@ -358,65 +358,7 @@ module CriticalPairs = struct
astate empty
module UIThreadElement = struct
type t = StarvationModels.uithread_explanation =
| IsModeled of {proc_name: Typ.Procname.t}
| CallsModeled of {proc_name: Typ.Procname.t; callee: Typ.Procname.t}
| Annotated of {proc_name: Typ.Procname.t; trail: ConcurrencyModels.annotation_trail}
[@@deriving compare]
let mono_pname = MF.wrap_monospaced Typ.Procname.pp
let describe fmt = function
| IsModeled {proc_name} ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a is a standard UI-thread method" mono_pname proc_name
| CallsModeled {proc_name= _; callee} ->
F.fprintf fmt "it calls %a" pname_pp callee
| Annotated {proc_name; trail= DirectlyAnnotated} ->
F.fprintf fmt "%a is annotated %a" mono_pname proc_name MF.pp_monospaced
| Annotated {proc_name; trail= Override override_pname} ->
F.fprintf fmt "class %a overrides %a, which is annotated %a" mono_pname proc_name
mono_pname override_pname MF.pp_monospaced Annotations.ui_thread
| Annotated {proc_name; trail= SuperClass class_name} -> (
match Typ.Procname.get_class_type_name proc_name with
| None ->
L.die InternalError "Cannot get class of method %a@." Typ.Procname.pp proc_name
| Some current_class ->
let pp_extends fmt current_class =
if Typ.Name.equal current_class class_name then ()
else F.fprintf fmt " extends %a, which" (MF.wrap_monospaced Typ.Name.pp) class_name
F.fprintf fmt "class %s%a is annotated %a"
(MF.monospaced_to_string (Typ.Name.name current_class))
pp_extends current_class MF.pp_monospaced Annotations.ui_thread )
let pp = describe
module UIThreadExplanationDomain = struct
include ExplicitTrace.MakeTraceElem (UIThreadElement) (ExplicitTrace.DefaultCallPrinter)
let join lhs rhs = if List.length lhs.trace <= List.length rhs.trace then lhs else rhs
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ = join prev next
let ( <= ) ~lhs:_ ~rhs:_ = true
module UIThreadDomain = struct
include AbstractDomain.BottomLifted (UIThreadExplanationDomain)
let with_callsite astate callsite =
match astate with
| AbstractDomain.Types.Bottom ->
| AbstractDomain.Types.NonBottom ui_explain ->
(UIThreadExplanationDomain.with_callsite ui_explain callsite)
module UIThreadDomain = AbstractDomain.BooleanOr
module FlatLock = AbstractDomain.Flat (Lock)
module GuardToLockMap = struct
@ -513,17 +455,13 @@ let integrate_summary tenv ~caller_summary:({lock_state; critical_pairs; ui} as
let critical_pairs' =
CriticalPairs.with_callsite callee_summary.critical_pairs (Some tenv) lock_state callsite
let callee_ui = UIThreadDomain.with_callsite callee_summary.ui callsite in
{ astate with
critical_pairs= CriticalPairs.join critical_pairs critical_pairs'
; ui= UIThreadDomain.join ui callee_ui }
; ui= UIThreadDomain.join ui callee_summary.ui }
let set_on_ui_thread ({ui} as astate) ~loc explain =
let ui =
UIThreadDomain.join ui
(AbstractDomain.Types.NonBottom (UIThreadExplanationDomain.make explain loc))
let set_on_ui_thread ({ui} as astate) () =
let ui = UIThreadDomain.join ui true in
{astate with ui}