[cfgs] move specialize_* functions to another module to avoid circular dependencies

In a future commit `Attributes` will depend on `Procdesc` and that
creates a cycle for the functions concerned with specialising proc
descs, which need `Attributes`.

Reviewed By: jberdine

Differential Revision: D10173354

fbshipit-source-id: 6c4ff82f0
Jules Villard 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 67d14d692e
commit 2a51bdabaf

@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ let set_succs_exn_base (node : Node.t) succs exn =
(** Create a new cfg node *)
let create_node_internal pdesc loc kind instrs =
let create_node_from_not_reversed pdesc loc kind instrs =
pdesc.nodes_num <- pdesc.nodes_num + 1 ;
let node_id = pdesc.nodes_num in
let node =
@ -552,7 +552,9 @@ let create_node_internal pdesc loc kind instrs =
let create_node pdesc loc kind instrs = create_node_internal pdesc loc kind (Instrs.of_list instrs)
let create_node pdesc loc kind instrs =
create_node_from_not_reversed pdesc loc kind (Instrs.of_list instrs)
(** Set the successor and exception nodes.
If this is a join node right before the exit node, add an extra node in the middle,
@ -561,7 +563,7 @@ let node_set_succs_exn pdesc (node : Node.t) succs exn =
match (node.kind, succs) with
| Join_node, [({Node.kind= Exit_node} as exit_node)] ->
let kind = Node.Stmt_node BetweenJoinAndExit in
let node' = create_node_internal pdesc node.loc kind node.instrs in
let node' = create_node_from_not_reversed pdesc node.loc kind node.instrs in
set_succs_exn_base node [node'] exn ;
set_succs_exn_base node' [exit_node] exn
| _ ->
@ -686,334 +688,6 @@ let has_modify_in_block_attr procdesc pvar =
List.exists ~f:pvar_local_matches (get_locals procdesc)
(** Applies f_instr_list to all the instructions in all the nodes of the cfg *)
let convert_cfg ~callee_pdesc ~resolved_pdesc ~f_instr_list =
let callee_start_node = get_start_node callee_pdesc
and callee_exit_node = get_exit_node callee_pdesc in
let node_map = ref NodeMap.empty in
let rec convert_node node =
let loc = Node.get_loc node
and kind = Node.get_kind node
and instrs = f_instr_list (Node.get_instrs node) in
create_node_internal resolved_pdesc loc kind instrs
and loop callee_nodes =
match callee_nodes with
| [] ->
| node :: other_node ->
let converted_node =
try NodeMap.find node !node_map with Caml.Not_found ->
let new_node = convert_node node
and successors = Node.get_succs node
and exn_nodes = Node.get_exn node in
node_map := NodeMap.add node new_node !node_map ;
if Node.equal node callee_start_node then set_start_node resolved_pdesc new_node ;
if Node.equal node callee_exit_node then set_exit_node resolved_pdesc new_node ;
node_set_succs_exn callee_pdesc new_node (loop successors) (loop exn_nodes) ;
converted_node :: loop other_node
ignore (loop [callee_start_node]) ;
(** clone a procedure description and apply the type substitutions where
the parameters are used *)
let specialize_types_proc callee_pdesc resolved_pdesc substitutions =
let resolved_pname = get_proc_name resolved_pdesc in
let convert_pvar pvar = Pvar.mk (Pvar.get_name pvar) resolved_pname in
let mk_ptr_typ typename =
(* Only consider pointers from objects for now *)
Typ.mk (Tptr (Typ.mk (Tstruct typename), Typ.Pk_pointer))
let convert_exp = function
| Exp.Lvar origin_pvar ->
Exp.Lvar (convert_pvar origin_pvar)
| exp ->
let subst_map = ref Ident.Map.empty in
let redirect_typename origin_id =
try Some (Ident.Map.find origin_id !subst_map) with Caml.Not_found -> None
let convert_instr = function
| Sil.Load
( id
, (Exp.Lvar origin_pvar as origin_exp)
, {Typ.desc= Tptr ({desc= Tstruct origin_typename}, Pk_pointer)}
, loc ) ->
let specialized_typname =
try Mangled.Map.find (Pvar.get_name origin_pvar) substitutions with Caml.Not_found ->
subst_map := Ident.Map.add id specialized_typname !subst_map ;
Some (Sil.Load (id, convert_exp origin_exp, mk_ptr_typ specialized_typname, loc))
| Sil.Load (id, (Exp.Var origin_id as origin_exp), ({Typ.desc= Tstruct _} as origin_typ), loc)
let updated_typ : Typ.t =
try Typ.mk ~default:origin_typ (Tstruct (Ident.Map.find origin_id !subst_map))
with Caml.Not_found -> origin_typ
Some (Sil.Load (id, convert_exp origin_exp, updated_typ, loc))
| Sil.Load (id, origin_exp, origin_typ, loc) ->
Some (Sil.Load (id, convert_exp origin_exp, origin_typ, loc))
| Sil.Store (assignee_exp, origin_typ, origin_exp, loc) ->
let set_instr =
Sil.Store (convert_exp assignee_exp, origin_typ, convert_exp origin_exp, loc)
Some set_instr
| Sil.Call
( return_ids
, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun callee_pname)
, (Exp.Var id, _) :: origin_args
, loc
, call_flags )
when call_flags.CallFlags.cf_virtual && redirect_typename id <> None ->
let redirected_typename = Option.value_exn (redirect_typename id) in
let redirected_typ = mk_ptr_typ redirected_typename in
let redirected_pname = Typ.Procname.replace_class callee_pname redirected_typename in
let args =
let other_args = List.map ~f:(fun (exp, typ) -> (convert_exp exp, typ)) origin_args in
(Exp.Var id, redirected_typ) :: other_args
let call_instr =
Sil.Call (return_ids, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun redirected_pname), args, loc, call_flags)
Some call_instr
| Sil.Call (return_ids, origin_call_exp, origin_args, loc, call_flags) ->
let converted_args = List.map ~f:(fun (exp, typ) -> (convert_exp exp, typ)) origin_args in
let call_instr =
Sil.Call (return_ids, convert_exp origin_call_exp, converted_args, loc, call_flags)
Some call_instr
| Sil.Prune (origin_exp, loc, is_true_branch, if_kind) ->
Some (Sil.Prune (convert_exp origin_exp, loc, is_true_branch, if_kind))
| Sil.Nullify _ | Abstract _ | Sil.Remove_temps _ ->
(* these are generated instructions that will be replaced by the preanalysis *)
let f_instr_list instrs = Instrs.filter_map ~f:convert_instr instrs in
convert_cfg ~callee_pdesc ~resolved_pdesc ~f_instr_list
exception UnmatchedParameters
(** Creates a copy of a procedure description and a list of type substitutions of the form
(name, typ) where name is a parameter. The resulting proc desc is isomorphic but
all the type of the parameters are replaced in the instructions according to the list.
The virtual calls are also replaced to match the parameter types *)
let specialize_types ?(has_clang_model = false) callee_pdesc resolved_pname args =
let callee_attributes = get_attributes callee_pdesc in
let resolved_params, substitutions =
~f:(fun (params, subts) (param_name, param_typ) (_, arg_typ) ->
match arg_typ.Typ.desc with
| Tptr ({desc= Tstruct typename}, Pk_pointer) ->
(* Replace the type of the parameter by the type of the argument *)
((param_name, arg_typ) :: params, Mangled.Map.add param_name typename subts)
| _ ->
((param_name, param_typ) :: params, subts) )
~init:([], Mangled.Map.empty) callee_attributes.formals args
with Invalid_argument _ ->
L.(debug Analysis Medium)
"Call mismatch: method %a has %i paramters but is called with %i arguments@."
Typ.Procname.pp resolved_pname
(List.length callee_attributes.formals)
(List.length args) ;
raise UnmatchedParameters
let translation_unit =
(* If it is a model, and we are using the procdesc stored in the summary, the default translation unit
won't be useful because we don't store that tenv, so we aim to find the source file of the caller to
use its tenv. *)
if has_clang_model then
let pname = get_proc_name callee_pdesc in
match Attributes.find_file_capturing_procedure pname with
| Some (source_file, _) ->
| None ->
Logging.die InternalError
"specialize_types should only be called with defined procedures, but we cannot find \
the captured file of procname %a"
Typ.Procname.pp pname
else callee_attributes.translation_unit
let resolved_attributes =
{ callee_attributes with
formals= List.rev resolved_params
; proc_name= resolved_pname
; is_specialized= true
; translation_unit }
Attributes.store resolved_attributes ;
let resolved_pdesc = from_proc_attributes resolved_attributes in
specialize_types_proc callee_pdesc resolved_pdesc substitutions
let specialize_with_block_args_instrs resolved_pdesc substitutions =
let resolved_pname = get_proc_name resolved_pdesc in
let convert_pvar pvar = Pvar.mk (Pvar.get_name pvar) resolved_pname in
let convert_exp exp =
match exp with
| Exp.Lvar origin_pvar ->
let new_pvar = convert_pvar origin_pvar in
Exp.Lvar new_pvar
| Exp.Lfield (Exp.Lvar origin_pvar, fname, typ) ->
let new_pvar = convert_pvar origin_pvar in
Exp.Lfield (Exp.Lvar new_pvar, fname, typ)
| _ ->
let convert_instr (instrs, id_map) instr =
let get_block_name_and_load_captured_vars_instrs block_var loc =
let block_name, extra_formals = Mangled.Map.find block_var substitutions in
let ids, id_exp_typs, load_instrs =
List.map extra_formals ~f:(fun (var, typ) ->
let id = Ident.create_fresh_specialized_with_blocks Ident.knormal in
let pvar = Pvar.mk var resolved_pname in
(id, (Exp.Var id, pvar, typ), Sil.Load (id, Exp.Lvar pvar, typ, loc)) )
|> List.unzip3
let remove_temps_instr = Sil.Remove_temps (ids, loc) in
(block_name, id_exp_typs, load_instrs, remove_temps_instr)
let convert_generic_call return_ids exp origin_args loc call_flags =
let converted_args = List.map ~f:(fun (exp, typ) -> (convert_exp exp, typ)) origin_args in
let call_instr = Sil.Call (return_ids, exp, converted_args, loc, call_flags) in
(call_instr :: instrs, id_map)
match instr with
| Sil.Load (id, Exp.Lvar block_param, _, _)
when Mangled.Map.mem (Pvar.get_name block_param) substitutions ->
let id_map = Ident.Map.add id (Pvar.get_name block_param) id_map in
(* we don't need the load the block param instruction anymore *)
(instrs, id_map)
| Sil.Load (id, origin_exp, origin_typ, loc) ->
(Sil.Load (id, convert_exp origin_exp, origin_typ, loc) :: instrs, id_map)
| Sil.Store (assignee_exp, origin_typ, Exp.Var id, loc) when Ident.Map.mem id id_map ->
let block_param = Ident.Map.find id id_map in
let block_name, id_exp_typs, load_instrs, remove_temps_instr =
get_block_name_and_load_captured_vars_instrs block_param loc
let closure = Exp.Closure {name= block_name; captured_vars= id_exp_typs} in
let instr = Sil.Store (assignee_exp, origin_typ, closure, loc) in
((remove_temps_instr :: instr :: load_instrs) @ instrs, id_map)
| Sil.Store (assignee_exp, origin_typ, origin_exp, loc) ->
let set_instr =
Sil.Store (convert_exp assignee_exp, origin_typ, convert_exp origin_exp, loc)
(set_instr :: instrs, id_map)
| Sil.Call (return_ids, Exp.Var id, origin_args, loc, call_flags) -> (
let block_name, id_exp_typs, load_instrs, remove_temps_instr =
let block_var = Ident.Map.find id id_map in
get_block_name_and_load_captured_vars_instrs block_var loc
let call_instr =
let id_exps = List.map ~f:(fun (id, _, typ) -> (id, typ)) id_exp_typs in
let converted_args =
List.map ~f:(fun (exp, typ) -> (convert_exp exp, typ)) origin_args
( return_ids
, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun block_name)
, id_exps @ converted_args
, loc
, call_flags )
let instrs = (remove_temps_instr :: call_instr :: load_instrs) @ instrs in
(instrs, id_map)
with Caml.Not_found ->
convert_generic_call return_ids (Exp.Var id) origin_args loc call_flags )
| Sil.Call (return_ids, origin_call_exp, origin_args, loc, call_flags) ->
convert_generic_call return_ids origin_call_exp origin_args loc call_flags
| Sil.Prune (origin_exp, loc, is_true_branch, if_kind) ->
(Sil.Prune (convert_exp origin_exp, loc, is_true_branch, if_kind) :: instrs, id_map)
| Sil.Nullify _ | Abstract _ | Sil.Remove_temps _ ->
(* these are generated instructions that will be replaced by the preanalysis *)
(instrs, id_map)
let f_instr_list instrs =
let rev_instrs, _ = Instrs.fold ~f:convert_instr ~init:([], Ident.Map.empty) instrs in
Instrs.of_rev_list rev_instrs
let append_no_duplicates_formals_and_annot =
(IList.append_no_duplicates ~cmp:(fun ((name1, _), _) ((name2, _), _) ->
Mangled.compare name1 name2 ))
let specialize_with_block_args callee_pdesc pname_with_block_args block_args =
let callee_attributes = get_attributes callee_pdesc in
(* Substitution from a block parameter to the block name and the new formals
that correspond to the captured variables *)
let substitutions : (Typ.Procname.t * (Mangled.t * Typ.t) list) Mangled.Map.t =
List.fold2_exn callee_attributes.formals block_args ~init:Mangled.Map.empty
~f:(fun subts (param_name, _) block_arg_opt ->
match block_arg_opt with
| Some (cl : Exp.closure) ->
let formals_from_captured =
~f:(fun (_, var, typ) ->
(* Here we create fresh names for the new formals, based on the names of the captured
variables annotated with the name of the caller method *)
(Pvar.get_name_of_local_with_procname var, typ) )
Mangled.Map.add param_name (cl.name, formals_from_captured) subts
| None ->
subts )
(* Extend formals with fresh variables for the captured variables of the block arguments,
without duplications. *)
let new_formals_blocks_captured_vars, extended_formals_annots =
let new_formals_blocks_captured_vars_with_annots =
let formals_annots =
List.zip_exn callee_attributes.formals (snd callee_attributes.method_annotation)
List.fold formals_annots ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc ((param_name, typ), annot) ->
let _, captured = Mangled.Map.find param_name substitutions in
append_no_duplicates_formals_and_annot acc
(List.map captured ~f:(fun captured_var -> (captured_var, Annot.Item.empty)))
with Caml.Not_found ->
append_no_duplicates_formals_and_annot acc [((param_name, typ), annot)] )
List.unzip new_formals_blocks_captured_vars_with_annots
let translation_unit =
let pname = get_proc_name callee_pdesc in
match Attributes.find_file_capturing_procedure pname with
| Some (source_file, _) ->
| None ->
Logging.die InternalError
"specialize_with_block_args ahould only be called with defined procedures, but we \
cannot find the captured file of procname %a"
Typ.Procname.pp pname
let resolved_attributes =
{ callee_attributes with
proc_name= pname_with_block_args
; is_defined= true
; formals= new_formals_blocks_captured_vars
; method_annotation= (fst callee_attributes.method_annotation, extended_formals_annots)
; translation_unit }
Attributes.store resolved_attributes ;
let resolved_pdesc = from_proc_attributes resolved_attributes in
Logging.(debug Analysis Verbose) "signature of base method %a@." pp_signature callee_pdesc ;
Logging.(debug Analysis Verbose)
"signature of specialized method %a@." pp_signature resolved_pdesc ;
convert_cfg ~callee_pdesc ~resolved_pdesc
~f_instr_list:(specialize_with_block_args_instrs resolved_pdesc substitutions)
let is_connected proc_desc =
let is_exit_node n = match Node.get_kind n with Node.Exit_node -> true | _ -> false in
let is_between_join_and_exit_node n =

@ -185,6 +185,9 @@ val create_node : t -> Location.t -> Node.nodekind -> Sil.instr list -> Node.t
(** Create a new cfg node with the given location, kind, list of instructions,
and add it to the procdesc. *)
val create_node_from_not_reversed :
t -> Location.t -> Node.nodekind -> Instrs.not_reversed_t -> Node.t
val did_preanalysis : t -> bool
(** true if we ran the preanalysis on the CFG associated with [t] *)
@ -280,20 +283,5 @@ val is_captured_var : t -> Pvar.t -> bool
val has_modify_in_block_attr : t -> Pvar.t -> bool
exception UnmatchedParameters
val specialize_types : ?has_clang_model:bool -> t -> Typ.Procname.t -> (Exp.t * Typ.t) list -> t
(** Creates a copy of a procedure description and a list of type substitutions of the form
(name, typ) where name is a parameter. The resulting procdesc is isomorphic but
all the type of the parameters are replaced in the instructions according to the list.
The virtual calls are also replaced to match the parameter types *)
val specialize_with_block_args : t -> Typ.Procname.t -> Exp.closure option list -> t
(** Creates a copy of a procedure description given a list of possible closures
that are passed as arguments to the method. The resulting procdesc is isomorphic but
a) the block parameters are replaces with the closures
b) the parameters of the method are extended with parameters for the captured variables
in the closures *)
val is_connected : t -> (unit, [`Join | `Other]) Result.t
(** checks whether a cfg for the given procdesc is connected or not *)

@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
(** Applies f_instr_list to all the instructions in all the nodes of the cfg *)
let convert_cfg ~callee_pdesc ~resolved_pdesc ~f_instr_list =
let callee_start_node = Procdesc.get_start_node callee_pdesc
and callee_exit_node = Procdesc.get_exit_node callee_pdesc in
let node_map = ref Procdesc.NodeMap.empty in
let rec convert_node node =
let loc = Procdesc.Node.get_loc node
and kind = Procdesc.Node.get_kind node
and instrs = f_instr_list (Procdesc.Node.get_instrs node) in
Procdesc.create_node_from_not_reversed resolved_pdesc loc kind instrs
and loop callee_nodes =
match callee_nodes with
| [] ->
| node :: other_node ->
let converted_node =
try Procdesc.NodeMap.find node !node_map with Caml.Not_found ->
let new_node = convert_node node
and successors = Procdesc.Node.get_succs node
and exn_nodes = Procdesc.Node.get_exn node in
node_map := Procdesc.NodeMap.add node new_node !node_map ;
if Procdesc.Node.equal node callee_start_node then
Procdesc.set_start_node resolved_pdesc new_node ;
if Procdesc.Node.equal node callee_exit_node then
Procdesc.set_exit_node resolved_pdesc new_node ;
Procdesc.node_set_succs_exn callee_pdesc new_node (loop successors) (loop exn_nodes) ;
converted_node :: loop other_node
ignore (loop [callee_start_node]) ;
(** clone a procedure description and apply the type substitutions where
the parameters are used *)
let with_formals_types_proc callee_pdesc resolved_pdesc substitutions =
let resolved_pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name resolved_pdesc in
let convert_pvar pvar = Pvar.mk (Pvar.get_name pvar) resolved_pname in
let mk_ptr_typ typename =
(* Only consider pointers from objects for now *)
Typ.mk (Tptr (Typ.mk (Tstruct typename), Typ.Pk_pointer))
let convert_exp = function
| Exp.Lvar origin_pvar ->
Exp.Lvar (convert_pvar origin_pvar)
| exp ->
let subst_map = ref Ident.Map.empty in
let redirect_typename origin_id =
try Some (Ident.Map.find origin_id !subst_map) with Caml.Not_found -> None
let convert_instr = function
| Sil.Load
( id
, (Exp.Lvar origin_pvar as origin_exp)
, {Typ.desc= Tptr ({desc= Tstruct origin_typename}, Pk_pointer)}
, loc ) ->
let specialized_typname =
try Mangled.Map.find (Pvar.get_name origin_pvar) substitutions with Caml.Not_found ->
subst_map := Ident.Map.add id specialized_typname !subst_map ;
Some (Sil.Load (id, convert_exp origin_exp, mk_ptr_typ specialized_typname, loc))
| Sil.Load (id, (Exp.Var origin_id as origin_exp), ({Typ.desc= Tstruct _} as origin_typ), loc)
let updated_typ : Typ.t =
try Typ.mk ~default:origin_typ (Tstruct (Ident.Map.find origin_id !subst_map))
with Caml.Not_found -> origin_typ
Some (Sil.Load (id, convert_exp origin_exp, updated_typ, loc))
| Sil.Load (id, origin_exp, origin_typ, loc) ->
Some (Sil.Load (id, convert_exp origin_exp, origin_typ, loc))
| Sil.Store (assignee_exp, origin_typ, origin_exp, loc) ->
let set_instr =
Sil.Store (convert_exp assignee_exp, origin_typ, convert_exp origin_exp, loc)
Some set_instr
| Sil.Call
( return_ids
, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun callee_pname)
, (Exp.Var id, _) :: origin_args
, loc
, call_flags )
when call_flags.CallFlags.cf_virtual && redirect_typename id <> None ->
let redirected_typename = Option.value_exn (redirect_typename id) in
let redirected_typ = mk_ptr_typ redirected_typename in
let redirected_pname = Typ.Procname.replace_class callee_pname redirected_typename in
let args =
let other_args = List.map ~f:(fun (exp, typ) -> (convert_exp exp, typ)) origin_args in
(Exp.Var id, redirected_typ) :: other_args
let call_instr =
Sil.Call (return_ids, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun redirected_pname), args, loc, call_flags)
Some call_instr
| Sil.Call (return_ids, origin_call_exp, origin_args, loc, call_flags) ->
let converted_args = List.map ~f:(fun (exp, typ) -> (convert_exp exp, typ)) origin_args in
let call_instr =
Sil.Call (return_ids, convert_exp origin_call_exp, converted_args, loc, call_flags)
Some call_instr
| Sil.Prune (origin_exp, loc, is_true_branch, if_kind) ->
Some (Sil.Prune (convert_exp origin_exp, loc, is_true_branch, if_kind))
| Sil.Nullify _ | Abstract _ | Sil.Remove_temps _ ->
(* these are generated instructions that will be replaced by the preanalysis *)
let f_instr_list instrs = Instrs.filter_map ~f:convert_instr instrs in
convert_cfg ~callee_pdesc ~resolved_pdesc ~f_instr_list
exception UnmatchedParameters
(** Creates a copy of a procedure description and a list of type substitutions of the form
(name, typ) where name is a parameter. The resulting proc desc is isomorphic but
all the type of the parameters are replaced in the instructions according to the list.
The virtual calls are also replaced to match the parameter types *)
let with_formals_types ?(has_clang_model = false) callee_pdesc resolved_pname args =
let callee_attributes = Procdesc.get_attributes callee_pdesc in
let resolved_params, substitutions =
List.fold2 ~init:([], Mangled.Map.empty) callee_attributes.formals args
~f:(fun (params, subts) (param_name, param_typ) (_, arg_typ) ->
match arg_typ.Typ.desc with
| Tptr ({desc= Tstruct typename}, Pk_pointer) ->
(* Replace the type of the parameter by the type of the argument *)
((param_name, arg_typ) :: params, Mangled.Map.add param_name typename subts)
| _ ->
((param_name, param_typ) :: params, subts) )
| Ok result ->
| Unequal_lengths ->
L.(debug Analysis Medium)
"Call mismatch: method %a has %i paramters but is called with %i arguments@."
Typ.Procname.pp resolved_pname
(List.length callee_attributes.formals)
(List.length args) ;
raise UnmatchedParameters
let translation_unit =
(* If it is a model, and we are using the procdesc stored in the summary, the default translation unit
won't be useful because we don't store that tenv, so we aim to find the source file of the caller to
use its tenv. *)
if has_clang_model then
let pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name callee_pdesc in
match Attributes.find_file_capturing_procedure pname with
| Some (source_file, _) ->
| None ->
Logging.die InternalError
"specialize_types should only be called with defined procedures, but we cannot find \
the captured file of procname %a"
Typ.Procname.pp pname
else callee_attributes.translation_unit
let resolved_attributes =
{ callee_attributes with
formals= List.rev resolved_params
; proc_name= resolved_pname
; is_specialized= true
; translation_unit }
Attributes.store resolved_attributes ;
let resolved_pdesc = Procdesc.from_proc_attributes resolved_attributes in
with_formals_types_proc callee_pdesc resolved_pdesc substitutions
let with_block_args_instrs resolved_pdesc substitutions =
let resolved_pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name resolved_pdesc in
let convert_pvar pvar = Pvar.mk (Pvar.get_name pvar) resolved_pname in
let convert_exp exp =
match exp with
| Exp.Lvar origin_pvar ->
let new_pvar = convert_pvar origin_pvar in
Exp.Lvar new_pvar
| Exp.Lfield (Exp.Lvar origin_pvar, fname, typ) ->
let new_pvar = convert_pvar origin_pvar in
Exp.Lfield (Exp.Lvar new_pvar, fname, typ)
| _ ->
let convert_instr (instrs, id_map) instr =
let get_block_name_and_load_captured_vars_instrs block_var loc =
let block_name, extra_formals = Mangled.Map.find block_var substitutions in
let ids, id_exp_typs, load_instrs =
List.map extra_formals ~f:(fun (var, typ) ->
let id = Ident.create_fresh_specialized_with_blocks Ident.knormal in
let pvar = Pvar.mk var resolved_pname in
(id, (Exp.Var id, pvar, typ), Sil.Load (id, Exp.Lvar pvar, typ, loc)) )
|> List.unzip3
let remove_temps_instr = Sil.Remove_temps (ids, loc) in
(block_name, id_exp_typs, load_instrs, remove_temps_instr)
let convert_generic_call return_ids exp origin_args loc call_flags =
let converted_args = List.map ~f:(fun (exp, typ) -> (convert_exp exp, typ)) origin_args in
let call_instr = Sil.Call (return_ids, exp, converted_args, loc, call_flags) in
(call_instr :: instrs, id_map)
match instr with
| Sil.Load (id, Exp.Lvar block_param, _, _)
when Mangled.Map.mem (Pvar.get_name block_param) substitutions ->
let id_map = Ident.Map.add id (Pvar.get_name block_param) id_map in
(* we don't need the load the block param instruction anymore *)
(instrs, id_map)
| Sil.Load (id, origin_exp, origin_typ, loc) ->
(Sil.Load (id, convert_exp origin_exp, origin_typ, loc) :: instrs, id_map)
| Sil.Store (assignee_exp, origin_typ, Exp.Var id, loc) when Ident.Map.mem id id_map ->
let block_param = Ident.Map.find id id_map in
let block_name, id_exp_typs, load_instrs, remove_temps_instr =
get_block_name_and_load_captured_vars_instrs block_param loc
let closure = Exp.Closure {name= block_name; captured_vars= id_exp_typs} in
let instr = Sil.Store (assignee_exp, origin_typ, closure, loc) in
((remove_temps_instr :: instr :: load_instrs) @ instrs, id_map)
| Sil.Store (assignee_exp, origin_typ, origin_exp, loc) ->
let set_instr =
Sil.Store (convert_exp assignee_exp, origin_typ, convert_exp origin_exp, loc)
(set_instr :: instrs, id_map)
| Sil.Call (return_ids, Exp.Var id, origin_args, loc, call_flags) -> (
let block_name, id_exp_typs, load_instrs, remove_temps_instr =
let block_var = Ident.Map.find id id_map in
get_block_name_and_load_captured_vars_instrs block_var loc
let call_instr =
let id_exps = List.map ~f:(fun (id, _, typ) -> (id, typ)) id_exp_typs in
let converted_args =
List.map ~f:(fun (exp, typ) -> (convert_exp exp, typ)) origin_args
( return_ids
, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun block_name)
, id_exps @ converted_args
, loc
, call_flags )
let instrs = (remove_temps_instr :: call_instr :: load_instrs) @ instrs in
(instrs, id_map)
with Caml.Not_found ->
convert_generic_call return_ids (Exp.Var id) origin_args loc call_flags )
| Sil.Call (return_ids, origin_call_exp, origin_args, loc, call_flags) ->
convert_generic_call return_ids origin_call_exp origin_args loc call_flags
| Sil.Prune (origin_exp, loc, is_true_branch, if_kind) ->
(Sil.Prune (convert_exp origin_exp, loc, is_true_branch, if_kind) :: instrs, id_map)
| Sil.Nullify _ | Abstract _ | Sil.Remove_temps _ ->
(* these are generated instructions that will be replaced by the preanalysis *)
(instrs, id_map)
let f_instr_list instrs =
let rev_instrs, _ = Instrs.fold ~f:convert_instr ~init:([], Ident.Map.empty) instrs in
Instrs.of_rev_list rev_instrs
let append_no_duplicates_formals_and_annot =
(IList.append_no_duplicates ~cmp:(fun ((name1, _), _) ((name2, _), _) ->
Mangled.compare name1 name2 ))
let with_block_args callee_pdesc pname_with_block_args block_args =
let callee_attributes = Procdesc.get_attributes callee_pdesc in
(* Substitution from a block parameter to the block name and the new formals
that correspond to the captured variables *)
let substitutions : (Typ.Procname.t * (Mangled.t * Typ.t) list) Mangled.Map.t =
List.fold2_exn callee_attributes.formals block_args ~init:Mangled.Map.empty
~f:(fun subts (param_name, _) block_arg_opt ->
match block_arg_opt with
| Some (cl : Exp.closure) ->
let formals_from_captured =
~f:(fun (_, var, typ) ->
(* Here we create fresh names for the new formals, based on the names of the captured
variables annotated with the name of the caller method *)
(Pvar.get_name_of_local_with_procname var, typ) )
Mangled.Map.add param_name (cl.name, formals_from_captured) subts
| None ->
subts )
(* Extend formals with fresh variables for the captured variables of the block arguments,
without duplications. *)
let new_formals_blocks_captured_vars, extended_formals_annots =
let new_formals_blocks_captured_vars_with_annots =
let formals_annots =
List.zip_exn callee_attributes.formals (snd callee_attributes.method_annotation)
List.fold formals_annots ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc ((param_name, typ), annot) ->
let _, captured = Mangled.Map.find param_name substitutions in
append_no_duplicates_formals_and_annot acc
(List.map captured ~f:(fun captured_var -> (captured_var, Annot.Item.empty)))
with Caml.Not_found ->
append_no_duplicates_formals_and_annot acc [((param_name, typ), annot)] )
List.unzip new_formals_blocks_captured_vars_with_annots
let translation_unit =
let pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name callee_pdesc in
match Attributes.find_file_capturing_procedure pname with
| Some (source_file, _) ->
| None ->
Logging.die InternalError
"specialize_with_block_args ahould only be called with defined procedures, but we \
cannot find the captured file of procname %a"
Typ.Procname.pp pname
let resolved_attributes =
{ callee_attributes with
proc_name= pname_with_block_args
; is_defined= true
; formals= new_formals_blocks_captured_vars
; method_annotation= (fst callee_attributes.method_annotation, extended_formals_annots)
; translation_unit }
let resolved_pdesc = Procdesc.from_proc_attributes resolved_attributes in
Logging.(debug Analysis Verbose)
"signature of base method %a@." Procdesc.pp_signature callee_pdesc ;
Logging.(debug Analysis Verbose)
"signature of specialized method %a@." Procdesc.pp_signature resolved_pdesc ;
let proc_desc =
convert_cfg ~callee_pdesc ~resolved_pdesc
~f_instr_list:(with_block_args_instrs resolved_pdesc substitutions)
Attributes.store resolved_attributes ;

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
exception UnmatchedParameters
val with_formals_types :
?has_clang_model:bool -> Procdesc.t -> Typ.Procname.t -> (Exp.t * Typ.t) list -> Procdesc.t
(** Creates a copy of a procedure description and a list of type substitutions of the form
(name, typ) where name is a parameter. The resulting procdesc is isomorphic but
all the type of the parameters are replaced in the instructions according to the list.
The virtual calls are also replaced to match the parameter types *)
val with_block_args : Procdesc.t -> Typ.Procname.t -> Exp.closure option list -> Procdesc.t
(** Creates a copy of a procedure description given a list of possible closures
that are passed as arguments to the method. The resulting procdesc is isomorphic but
a) the block parameters are replaces with the closures
b) the parameters of the method are extended with parameters for the captured variables
in the closures *)

@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ let resolve_pname ~caller_pdesc tenv prop args pname call_flags : Typ.Procname.t
"Call mismatch: method %a has %i paramters but is called with %i arguments, in %a, %a@."
Typ.Procname.pp pname (List.length resolved_parameters) (List.length args) SourceFile.pp
file Location.pp loc ;
raise Procdesc.UnmatchedParameters
raise SpecializeProcdesc.UnmatchedParameters
Typ.Procname.replace_parameters resolved_params resolved_pname
@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ let resolve_pname ~caller_pdesc tenv prop args pname call_flags : Typ.Procname.t
"Call mismatch: method %a has %i paramters but is called with %i arguments, in %a, %a@."
Typ.Procname.pp pname (List.length parameters) (List.length args) SourceFile.pp file
Location.pp loc ;
raise Procdesc.UnmatchedParameters
raise SpecializeProcdesc.UnmatchedParameters
resolve_from_args resolved_pname other_args
@ -731,8 +731,8 @@ let resolve_and_analyze tenv ~caller_pdesc ?(has_clang_model = false) prop args
(* It is possible that the types of the arguments are not as precise as the type of
the objects in the heap, so we should update them to get the best results. *)
let resolved_args = resolve_args prop args in
Procdesc.specialize_types ~has_clang_model callee_proc_desc resolved_pname
resolved_args )
SpecializeProcdesc.with_formals_types ~has_clang_model callee_proc_desc
resolved_pname resolved_args )
(resolved_proc_desc_option, Option.bind resolved_proc_desc_option ~f:analyze)
@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ let resolve_and_analyze_clang current_pdesc tenv prop_r n_actual_params callee_p
dynamic_dispatch_status= Some EventLogger.Dynamic_dispatch_model_specialization_failure
else resolve_and_analyze_result
with Procdesc.UnmatchedParameters ->
with SpecializeProcdesc.UnmatchedParameters ->
let result =
resolve_and_analyze_no_dynamic_dispatch current_pdesc tenv prop_r n_actual_params
callee_pname call_flags

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ let resolve_method_with_block_args_and_analyze ~caller_pdesc pname act_params =
(* new procdesc cloned from the original one, where the block parameters have been
replaced by the block arguments. The formals have also been expanded with the captured variables *)
let specialized_pdesc =
Procdesc.specialize_with_block_args pdesc pname_with_block_args block_args
SpecializeProcdesc.with_block_args pdesc pname_with_block_args block_args
Logging.(debug Analysis Verbose) "Instructions of specialized method:@." ;
