add abstraction of access path, use in access path set domain

Reviewed By: dkgi

Differential Revision: D3521054

fbshipit-source-id: 3ff515b
Sam Blackshear 9 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot 6
parent cf72de9460
commit 314d022e38

@ -17,7 +17,11 @@ type access =
| FieldAccess of Ident.fieldname * Typ.t
| ArrayAccess of Typ.t
type t = base * access list
type raw = base * access list
type t =
| Exact of raw
| Abstracted of raw
let base_compare ((var1, typ1) as base1) ((var2, typ2) as base2) =
if base1 == base2
@ -45,13 +49,21 @@ let access_compare access1 access2 =
let access_equal access1 access2 =
access_compare access1 access2 = 0
let compare ((base1, accesses1) as ap1) ((base2, accesses2) as ap2) =
let raw_compare ((base1, accesses1) as ap1) ((base2, accesses2) as ap2) =
if ap1 == ap2
then 0
base_compare base1 base2
|> next ( access_compare) accesses1 accesses2
let raw_equal ap1 ap2 =
raw_compare ap1 ap2 = 0
let compare ap1 ap2 = match ap1, ap2 with
| Exact ap1, Exact ap2 | Abstracted ap1, Abstracted ap2 -> raw_compare ap1 ap2
| Exact _, Abstracted _ -> 1
| Abstracted _, Exact _ -> (-1)
let equal ap1 ap2 =
compare ap1 ap2 = 0
@ -76,6 +88,19 @@ let is_prefix ((base1, path1) as ap1) ((base2, path2) as ap2) =
base_equal base1 base2 && is_prefix_path path1 path2
let extract = function
| Exact ap | Abstracted ap -> ap
let is_exact = function
| Exact _ -> true
| Abstracted _ -> false
let (<=) ~lhs ~rhs =
match lhs, rhs with
| Abstracted _, Exact _ -> false
| Exact lhs_ap, Exact rhs_ap -> raw_equal lhs_ap rhs_ap
| (Exact lhs_ap | Abstracted lhs_ap), Abstracted rhs_ap -> is_prefix rhs_ap lhs_ap
let pp_base fmt (pvar, _) =
(Pvar.pp pe_text) fmt pvar
@ -83,7 +108,11 @@ let pp_access fmt = function
| FieldAccess (field_name, _) -> F.fprintf fmt ".%a" Ident.pp_fieldname field_name
| ArrayAccess _ -> F.fprintf fmt "[_]"
let pp fmt (base, accesses) =
let pp_raw fmt (base, accesses) =
let pp_access_list fmt accesses =
F.pp_print_list pp_access fmt accesses in
F.fprintf fmt "%a%a" pp_base base pp_access_list accesses
let pp fmt = function
| Exact access_path -> pp_raw fmt access_path
| Abstracted access_path -> F.fprintf fmt "%a*" pp_raw access_path

@ -17,19 +17,38 @@ type access =
(** root var, and a list of accesses. closest to the root var is first that is, x.f.g is represented
as (x, [f; g]) *)
type t = base * access list
type raw = base * access list
val compare : t -> t -> int
type t =
| Exact of raw (** precise representation of an access path, e.g. x.f.g *)
| Abstracted of raw (** abstraction of heap reachable from an access path, e.g. x.f* *)
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val raw_compare : raw -> raw -> int
val raw_equal : raw -> raw -> bool
(** create an access path from a pvar *)
val of_pvar : Pvar.t -> Typ.t -> t
val of_pvar : Pvar.t -> Typ.t -> raw
(** append a new access to an existing access path; e.g., `append_access g x.f` produces `x.f.g` *)
val append : t -> access -> t
val append : raw -> access -> raw
(** return true if [ap1] is a prefix of [ap2]. returns true for equal access paths *)
val is_prefix : t -> t -> bool
val is_prefix : raw -> raw -> bool
val pp_raw : Format.formatter -> raw -> unit
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** extract a raw access path from its wrapper *)
val extract : t -> raw
(** return true if [t] is an exact representation of an access path, false if it's an abstraction *)
val is_exact : t -> bool
(** return true if \gamma(lhs) \subseteq \gamma(rhs) *)
val (<=) : lhs:t -> rhs:t -> bool
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
module F = Format
module Set = struct
module APSet = PrettyPrintable.MakePPSet (struct
type t = AccessPath.t
let compare =
let pp_element = AccessPath.pp
(** TODO (12086310): best-case behavior of some operations can be improved by adding "abstracted"
bool recording whether an abstracted access path has been introduced *)
type astate = APSet.t
let initial = APSet.empty
let is_bottom _ = false
let pp = APSet.pp
let normalize aps =
(fun lhs -> not (APSet.exists (fun rhs -> lhs != rhs && AccessPath.(<=) ~lhs ~rhs) aps))
let add = APSet.add
let of_list = APSet.of_list
let mem ap aps =
APSet.mem ap aps || APSet.exists (fun other_ap -> AccessPath.(<=) ~lhs:ap ~rhs:other_ap) aps
let mem_fuzzy ap aps =
let has_overlap ap1 ap2 =
AccessPath.(<=) ~lhs:ap1 ~rhs:ap2 || AccessPath.(<=) ~lhs:ap2 ~rhs:ap1 in
APSet.mem ap aps || APSet.exists (has_overlap ap) aps
let (<=) ~lhs ~rhs =
if lhs == rhs
then true
let rhs_contains lhs_ap =
mem lhs_ap rhs in
APSet.subset lhs rhs || APSet.for_all rhs_contains lhs
let join aps1 aps2 =
if aps1 == aps2
then aps1
else APSet.union aps1 aps2
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ =
if prev == next
then prev
let abstract_access_path ap aps = match ap with
| AccessPath.Exact exact_ap -> APSet.add (AccessPath.Abstracted exact_ap) aps
| AccessPath.Abstracted _ -> APSet.add ap aps in
let diff_aps = APSet.diff next prev in
APSet.fold abstract_access_path diff_aps initial
|> join prev

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
(** Generic abstract domains backed by access paths *)
(** add-only set of access paths. To make common operations efficient (namely, add, join, and
widen), the set is allowed to contain elements whose concretization is redundant (e.g., x* and
x.f). these redundancies can be eliminated by expressing the set in its canonical form via a
call to [normalize]. however, [normalize] is quadratic in the size of the set, so it should be
used sparingly (recommendation: only before computing a summary based on the access path set) *)
module Set : sig
include AbstractDomain.S
val of_list : AccessPath.t list -> astate
(** return true if \gamma({ap}) \subseteq \gamma(aps).
note: this is worst-case linear in the size of the set *)
val mem : AccessPath.t -> astate -> bool
(** more permissive version of [mem]; return true if \gamma({a}) \cap \gamma(aps) != {}.
note: this is worst-case linear in the size of the set *)
val mem_fuzzy : AccessPath.t -> astate -> bool
val add : AccessPath.t -> astate -> astate
(** simplify an access path set to its canonical representation by eliminating redundancies
between (1) pairs of abstracted access_paths, and (2) exact access paths and abstracted
access paths. warning: this is quadratic in the size of the set! use sparingly *)
val normalize : astate -> astate

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open !Utils
module F = Format
let make_base base_str =
@ -22,13 +24,6 @@ let make_access_path base_str accesses =
let accesses = make_accesses [] accesses in
make_base base_str, IList.rev accesses
let pp_diff fmt (actual, expected) =
F.fprintf fmt "Expected output %a but got %a" AccessPath.pp expected AccessPath.pp actual
let assert_eq input expected =
let open OUnit2 in
assert_equal ~cmp:AccessPath.equal ~pp_diff input expected
let tests =
let x = make_access_path "x" [] in
let y = make_access_path "y" [] in
@ -38,16 +33,34 @@ let tests =
let xFG = make_access_path "x" ["f"; "g";] in
let yF = make_access_path "y" ["f"] in
let x_exact = AccessPath.Exact x in
let y_exact = AccessPath.Exact y in
let x_abstract = AccessPath.Abstracted x in
let xF_exact = AccessPath.Exact xF in
let xFG_exact = AccessPath.Exact xFG in
let yF_exact = AccessPath.Exact yF in
let yF_abstract = AccessPath.Abstracted yF in
let open OUnit2 in
let equal_test =
let equal_test_ _ =
assert_bool "equal works for bases" (AccessPath.equal x (make_access_path "x" []));
assert_bool "equal works for paths" (AccessPath.equal xFG (make_access_path "x" ["f"; "g";]));
assert_bool "disequality works for bases" (not (AccessPath.equal x y));
assert_bool "disequality works for paths" (not (AccessPath.equal xF xFG)) in
assert_bool "equal works for bases" (AccessPath.raw_equal x (make_access_path "x" []));
"equal works for paths"
(AccessPath.raw_equal xFG (make_access_path "x" ["f"; "g";]));
assert_bool "disequality works for bases" (not (AccessPath.raw_equal x y));
assert_bool "disequality works for paths" (not (AccessPath.raw_equal xF xFG)) in
"equal">::equal_test_ in
let append_test =
let pp_diff fmt (actual, expected) =
"Expected output %a but got %a"
AccessPath.pp_raw expected
AccessPath.pp_raw actual in
let assert_eq input expected =
assert_equal ~cmp:AccessPath.raw_equal ~pp_diff input expected in
let append_test_ _ =
assert_eq xF (AccessPath.append x f_access);
assert_eq xFG (AccessPath.append xF g_access) in
@ -66,4 +79,71 @@ let tests =
assert_bool "y.f is not prefix of x.f.g" (not (AccessPath.is_prefix yF xFG)) in
"prefix">::prefix_test_ in
"all_tests_suite">:::[equal_test; append_test; prefix_test;]
let abstraction_test =
let abstraction_test_ _ =
assert_bool "extract" (AccessPath.raw_equal (AccessPath.extract xF_exact) xF);
assert_bool "is_exact" (AccessPath.is_exact x_exact);
assert_bool "not is_exact" (not (AccessPath.is_exact x_abstract));
assert_bool "(<=)1" (AccessPath.(<=) ~lhs:x_exact ~rhs:x_abstract);
assert_bool "(<=)2" (AccessPath.(<=) ~lhs:xF_exact ~rhs:x_abstract);
"not (<=)1"
(not (AccessPath.(<=) ~lhs:x_abstract ~rhs:x_exact));
"not (<=)2"
(not (AccessPath.(<=) ~lhs:x_abstract ~rhs:xF_exact)) in
"abstraction">::abstraction_test_ in
let domain_test =
let domain_test_ _ =
let pp_diff fmt (actual, expected) =
F.fprintf fmt "Expected %s but got %s" expected actual in
let assert_eq input_aps expected =
let input = pp_to_string AccessPathDomains.Set.pp input_aps in
assert_equal ~cmp:(=) ~pp_diff input expected in
let aps1 = AccessPathDomains.Set.of_list [x_exact; x_abstract] in (* { x*, x } *)
let aps2 = AccessPathDomains.Set.add xF_exact aps1 in (* x*, x, x.f *)
let aps3 = AccessPathDomains.Set.add yF_exact aps2 in (* x*, x, x.f, y.f *)
assert_bool "mem_easy" (AccessPathDomains.Set.mem x_exact aps1);
assert_bool "mem_harder1" (AccessPathDomains.Set.mem xFG_exact aps1);
assert_bool "mem_harder2" (AccessPathDomains.Set.mem x_abstract aps1);
assert_bool "mem_negative" (not (AccessPathDomains.Set.mem y_exact aps1));
assert_bool "mem_not_fully_contained" (not (AccessPathDomains.Set.mem yF_abstract aps3));
assert_bool "mem_fuzzy_easy" (AccessPathDomains.Set.mem_fuzzy x_exact aps1);
assert_bool "mem_fuzzy_harder1" (AccessPathDomains.Set.mem_fuzzy xFG_exact aps1);
assert_bool "mem_fuzzy_harder2" (AccessPathDomains.Set.mem_fuzzy x_abstract aps1);
assert_bool "mem_fuzzy_negative" (not (AccessPathDomains.Set.mem_fuzzy y_exact aps1));
(* [mem_fuzzy] should behave the same as [mem] except in this case *)
(AccessPathDomains.Set.mem_fuzzy yF_abstract aps3);
assert_bool "<= on same is true" (AccessPathDomains.Set.(<=) ~lhs:aps1 ~rhs:aps1);
assert_bool "aps1 <= aps2" (AccessPathDomains.Set.(<=) ~lhs:aps1 ~rhs:aps2);
assert_bool "aps2 <= aps1" (AccessPathDomains.Set.(<=) ~lhs:aps2 ~rhs:aps1);
assert_bool "aps1 <= aps3" (AccessPathDomains.Set.(<=) ~lhs:aps1 ~rhs:aps3);
assert_bool "not aps3 <= aps1" (not (AccessPathDomains.Set.(<=) ~lhs:aps3 ~rhs:aps1));
assert_eq (AccessPathDomains.Set.join aps1 aps1) "{ &x*, &x }";
assert_eq (AccessPathDomains.Set.join aps1 aps2) "{ &x*, &x, &x.f }";
assert_eq (AccessPathDomains.Set.join aps1 aps3) "{ &x*, &x, &x.f, &y.f }";
let widen s1 s2 =
AccessPathDomains.Set.widen ~prev:s1 ~next:s2 ~num_iters:10 in
assert_eq (widen aps1 aps1) "{ &x*, &x }";
assert_eq (widen aps2 aps3) "{ &x*, &y.f*, &x, &x.f }";
let aps_prev = AccessPathDomains.Set.of_list [x_exact; y_exact] in (* { x, y } *)
let aps_next = AccessPathDomains.Set.of_list [y_exact; yF_exact] in (* { y. y.f } *)
(* { x, y } \/ { y, y.f } = { y.f*, x, y } *)
assert_eq (widen aps_prev aps_next) "{ &y.f*, &x, &y }";
(* { y, y.f } \/ { x, y } = { x*, y, y.f } *)
assert_eq (widen aps_next aps_prev) "{ &x*, &y, &y.f }";
assert_eq (AccessPathDomains.Set.normalize aps1) "{ &x* }";
assert_eq (AccessPathDomains.Set.normalize aps2) "{ &x* }";
assert_eq (AccessPathDomains.Set.normalize aps3) "{ &x*, &y.f }" in
"domain">::domain_test_ in
"all_tests_suite">:::[equal_test; append_test; prefix_test; abstraction_test; domain_test]
