@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ type t =
| MethodCall of method_call_origin (* * A result of a method call *)
| New (* * A new object creation *)
| ArrayLengthResult (* * integer value - result of accessing array.length *)
| ArrayAccess (* * Result of accessing an array by index *)
| InferredNonnull of { previous_origin : t }
(* * The value is inferred as non-null during flow-sensitive type inference
( most commonly from relevant condition branch or assertion explicitly comparing the value with ` null ` ) * )
@ -54,6 +55,14 @@ let get_nullability = function
| New (* In Java `new` always create a non-null object *)
| ArrayLengthResult (* integer hence non-nullable *)
| InferredNonnull _
(* WARNING: we trade soundness for usability.
In Java , arrays are initialized with null , so accessing array is nullable until it was initialized .
However we assume array access is going to always return non - nullable .
This is because in real life arrays are often initialized straight away .
We currently don't have a nice way to detect initialization , neither automatical nor manual .
Hence we make potentially dangerous choice in favor of pragmatism .
* )
| ArrayAccess
| OptimisticFallback (* non-null is the most optimistic type *)
| Undef (* This is a very special case, assigning non-null is a technical trick *) ->
Nullability . Nonnull
@ -85,6 +94,8 @@ let rec to_string = function
" New "
| ArrayLengthResult ->
" ArrayLength "
| ArrayAccess ->
" ArrayAccess "
| InferredNonnull _ ->
" InferredNonnull "
| OptimisticFallback ->
@ -124,7 +135,7 @@ let get_description origin =
But for these issues we currently don't print origins in the error string .
It is a good idea to change this and start printing origins for these origins as well .
* )
| This | New | NonnullConst _ | ArrayLengthResult | InferredNonnull _ ->
| This | New | NonnullConst _ | ArrayLengthResult | ArrayAccess | InferredNonnull _ ->
(* Two special cases - should not really occur in normal code *)
| OptimisticFallback | Undef ->