@ -372,44 +372,6 @@ let pp_text_of_report fmt report =
List.iter ~f:pp_row report ; F.fprintf fmt "@?"
(** Categorize the preconditions of specs and print stats *)
module PreconditionStats = struct
let nr_nopres = ref 0
let nr_empty = ref 0
let nr_onlyallocation = ref 0
let nr_dataconstraints = ref 0
let do_summary proc_name summary =
let specs = Tabulation.get_specs_from_payload summary in
let preconditions =
List.map ~f:(fun spec -> BiabductionSummary.Jprop.to_prop spec.BiabductionSummary.pre) specs
match Prop.CategorizePreconditions.categorize preconditions with
| Prop.CategorizePreconditions.Empty ->
incr nr_empty ;
L.result "Procedure: %a footprint:Empty@." Procname.pp proc_name
| Prop.CategorizePreconditions.OnlyAllocation ->
incr nr_onlyallocation ;
L.result "Procedure: %a footprint:OnlyAllocation@." Procname.pp proc_name
| Prop.CategorizePreconditions.NoPres ->
incr nr_nopres ;
L.result "Procedure: %a footprint:NoPres@." Procname.pp proc_name
| Prop.CategorizePreconditions.DataConstraints ->
incr nr_dataconstraints ;
L.result "Procedure: %a footprint:DataConstraints@." Procname.pp proc_name
let pp_stats () =
L.result "@.Precondition stats@." ;
L.result "Procedures with no preconditions: %d@." !nr_nopres ;
L.result "Procedures with empty precondition: %d@." !nr_empty ;
L.result "Procedures with only allocation conditions: %d@." !nr_onlyallocation ;
L.result "Procedures with data constraints: %d@." !nr_dataconstraints
module SummaryStats = struct
module MetricTypes = struct
type 't typ = Bool : bool typ | Int : int typ
@ -724,7 +686,6 @@ let pp_lint_issues filters formats_by_report_kind linereader procname error_log
let process_summary formats_by_report_kind summary issues_acc =
let proc_name = Summary.get_proc_name summary in
let issues_acc' = pp_summary_by_report_kind formats_by_report_kind summary issues_acc in
if Config.precondition_stats then PreconditionStats.do_summary proc_name summary ;
if Config.summary_stats then SummaryStats.do_summary proc_name summary ;
@ -797,7 +758,6 @@ let pp_summary_and_issues formats_by_report_kind issue_formats =
~f:(fun issue_format -> pp_issue_in_format issue_format error_filter issue)
issue_formats )
!all_issues ;
if Config.precondition_stats then PreconditionStats.pp_stats () ;
if Config.summary_stats then SummaryStats.pp_stats () ;
(* Issues that are generated and stored outside of summaries by linter and checkers *)
List.iter (Config.lint_issues_dir_name :: FileLevelAnalysisIssueDirs.get_registered_dir_names ())