[log] die in a proper fashion

Summary: Introduce `Logging.die` to try and exit with consistent error codes depending on what failed.

Reviewed By: mbouaziz

Differential Revision: D5406642

fbshipit-source-id: 25d98fc
Jules Villard 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent ad54126dab
commit 36b6ab1779

@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ module AnalysisResults = struct
let load_file fname =
match Specs.load_summary (DB.filename_from_string fname) with
| None
-> L.user_error "Error: cannot open file %s@." fname ; exit 1
-> L.(die UserError) "Error: cannot open file %s@." fname
| Some summary
-> summaries := (fname, summary) :: !summaries
@ -958,7 +958,7 @@ module AnalysisResults = struct
let do_spec f fname =
match Specs.load_summary (DB.filename_from_string fname) with
| None
-> L.user_error "Error: cannot open file %s@." fname ; exit 1
-> L.(die UserError) "Error: cannot open file %s@." fname
| Some summary
-> f (fname, summary)
@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ module AnalysisResults = struct
| Some r
-> iterator_of_summary_list r
| None
-> L.user_error "Error: cannot open analysis results file %s@." fname ; exit 1
-> L.(die UserError) "Error: cannot open analysis results file %s@." fname
let register_perf_stats_report () =

@ -55,18 +55,16 @@ let create_results_dir () = List.iter ~f:Unix.mkdir_p results_dir_dir_markers ;
let assert_results_dir advice =
Result.iter_error (is_results_dir ()) ~f:(fun err ->
L.user_error "ERROR: No results directory at '%s': %s@\nERROR: %s@." Config.results_dir err
advice ;
exit 1 ) ;
L.(die UserError)
"ERROR: No results directory at '%s': %s@\nERROR: %s@." Config.results_dir err advice ) ;
L.setup_log_file ()
let remove_results_dir () =
if Sys.is_directory Config.results_dir = `Yes then (
Result.iter_error (is_results_dir ()) ~f:(fun err ->
L.(die UserError)
"ERROR: '%s' exists but does not seem to be an infer results directory: %s@\nERROR: Please delete '%s' and try again@."
Config.results_dir err Config.results_dir ;
exit 1 ) ;
Config.results_dir err Config.results_dir ) ;
Utils.rmtree Config.results_dir )
let setup_results_dir () =

@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ let parse_args ~usage initial_action ?initial_command args =
-> if !anon_arg_action.on_unknown <> `Reject && is_unknown usage_msg then (
anon_fun !args_to_parse.(!arg_being_parsed) ;
parse_loop () )
else ( Pervasives.prerr_string usage_msg ; exit 2 )
else ( Pervasives.prerr_string usage_msg ; exit 1 )
| Arg.Help _
-> (* we handle --help by ourselves and error on -help, so Arg has no way to raise Help
anymore *)

@ -142,16 +142,18 @@ let close_logs () =
let () = Epilogues.register ~f:close_logs "flushing logs and closing log file"
let log ~to_console ?(to_file= true) (lazy formatters) =
let log_k ~to_console ?(to_file= true) ~k (lazy formatters) =
match (to_console, to_file) with
| false, false
-> F.ifprintf F.std_formatter
-> F.ikfprintf k F.std_formatter
| true, _ when not Config.print_logs
-> F.fprintf !formatters.console_file
-> F.kfprintf k !formatters.console_file
| _
-> (* to_console might be true, but in that case so is Config.print_logs so do not print to
stderr because it will get logs from the log file already *)
F.fprintf !formatters.file
F.kfprintf k !formatters.file
let log = log_k ~k:ignore
let debug_file_fmts = register_formatter "debug"
@ -196,7 +198,9 @@ let progressbar_timeout_event failure_kind =
let user_warning fmt = log ~to_console:(not Config.quiet) user_warning_file_fmts fmt
let user_error fmt = log ~to_console:(not Config.quiet) user_error_file_fmts fmt
let user_error_k ~k fmt = log_k ~to_console:(not Config.quiet) ~k user_error_file_fmts fmt
let user_error fmt = user_error_k ~k:ignore fmt
type debug_level = Quiet | Medium | Verbose [@@deriving compare]
@ -238,9 +242,14 @@ let environment_info fmt = log ~to_console:false environment_info_file_fmts fmt
let external_warning fmt = log ~to_console:(not Config.quiet) external_warning_file_fmts fmt
let external_error fmt = log ~to_console:(not Config.quiet) external_error_file_fmts fmt
let external_error_k ~k fmt = log_k ~to_console:(not Config.quiet) ~k external_error_file_fmts fmt
let external_error fmt = external_error_k ~k:ignore fmt
let internal_error_k ~k fmt =
log_k ~to_console:Config.developer_mode ~k internal_error_file_fmts fmt
let internal_error fmt = log ~to_console:Config.developer_mode internal_error_file_fmts fmt
let internal_error fmt = internal_error_k ~k:ignore fmt
(** Type of location in ml source: __POS__ *)
type ml_loc = string * int * int * int
@ -255,6 +264,21 @@ let pp_ml_loc_opt fmt ml_loc_opt =
if Config.developer_mode then
match ml_loc_opt with None -> () | Some ml_loc -> F.fprintf fmt "(%a)" pp_ml_loc ml_loc
type error = UserError | ExternalError | InternalError
(* exit code 2 is used by the OCaml runtime in cases of uncaught exceptions, avoid it *)
let exit_code_of_kind = function UserError -> 1 | ExternalError -> 10 | InternalError -> 3
let log_of_kind = function
| UserError
-> user_error_k
| ExternalError
-> external_error_k
| InternalError
-> internal_error_k
let die error msg = log_of_kind error ~k:(fun _ -> exit (exit_code_of_kind error)) msg
(* create new channel from the log file, and dumps the contents of the temporary log buffer there *)
let setup_log_file () =
match !log_file with

@ -12,10 +12,12 @@ open! IStd
(** log messages at different levels of verbosity *)
val environment_info : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
module F = Format
val environment_info : ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** log information about the environment *)
val progress : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val progress : ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** print immediately to standard error unless --quiet is specified *)
val progressbar_file : unit -> unit
@ -27,23 +29,23 @@ val progressbar_procedure : unit -> unit
val progressbar_timeout_event : SymOp.failure_kind -> unit
(** Progress bar: log a timeout event if in developer mode. *)
val result : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val result : ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** Emit a result to stdout. Use only if the output format is stable and useful enough that it may
conceivably get piped to another program, ie, almost never (use [progress] instead otherwise).
val user_error : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val user_error : ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** bad input, etc. detected *)
val user_warning : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val user_warning : ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val internal_error : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val internal_error : ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** huho, infer has a bug *)
val external_error : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val external_error : ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** some other tool has a bug or is called wrongly *)
val external_warning : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val external_warning : ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
type debug_kind = Analysis | BufferOverrun | Capture | Linters | MergeCapture
@ -53,16 +55,25 @@ type debug_level =
| Medium (** still fairly lightweight, eg emitted O(<number of infer processes>) *)
| Verbose (** go crazy *)
val debug : debug_kind -> debug_level -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
val debug : debug_kind -> debug_level -> ('a, F.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
(** log debug info *)
(** kind of error for [die], with similar semantics as above *)
type error = UserError | ExternalError | InternalError
val die : error -> ('a, F.formatter, unit, _) format4 -> 'a
(** Print message and exit. The error code depends on [error].
Do not use lightly: failing hard should not be considered unless it's impossible to keep
going. *)
(** Type of location in ml source: __POS__ *)
type ml_loc = string * int * int * int
val ml_loc_to_string : ml_loc -> string
(** Convert a ml location to a string *)
val pp_ml_loc_opt : Format.formatter -> ml_loc option -> unit
val pp_ml_loc_opt : F.formatter -> ml_loc option -> unit
(** Pretty print a location of ml source *)
(** log management *)
@ -119,7 +130,7 @@ type print_type =
(** delayable print action *)
type print_action = print_type * Obj.t (** data to be printed *)
val printer_hook : (Format.formatter -> print_action -> unit) ref
val printer_hook : (F.formatter -> print_action -> unit) ref
(** hook for the current printer of delayed print actions *)
val add_print_action : print_action -> unit

@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ let create_process_and_wait ~prog ~args =
|> function
| Ok ()
-> ()
| Error err as status
-> L.external_error "Error executing: %s@\n%s@\n"
| Error _ as status
-> L.(die ExternalError)
"Error executing: %s@\n%s@\n"
(String.concat ~sep:" " (prog :: args))
(Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum status) ;
exit (match err with `Exit_non_zero i -> i | `Signal _ -> 1)
(Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum status)
(** Given a process id and a function that describes the command that the process id
represents, prints a message explaining the command and its status, if in debug or stats mode.

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ let get_compilation_database_files_xcodebuild ~prog ~args =
| Ok (), Ok ()
-> [`Escaped tmp_file]
| _
-> L.external_error "There was an error executing the build command" ; exit 1
-> L.(die ExternalError) "There was an error executing the build command"
let capture_files_in_database ~changed_files compilation_database =
let filter_changed =
