[starvation] avoid quadratic complexity of lock acquire sequence

If we acquire n nested locks we end up with n critical pairs, and for each pair the held-locks component goes up linearly, thus total space/time is O(n^2).

If the sets of held-locks are constructed with maximal sharing (intuitively, if they derive from the same set by additions) then the total space/time is O(n logn).

To do this, we must avoid constructing a new set every time we ask what the currently held locks are.  Here we maintain (care is needed in the presence of recursive locks) that set across lock acquisitons and removals.

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D17736252

fbshipit-source-id: 0f9b292c4
Nikos Gorogiannis 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 2d26236bed
commit 2c68baf8f3

@ -107,6 +107,9 @@ module Acquisition = struct
let make_trace_step acquisition =
let description = F.asprintf "%a" pp acquisition in
Errlog.make_trace_element 0 acquisition.loc description []
let make_dummy lock = {lock; loc= Location.dummy; procname= Typ.Procname.Linters_dummy_method}
(** Set of acquisitions; due to order over acquisitions, each lock appears at most once. *)
@ -114,8 +117,7 @@ module Acquisitions = struct
include PrettyPrintable.MakePPSet (Acquisition)
(* use the fact that location/procname are ignored in comparisons *)
let lock_is_held lock acquisitions =
mem {lock; loc= Location.dummy; procname= Typ.Procname.Linters_dummy_method} acquisitions
let lock_is_held lock acquisitions = mem (Acquisition.make_dummy lock) acquisitions
module LockState : sig
@ -130,40 +132,74 @@ module LockState : sig
val get_acquisitions : t -> Acquisitions.t
end = struct
module LockStack = AbstractDomain.StackDomain (Acquisition)
include AbstractDomain.InvertedMap (Lock) (LockStack)
module Map = AbstractDomain.InvertedMap (Lock) (LockStack)
(* [acquisitions] has the currently held locks, so as to avoid a linear fold in [get_acquisitions].
This should also increase sharing across returned values from [get_acquisitions]. *)
type t = {map: Map.t; acquisitions: Acquisitions.t}
let get_acquisitions {acquisitions} = acquisitions
let pp fmt {map; acquisitions} =
F.fprintf fmt "{map= %a; acquisitions= %a}" Map.pp map Acquisitions.pp acquisitions
let join lhs rhs =
let map = Map.join lhs.map rhs.map in
let acquisitions = Acquisitions.inter lhs.acquisitions rhs.acquisitions in
{map; acquisitions}
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters =
let map = Map.widen ~prev:prev.map ~next:next.map ~num_iters in
let acquisitions = Acquisitions.inter prev.acquisitions next.acquisitions in
{map; acquisitions}
let get_stack lock map = find_opt lock map |> Option.value ~default:LockStack.top
let is_lock_taken event map =
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs = Map.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.map ~rhs:rhs.map
let top = {map= Map.top; acquisitions= Acquisitions.empty}
let is_top {map} = Map.is_top map
let is_lock_taken event {acquisitions} =
match event with
| Event.LockAcquire lock ->
not (LockStack.is_top (get_stack lock map))
Acquisitions.mem (Acquisition.make_dummy lock) acquisitions
| _ ->
let acquire ~procname ~loc lock map =
let get_stack lock map = Map.find_opt lock map |> Option.value ~default:LockStack.top
let acquire ~procname ~loc lock {map; acquisitions} =
let acquisition = Acquisition.make ~procname ~loc lock in
let current_value = get_stack lock map in
let new_value = LockStack.push acquisition current_value in
add lock new_value map
let map = Map.add lock new_value map in
let acquisitions =
(* add new acquisition only if lock was not held before *)
if LockStack.is_top current_value then Acquisitions.add acquisition acquisitions
else acquisitions
{map; acquisitions}
let release lock map =
let release lock ({map; acquisitions} as astate) =
let current_value = get_stack lock map in
if LockStack.is_top current_value then map
if LockStack.is_top current_value then (* lock was not held *) astate
let new_value = LockStack.pop current_value in
if LockStack.is_top new_value then remove lock map else add lock new_value map
(* FIXME - this should be a O(1) operation by moving it into the lock-state and updating in tandem,
so as to increase sharing between critical pairs. *)
let get_acquisitions map =
(fun _lock lock_stack init ->
List.fold lock_stack ~init ~f:(fun acc acquisition -> Acquisitions.add acquisition acc) )
map Acquisitions.empty
if LockStack.is_top new_value then
(* lock is now not held *)
let map = Map.remove lock map in
let acquisition = Acquisition.make_dummy lock in
let acquisitions = Acquisitions.remove acquisition acquisitions in
{map; acquisitions}
(* lock is still held as it was acquired more than once *)
let map = Map.add lock new_value map in
{map; acquisitions}
module CriticalPairElement = struct
