@ -141,33 +141,32 @@ let filter_and_replace_unsupported_args ?(replace_options_arg = fun _ s -> s)
List.rev_append res_rev post_args
(* Work around various path or library issues occurring when one tries to substitute Apple's version
of clang with a different version. Also mitigate version discrepancies in clang's
fatal warnings. *)
(** Work around various path or library issues occurring when one tries to substitute Apple's version
of clang with a different version. Also mitigate version discrepancies in clang's
fatal warnings. *)
let clang_cc1_cmd_sanitizer cmd =
(* command line options not supported by the opensource compiler or the plugins *)
let blacklisted_flags_with_arg = ["-mllvm"] in
let replace_options_arg options arg =
match options with
| option :: _ ->
if String.equal option "-arch" && String.equal arg "armv7k" then "armv7"
(* replace armv7k arch with armv7 *)
else if String.is_suffix arg ~suffix:"dep.tmp" then (
(* compilation-database Buck integration produces path to `dep.tmp` file that doesn't exist. Create it *)
Unix.mkdir_p (Filename.dirname arg) ;
match (options, arg) with
| [], _ ->
| "-arch" :: _, "armv7k" ->
(* replace armv7k arch with armv7 *) "armv7"
| _, arg when String.is_suffix arg ~suffix:"dep.tmp" ->
(* compilation-database Buck integration produces path to `dep.tmp` file that doesn't exist. Create it *)
Unix.mkdir_p (Filename.dirname arg) ;
| "-dependency-file" :: _, _ when Option.is_some Config.buck_compilation_database ->
(* In compilation database mode, dependency files are not assumed to exist *)
| "-isystem" :: _, arg -> (
match include_override_regex with
| Some isystem_to_override_regex when Str.string_match isystem_to_override_regex arg 0 ->
fcp_dir ^/ "clang" ^/ "install" ^/ "lib" ^/ "clang" ^/ "7.0.1" ^/ "include"
| _ ->
arg )
else if
String.equal option "-dependency-file" && Option.is_some Config.buck_compilation_database
(* In compilation database mode, dependency files are not assumed to exist *)
then "/dev/null"
else if String.equal option "-isystem" then
match include_override_regex with
| Some regexp when Str.string_match regexp arg 0 ->
fcp_dir ^/ "clang" ^/ "install" ^/ "lib" ^/ "clang" ^/ "7.0.1" ^/ "include"
| _ ->
else arg
| [] ->
| _ ->
let args_defines =