@ -217,12 +217,12 @@ let create_sil_class_field cn cf =
(** Collect static field if static is true, otherwise non-static ones. *)
let collect_class_field cn cf (static_fields, nonstatic_fields) =
let collect_class_field cn cf (statics, nonstatics) =
let field = create_sil_class_field cn cf in
if Javalib.is_static_field (Javalib.ClassField cf) then
(field :: static_fields, nonstatic_fields)
(field :: statics, nonstatics)
(static_fields, field :: nonstatic_fields)
(statics, field :: nonstatics)
(** Collect an interface field. *)
@ -234,17 +234,6 @@ let collect_interface_field cn inf l =
(field_name, field_type, annotation) :: l
let dummy_type cn =
Typ.Tstruct {
Typ.instance_fields = [];
static_fields = [];
name = Typename.Java.from_string (JBasics.cn_name cn);
superclasses = [];
def_methods = [];
struct_annotations = Typ.item_annotation_empty;
let collect_models_class_fields classpath_field_map cn cf fields =
let static, nonstatic = fields in
let field_name, field_type, annotation = create_sil_class_field cn cf in
@ -265,12 +254,12 @@ let collect_models_class_fields classpath_field_map cn cf fields =
let add_model_fields program classpath_fields cn =
let static_fields, nonstatic_fields = classpath_fields in
let statics, nonstatics = classpath_fields in
let classpath_field_map =
let collect_fields map =
(fun map (fn, ft, _) -> Ident.FieldMap.add fn ft map) map in
collect_fields (collect_fields Ident.FieldMap.empty static_fields) nonstatic_fields in
collect_fields (collect_fields Ident.FieldMap.empty statics) nonstatics in
match JBasics.ClassMap.find cn (JClasspath.get_models program) with
| Javalib.JClass _ as jclass ->
@ -286,10 +275,10 @@ let add_model_fields program classpath_fields cn =
let rec get_all_fields program tenv cn =
let extract_class_fields classname =
match get_class_type_no_pointer program tenv classname with
| Typ.Tstruct { Typ.instance_fields; static_fields } -> (static_fields, instance_fields)
| Typ.Tstruct { fields; statics } -> (statics, fields)
| Typ.Tvar name -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some { instance_fields; static_fields } -> (static_fields, instance_fields)
| Some { fields; statics } -> (statics, fields)
| None -> assert false
| _ -> assert false in
@ -311,20 +300,21 @@ let rec get_all_fields program tenv cn =
and create_sil_type program tenv cn =
match JClasspath.lookup_node cn program with
| None -> dummy_type cn
| None ->
Typ.Tstruct (Typ.mk_struct (Typename.Java.from_string (JBasics.cn_name cn)))
| Some node ->
let create_super_list interface_names =
IList.iter (fun cn -> ignore (get_class_type_no_pointer program tenv cn)) interface_names;
IList.map typename_of_classname interface_names in
let superclasses, instance_fields, static_fields, struct_annotations =
let supers, fields, statics, annots =
match node with
| Javalib.JInterface jinterface ->
let static_fields, _ = get_all_fields program tenv cn in
let statics, _ = get_all_fields program tenv cn in
let sil_interface_list = create_super_list jinterface.Javalib.i_interfaces in
let item_annotation = JAnnotation.translate_item jinterface.Javalib.i_annotations in
(sil_interface_list, [], static_fields, item_annotation)
(sil_interface_list, [], statics, item_annotation)
| Javalib.JClass jclass ->
let static_fields, nonstatic_fields =
let statics, nonstatics =
let classpath_static, classpath_nonstatic = get_all_fields program tenv cn in
add_model_fields program (classpath_static, classpath_nonstatic) cn in
let item_annotation = JAnnotation.translate_item jclass.Javalib.c_annotations in
@ -339,16 +329,11 @@ and create_sil_type program tenv cn =
| Typ.Tstruct { name } -> name
| _ -> assert false in
super_classname :: interface_list in
(super_classname_list, nonstatic_fields, static_fields, item_annotation) in
let def_methods = IList.map (fun j -> Procname.Java j) (get_class_procnames cn node) in
Typ.Tstruct {
name = Typename.Java.from_string (JBasics.cn_name cn);
(super_classname_list, nonstatics, statics, item_annotation) in
let methods = IList.map (fun j -> Procname.Java j) (get_class_procnames cn node) in
(Typ.mk_struct ~fields ~statics ~methods ~supers ~annots
(Typename.Java.from_string (JBasics.cn_name cn)))
and get_class_type_no_pointer program tenv cn =
let named_type = typename_of_classname cn in