[closures preanalysis][2/n] Add second preanalysis that fills the body of the specialized methods with blocks
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis Differential Revision: D23216021 fbshipit-source-id: b8e924127master
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module CFG = ProcCfg.Normal
module PPPVar = struct
type t = Pvar.t [@@deriving compare, equal]
let pp = Pvar.pp Pp.text
module VDom = AbstractDomain.Flat (PPPVar)
module Domain = AbstractDomain.Map (Ident) (VDom)
module TransferFunctions = struct
module CFG = CFG
module Domain = Domain
type analysis_data = unit
let exec_instr astate _analysis_data _node instr =
let open Sil in
match instr with
| Load {id; e= Exp.Lvar pvar} ->
Domain.add id (VDom.v pvar) astate
| Load {id} ->
Domain.add id VDom.bottom astate
| Call ((id, _), _, _, _, _) ->
Domain.add id VDom.bottom astate
| _ ->
let pp_session_name node fmt =
Format.fprintf fmt "Closure Subst Specialized Method %a" CFG.Node.pp_id (CFG.Node.id node)
module Analyzer = AbstractInterpreter.MakeRPO (TransferFunctions)
let exec_instr domain proc_name formals_to_blocks_map _node instr =
let open Sil in
let res =
let exec_exp exp =
let exec_pvar pvar = Pvar.swap_proc_in_local_pvar pvar proc_name in
match exp with Exp.Lvar origin_pvar -> Exp.Lvar (exec_pvar origin_pvar) | exp -> exp
match instr with
| Load {id; e; root_typ; loc} ->
[Load {id; e= exec_exp e; root_typ; typ= root_typ; loc}]
| Store {e1; root_typ; typ; e2; loc} ->
[Store {e1= exec_exp e1; root_typ; typ; e2= exec_exp e2; loc}]
| Call (ret_id_typ, Var id, origin_args, loc, call_flags) -> (
let converted_args = List.map ~f:(fun (exp, typ) -> (exec_exp exp, typ)) origin_args in
match Option.bind ~f:VDom.get (Domain.find_opt id domain) with
| None ->
| Some pvar -> (
match Mangled.Map.find_opt (Pvar.get_name pvar) formals_to_blocks_map with
| Some (procname, extra_formals) ->
let extra_args, load_instrs =
~f:(fun (name, typ) ->
let e = Exp.Lvar (Pvar.mk name proc_name) in
let id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let load_instr = Load {id; e; root_typ= typ; typ; loc} in
((Exp.Var id, typ), load_instr) )
|> List.unzip
@ [ Call
(ret_id_typ, Const (Cfun procname), extra_args @ converted_args, loc, call_flags)
| None ->
[instr] ) )
| Call (return_ids, origin_call_exp, origin_args, loc, call_flags) ->
let converted_args = List.map ~f:(fun (exp, typ) -> (exec_exp exp, typ)) origin_args in
[Call (return_ids, exec_exp origin_call_exp, converted_args, loc, call_flags)]
| Prune (origin_exp, loc, is_true_branch, if_kind) ->
[Prune (exec_exp origin_exp, loc, is_true_branch, if_kind)]
| _ ->
Array.of_list res
let process summary =
let pdesc = Summary.get_proc_desc summary in
let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc in
let proc_attributes = Procdesc.get_attributes pdesc in
match proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.specialized_with_blocks_info with
| Some spec_with_blocks_info -> (
match AnalysisCallbacks.get_proc_desc spec_with_blocks_info.orig_proc with
| Some orig_proc_desc -> (
let formals_to_blocks_map = spec_with_blocks_info.formals_to_procs_and_new_formals in
Procdesc.shallow_copy_code_from_pdesc ~orig_pdesc:orig_proc_desc ~dest_pdesc:pdesc ;
let analysis_data = () in
match Analyzer.compute_post ~initial:Domain.empty analysis_data pdesc with
| Some domain ->
let used_ids = Domain.bindings domain |> List.map ~f:fst in
Ident.update_name_generator used_ids ;
Procdesc.replace_instrs_by pdesc ~f:(exec_instr domain proc_name formals_to_blocks_map)
|> ignore ;
| None ->
() )
| _ ->
() )
| _ ->
Reference in new issue