@ -321,18 +321,55 @@ module AccessSnapshot = struct
make_if_not_owned formals access lock thread ownership_precondition loc
let map_opt formals ~ f t =
map t ~ f : ( fun elem -> { elem with access = Access . map ~ f elem . access } ) | > filter formals
let update_callee_access formals snapshot callsite ownership_precondition threads locks =
let subst_actuals_into_formals callee_formals actuals_array ( t : t ) =
let exp = Access . get_access_exp t . elem . access in
match FormalMap . get_formal_index ( AccessExpression . get_base exp ) callee_formals with
| None ->
(* non-param base variable, leave unchanged *)
Some t
| Some formal_index when formal_index > = Array . length actuals_array ->
(* vararg param which is missing, throw away *)
| Some formal_index -> (
match actuals_array . ( formal_index ) with
| None ->
(* no useful argument can be substituted, throw away *)
| Some actual ->
AccessExpression . append ~ onto : actual exp
| > Option . map ~ f : ( fun new_exp ->
map t ~ f : ( fun elem ->
{ elem with access = Access . map ~ f : ( fun _ -> new_exp ) elem . access } ) ) )
let update_callee_access threads locks actuals_ownership ( snapshot : t ) =
let update_ownership_precondition actual_index ( acc : OwnershipAbstractValue . t ) =
if actual_index > = Array . length actuals_ownership then
(* vararg methods can result into missing actuals so simply ignore *)
else OwnershipAbstractValue . join acc actuals_ownership . ( actual_index )
(* update precondition with caller ownership info *)
let ownership_precondition =
match snapshot . elem . ownership_precondition with
| OwnedIf indexes ->
IntSet . fold update_ownership_precondition indexes OwnershipAbstractValue . owned
| Unowned ->
snapshot . elem . ownership_precondition
let thread =
ThreadsDomain . integrate_summary ~ callee_astate : snapshot . elem . thread ~ caller_astate : threads
let lock = snapshot . elem . lock | | LockDomain . is_locked locks in
with_callsite snapshot callsite
| > map ~ f : ( fun elem -> { elem with lock ; thread ; ownership_precondition } )
| > filter formals
map snapshot ~ f : ( fun elem -> { elem with lock ; thread ; ownership_precondition } )
let integrate_summary ~ caller_formals ~ callee_formals callsite threads locks actuals_array
actuals_ownership snapshot =
subst_actuals_into_formals callee_formals actuals_array snapshot
| > Option . map ~ f : ( update_callee_access threads locks actuals_ownership )
| > Option . map ~ f : ( fun snapshot -> with_callsite snapshot callsite )
| > Option . bind ~ f : ( filter caller_formals )
let is_unprotected { elem = { thread ; lock ; ownership_precondition } } =
@ -346,26 +383,6 @@ module AccessDomain = struct
let add_opt snapshot_opt astate =
Option . fold snapshot_opt ~ init : astate ~ f : ( fun acc s -> add s acc )
let subst_actuals_into_formals ~ caller_formals ~ caller_actuals accesses ~ callee_formals =
if is_empty accesses then accesses
let actuals_array = Array . of_list_map caller_actuals ~ f : accexp_of_hilexp in
let expand_exp exp =
match FormalMap . get_formal_index ( AccessExpression . get_base exp ) callee_formals with
| None ->
| Some formal_index when formal_index > = Array . length actuals_array ->
| Some formal_index -> (
match actuals_array . ( formal_index ) with
| None ->
| Some actual ->
AccessExpression . append ~ onto : actual exp | > Option . value ~ default : exp )
filter_map ( AccessSnapshot . map_opt caller_formals ~ f : expand_exp ) accesses
module OwnershipDomain = struct
@ -386,14 +403,14 @@ module OwnershipDomain = struct
get_owned prefix astate )
let rec ownership_of_expr ( expr : HilExp . t ) ownership =
let rec ownership_of_expr ownership ( expr : HilExp . t ) =
match expr with
| AccessExpression access_expr ->
get_owned access_expr ownership
| Constant _ ->
OwnershipAbstractValue . owned
| Exception e (* treat exceptions as transparent wrt ownership *) | Cast ( _ , e ) ->
ownership_of_expr e ownership
ownership_of_expr ownership e
| _ ->
OwnershipAbstractValue . unowned
@ -403,7 +420,7 @@ module OwnershipDomain = struct
(* do not assign ownership to access expressions rooted at globals *)
let rhs_ownership_value = ownership_of_expr rhs_exp ownership in
let rhs_ownership_value = ownership_of_expr ownership rhs_ex p in
add lhs_access_exp rhs_ownership_value ownership
@ -412,7 +429,7 @@ module OwnershipDomain = struct
List . nth actuals formal_index
(* simply skip formal if we cannot find its actual, as opposed to assuming non-ownership *)
| > Option . fold ~ init ~ f : ( fun acc expr ->
OwnershipAbstractValue . join acc ( ownership_of_expr expr ownership) )
OwnershipAbstractValue . join acc ( ownership_of_expr ownership expr ) )
let ret_ownership_wrt_actuals =
match return_ownership with
@ -671,35 +688,15 @@ let add_reads_of_hilexps tenv formals exps loc astate =
let add_callee_accesses ~ caller_formals ~ callee_formals ~ callee_accesses callee_pname actuals loc
( caller_astate : t ) =
let callsite = CallSite . make callee_pname loc in
let callee_accesses =
AccessDomain . subst_actuals_into_formals ~ caller_formals ~ caller_actuals : actuals callee_accesses
~ callee_formals
(* precompute arrays for actuals and ownership for fast random access *)
let actuals_array = Array . of_list_map actuals ~ f : accexp_of_hilexp in
let actuals_ownership =
(* precompute array holding ownership of each actual for fast random access *)
Array . of_list_map actuals ~ f : ( fun actual_exp ->
OwnershipDomain . ownership_of_expr actual_exp caller_astate . ownership )
Array . of_list_map actuals ~ f : ( OwnershipDomain . ownership_of_expr caller_astate . ownership )
let update_ownership_precondition actual_index ( acc : OwnershipAbstractValue . t ) =
if actual_index > = Array . length actuals_ownership then
(* vararg methods can result into missing actuals so simply ignore *)
else OwnershipAbstractValue . join acc actuals_ownership . ( actual_index )
let update_callee_access ( snapshot : AccessSnapshot . t ) acc =
(* update precondition with caller ownership info *)
let ownership_precondition =
match snapshot . elem . ownership_precondition with
| OwnedIf indexes ->
IntSet . fold update_ownership_precondition indexes OwnershipAbstractValue . owned
| Unowned ->
snapshot . elem . ownership_precondition
let snapshot_opt =
AccessSnapshot . update_callee_access caller_formals snapshot callsite ownership_precondition
caller_astate . threads caller_astate . locks
AccessDomain . add_opt snapshot_opt acc
let process snapshot acc =
AccessSnapshot . integrate_summary ~ caller_formals ~ callee_formals callsite caller_astate . threads
caller_astate . locks actuals_array actuals_ownership snapshot
| > fun snapshot_opt -> AccessDomain . add_opt snapshot_opt acc
let accesses = AccessDomain . fold update_callee_ac cess callee_accesses caller_astate . accesses in
let accesses = AccessDomain . fold process callee_accesses caller_astate . accesses in
{ caller_astate with accesses }