@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ open! Utils
module L = Logging
module F = Format
module TypSet = Sil.TypSet
module TypSet = Sil.StructTypSet
(** Android lifecycle types and their lifecycle methods that are called by the framework *)
@ -56,56 +56,31 @@ let android_lifecycles =
(** return the complete set of superclasses of [typ *)
(* TODO (t4644852): factor out subtyping functions into some sort of JavaUtil module *)
let get_all_supertypes typ tenv =
let get_direct_supers = function
| Sil.Tstruct { Sil.csu = Csu.Class _; superclasses } ->
| _ -> [] in
let rec add_typ class_name typs =
match Tenv.lookup tenv class_name with
| Some struct_typ ->
let typ' = Sil.Tstruct struct_typ in
get_supers_rec typ' (TypSet.add typ' typs)
| None -> typs
and get_supers_rec typ all_supers =
let direct_supers = get_direct_supers typ in
(fun typs class_name -> add_typ class_name typs)
all_supers direct_supers in
get_supers_rec typ (TypSet.add typ TypSet.empty)
(** return true if [typ0] <: [typ1] *)
let is_subtype (typ0 : Sil.typ) (typ1 : Sil.typ) tenv =
TypSet.mem typ1 (get_all_supertypes typ0 tenv)
let is_subtype_package_class typ package classname tenv =
let is_subtype_package_class tenv struct_typ package classname =
let classname = Mangled.from_package_class package classname in
match Tenv.lookup tenv (Typename.TN_csu (Csu.Class Csu.Java, classname)) with
| Some found_struct_typ -> is_subtype typ (Sil.Tstruct found_struct_typ) tenv
| Some found_struct_typ -> PatternMatch.is_subtype tenv struct_typ found_struct_typ
| _ -> false
let is_context typ tenv =
is_subtype_package_class typ "android.content" "Context" tenv
let is_context tenv typ =
is_subtype_package_class tenv typ "android.content" "Context"
let is_application typ tenv =
is_subtype_package_class typ "android.app" "Application" tenv
let is_application tenv typ =
is_subtype_package_class tenv typ "android.app" "Application"
let is_activity typ tenv =
is_subtype_package_class typ "android.app" "Activity" tenv
let is_activity tenv typ =
is_subtype_package_class tenv typ "android.app" "Activity"
let is_view typ tenv =
is_subtype_package_class typ "android.view" "View" tenv
let is_view tenv typ =
is_subtype_package_class tenv typ "android.view" "View"
let is_fragment typ tenv =
is_subtype_package_class typ "android.app" "Fragment" tenv ||
is_subtype_package_class typ "android.support.v4.app" "Fragment" tenv
let is_fragment tenv typ =
is_subtype_package_class tenv typ "android.app" "Fragment" ||
is_subtype_package_class tenv typ "android.support.v4.app" "Fragment"
(** return true if [typ] is a subclass of [lifecycle_typ] *)
let typ_is_lifecycle_typ typ lifecycle_typ tenv =
let supers = get_all_supertypes typ tenv in
TypSet.mem lifecycle_typ supers
(** return true if [struct_typ] is a subclass of [lifecycle_struct_typ] *)
let typ_is_lifecycle_typ tenv struct_typ lifecycle_struct_typ =
TypSet.mem lifecycle_struct_typ (PatternMatch.get_strict_supertypes tenv struct_typ)
(** return true if [class_name] is the name of a class that belong to the Android framework *)
let is_android_lib_class class_name =
@ -114,7 +89,7 @@ let is_android_lib_class class_name =
(** given an Android framework type mangled string [lifecycle_typ] (e.g., android.app.Activity) and
a list of method names [lifecycle_procs_strs], get the appropriate typ and procnames *)
let get_lifecycle_for_framework_typ_opt lifecycle_typ lifecycle_proc_strs tenv =
let get_lifecycle_for_framework_typ_opt tenv lifecycle_typ lifecycle_proc_strs =
match Tenv.lookup tenv (Typename.TN_csu (Csu.Class Csu.Java, lifecycle_typ)) with
| Some ({ Sil.csu = Csu.Class _; struct_name = Some _; def_methods } as lifecycle_typ) ->
(* TODO (t4645631): collect the procedures for which is_java is returning false *)
@ -132,38 +107,12 @@ let get_lifecycle_for_framework_typ_opt lifecycle_typ lifecycle_proc_strs tenv =
try (lookup_proc lifecycle_proc_str) :: lifecycle_procs
with Not_found -> lifecycle_procs)
[] lifecycle_proc_strs in
Some (Sil.Tstruct lifecycle_typ, lifecycle_procs)
Some (lifecycle_typ, lifecycle_procs)
| _ -> None
(** return the complete list of (package, lifecycle_classname, lifecycle_methods) trios *)
let get_lifecycles = android_lifecycles
let is_subclass tenv cn1 classname_str =
let typename =
Typename.Java.from_string classname_str in
let lookup = Tenv.lookup tenv in
match lookup cn1, lookup typename with
| Some typ1, Some typ2 ->
is_subtype (Sil.Tstruct typ1) (Sil.Tstruct typ2) tenv
| _ -> false
(** Checks if the exception is an uncheched exception *)
let is_runtime_exception tenv typename =
is_subclass tenv typename "java.lang.RuntimeException"
(** Checks if the class name is a Java exception *)
let is_exception tenv typename =
is_subclass tenv typename "java.lang.Exception"
(** Checks if the class name is a Java exception *)
let is_throwable tenv typename =
is_subclass tenv typename "java.lang.Throwable"
let non_stub_android_jar () =
let root_dir = Filename.dirname (Filename.dirname Sys.executable_name) in
IList.fold_left Filename.concat root_dir ["lib"; "java"; "android"; "android-19.jar"]