pp_classes r2' ;
pp r2' ;
{| %y_6 = ((i64)(i8) %x_5) = ((i64)(i8) %y_6) = %x_5 = %z_7 |}]
%y_6 = ((i64)(i8) %x_5) = ((i64)(i8) %y_6) = ((i64)(i8) %z_7)
= %x_5 = %z_7
{sat= true;
rep= [[((i64)(i8) %x_5) %y_6];
[((i64)(i8) %y_6) %y_6];
[((i64)(i8) %z_7) %y_6];
[%x_5 %y_6];
[%z_7 %y_6]];
lkp= [[((i64)(i8) %y_6) ((i64)(i8) %x_5)]];
cls= [[%y_6
{((i64)(i8) %x_5), ((i64)(i8) %y_6), ((i64)(i8) %z_7),
%x_5, %y_6, %z_7}]];
use= [[%y_6 {((i64)(i8) %x_5)}];
[(i64)(i8) {((i64)(i8) %x_5)}]]} |}]
let%test _ = mem_eq x z r2
let%test _ = mem_eq x y (or_ r1 r2)
@ -115,7 +150,9 @@ let%test_module _ =
let%test _ = not (mem_eq x z (or_ r1 r2))
let%test _ = mem_eq x z (or_ f1 r2)
let%test _ = mem_eq x z (or_ r2 f3)
let%test _ = mem_eq (f x) (f z) r2
let%test _ = mem_eq (f y) y r2
let%test _ = mem_eq (f x) (f z) r2'
let%test _ = not (mem_eq (f x) (f z) r2)
let%test _ = mem_eq (g x y) (g z y) r2
let%test _ =
@ -137,28 +174,31 @@ let%test_module _ =
let r3 = of_eqs [(g y z, w); (v, w); (g y w, t); (x, v); (x, u); (u, z)]
let%expect_test _ =
printf pp r3 ;
pp_classes r3 ;
pp r3 ;
%w_4 = (%y_6 rem %w_4) = (%y_6 rem %z_7) = %t_1 = %u_2 = %v_3
= %x_5 = %z_7
{sat= true;
rep= [[(%w_4 xor %y_6) %w_4];
[(%y_6 xor %z_7) %w_4];
rep= [[(%y_6 rem %w_4) %w_4];
[(%y_6 rem %z_7) %w_4];
[(rem %y_6) ];
[%t_1 %w_4];
[%u_2 %w_4];
[%v_3 %w_4];
[%x_5 %w_4];
[%z_7 %w_4]];
lkp= [[(%w_4 xor %y_6) (%w_4 xor %y_6)];
[(%y_6 xor %z_7) (%y_6 xor %z_7)];
[(xor %w_4) (xor %w_4)];
[(xor %y_6) (xor %y_6)]];
cls= [[%w_4
{(%w_4 xor %y_6), (%y_6 xor %z_7), %t_1, %u_2, %v_3, %w_4,
%x_5, %z_7}]];
use= [[(xor %w_4) {(%w_4 xor %y_6)}];
[(xor %y_6) {(%y_6 xor %z_7)}];
[%w_4 {(xor %w_4)}];
[%y_6 {(%w_4 xor %y_6), (xor %y_6)}]]} |}]
lkp= [[(%y_6 rem %w_4) ]; [(%y_6 rem %z_7) ]; [(rem %y_6) ]];
cls= [[(rem %y_6) {(rem %y_6)}];
{(%y_6 rem %w_4), (%y_6 rem %z_7), %t_1, %u_2, %v_3,
%w_4, %x_5, %z_7}]];
use= [[(rem %y_6) {(%y_6 rem %w_4), (%y_6 rem %z_7)}];
[%w_4 {(%y_6 rem %w_4)}];
[%y_6 {(rem %y_6)}];
[rem {(rem %y_6)}]]} |}]
let%test _ = mem_eq t z r3
let%test _ = mem_eq x z r3
@ -166,6 +206,21 @@ let%test_module _ =
let r4 = of_eqs [(w + !2, x - !3); (x - !5, y + !7); (y, z - !4)]
let%expect_test _ =
pp_classes r4 ;
pp r4 ;
%y_6 = (%w_4 + -7) = (%x_5 + -12) = (%z_7 + -4)
{sat= true;
rep= [[%w_4 (%y_6 + 7)];
[%x_5 (%y_6 + 12)];
[%z_7 (%y_6 + 4)]];
lkp= [];
cls= [[%y_6 {(%w_4 + -7), (%x_5 + -12), (%z_7 + -4), %y_6}]];
use= []} |}]
let%test _ = mem_eq x (w + !5) r4
let%test _ = difference r4 x w |> Poly.equal (Some (Z.of_int 5))
@ -176,16 +231,164 @@ let%test_module _ =
let r6 = of_eqs [(x, !1); (!1, y)]
let%expect_test _ =
pp_classes r6 ;
pp r6 ;
1 = %x_5 = %y_6
{sat= true;
rep= [[%x_5 1]; [%y_6 1]];
lkp= [];
cls= [[1 {%x_5, %y_6, 1}]];
use= []} |}]
let%test _ = mem_eq x y r6
let r7 = of_eqs [(v, x); (w, z); (y, z)]
let%expect_test _ =
pp_classes r7 ;
pp r7 ;
pp (merge ~prefer:(fun e ~over:f -> Exp.compare e f) r7 x z) ;
pp (merge ~prefer:(fun e ~over:f -> Exp.compare f e) r7 x z) ;
%x_5 = %v_3
%z_7 = %w_4 = %y_6
{sat= true;
rep= [[%v_3 %x_5]; [%w_4 %z_7]; [%y_6 %z_7]];
lkp= [];
cls= [[%x_5 {%v_3, %x_5}]; [%z_7 {%w_4, %y_6, %z_7}]];
use= []}
{sat= true;
rep= [[%v_3 %z_7]; [%w_4 %z_7]; [%x_5 %z_7]; [%y_6 %z_7]];
lkp= [];
cls= [[%z_7 {%v_3, %w_4, %x_5, %y_6, %z_7}]];
use= []}
{sat= true;
rep= [[%v_3 %x_5]; [%w_4 %x_5]; [%y_6 %x_5]; [%z_7 %x_5]];
lkp= [];
cls= [[%x_5 {%v_3, %w_4, %x_5, %y_6, %z_7}]];
use= []} |}]
let%test _ = normalize (merge r7 x z) w |> Exp.equal z
let%test _ =
normalize (merge ~prefer:(fun e ~over:f -> Exp.compare f e) r7 x z) w
|> Exp.equal x
let prefer e ~over:f = Exp.compare e f in
prefer z ~over:x > 0
let%test _ =
let prefer e ~over:f = Exp.compare e f in
prefer z ~over:x > 0
(* so x should not be the rep *)
&& normalize (merge ~prefer r7 x z) w |> Exp.equal z
let%test _ =
let prefer e ~over:f = Exp.compare f e in
prefer x ~over:z > 0
(* so z should not be the rep *)
&& normalize (merge ~prefer r7 x z) w |> Exp.equal x
let%test _ =
mem_eq (g w x) (g w z)
(extend (of_eqs [(g w x, g y z); (x, z)]) (g w z))
let%test _ =
mem_eq (g w x) (g w z)
(extend (of_eqs [(g w x, g y w); (x, z)]) (g w z))
let r8 = of_eqs [(x + !42, (!3 * y) + (!13 * z)); (!13 * z, x)]
let%expect_test _ =
pp_classes r8 ;
pp r8 ;
(3 × %y_6 + 13 × %z_7) = (%x_5 + 42) = (13 × %z_7 + 42)
{sat= true;
rep= [[(3 × %y_6 + 13 × %z_7) ];
[(13 × %z_7) (3 × %y_6 + 13 × %z_7 + -42)];
[%x_5 (3 × %y_6 + 13 × %z_7 + -42)]];
lkp= [[(3 × %y_6 + 13 × %z_7) ]; [(13 × %z_7) ]];
cls= [[(3 × %y_6 + 13 × %z_7)
{(%x_5 + 42), (3 × %y_6 + 13 × %z_7), (13 × %z_7 + 42)}]];
use= [[%y_6 {(3 × %y_6 + 13 × %z_7)}];
[%z_7 {(13 × %z_7), (3 × %y_6 + 13 × %z_7)}];
[+ {(13 × %z_7), (3 × %y_6 + 13 × %z_7)}]]} |}]
(* (* incomplete *)
* let%test _ = mem_eq y !14 r8 *)
let r9 = of_eqs [(x, z - !16)]
let%expect_test _ =
pp_classes r9 ;
pp r9 ;
%z_7 = (%x_5 + 16)
{sat= true;
rep= [[%x_5 (%z_7 + -16)]];
lkp= [];
cls= [[%z_7 {(%x_5 + 16), %z_7}]];
use= []} |}]
let%test _ = mem_eq (g w x) (g w z) (of_eqs [(g w x, g y z); (x, z)])
let%test _ = mem_eq (g w x) (g w z) (of_eqs [(g w x, g y w); (x, z)])
let%test _ = difference r9 z (x + !8) |> Poly.equal (Some (Z.of_int 8))
let r10 = of_eqs [(!16, z - x)]
let%expect_test _ =
pp_classes r10 ;
pp r10 ;
Format.printf "@.%a@." Exp.pp (z - (x + !8)) ;
Format.printf "@.%a@." Exp.pp (normalize r10 (z - (x + !8))) ;
Format.printf "@.%a@." Exp.pp (x + !8 - z) ;
Format.printf "@.%a@." Exp.pp (normalize r10 (x + !8 - z)) ;
16 = (-1 × %x_5 + %z_7)
{sat= true;
rep= [[(-1 × %x_5 + %z_7) 16]];
lkp= [[(-1 × %x_5 + %z_7) ]];
cls= [[16 {(-1 × %x_5 + %z_7), 16}]];
use= [[%x_5 {(-1 × %x_5 + %z_7)}];
[%z_7 {(-1 × %x_5 + %z_7)}];
[+ {(-1 × %x_5 + %z_7)}]]}
(-1 × %x_5 + %z_7 + -8)
(%x_5 + -1 × %z_7 + 8)
(%x_5 + -1 × %z_7 + 8) |}]
let%test _ = difference r10 z (x + !8) |> Poly.equal (Some (Z.of_int 8))
(* (* incomplete *)
* let%test _ =
* difference r10 (x + !8) z |> Poly.equal (Some (Z.of_int (-8))) *)
let r11 = of_eqs [(!16, z - x); (x + !8 - z, z - !16 + !8 - z)]
let%expect_test _ =
pp_classes r11 ;
-16 = (%x_5 + -1 × %z_7)
16 = (-1 × %x_5 + %z_7) |}]
let r12 = of_eqs [(!16, z - x); (x + !8 - z, z + !16 + !8 - z)]
let%expect_test _ =
pp_classes r12 ;
[%expect {| 16 = (-1 × %x_5 + %z_7) = (%x_5 + -1 × %z_7) |}]
end )
