@ -166,36 +166,75 @@ module Make (TraceDomain : QuandarySummary.Trace) = struct
let apply_summary
(summary : QuandarySummary.t)
(astate_in : Domain.astate)
callee_site =
let callee_loc = CallSite.loc callee_site in
let apply_return ret_ap = function
| [ret_id] -> AccessPath.with_base_var (Var.of_id ret_id) ret_ap
| [] -> failwith "Have summary for retval, but no ret id to bind it to!"
| _ -> failwith "Unimp: summaries for function with multiple return values" in
let get_actual_ap_trace formal_num formal_ap access_tree =
let get_actual_ap formal_num =
let f_resolve_id = resolve_id astate_in.id_map in
let actual_exp, actual_typ =
try IList.nth actuals formal_num
with Failure _ -> failwithf "Bad formal number %d" formal_num in
AccessPath.of_exp actual_exp actual_typ ~f_resolve_id in
let project ~formal_ap ~actual_ap =
let projected_ap = AccessPath.append actual_ap (snd (AccessPath.extract formal_ap)) in
if AccessPath.is_exact formal_ap
then AccessPath.Exact projected_ap
else AccessPath.Abstracted projected_ap in
match get_actual_ap formal_num with
| Some actual_ap ->
let projected_ap = project ~formal_ap ~actual_ap in
let projected_trace =
match access_path_get_node projected_ap access_tree proc_data callee_loc with
| Some (trace, _) -> trace
| None -> TraceDomain.initial in
Some (projected_ap, projected_trace)
| None ->
None in
let apply_one access_tree (in_out_summary : QuandarySummary.in_out_summary) =
let in_trace = match in_out_summary.input with
| In_empty ->
| In_formal _ | In_global _ ->
(* TODO: implement these cases *)
assert false in
let caller_ap =
| In_formal (formal_num, formal_ap) ->
match get_actual_ap_trace formal_num formal_ap access_tree with
| Some (_, actual_trace) -> actual_trace
| None -> TraceDomain.initial
| In_global _ ->
(* TODO: implement this once we add globals to the footprint (t13273652) *)
TraceDomain.initial in
let caller_ap_trace_opt =
match in_out_summary.output with
| Out_return ret_ap ->
apply_return ret_ap ret_ids
| Out_formal _ | Out_global _ ->
(* TODO: implement these cases *)
assert false in
let output_trace = TraceDomain.of_summary_trace in_out_summary.output_trace in
let appended_trace = TraceDomain.append in_trace output_trace callee_site in
let joined_trace =
match access_path_get_node caller_ap access_tree proc_data (CallSite.loc callee_site) with
| Some (orig_trace, _) -> TraceDomain.join orig_trace appended_trace
| None -> appended_trace in
TaintDomain.add_trace caller_ap joined_trace access_tree in
Some (apply_return ret_ap ret_ids, TraceDomain.initial)
| Out_formal (formal_num, formal_ap) ->
get_actual_ap_trace formal_num formal_ap access_tree
| Out_global _ ->
(* TODO: implement this once we add globals to the footprint (t13273652) *)
None in
match caller_ap_trace_opt with
| Some (caller_ap, caller_trace) ->
let output_trace = TraceDomain.of_summary_trace in_out_summary.output_trace in
let appended_trace = TraceDomain.append in_trace output_trace callee_site in
let joined_trace = TraceDomain.join caller_trace appended_trace in
(Reporting.log_error (CallSite.pname callee_site) ~loc:callee_loc)
(TraceDomain.get_reportable_exns joined_trace);
TaintDomain.add_trace caller_ap joined_trace access_tree
| None ->
access_tree in
let access_tree = IList.fold_left apply_one astate_in.access_tree summary in
{ astate_in with access_tree; }
@ -283,7 +322,7 @@ module Make (TraceDomain : QuandarySummary.Trace) = struct
let astate_with_summary =
match Summary.read_summary proc_data.tenv proc_data.pdesc callee_pname with
| Some summary ->
apply_summary ret_ids summary astate_with_source proc_data call_site
apply_summary ret_ids actuals summary astate_with_source proc_data call_site
| None ->
astate_with_source in