@ -196,17 +196,40 @@ let is_field_annotated_as_nonnull annotated_field_opt =
Option . exists annotated_field_opt ~ f : is_nonnull
(* * Check that nonnullable fields are initialized in constructors. *)
let check_constructor_initialization tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pname curr_pdesc start_node
final_initializer_typestates final_constructor_typestates loc : unit =
let lookup_field_in_typestate pname field_name typestate =
let pvar = Pvar . mk ( Mangled . from_string ( Typ . Fieldname . to_string field_name ) ) pname in
TypeState . lookup_pvar pvar typestate
(* Given a predicate over field name, look ups the field and returns a predicate
over this field value in a typestate , or true if there is no such a field in typestate * )
let convert_predicate predicate_over_field_name field_name ( pname , typestate ) =
let range_for_field = lookup_field_in_typestate pname field_name typestate in
Option . exists range_for_field ~ f : predicate_over_field_name
(* Given a list of typestates, does a given predicate about the field hold for at least one of them? *)
let predicate_holds_for_some_typestate typestate_list field_name ~ predicate =
List . exists typestate_list ~ f : ( convert_predicate predicate field_name )
(* Given a list of typestates, does a given predicate about the field hold for all of them? *)
let predicate_holds_for_all_typestates typestate_list field_name ~ predicate =
List . for_all typestate_list ~ f : ( convert_predicate predicate field_name )
(* * Check field initialization for a given constructor *)
let check_constructor_initialization tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_constructor_pname
curr_constructor_pdesc start_node ~ typestates_for_curr_constructor_and_all_initializer_methods
~ typestates_for_all_constructors_incl_current loc : unit =
State . set_node start_node ;
if Typ . Procname . is_constructor curr_pname then
match PatternMatch . get_this_type ( Procdesc . get_attributes curr_pdesc ) with
if Typ . Procname . is_constructor curr_ constructor_ pname then
match PatternMatch . get_this_type ( Procdesc . get_attributes curr_ constructor_ pdesc) with
| Some { desc = Tptr ( ( { desc = Tstruct name } as ts ) , _ ) } -> (
match Tenv . lookup tenv name with
| Some { fields } ->
let do_field ( fn , ft , _ ) =
let annotated_field = AnnotatedField . get tenv fn ts in
let do_field ( f ield_ name , f ield_ type , _ ) =
let annotated_field = AnnotatedField . get tenv f ield_ name ts in
let is_injector_readonly_annotated =
match annotated_field with
| None ->
@ -214,62 +237,62 @@ let check_constructor_initialization tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pname cu
| Some { annotation_deprecated } ->
Annotations . ia_is_field_injector_readonly annotation_deprecated
let final_type_annotation_with unknown list f =
let filter_range_opt = function Some ( _ , ta , _ ) -> f ta | None -> unknown in
List . exists
~ f : ( function
| pname , typestate ->
let pvar =
Pvar . mk ( Mangled . from_string ( Typ . Fieldname . to_string fn ) ) pname
filter_range_opt ( TypeState . lookup_pvar pvar typestate ) )
let may_be_assigned_in_final_typestate =
let origin_is_initialized = function
let is_initialized_in_either_constructor_or_initializer =
let is_initialized = function
| TypeOrigin . Undef ->
(* Special case: not really an initialization *)
| TypeOrigin . Field ( TypeOrigin . Formal name , _ , _ ) ->
(* Exclude circular initialization *)
let circular = Mangled . is_this name in
not circular
| _ ->
(* Found in typestate, hence the field was initialized *)
final_type_annotation_with false ( Lazy . force final_initializer_typestates )
( fun nullability ->
origin_is_initialized ( InferredNullability . get_origin nullability ) )
( Lazy . force typestates_for_curr_constructor_and_all_initializer_methods ) field_name
~ predicate : ( fun ( _ , nullability , _ ) ->
is_initialized ( InferredNullability . get_origin nullability ) )
let may_be_nullable_in_final_typestate () =
final_type_annotation_with true ( Lazy . force final_constructor_typestates ) ( fun ta ->
InferredNullability . is_nullable ta )
(* TODO ( T54584721 ) This check is completely independent of the current constuctor we check.
This check should be moved out of this function . Until it is done ,
we issue one over - annotated warning per constructor , which does not make a lot of sense . * )
let is_field_assigned_to_nonnull_in_all_constructors () =
( Lazy . force typestates_for_all_constructors_incl_current ) field_name
~ predicate : ( fun ( _ , nullability , _ ) ->
not ( InferredNullability . is_nullable nullability ) )
let should_check_field_initialization =
let in_current_class =
let fld_cname = Typ . Fieldname . Java . get_class fn in
let fld_cname = Typ . Fieldname . Java . get_class f ield_ name in
String . equal ( Typ . Name . name name ) fld_cname
( not is_injector_readonly_annotated )
&& PatternMatch . type_is_class ft && in_current_class
&& not ( Typ . Fieldname . Java . is_outer_instance fn )
(* primitive types can not be null so initialization check is not needed *)
&& PatternMatch . type_is_class field_type
&& in_current_class
&& not ( Typ . Fieldname . Java . is_outer_instance field_name )
if should_check_field_initialization then (
(* Check if non-null field is not initialized. *)
is_field_annotated_as_nonnull annotated_field
&& not may_be_assigned_in_final_typestate
&& not is_initialized_in_either_constructor_or_initializer
report_error tenv find_canonical_duplicate
( TypeErr . Field_not_initialized ( f n, cur r_pname) )
None loc curr_ pdesc ;
( TypeErr . Field_not_initialized ( f ield_ name , cur r_constructo r_pname) )
None loc curr_ constructor_ pdesc ;
(* Check if field is over-annotated. *)
Config . eradicate_field_over_annotated
&& is_field_annotated_as_nullable annotated_field
&& not ( may_be_nullable_in_final_typestate () )
&& is_field_assigned_to_nonnull_in_all_constructors ( )
report_error tenv find_canonical_duplicate
( TypeErr . Field_over_annotated ( f n, cur r_pname) )
None loc curr_ pdesc )
( TypeErr . Field_over_annotated ( f ield_ name , cur r_constructo r_pname) )
None loc curr_ constructor_ pdesc )
List . iter ~ f : do_field fields
| None ->