[starvation] push thread into Event type

Summary: As part of a refactor, push `thread` from the enclosing type (`CriticalPairElement`) into `Event.t`.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D24161709

fbshipit-source-id: bd812f3fd
Nikos Gorogiannis 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent d0f39f3ce7
commit 2da86aada6

@ -177,10 +177,10 @@ end
module Event = struct
type t =
| LockAcquire of {locks: Lock.t list}
| MayBlock of {callee: Procname.t; severity: StarvationModels.severity}
| StrictModeCall of {callee: Procname.t}
| MonitorWait of {lock: Lock.t}
| LockAcquire of {locks: Lock.t list; thread: ThreadDomain.t}
| MayBlock of {callee: Procname.t; severity: StarvationModels.severity; thread: ThreadDomain.t}
| StrictModeCall of {callee: Procname.t; thread: ThreadDomain.t}
| MonitorWait of {lock: Lock.t; thread: ThreadDomain.t}
[@@deriving compare]
let pp fmt = function
@ -204,34 +204,53 @@ module Event = struct
F.fprintf fmt "calls `wait` on %a" Lock.describe lock
let make_acquire locks = LockAcquire {locks}
let get_thread = function
| LockAcquire {thread} | MayBlock {thread} | StrictModeCall {thread} | MonitorWait {thread} ->
let make_blocking_call callee severity = MayBlock {callee; severity}
let make_strict_mode_call callee = StrictModeCall {callee}
let with_thread event thread =
if ThreadDomain.equal thread (get_thread event) then event
match event with
| LockAcquire lock_acquire ->
LockAcquire {lock_acquire with thread}
| MayBlock may_block ->
MayBlock {may_block with thread}
| StrictModeCall strict_mode_call ->
StrictModeCall {strict_mode_call with thread}
| MonitorWait monitor_wait ->
MonitorWait {monitor_wait with thread}
let make_object_wait lock = MonitorWait {lock}
let make_acquire locks thread = LockAcquire {locks; thread}
let make_blocking_call callee severity thread = MayBlock {callee; severity; thread}
let make_strict_mode_call callee thread = StrictModeCall {callee; thread}
let make_object_wait lock thread = MonitorWait {lock; thread}
let apply_subst subst event =
match event with
| MayBlock _ | StrictModeCall _ ->
Some event
| MonitorWait {lock} -> (
| MonitorWait {lock; thread} -> (
match Lock.apply_subst subst lock with
| None ->
| Some lock' when phys_equal lock lock' ->
Some event
| Some lock ->
Some (MonitorWait {lock}) )
| LockAcquire {locks} -> (
Some (MonitorWait {lock; thread}) )
| LockAcquire {locks; thread} -> (
match Lock.apply_subst_to_list subst locks with
| [] ->
| locks' when phys_equal locks locks' ->
Some event
| locks ->
Some (LockAcquire {locks}) )
Some (LockAcquire {locks; thread}) )
(** A lock acquisition with source location and procname in which it occurs. The location & procname
@ -381,8 +400,7 @@ end = struct
module CriticalPairElement = struct
type t = {acquisitions: Acquisitions.t; event: Event.t; thread: ThreadDomain.t}
[@@deriving compare]
type t = {acquisitions: Acquisitions.t; event: Event.t} [@@deriving compare]
let pp fmt {acquisitions; event} =
F.fprintf fmt "{acquisitions= %a; event= %a}" Acquisitions.pp acquisitions Event.pp event
@ -390,13 +408,15 @@ module CriticalPairElement = struct
let describe = pp
let get_thread {event} = Event.get_thread event
let apply_subst subst elem =
match Event.apply_subst subst elem.event with
| None ->
| Some event' ->
let acquisitions' = Acquisitions.apply_subst subst elem.acquisitions in
Some {elem with acquisitions= acquisitions'; event= event'}
| Some event ->
let acquisitions = Acquisitions.apply_subst subst elem.acquisitions in
Some {acquisitions; event}
let is_recursive_lock event tenv =
@ -419,13 +439,15 @@ let is_recursive_lock event tenv =
module CriticalPair = struct
include ExplicitTrace.MakeTraceElem (CriticalPairElement) (ExplicitTrace.DefaultCallPrinter)
let make ~loc acquisitions event thread = make {acquisitions; event; thread} loc
let make ~loc acquisitions event = make {acquisitions; event} loc
let get_thread {elem} = CriticalPairElement.get_thread elem
let may_deadlock tenv ~(lhs : t) ~lhs_lock ~(rhs : t) =
let get_acquired_locks {elem= {event}} =
match event with LockAcquire {locks} -> locks | _ -> []
if ThreadDomain.can_run_in_parallel lhs.elem.thread rhs.elem.thread then
if ThreadDomain.can_run_in_parallel (get_thread lhs) (get_thread rhs) then
get_acquired_locks rhs
|> List.find ~f:(fun rhs_lock ->
(not (Lock.equal_across_threads tenv lhs_lock rhs_lock))
@ -448,7 +470,7 @@ module CriticalPair = struct
[held_locks] *)
let filter_out_reentrant_relocks tenv_opt held_locks pair =
match (tenv_opt, pair.elem.event) with
| Some tenv, LockAcquire {locks} -> (
| Some tenv, LockAcquire {locks; thread} -> (
let filtered_locks =
IList.filter_changed locks ~f:(fun lock ->
(not (Acquisitions.lock_is_held lock held_locks))
@ -460,7 +482,7 @@ module CriticalPair = struct
| _ when phys_equal filtered_locks locks ->
Some pair
| locks ->
Some (map pair ~f:(fun elem -> {elem with event= LockAcquire {locks}})) )
Some (map pair ~f:(fun elem -> {elem with event= LockAcquire {locks; thread}})) )
| _, _ ->
Some pair
@ -473,11 +495,12 @@ module CriticalPair = struct
substitute_pair subst callee_pair
|> Option.bind ~f:(filter_out_reentrant_relocks tenv existing_acquisitions)
|> Option.bind ~f:(fun callee_pair ->
ThreadDomain.apply_to_pair caller_thread callee_pair.elem.thread
ThreadDomain.apply_to_pair caller_thread (get_thread callee_pair)
|> Option.map ~f:(fun thread ->
let f (elem : CriticalPairElement.t) =
let acquisitions = Acquisitions.union existing_acquisitions elem.acquisitions in
({elem with acquisitions; thread} : elem_t)
let event = Event.with_thread elem.event thread in
({acquisitions; event} : elem_t)
with_callsite (map ~f callee_pair) call_site ) )
@ -539,9 +562,9 @@ module CriticalPair = struct
List.concat (([header_step] :: call_stack) @ [[endpoint_step]])
let is_uithread t = ThreadDomain.is_uithread t.elem.thread
let is_uithread t = ThreadDomain.is_uithread (get_thread t)
let can_run_in_parallel t1 t2 = ThreadDomain.can_run_in_parallel t1.elem.thread t2.elem.thread
let can_run_in_parallel t1 t2 = ThreadDomain.can_run_in_parallel (get_thread t1) (get_thread t2)
module CriticalPairs = struct
@ -700,9 +723,9 @@ let leq ~lhs ~rhs =
&& VarDomain.leq ~lhs:lhs.var_state ~rhs:rhs.var_state
let add_critical_pair ?tenv lock_state event thread ~loc acc =
let add_critical_pair ?tenv lock_state event ~loc acc =
let acquisitions = LockState.get_acquisitions lock_state in
let critical_pair = CriticalPair.make ~loc acquisitions event thread in
let critical_pair = CriticalPair.make ~loc acquisitions event in
CriticalPair.filter_out_reentrant_relocks tenv acquisitions critical_pair
|> Option.value_map ~default:acc ~f:(fun pair -> CriticalPairs.add pair acc)
@ -710,8 +733,8 @@ let add_critical_pair ?tenv lock_state event thread ~loc acc =
let acquire ?tenv ({lock_state; critical_pairs} as astate) ~procname ~loc locks =
{ astate with
(let event = Event.make_acquire locks in
add_critical_pair ?tenv lock_state event astate.thread ~loc critical_pairs )
(let event = Event.make_acquire locks astate.thread in
add_critical_pair ?tenv lock_state event ~loc critical_pairs )
; lock_state=
List.fold locks ~init:lock_state ~f:(fun acc lock ->
LockState.acquire ~procname ~loc lock acc ) }
@ -721,12 +744,11 @@ let make_call_with_event new_event ~loc astate =
if astate.ignore_blocking_calls then astate
{ astate with
add_critical_pair astate.lock_state new_event astate.thread ~loc astate.critical_pairs }
critical_pairs= add_critical_pair astate.lock_state new_event ~loc astate.critical_pairs }
let blocking_call ~callee sev ~loc astate =
let new_event = Event.make_blocking_call callee sev in
let new_event = Event.make_blocking_call callee sev astate.thread in
make_call_with_event new_event ~loc astate
@ -735,7 +757,7 @@ let wait_on_monitor ~loc formals actuals astate =
| exp :: _ ->
Lock.make formals exp
|> Option.value_map ~default:astate ~f:(fun lock ->
let new_event = Event.make_object_wait lock in
let new_event = Event.make_object_wait lock astate.thread in
make_call_with_event new_event ~loc astate )
| _ ->
@ -748,14 +770,14 @@ let future_get ~callee ~loc actuals astate =
|> Option.exists ~f:(function Attribute.FutureDoneState x -> x | _ -> false) ->
| HilExp.AccessExpression _ :: _ ->
let new_event = Event.make_blocking_call callee Low in
let new_event = Event.make_blocking_call callee Low astate.thread in
make_call_with_event new_event ~loc astate
| _ ->
let strict_mode_call ~callee ~loc astate =
let new_event = Event.make_strict_mode_call callee in
let new_event = Event.make_strict_mode_call callee astate.thread in
make_call_with_event new_event ~loc astate

@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ end
module Event : sig
type t =
| LockAcquire of {locks: Lock.t list}
| MayBlock of {callee: Procname.t; severity: StarvationModels.severity}
| StrictModeCall of {callee: Procname.t}
| MonitorWait of {lock: Lock.t}
| LockAcquire of {locks: Lock.t list; thread: ThreadDomain.t}
| MayBlock of {callee: Procname.t; severity: StarvationModels.severity; thread: ThreadDomain.t}
| StrictModeCall of {callee: Procname.t; thread: ThreadDomain.t}
| MonitorWait of {lock: Lock.t; thread: ThreadDomain.t}
[@@deriving compare]
val describe : F.formatter -> t -> unit
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ end
(** An event and the currently-held locks at the time it occurred. *)
module CriticalPairElement : sig
type t = private {acquisitions: Acquisitions.t; event: Event.t; thread: ThreadDomain.t}
type t = private {acquisitions: Acquisitions.t; event: Event.t}
(** A [CriticalPairElement] equipped with a call stack. The intuition is that if we have a critical
