@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
open! IStd
open PulseDomainInterface
open PulseOperations.Import
let mk_objc_self_pvar proc_desc =
@ -13,16 +14,46 @@ let mk_objc_self_pvar proc_desc =
Pvar.mk Mangled.self proc_name
let mk_objc_method_nil_summary_aux proc_desc astate =
let init_fields_zero tenv location ~zero addr typ astate =
let get_fields typ =
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Tstruct struct_name ->
Tenv.lookup tenv struct_name |> Option.map ~f:(fun {Struct.fields} -> fields)
| _ ->
let rec init_fields_zero_helper addr typ astate =
match get_fields typ with
| Some fields ->
List.fold fields ~init:(Ok astate) ~f:(fun acc (field, field_typ, _) ->
let* acc = acc in
let acc, field_addr = Memory.eval_edge addr (FieldAccess field) acc in
init_fields_zero_helper field_addr field_typ acc )
| None ->
PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:addr ~obj:zero astate
init_fields_zero_helper addr typ astate
let mk_objc_method_nil_summary_aux tenv proc_desc astate =
(* Constructs summary {self = 0} {return = self}.
This allows us to connect invalidation with invalid access in the trace *)
let location = Procdesc.get_loc proc_desc in
let self = mk_objc_self_pvar proc_desc in
let* astate, self_value = PulseOperations.eval_deref location (Lvar self) astate in
let* astate = PulseArithmetic.prune_eq_zero (fst self_value) astate in
let ret_var = Procdesc.get_ret_var proc_desc in
let* astate, ret_var_addr_hist = PulseOperations.eval Write location (Lvar ret_var) astate in
PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:ret_var_addr_hist ~obj:self_value astate
match List.last (Procdesc.get_formals proc_desc) with
| Some (last_formal, {desc= Tptr (typ, _)}) when Mangled.equal last_formal Ident.name_return_param
let ret_param_var = Procdesc.get_ret_param_var proc_desc in
let* astate, ret_param_var_addr_hist =
PulseOperations.eval_deref location (Lvar ret_param_var) astate
init_fields_zero tenv location ~zero:self_value ret_param_var_addr_hist typ astate
| _ ->
let ret_var = Procdesc.get_ret_var proc_desc in
let* astate, ret_var_addr_hist = PulseOperations.eval Write location (Lvar ret_var) astate in
PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:ret_var_addr_hist ~obj:self_value astate
let mk_objc_method_nil_summary {InterproceduralAnalysis.tenv; proc_desc; err_log} initial =
@ -35,7 +66,7 @@ let mk_objc_method_nil_summary {InterproceduralAnalysis.tenv; proc_desc; err_log
We create a nil summary to avoid reporting NPE in this case.
However, there is an exception in the case where the return type is non-POD.
In that case it's UB and we want to report an error. *)
let result = mk_objc_method_nil_summary_aux proc_desc astate in
let result = mk_objc_method_nil_summary_aux tenv proc_desc astate in
Some (PulseReport.report_result tenv proc_desc err_log result)
| ContinueProgram _, _
| ExitProgram _, _