@ -218,7 +218,60 @@ let add_nullify_instrs pdesc tenv =
let exit_node = ProcCfg.Exceptional.exit_node nullify_proc_cfg in
node_add_nullify_instructions exit_node (AddressTaken.Domain.elements address_taken_vars)
module ExceptionalOneInstrPerNodeCfg = ProcCfg.OneInstrPerNode(ProcCfg.Exceptional)
module CopyProp =
let do_copy_propagation pdesc tenv =
let proc_cfg = ExceptionalOneInstrPerNodeCfg.from_pdesc pdesc in
let copy_prop_inv_map = CopyProp.exec_cfg proc_cfg (ProcData.make_default pdesc tenv) in
(** [var_map] represents a chain of variable. copies v_0 -> v_1 ... -> v_n. starting from some
ident v_j, we want to walk backward through the chain to find the lowest v_i that is also an
ident. *)
let id_sub var_map id =
(* [last_id] is the highest identifier in the chain that we've seen so far *)
let rec id_sub_inner var_map var last_id =
let var' = CopyPropagation.Domain.find var var_map in
let last_id' = match var' with
| Var.LogicalVar id -> id
| _ -> last_id in
id_sub_inner var_map var' last_id'
with Not_found ->
Sil.Var last_id in
id_sub_inner var_map (Var.of_id id) id in
(** perform copy-propagation on each instruction in [node] *)
let rev_transform_node_instrs node =
(fun (instrs, changed) (instr, id_opt) ->
match id_opt with
| Some id ->
match CopyProp.extract_pre id copy_prop_inv_map with
| Some pre when not (CopyPropagation.Domain.is_empty pre) ->
let instr' = Sil.instr_sub_ids ~sub_id_binders:false (id_sub pre) instr in
instr' :: instrs, changed || instr' != instr
| _ ->
instr :: instrs, changed
| None -> instr :: instrs, changed)
([], false)
(ExceptionalOneInstrPerNodeCfg.instr_ids node) in
(fun node ->
let instrs, changed = rev_transform_node_instrs node in
if changed
then Cfg.Node.replace_instrs node (IList.rev instrs))
(Cfg.Procdesc.get_nodes pdesc)
let doit pdesc cg tenv =
if Config.copy_propagation then do_copy_propagation pdesc tenv;
add_nullify_instrs pdesc tenv;
if not Config.lazy_dynamic_dispatch then add_dispatch_calls pdesc cg tenv;
add_abstraction_instructions pdesc;