[closure] Subst variables in ClosureSubstSpecializedMethod

Summary: In `ClosureSubstSpecializedMethod`, it duplicates a procedure with specialized closure parameters. Since it introduces a new procedure name, its local variables in the procedure body must be replaced to use the new procedure name. (Note that local variable type includes procedure name.) However, in the previous implementation, it missed the translations in some cases: compound expressions and metadata.

Reviewed By: ezgicicek

Differential Revision: D26075490

fbshipit-source-id: 2a5a30cd8
Sungkeun Cho 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 63545b1e64
commit 32846974eb

@ -66,20 +66,108 @@ end
module Analyzer = AbstractInterpreter.MakeRPO (TransferFunctions)
let try_keep_original ~default orig new_ ~f = if phys_equal orig new_ then default else f new_
let try_keep_original2 ~default orig1 new1 orig2 new2 ~f =
if phys_equal orig1 new1 && phys_equal orig2 new2 then default else f new1 new2
let exec_pvar pname pvar = Pvar.swap_proc_in_local_pvar pvar pname
let exec_var pname var =
let open Var in
match var with
| LogicalVar _ ->
| ProgramVar pvar ->
try_keep_original ~default:var pvar (exec_pvar pname pvar) ~f:of_pvar
let rec exec_exp pname e =
let open Exp in
match e with
| Var _ | Const _ ->
| UnOp (unop, e1, typ) ->
try_keep_original ~default:e e1 (exec_exp pname e1) ~f:(fun e1' -> UnOp (unop, e1', typ))
| BinOp (binop, e1, e2) ->
try_keep_original2 ~default:e e1 (exec_exp pname e1) e2 (exec_exp pname e2) ~f:(fun e1' e2' ->
BinOp (binop, e1', e2') )
| Exn e1 ->
try_keep_original ~default:e e1 (exec_exp pname e1) ~f:(fun e1' -> Exn e1')
| Closure {name; captured_vars} ->
let updated = ref false in
let captured_vars =
List.map captured_vars ~f:(fun ((e, pvar, typ, captured_mode) as captured_var) ->
try_keep_original2 ~default:captured_var e (exec_exp pname e) pvar
(exec_pvar pname pvar) ~f:(fun e' pvar' ->
updated := true ;
(e', pvar', typ, captured_mode) ) )
if !updated then Closure {name; captured_vars} else e
| Cast (typ, e1) ->
try_keep_original ~default:e e1 (exec_exp pname e1) ~f:(fun e1' -> Cast (typ, e1'))
| Lvar pvar ->
try_keep_original ~default:e pvar (exec_pvar pname pvar) ~f:(fun pvar' -> Lvar pvar')
| Lfield (e1, fn, typ) ->
try_keep_original ~default:e e1 (exec_exp pname e1) ~f:(fun e1' -> Lfield (e1', fn, typ))
| Lindex (e1, e2) ->
try_keep_original2 ~default:e e1 (exec_exp pname e1) e2 (exec_exp pname e2) ~f:(fun e1' e2' ->
Lindex (e1', e2') )
| Sizeof {typ; nbytes; dynamic_length; subtype} ->
Option.value_map dynamic_length ~default:e ~f:(fun dynamic_length ->
try_keep_original ~default:e dynamic_length (exec_exp pname dynamic_length)
~f:(fun dynamic_length' ->
Sizeof {typ; nbytes; dynamic_length= Some dynamic_length'; subtype} ) )
let exec_metadata pname metadata =
let open Sil in
match metadata with
| Abstract _ | Skip ->
| ExitScope (vars, loc) ->
let updated = ref false in
let vars' =
List.map vars ~f:(fun var ->
try_keep_original ~default:var var (exec_var pname var) ~f:(fun var' ->
updated := true ;
var' ) )
if !updated then ExitScope (vars', loc) else metadata
| Nullify (pvar, loc) ->
try_keep_original ~default:metadata pvar (exec_pvar pname pvar) ~f:(fun pvar' ->
Nullify (pvar', loc) )
| VariableLifetimeBegins (pvar, typ, loc) ->
try_keep_original ~default:metadata pvar (exec_pvar pname pvar) ~f:(fun pvar' ->
VariableLifetimeBegins (pvar', typ, loc) )
let exec_args proc_name args =
let updated = ref false in
let args' =
~f:(fun ((exp, typ) as exp_typ) ->
try_keep_original ~default:exp_typ exp (exec_exp proc_name exp) ~f:(fun exp' ->
updated := true ;
(exp', typ) ) )
if !updated then args' else args
let exec_instr proc_name (id_to_pvar_map, pvars_to_blocks_map) instr =
let open Sil in
let res =
let exec_exp exp =
let exec_pvar pvar = Pvar.swap_proc_in_local_pvar pvar proc_name in
match exp with Exp.Lvar origin_pvar -> Exp.Lvar (exec_pvar origin_pvar) | exp -> exp
match instr with
| Load {id; e; root_typ; loc} ->
[Load {id; e= exec_exp e; root_typ; typ= root_typ; loc}]
[ try_keep_original ~default:instr e (exec_exp proc_name e) ~f:(fun e' ->
Load {id; e= e'; root_typ; typ= root_typ; loc} ) ]
| Store {e1; root_typ; typ; e2; loc} ->
[Store {e1= exec_exp e1; root_typ; typ; e2= exec_exp e2; loc}]
[ try_keep_original2 ~default:instr e1 (exec_exp proc_name e1) e2 (exec_exp proc_name e2)
~f:(fun e1' e2' -> Store {e1= e1'; root_typ; typ; e2= e2'; loc}) ]
| Call (ret_id_typ, Var id, origin_args, loc, call_flags) -> (
let converted_args = List.map ~f:(fun (exp, typ) -> (exec_exp exp, typ)) origin_args in
let converted_args = exec_args proc_name origin_args in
match Option.bind ~f:VDom.get (BlockIdMap.find_opt id id_to_pvar_map) with
| None ->
@ -107,12 +195,16 @@ let exec_instr proc_name (id_to_pvar_map, pvars_to_blocks_map) instr =
| None ->
[instr] ) )
| Call (return_ids, origin_call_exp, origin_args, loc, call_flags) ->
let converted_args = List.map ~f:(fun (exp, typ) -> (exec_exp exp, typ)) origin_args in
[Call (return_ids, exec_exp origin_call_exp, converted_args, loc, call_flags)]
[ try_keep_original2 ~default:instr origin_call_exp (exec_exp proc_name origin_call_exp)
origin_args (exec_args proc_name origin_args)
~f:(fun converted_call_exp converted_args ->
Call (return_ids, converted_call_exp, converted_args, loc, call_flags) ) ]
| Prune (origin_exp, loc, is_true_branch, if_kind) ->
[Prune (exec_exp origin_exp, loc, is_true_branch, if_kind)]
| _ ->
[ try_keep_original ~default:instr origin_exp (exec_exp proc_name origin_exp)
~f:(fun converted_exp -> Prune (converted_exp, loc, is_true_branch, if_kind)) ]
| Metadata metadata ->
[ try_keep_original ~default:instr metadata (exec_metadata proc_name metadata)
~f:(fun metadata' -> Metadata metadata') ]
Array.of_list res
