[sledge] Rework Control to use an explicit abstract machine state

This diff reworks the analysis scheduler to explicitly use a notion of
"abstract machine state" which makes the distinction with the state of
the analysis exploration algorithm more clear. The instruction
pointer, call stack, symbolic state, and retreating edge depths were,
prior to this change, passed individually to the various `exec_*`
functions. After this change, all this information is combined into an
abstract machine state value.

Additionally, this change explicitly factors out the commonality
between abstract machine states, on which symbolic execution operates,
and the elements of the frontier of exploration, that the analysis
scheduler maintaines. In short, an element of the frontier is simply
an abstract machine state with a control-flow edge instead of an
instruction pointer.

This change is almost entirely a non-functional refactoring. While
this serves as an improvement in code clarity, the main motivation is
that it establishes a code structure which minimizes the structural
changes needed when adding the concurrency analysis.

Differential Revision: D29441152

fbshipit-source-id: 01be87d4e
Josh Berdine 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 5a4f3b4bcc
commit 347887eebd

@ -341,145 +341,208 @@ module Make (Config : Config) (D : Domain) (Queue : Queue) = struct
let equal_as_inlined_location = [%compare.equal: as_inlined_location]
module Work : sig
type t
(** Instruction Pointer. Functions are treated as-if-inlined by including
a call stack in each instruction pointer, effectively copying the
control-flow graph for each calling context. *)
type ip = {ip: Llair.IP.t; stk: Stack.t}
val init : D.t -> Llair.block -> t
(** Instruction Pointer *)
module IP : sig
type t = ip [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of]
type x
val pp : t pp
end = struct
type t = ip = {ip: Llair.IP.t; stk: Stack.as_inlined_location}
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of]
val skip : x
val seq : x -> x -> x
let pp ppf {ip} = Llair.IP.pp ppf ip
val add :
-> retreating:bool
-> Stack.t
-> D.t
-> Llair.block
-> x
(** A control-flow transition. An edge from block [src] to
[dst = {ip; stk}] represents a transition with call stack [stk] from
(the terminator of) block [src] to the instruction pointer [ip]. *)
type edge = {dst: IP.t; src: Llair.Block.t} [@@deriving sexp_of]
val run : f:(Stack.t -> D.t -> Llair.block -> x) -> t -> unit
end = struct
(* Functions are treated as-if-inlined by including a call stack in each
edge, effectively copying the control-flow graph for each calling
context. *)
module Edge = struct
module T = struct
type t =
{ dst: Llair.Block.t
; src: Llair.Block.t option
; stk: Stack.as_inlined_location }
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of]
module Edge = struct
type t = edge [@@deriving sexp_of]
include T
let pp fs {dst; src= {sort_index; lbl}} =
Format.fprintf fs "%a <-- #%i %%%s" IP.pp dst sort_index lbl
let pp fs {dst; src} =
Format.fprintf fs "#%i %%%s <--%a" dst.sort_index dst.lbl
(Option.pp "%a" (fun fs (src : Llair.Block.t) ->
Format.fprintf fs " #%i %%%s" src.sort_index src.lbl ))
(** Each retreating edge has a depth for each calling context, except
for recursive calls. Recursive call edges are instead compared
without considering their stacks. Bounding the depth of edges
therefore has the effect of bounding the number of recursive calls
in any calling context. *)
let compare x y =
let open Ord.Infix in
if x == y then 0
let is_rec_call = function
| {Llair.term= Call {recursive= true}} -> true
| _ -> false
let compare_stk stk1 stk2 =
if is_rec_call x.src then 0
else Stack.compare_as_inlined_location stk1 stk2
Llair.IP.compare x.dst.ip y.dst.ip
<?> (Llair.Block.compare, x.src, y.src)
<?> (compare_stk, x.dst.stk, y.dst.stk)
module Depths = struct
module M = Map.Make (struct
include Edge
(* Each retreating edge has a depth for each calling context, except
for recursive calls. Recursive call edges are instead compared
without considering their stacks. Bounding the depth of edges
therefore has the effect of bounding the number of recursive
calls in any calling context. *)
let compare x y =
let ignore_rec_call_stk x =
match x with
| {src= Some {term= Call {recursive= true}}} ->
{x with stk= Stack.empty}
| _ -> x
Edge.compare (ignore_rec_call_stk x) (ignore_rec_call_stk y)
type t = int M.t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of]
let empty = M.empty
let find = M.find
let add = M.add
let join x y =
M.merge x y ~f:(fun _ -> function
| `Left d | `Right d -> Some d
| `Both (d1, d2) -> Some (Int.max d1 d2) )
let equal = [%compare.equal: t]
module Depths = struct
module M = Map.Make (Edge)
type t = int M.t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of]
let empty = M.empty
let find = M.find
let add = M.add
let join x y =
M.merge x y ~f:(fun _ -> function
| `Left d | `Right d -> Some d
| `Both (d1, d2) -> Some (Int.max d1 d2) )
(** Abstract memory, control, and history state, with a slot used for the
current "control position", such as an instruction pointer. Consists
of a symbolic [state], plus a coarse abstraction of the preceding
execution history in the form of [depths] representing the number of
times retreating edges have been crossed. *)
type 'a memory_control_history =
{ ctrl: 'a (** current control position *)
; state: D.t (** symbolic memory and register state *)
; depths: Depths.t (** count of retreating edge crossings *) }
[@@deriving sexp_of]
(** An abstract machine state consists of the instruction pointer plus the
memory, control, and history state. *)
type ams = IP.t memory_control_history [@@deriving sexp_of]
(** A unit of analysis work is an abstract machine state from which
execution should continue, with additional control-flow [edge] info
used by the analysis scheduler. *)
type work = edge memory_control_history
(** An element of the frontier of execution is a control-flow [edge] that
has been executed, yielding a memory, control, and history state. *)
type elt = elt_ctrl memory_control_history [@@deriving sexp_of]
and elt_ctrl =
{ edge: Edge.t
; depth: int
(** pre-computed depth of [edge], for use by e.g. [Elt.compare] *)
module Work : sig
type t
val init : D.t -> Llair.block -> t
val add : retreating:bool -> work -> t -> t
val run : f:(ams -> t -> t) -> t -> unit
end = struct
(** Element of the frontier of execution, ordered for scheduler's
priority queue *)
module Elt = struct
(** an edge at a depth with the domain and depths state it yielded *)
type t = {depth: int; edge: Edge.t; state: D.t; depths: Depths.t}
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of]
type t = elt [@@deriving sexp_of]
let pp ppf {depth; edge} =
let pp ppf {ctrl= {edge; depth}} =
Format.fprintf ppf "%i: %a" depth Edge.pp edge
let equal_destination x y =
Llair.Block.equal x.edge.dst y.edge.dst
&& Stack.equal_as_inlined_location x.edge.stk y.edge.stk
let compare x y =
let open Ord.Infix in
if x == y then 0
( (Int.compare >|= fun x -> x.ctrl.depth)
@? (Edge.compare >|= fun x -> x.ctrl.edge)
@? (Depths.compare >|= fun x -> x.depths)
@? (D.compare >|= fun x -> x.state) )
x y
let equal = [%compare.equal: t]
let equal_destination x y = IP.equal x.ctrl.edge.dst y.ctrl.edge.dst
let dnf x = List.map ~f:(fun state -> {x with state}) (D.dnf x.state)
module Queue = Queue (Elt)
let enqueue depth edge state depths queue =
" %i: %a [%a]@ | %a" depth Edge.pp edge Stack.pp edge.stk Queue.pp
queue] ;
let depths = Depths.add ~key:edge ~data:depth depths in
Queue.add {depth; edge; state; depths} queue
let prune depth edge queue =
[%Trace.info " %i: %a" depth Edge.pp edge] ;
Report.hit_bound Config.bound ;
(** State and history projection of abstract machine states.
[StateHistory] represents the subset of [ams] fields that can be
joined across several executions. *)
module StateHistory = struct
module T = struct
type t = D.t * Depths.t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of]
let dequeue queue =
let+ {depth; edge; state; depths}, elts, queue = Queue.pop queue in
" %i: %a [%a]@ | %a" depth Edge.pp edge Stack.pp edge.stk Queue.pp
queue] ;
let states, depths =
List.fold elts
([state], depths)
~f:(fun elt (states, depths) ->
(elt.state :: states, Depths.join elt.depths depths) )
let state =
D.joinN (List.sort_uniq ~cmp:(Ord.opp D.compare) states)
(edge, state, depths, queue)
include T
module Set = Set.Make (T)
let join s =
let states, depths =
Set.fold s ([], Depths.empty) ~f:(fun (q, d) (qs, ds) ->
let qqs =
match qs with
| q0 :: _ when D.equal q q0 -> qs
| _ -> q :: qs
(qqs, Depths.join d ds) )
(D.joinN states, depths)
(** Analysis exploration state *)
type t = Queue.t
type x = Depths.t -> t -> t
let skip _ w = w
let seq x y d w = y d (x d w)
let prune depth {ctrl= edge} wl =
[%Trace.info " %i: %a" depth Edge.pp edge] ;
Report.hit_bound Config.bound ;
let add ?prev ~retreating stk state curr depths queue =
let edge = {Edge.dst= curr; src= prev; stk} in
let enqueue depth ({ctrl= edge; depths} as elt) queue =
[%Trace.info " %i: %a@ | %a" depth Edge.pp edge Queue.pp queue] ;
let depths = Depths.add ~key:edge ~data:depth depths in
let queue = Queue.add {elt with ctrl= {edge; depth}; depths} queue in
let init state curr =
let depth = 0 in
let ip = Llair.IP.mk curr in
let stk = Stack.empty in
let prev = curr in
let edge = {dst= {ip; stk}; src= prev} in
let depths = Depths.empty in
let queue = Queue.create () in
enqueue depth {ctrl= edge; state; depths} queue
let add ~retreating ({ctrl= edge; depths} as elt) wl =
let depth = Option.value (Depths.find edge depths) ~default:0 in
let depth = if retreating then depth + 1 else depth in
if 0 <= Config.bound && Config.bound < depth then
prune depth edge queue
else enqueue depth edge state depths queue
if depth > Config.bound && Config.bound >= 0 then prune depth elt wl
else enqueue depth elt wl
let init state curr =
add ~retreating:false Stack.empty state curr Depths.empty
(Queue.create ())
let dequeue queue =
let+ ({ctrl= {edge= {dst}}; state; depths} as top), elts, queue =
Queue.pop queue
" %i: %a [%a]@ | %a" top.ctrl.depth Edge.pp top.ctrl.edge Stack.pp
dst.stk Queue.pp queue] ;
let state, depths =
~f:(fun {state; depths} -> StateHistory.Set.add (state, depths))
(StateHistory.Set.of_ (state, depths)))
({ctrl= dst; state; depths}, queue)
let rec run ~f queue =
match dequeue queue with
| Some (edge, state, depths, queue) ->
run ~f (f edge.stk state edge.dst depths queue)
let rec run ~f wl =
match dequeue wl with
| Some (ams, wl) -> run ~f (f ams wl)
| None -> ()
@ -493,26 +556,23 @@ module Make (Config : Config) (D : Domain) (Queue : Queue) = struct
(List.pp "@," D.pp_summary)
data ) )]
let exec_jump stk state block Llair.{dst; retreating} =
Work.add ~prev:block ~retreating stk state dst
let exec_skip_func :
-> D.t
-> Llair.block
-> Llair.Reg.t option
-> Llair.jump
-> Work.x =
fun stk state block areturn return ->
Report.unknown_call block.term ;
let exec_jump jump ({ctrl= {ip; stk}} as ams) wl =
let src = Llair.IP.block ip in
let {Llair.dst; retreating} = jump in
let ip = Llair.IP.mk dst in
let edge = {dst= {ip; stk}; src} in
Work.add ~retreating {ams with ctrl= edge} wl
let exec_skip_func areturn return ({ctrl= {ip}; state} as ams) wl =
Report.unknown_call (Llair.IP.block ip).term ;
let state = Option.fold ~f:D.exec_kill areturn state in
exec_jump stk state block return
exec_jump return {ams with state} wl
let exec_call stk state block call globals =
let exec_call globals call ({ctrl= {stk}; state} as ams) wl =
let Llair.{callee; actuals; areturn; return; recursive} = call in
let Llair.{name; formals; freturn; locals; entry} = callee in
[%Trace.call fun {pf} ->
pf "@[<2>@ %a from %a with state@]@;<1 2>%a" Llair.Func.pp_call call
pf " @[<2>@ %a from %a with state@]@;<1 2>%a" Llair.Func.pp_call call
Llair.Function.pp return.dst.parent.name D.pp state]
let dnf_states =
@ -521,7 +581,7 @@ module Make (Config : Config) (D : Domain) (Queue : Queue) = struct
let domain_call =
D.call ~globals ~actuals ~areturn ~formals ~freturn ~locals
List.fold dnf_states Work.skip ~f:(fun state acc ->
List.fold dnf_states wl ~f:(fun state wl ->
if not Config.function_summaries then None
@ -533,24 +593,28 @@ module Make (Config : Config) (D : Domain) (Queue : Queue) = struct
let state, from_call =
domain_call ~summaries:Config.function_summaries state
let ip = Llair.IP.mk entry in
let stk = Stack.push_call call from_call stk in
Work.seq acc
(Work.add stk ~prev:block ~retreating:recursive state entry)
| Some post -> Work.seq acc (exec_jump stk post block return) )
let src = Llair.IP.block ams.ctrl.ip in
let edge = {dst= {ip; stk}; src} in
Work.add ~retreating:recursive {ams with ctrl= edge; state} wl
| Some post -> exec_jump return {ams with state= post} wl )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} _ -> pf ""]
let exec_call stk state block call =
let exec_call call ams wl =
let Llair.{callee= {name} as callee; areturn; return; _} = call in
if Llair.Func.is_undefined callee then
exec_skip_func stk state block areturn return
exec_skip_func areturn return ams wl
let globals = Domain_used_globals.by_function Config.globals name in
exec_call stk state block call globals
exec_call globals call ams wl
let exec_return stk pre_state (block : Llair.block) exp =
let Llair.{name; formals; freturn; locals} = block.parent in
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "@ from: %a" Llair.Function.pp name]
let exec_return exp ({ctrl= {ip; stk}; state} as ams) wl =
let block = Llair.IP.block ip in
let func = block.parent in
let Llair.{name; formals; freturn; locals} = func in
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf " @ from: %a" Llair.Function.pp name]
let summarize post_state =
if not Config.function_summaries then post_state
@ -563,121 +627,114 @@ module Make (Config : Config) (D : Domain) (Queue : Queue) = struct
pp_st () ;
let pre_state = state in
let exit_state =
match (freturn, exp) with
| Some freturn, Some return_val ->
D.exec_move (IArray.of_ (freturn, return_val)) pre_state
| None, None -> pre_state
| _ -> violates Llair.Func.invariant block.parent
| _ -> violates Llair.Func.invariant func
( match Stack.pop_return stk with
| Some (from_call, retn_site, stk) ->
let post_state = summarize (D.post locals from_call exit_state) in
let retn_state = D.retn formals freturn from_call post_state in
exec_jump stk retn_state block retn_site
exec_jump retn_site
{ams with ctrl= {ams.ctrl with stk}; state= retn_state}
| None ->
if Config.function_summaries then
summarize exit_state |> (ignore : D.t -> unit) ;
Work.skip )
wl )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} _ -> pf ""]
let exec_throw stk pre_state (block : Llair.block) exc =
let func = block.parent in
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "@ from %a" Llair.Function.pp func.name]
let exec_throw exc ({ctrl= {ip; stk}; state} as ams) wl =
let func = (Llair.IP.block ip).parent in
let Llair.{name; formals; freturn; fthrow; locals} = func in
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "@ from %a" Llair.Function.pp name]
let unwind formals scope from_call state =
D.retn formals (Some func.fthrow) from_call
(D.post scope from_call state)
D.retn formals (Some fthrow) from_call (D.post scope from_call state)
let pre_state = state in
( match Stack.pop_throw stk ~unwind pre_state with
| Some (from_call, retn_site, stk, unwind_state) ->
let fthrow = func.fthrow in
let exit_state =
D.exec_move (IArray.of_ (fthrow, exc)) unwind_state
let post_state = D.post func.locals from_call exit_state in
let retn_state =
D.retn func.formals func.freturn from_call post_state
exec_jump stk retn_state block retn_site
| None -> Work.skip )
let post_state = D.post locals from_call exit_state in
let retn_state = D.retn formals freturn from_call post_state in
exec_jump retn_site
{ams with ctrl= {ams.ctrl with stk}; state= retn_state}
| None -> wl )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} _ -> pf ""]
let exec_assume cond jump stk state block =
let exec_assume cond jump ({state} as ams) wl =
match D.exec_assume state cond with
| Some state -> exec_jump stk state block jump
| Some state -> exec_jump jump {ams with state} wl
| None ->
[%Trace.info " infeasible %a@\n@[%a@]" Llair.Exp.pp cond D.pp state] ;
let resolve_callee (pgm : Llair.program) callee state =
let lookup name = Llair.Func.find name pgm.functions in
D.resolve_callee lookup callee state
let exec_term : Llair.program -> Stack.t -> D.t -> Llair.block -> Work.x =
fun pgm stk state block ->
[%Trace.info "@\n@[%a@]@\n%a" D.pp state Llair.Term.pp block.term] ;
let exec_term pgm ({ctrl= {ip}; state} as ams) wl =
let block = Llair.IP.block ip in
let term = block.term in
[%Trace.info " @\n@[%a@]@\n%a" D.pp state Llair.Term.pp block.term] ;
Report.step_term block ;
match block.term with
match (term : Llair.term) with
| Switch {key; tbl; els} ->
IArray.fold tbl
~f:(fun (case, jump) x ->
exec_assume (Llair.Exp.eq key case) jump stk state block
|> Work.seq x )
(IArray.fold tbl Llair.Exp.true_ ~f:(fun (case, _) b ->
Llair.Exp.and_ (Llair.Exp.dq key case) b ))
els stk state block)
let wl =
(IArray.fold tbl Llair.Exp.true_ ~f:(fun (case, _) b ->
Llair.Exp.and_ (Llair.Exp.dq key case) b ))
els ams wl
IArray.fold tbl wl ~f:(fun (case, jump) wl ->
exec_assume (Llair.Exp.eq key case) jump ams wl )
| Iswitch {ptr; tbl} ->
IArray.fold tbl Work.skip ~f:(fun jump x ->
IArray.fold tbl wl ~f:(fun jump wl ->
(Llair.Exp.eq ptr
~parent:(Llair.Function.name jump.dst.parent.name)
jump stk state block
|> Work.seq x )
| Call call -> exec_call stk state block call
jump ams wl )
| Call call -> exec_call call ams wl
| ICall ({callee; areturn; return} as call) -> (
match resolve_callee pgm callee state with
| [] -> exec_skip_func stk state block areturn return
| [] -> exec_skip_func areturn return ams wl
| callees ->
List.fold callees Work.skip ~f:(fun callee x ->
exec_call stk state block {call with callee} |> Work.seq x ) )
| Return {exp} -> exec_return stk state block exp
| Throw {exc} -> exec_throw stk state block exc
| Unreachable -> Work.skip
let rec exec_ip : Llair.program -> Stack.t -> D.t -> Llair.ip -> Work.x =
fun pgm stk state ip ->
List.fold callees wl ~f:(fun callee wl ->
exec_call {call with callee} ams wl ) )
| Return {exp} -> exec_return exp ams wl
| Throw {exc} -> exec_throw exc ams wl
| Unreachable -> wl
let rec exec_ip pgm ({ctrl= {ip}; state} as ams) wl =
match Llair.IP.inst ip with
| Some inst -> (
[%Trace.info "@\n@[%a@]@\n%a" D.pp state Llair.Inst.pp inst] ;
[%Trace.info " @\n@[%a@]@\n%a" D.pp state Llair.Inst.pp inst] ;
Report.step_inst ip ;
match D.exec_inst inst state with
| Ok state ->
let ip = Llair.IP.succ ip in
exec_ip pgm stk state ip
exec_ip pgm {ams with ctrl= {ams.ctrl with ip}; state} wl
| Error alarm ->
Report.alarm alarm ;
Work.skip )
| None -> exec_term pgm stk state (Llair.IP.block ip)
let exec_block : Llair.program -> Stack.t -> D.t -> Llair.block -> Work.x
fun pgm stk state block ->
~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a" Llair.Block.pp block)
~retn:(fun {pf} _ -> pf "%a" Llair.Block.pp block)
@@ fun () -> exec_ip pgm stk state (Llair.IP.mk block)
let call_entry_point : Llair.program -> Work.t option =
fun pgm ->
wl )
| None -> exec_term pgm ams wl
let call_entry_point pgm =
let+ {name; formals; freturn; locals; entry} =
List.find_map Config.entry_points ~f:(fun entry_point ->
let* func = Llair.Func.find entry_point pgm.functions in
let* func = Llair.Func.find entry_point pgm.Llair.functions in
if IArray.is_empty func.formals then Some func else None )
let summaries = Config.function_summaries in
@ -690,13 +747,12 @@ module Make (Config : Config) (D : Domain) (Queue : Queue) = struct
Work.init state entry
let exec_pgm : Llair.program -> unit =
fun pgm ->
let exec_pgm pgm =
match call_entry_point pgm with
| Some work -> Work.run ~f:(exec_block pgm) work
| Some wl -> Work.run ~f:(exec_ip pgm) wl
| None -> fail "no entry point found" ()
let compute_summaries pgm : D.summary list Llair.Function.Map.t =
let compute_summaries pgm =
assert Config.function_summaries ;
exec_pgm pgm ;
Llair.Function.Tbl.fold summary_table Llair.Function.Map.empty

@ -534,10 +534,11 @@ module Block = struct
; sort_index= dummy_block.sort_index }
type ip = {block: block; index: int} [@@deriving equal, hash]
type ip = {block: block; index: int}
[@@deriving compare, equal, hash, sexp_of]
module IP = struct
type t = ip
type t = ip [@@deriving compare, equal, hash, sexp_of]
let mk block = {block; index= 0}
let succ {block; index} = {block; index= index + 1}
@ -549,6 +550,11 @@ module IP = struct
let block ip = ip.block
let pp ppf {block; index} =
Format.fprintf ppf "#%i%t %%%s" block.sort_index
(fun ppf -> if index <> 0 then Format.fprintf ppf "+%i" index)
module Tbl = HashTable.Make (struct
type t = ip [@@deriving equal, hash]

@ -197,8 +197,9 @@ module Block : sig
module IP : sig
type t = ip
type t = ip [@@deriving compare, equal, hash, sexp_of]
val pp : t pp
val mk : block -> t
val block : t -> block
val inst : t -> inst option
